English soil
Stepping on English turf I smiled and looked around. It was noticeably cooler here than Vegas, luckily. Plus it was summer but English summer is nothing compared to Vegas summer.
I gave a yawn and made my way out through the airport after collecting my case. I tried to video call Zak a few times and eventually just sent him a text letting him know I landed safely. I also text Aaron but the response I got was - bring sweets home my nerd! X
Hiring a car I drove to my parents.
It was the simple things I missed about England when I was in Vegas. Like the hedgerows on the side of the roads, fields and field of luscious greens and the odd yellow field filled with rape seed oil ready to turn brown. Trees upon trees lining the fields and roads some cut back and others left to flourish.
I kept the windows down letting the air flow in. I learnt to drive in England so the roads weren't treacherous, but I can't imagine how Zak will handle it. Seeing a petrol station I pulled in and went for one thing..
Maltesers. 3 bags later I returned to the car and popped one pack open and began eating them on the way to my parents. I found time to put two under my upper lip doing an impression of a 'Who' from the Grinch.
I looked in the mirror "Where are you Christmas? Why can't I find you?" I sang like Cindy Lou Who before laughing to myself.
Clearly a comedian! Yes Hi! Hello!
I used my phone to guide me to my parents new home, apparently my dad had gone green. At first I thought my mum meant hulk green with the whole 'You won't like me when I'm angry' but what she really meant was they had decided to go self sufficient.
So my dad had bought a house with a barn, and large garden. I had monthly garden talks with my mum. Obviously I was interested in how big courgettes grew and how long it takes for tomatoes to go red.
I didn't care much at the time but now I was going to be here I wanted to learn. I wanted something to take my mind off things and mainly I wanted to help my mum who would be feeling gutted to see all her hard work go to waste. So if it meant I pushed a mower around a garden until 9pm every night then by heck I'll do it.
I arrived at their home, it was a detached house, built in the 1800's apparently, my dad was a stickler for details. 4 bedroom as well. Why they wanted a big house?
Apparently it was an investment if ever I decided to start a family. Then at least I would have a family home...
Only problem is my home is over 5000 miles away. Well... Zak's home then. I was just boarding there.
"Oh wow." I whispered turning the car off and taking in the house painted white. The window ledges were a grey which worked well with the chrome planter sat under the windows each filled with little flowers and small sprinkles of ivy.
I got out and looked across to see the barn, no doubt my dad would have turned that into his man cave consisting of toys like a lawn mower, bushwhacker, hedge cutter etc.
You know real men toys.
I smiled seeing the axe dug into a block of wood, my dad was a massive fan of open fires, which meant it would need logs.
I'd give a dab hand at that.
"Maria?" My mum spoke making me turn and smile.
Her face exploded with joy making her run over to me.
"Surprise!" I grinned hugging her tightly. My emotions went from happy to sad and then I didn't let go.
"Maria baby? What's wrong?" She whispered as I had a little cry on her.
"I don't want you to leave me!"
"Oh baby. I should have known." She spoke patting my back.
"Not another one." My dad said coming over and giving both of us a hug.
"The doctor, he said ten months."
I pulled away and was about to have a melt down when she added "until I have the all clear. They caught it in time."
Then I wailed and fell into them both again.
"You should be proud of your mother. She's responding well to treatment. She's a fighter Ri, stop all these tears." My dad answered proudly.
"I can't help it, I should have came over soo-"
"Absolutely not. I would had been cross with you if you did that. No, I'm glad you're here now. I was sick to begin with but things are getting better. I don't wish for anyone to see me ill." My mum replied making me nod and wipe my face.
She was sick, yet I was the train wreck.
I then got a slap with the dish towel on my legs.
"That's for telling me you weren't coming here. There's no bed made up and I haven't cooked you dinner, or made a ca-"
"I'm your daughter. Not royalty. Besides.. You can crack to it tomorrow." I replied and winked making her smile.
"Oh she's got your charm hasn't she?" My mum scolded my dad who flashed a smile.
"That's my girl." He laughed.
"Why do I have the feeling that I'm going to be ganged up o-" she paused and reached for my face.
"How?" She asked brushing her thumb over the scar in my cheek.
"I said How?" She snapped.
I looked at my dad who put his head down, he knew.. I had told him whilst mum was having treatment.
"Don't make me mad Maria." She spoke in a lowered tone.
Shit just got real when Mum does that.
But if I spilled I was going to taint Zak's image and they wouldn't accept him at al-
"Shelter work." My dad spoke.
"Y-you knew of this?!" She asked.
"Y-yeah. It happened at the shelter, I was running around with the dogs. Same place I got Logan. But I uh, I tripped and caught my face on the tree trunk they have there. It's not bad. It's only because it's on my face." I shrugged.
I'm in so much trouble when she finds out.. My backside will not touch the ground.
I can still be afraid of my mum... Right?
"Shit." I muttered.
"Okay that was a lie but I'm not saying until later, please, I've only just got here and the scar will fade."
My mum swiped my dad with the dish cloth. "That's for you encouraging her to lie." She scolded and looked at me.
"I'll deal with your porky pie lie later." She warned.
I nodded and looked at my dad who rolled his eyes whilst she wasn't looking.
"Right, let's take you around our manor then." My mum sighed.
"Please, I've been dying to go inside the moment I pulled up." I replied earning a grin from my mum.
"I'll get your case." My dad smiled and allowed my mum to begin the grand tour.
The Front door opening to a stunning reception hall with flagstone flooring and white timber panelled walls. A cream running carpet was placed over the flooring to expand the feel of the narrow hallway. I noticed that there was a set of central double doors opening through to an inner hall with stairs off the same Matt grey as outside. There was also a black sideboard piece that stood out of the grey and white room but as I looked to the end of the hall I noticed it matched with the bannister of the stairs.
Another set of double doors left off the hallway to the sitting room with fireplace with inset granite and hearth, my dads place!
There was a large white couch sat within the sitting room inciting people to watch the fire, something I loved to do.
There was a separate dining room with timber floorboards, double glazed dual aspect windows to the front and side, fireplace with timber surround.
A snug, now I always wanted a snug for well... Snuggling and I was a snuggly person. Seeing a large white couch with grey knitted waffle blankets I smiled and images myself laying on their with Zak laying his head on me asleep with a blanket over him.
Hmm perhaps when he has jet lag I can get that in?
The snug had the same flagstone floor, an impressive fireplace, exposed beamed ceiling and double glazed doors to lead out onto the veranda before reaching the garden.
We left the snug and I wanted my little imagination on the couch to happen. We got the kitchen, the heart of the home as they say.
It was a newly fitted kitchen from my mums introductory, there was timber floors and a range of shaker style units in their matt grey with a natural wood work surface. I noticed the floor was the same as the worktops linking them together beautifully. There was a single bowl drainer sink, showing age of the property. All the cupboards looked the same size but on inspection I realised each cupboard held a surprise along the way, such as a hidden washing machine, dryer, dishwasher and fridge. There was a stainless steel cooker with the extractor fan and light over the top. The whole cooker itself was a Range. Some of the most beautifulest cookers were made by that company.
I should know... I've seen a few working in the antiques store. Especially when going to a clients house with Stephen.
There was also a set of double doors leading back out onto the veranda and garden.. The whole property was focused for its grounds.
We stood in the hall where my mum pointed to stone steps leading down to a cellar. But what got me excited was the stairs we were taking up to a galleries landing. A grey carpet covered the floor upstairs and led into each room. The walls were light, like downstairs in the hall giving the place a larger feel then what it probably was.
From the landing there are doors off to 4 double bedrooms. The master bedroom a large double window that face the front, along with double doors opening to a walk-in wardrobe. The master bathroom had luxury bathroom with freestanding claw foot bath, something my mum always wanted. It has a separate.
Bathroom 2 benefits from timber style flooring, freestanding claw foot bath with a separate shower until, and timber panelling to 3 walls.
My bedroom held a large queen size bed, grey carpet and light walls with grey and white covers and a white waffle throw.
"Oh the beds not been made huh?" I asked.
"Well I hadn't had chance to at least make it feel fresher." My mum replied.
"Has anyone even slept in the room?"
"No. This has and always will be your room Maria. Nobody sleeps in here."
Not until Zak shows up..
We ended up on the veranda looking at the garden but after I kept saying yes and not really understanding my mum decided to give me a tour.
"These are runner beans." She explained gesturing to them.
"In the green house there are tomatoes and cucumbers. Oh that's cabbages, lettuce, carrots, pumpkins, courgettes, oh that's beetroot, rhubarb and spring onions."
"Spring onions?"
"Hmm mm."
"Gonna have to keep Zak away, he'll be worse than any insect you can imagine. Especially with those onions, he can't resist eating wild onions."
"That makes him a real man." My dad spoke making us jump.
"Well I've had to fight your father off them so what's one more to swat with my dish towel." My mum laughed.
"That's very true." I laughed.
After a night sat on the veranda over looking their little self sufficient vegetable patch I headed to bed.
Taking a shower and finally sinking into bed I tried Zak again but got no answer. I rolled my eyes and eventually hung up, I sent him a text letting him know that I was off to bed and missed him.
But I never got a reply.
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