Fruity couple
"Are we there yet?" Zak asked for the millionth time.
"We've been in the car less than 30 minutes.. Don't get too excited incase it's really boring. I just- I've never done it before and I really wanted to do it with someone I love as cheesy as it sounds." I explained as I drove.
"Yeah, anything you want to do.. I want to do as well." He answered.
"You might be bored out of your head."
"Well then I'll make it fun." He slid his hand up my thigh making me giggle and push it away.
"How can anything be boring with you around?" He asked before kissing me. That maybe but it didn't stop me hoping that he enjoyed it.
Seeing the sign I slowed down, indicated and pulled over into the place. I parked the car and looked at Zak waiting..
He took in the place and didn't utter a word.
Disappointment hammered my body and I started the car putting it into reverse when his hand grabbed mine.
"Let's go then." He smiled and opened the door.
"Zak no. Please let's just go. It was a stupid idea." I mumbled.
He got out leaving me sat in car when my door opened. He turned the car off and pocketed the keys.
"Let's go." He smiled and waited for me to get out.
I shuffled beside him waiting for him to moan or laugh but he never said a word, he simply walked beside me with a small smile.
"Good morni-" the woman looked at her watch.
"Just in time. Yes good morning." She smiled.
Before I could speak Zak took over and paid receiving... Now I was getting upset.
He pulled me through the gates when I snatched my hand back and folded my arms.
"Hey? What's up?"
"You don't want to be here and you are forcing yourself to be. I don't like it Zak. Just tell me instead of playing along like some puppy."
"I want to be here, besides I can do this." He put the basket on my head and walked off laughing.
"Basket case!" He laughed making me take it off and chance after him. He stopped running causing me to hit into him.
He laughed and helped me off the floor which I ended up on after rebounding from Zak's back.
"Why the hell did you stop?" I asked.
"Because this is beautiful." He whispered.
I looked around him to fields upon fields of colour and very few people.
"Oh wow." I breathed looking at it all.
"This is going to be awesome. Here's your gloves. Now please can we go and pick fruit! I'm really looking forward to this!" He grinned.
"Y-you are?"
He nodded "There's no chemicals on these at all! Pure nature which means these are going to taste amazing and I can't wait to start trying them. Please? Please can we go now?" He asked pulling my hand.
I smiled "I thought you were going to hate the idea?"
"I love it. Thank you." He gave me a kiss and went off onto the first field of strawberries.
I watched as he turned and held out his hand for me to hurry up, I ran behind him and took his hand before we stopped half way up the row and began picking strawberries. Each single plant had buds of large red juicy strawberries asking to be plucked so I helped Mother Nature out and plucked them.
Zak was picking and eating them...
"Oh! Oh my god try them." He asked holding one out for me to bite. I bit into one which made my tastebuds tickle.
"They are really sweet!" I squealed holding my jaw.
"They are delicious! Come on quick! There's loads here!" He grinned.
We moved up the row slowly when I got into his habit.
One for me, one for the basket.
We reached the end of one row and found a small table with empty plastic punnets on and a set of scales.
We weighed up our strawberries and printed a label sticking them on the punnet before filling it up and sealing it.
Our next field was blueberries.
"They are actually purple and are full of anti oxidants." Zak spoke as we walked up slowly and stopped before we began picking back to back on different rows. I was like a little hamster nibbling away and storing some for later.
It was something to do peacefully, we didn't need conversation and I think Zak enjoyed that the most, being able to release and not about what people of us or have to meet fans. This was perfect.
"Let's go and leave some for everyone else." I giggled seeing Zak's pickings.
"I-" he popped some in his mouth and stood up moaning as we walked to the table and weighed them up following the process of the last table.
"What's next?! What's ne- Pears!" Zak grinned and almost dragged me behind him.
I watched as his 6 foot 1 stature became useful he was picking some good ones until he turned to me.
"You there." He curled his finger at me making me giggle and bring a ladder.
"No ladder.. Ready."
"No what are you - ahh!" He had picked me up and put me on his shoulders.
"Don't drop me!"
"I won't! Now pick the big ones!"
I began picking them when I felt Zak's lips kissing the inside of my thighs. My face flushed and I looked around.
"Don't." I whispered to him making him chuckle but carry on.
"Zak. Stop." I whispered again feeling turned on.
"Why? What's up Maria?" He laughed.
"You are such a jerk."
"NO HANDS!" He let me go and I panicked grabbing his head and hugging it. His hand took the basks from me placing it down before he grabbed the side of my shorts and lifted me around. I slipped a leg down and reached the floor when I found ourselves in a position...
My foot was on his shoulder and the other was on the floor.
"Well who knew you were this flexible.. Know what we are playing tonight."
"Naked twister." He wiggled his eyebrows making me giggle and slip my foot off his shoulder.
I pushed him away and swiped up the basket continuing on around with Zak's hand on my lower back as we walked slowly through the orchard to the third gate.
"This place goes on all the way around so that we end back up at reception. Each field has a set of scales and punnets, in this case a bag for the pears." Zak informed me taking my hand as we entered the apple orchard. Half was full of red apples and the other was green apples.
"Let's take the middle and get both." He planned. I agreed and followed up the orchard with him, occasionally, we'd borrow each other for increasing our heights at picking the best apples.
Each time he would bring me down and give me a kiss before carrying on.
The next field supported large greenhouse tents, we went inside to find lots and lots of variety of oranges and even some apricots.
"I can't believe you would think I would be disappointed in coming to a place like this. This is awesome." Zak spoke making his way down the aisles looking at all the different varieties. I waited and sure enough he began scurrying around popping up in different places making me giggle.
Then he was done and we moved on..
After that was cucumbers and tomatoes, followed by a small stop..
Spring onions.
I could hear his gasp and then saw his massive grin before hitting the floor and picking them quickly as if someone told him there was an onion epidemic on.
"Z-Zak stop you need to leave some for other people."
"Okay just a few-" crunch.
"Are you eating them?!" I whispered.
He looked up with onion hanging out his mouth "No." He replied making me giggle.
"Come on, we've ate loads already." I pulled him on.
The last few tents were grapes, blackberries, plums, cranberries, raspberries that Zak ate but stuck the label on himself) and finally peaches before we reached the end.
The most we could do was carry the baskets and I knew it would be a lot I money. But not as much as what we've ate.
"Wow you two have got a haul! Did you enjoy yourselves?" The lady asked.
"Yes thank you." I smiled and looked at Zak who picked up an onion ready to eat, but I slapped it from his hand.
"Not yet. Onion breath."
"Oh I can't resist!" The woman giggled.
With that Zak ate one and grinned. We went through the baskets sorting the fruit out when the woman picked up a small hamper full of treats.
"I know who you are my love and I absolutely adore you and your show. It helped me grieve my husband and return to our business so for this... Thank you."
Zak blinked and rounded the counter giving her a hug. I looked away feeling a little teary eyed at the moment.
"You are a very lucky woman." She whispered to me making me smile.
"I know."
A few months ago you wouldn't have been able to say that, we hated each other but in a short amount of time we had both become inseparable and in love.
I pulled out more money than necessary and left it on the counter.
"M-my love this is too much."
"No, it's not. Please accept it. As a thank you for this place and for your discretion." I replied.
"It means a lot just to be able to spend time with the people you love... Have you got a phone?" Zak asked.
"Maria can you take a photo of us?" Zak asked and the woman's face went brighter.
I took a photo and gave the phone back when Zak pulled his hat off and used a marker to sign his hat and popped it on her head.
"Have a good day and I'll be back for more onions before I leave." He grinned.
We left leaving one lady on cloud 9 with his hat and a photo. Loading up the car I got in and smiled at him.
"You are an incredible human being and I can't help but love you more every day for your cuteness!" I replied pinching his cheek.
He laughed at my response and gave his cheek a little rub.
"I love you Maria. Now let's go home and eat them all."
"Righty-o to that plan!" I grinned and headed home.
[an: Well hey there my little bookworms! I got this idea because I don't live far from a strawberry farm... This is like a little fantasy of mine. Cheesy I know but I'd love to go fruit picking. As a child I went blackberry picking for my nan all the time.
And as a thank you for all your views, votes and comments... I've got a little surprise. I've started another story and I'm going to post a a sneak peak that's been in the pipe line whilst writing this one.
I never in a million years thought anyone would read my stories and to see this one hit 5k before it's even finished! It's amazing! So thank you all so much. It's made my day!
So after this little chapter. Head onto my page and find the story | The Knight Of Hell|
Love to you all xx
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