Originally the bar was called Joey's until Joey himself wanted to change the name, for a bar I found it strangely fitting. But to me it will always be Joey's. Desire. Everyone desired something and if they came to this bar then they most likely desired alcohol or sex.
Not that we sell sex... But alcohol & free will = Sex.
You get my drift.
I walked in to the bar to find the usual suspect patrons lined at one side of the bar. I smiled seeing my favourite, Bud. He was in his late sixties with whiting hair and dark blue eyes, always wore smart pants, a shirt ranging from white to blue and always had a friendly smile.
"Here she is! The love of my life!" He grinned.
Did I forget to mention he is a terrible flirt?
"Hello handsome, what can I do for you today?" I asked swinging behind the bar.
He took in my appearance, the whole Harley Quinn and pig tails. "Ria darling you'll catch a chill on that belly of yours."
I smiled "I'm quiet alright thank you Bud. Another beer?" I asked noticing his empty.
He looked at it, contemplating his next move, with a check of his watch and encouragement from the others he had another pint.
"You eaten today Bud?" I asked placing his beer down.
"Hmm.. I did. You know I went to that place across the road. Pugway? Pigway? That sandwich place, you know."
Subway.. God I love his old fashion ways.
"I do. Enjoy it?"
"I did. I did. Got my belly full before I came to see my lady." He gestured to me making me smile.
"I don't want no trouble from you tonight Bud." Joey called over before grinning.
"Here youngin... You come here." Bud curled his finger to Joey bringing him over.
Joey was about 6 foot, salt pepper shaggy hair with the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes, they were a light blue with almost white in them, like their own personal halos. He was a good build as well. Not too big and not too small, muscular, like a farmer would be from lugging hay bales.
"What can I do you for?" Joey asked.
"This one," Bud gestured to me. "Besides her tummy being on display and catching the death of cold when she leaves.. My beautiful Ria here."
Joey looked at me as I held back a laugh at his opinion on my work attire for this evening.
"If I was you... And I mean no offence boy. But I would get courting this one. Look at her. Beautiful. With that accent as well she's every American mans dream."
"Ah bud." Joey tried to speak but Bud was on a role and I couldn't help but laugh.
"You got her here, working for you boy and you sit around with a finger in your ass?" Bud asked making a few patrons agree with him.
"Give it a rest boys. We're strictly professional in here, leave Joey alone." I answered making sure they all had their drinks topped up.
"I'll be having a chat with all 4 of you soon. I have to run. You alright here Ria?"
"I'm good. Get going. Any trouble and I'll throw these hooligans out." I grinned making them all laugh into their drinks.
With a wink Joey disappeared carrying a stack of paperwork.
A few hours later and my usual were gone only to be replaced with the nightwalkers, you know the kind.. Stay in bed all day and only venture outside when the sun is down. No not Vampires either.
I had the staff in and could stop the grin as they all walked around in their costumes. Luckily nobody had gone with Harley Quinn. But I did draw up a list and slap my name down first so that we didn't have too many of the same.
Tonight in Joeys for the women we had; The Black Widow, CatWoman, Batgirl, Superwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Storm and Mystique.
For the men we had: Loki, Thor, Bruce Wayne, Iron man but as Tony stark, Captain America, Ghost rider and Blade.
We were definitely a vision.
With the music pumping and the drinks flowing the atmosphere in here was alive and kicking. To work in here you had to be quick on your toes and fast at serving drinks otherwise you'd fall behind fast. It was simple, the more you serve the happier they are the less fights that happen.
Also those tip jars get crammed and it makes even the most manic of nights that little bit sweeter.
"Woooo! Girl look at you!" A man howled as his friends stood around him. From the antlers on his head I'm guessing its his last night of freedom.
"Evening sugar, what can I get you?"
He smiled and looked me up and down "I could think of a few things!"
I held my smile and waited.
"Tequila shots... All around and whatever you want my vixen!" He gave me a note and I went about fixing his drinks.
As I served his drinks I gave him his change and went on to the next customer.
I noticed after half an hour how loud they were becoming, louder than the music that was pumping through the bar! With Catwoman also known as Tilly trying to calm them down I decided to head over.
"You alright?" I asked.
She pulled a unsure face at me.
"Okay boys you quieten down a tad or you're on soft drinks!" I warned.
"I can hear you well enough from here!"
I looked at Tilly and shook my head giving her the go ahead to leave me with the idiots. She gave me a smile and headed back down the other side of the bar. I kept up the pace when I felt eyes on me, not any eyes either. I looked around the bar but found nobody that I could find. I went back to serving when I noticed a high pitched giggle, this time I looked over to find King Douche with Queen Plastic.
I held back my eye roll at Zak and his latest conquest. With nobody else free to serve them I went down and help my 'Kill them with Kindness'.
"What can I get you?" I asked.
"Uh O'doulls and..."
"Vodka tonic." She giggled.
What was funny with that? I ignored it and fixed up their drinks.
"Oh and whatever you want." Zak said dropping a note on the bar.
"No thank you." I replied giving his change and moving on quickly.
"RIA!" I heard someone shout for me making my head lift and look around like a meerkat, I found Tilly between two men with her hands up separating them.
"Oh shit." I muttered. I hopped up onto the bar and jumped over going over quickly and pulling one away instantly. But one dude hit into me trying to get at the other.
"Woah there man! Calm down now!" I ordered.
I didn't even know what they were arguing over. But I got a punch in the face in the crossfire.
I could taste the copper in my mouth as I hit the floor stunned, I saw Tilly begin shoved and well..
My Zero Bullshit policy ran out.
I got back up and pulled one off the other quickly separating them but failed when they both went at it properly. I was in the middle catching some of the digs they were throwing. Until I decided enough was enough and delivered them both a low blow.
Funny enough they soon stopped giving door staff enough time to eject them. I followed behind in case they started again. Once they were out I went back in and found Tilly who was a little shaken but okay.
"Ri you're bleeding!"
I touched my face and brought my hand away seeing blood on my fingers. "I'm okay, I'm just going to get cleaned up."
She nodded and went back to the bar as I made my way through the bar and out the back. I dug out the first aid box and slumped in the chair.
God I was tired already..
"You okay?" A voice asked instantly putting my back up.
"You shouldn't be back here." I replied sharply.
"Then kick me out after. Are you okay?" Zak asked walking over. His hand lifted my chin making me look at him, I pulled my head away.
"Don't touch me."
He let out a sigh and took the box from me getting out an alcohol wipe, before he could I took it from him and used the mirror to clean myself up.
"You still haven't answered my question." He spoke making me look at him.
"I'm fine. You can go." I replied shaking my head at him in the mirror.
Did he? Did he heck, he stayed there even longer.
"I heard Aaron shout at you.. What was all that about?" Zak asked.
"None of your business. Actually yes it is. It was about you."
"Did I stutter?" I asked.
"You're so insolent."
I scoffed "I'm suppose to respect you? For what? What have you ever done for me? Apart from the constant shit?! Don't bring that bullshit with me!"
He folded his arms trying to make them bigger, I bet I could pop them with a pin... I've got a safety pin actually.
"Are you always this uncivil?"
"Only to people who piss me off." I replied cleaning my face up and binned the wipe.
"You need to let it go, you know."
"All that rage inside you, maybe pent up love you feel for me." He replied.
"Do you want the same treatment those drunks got? Trust me theres no love here. Just hate right now." I answered.
"There's a thin line between love and hate Maria."
I gritted my teeth and cleaned up my mess putting the first air box back. "It's. Ria. Where's the barbie? Or have you forget about her already?" I asked going to the mirror and fixing my lopsided pig tails from the assholes that shoved me around.
I looked at Zak in the mirror who made it more than obvious that he was checking me out from the way his eyes hadn't left my ass.
"I still stick by it." He spoke nodding his head.
"What now?"
"You're pretty hot. If you kept that mouth shut."
How could one man make me so angry that I wanted to put a chair over his head? I didn't know but he was doing it!
"Try the electrical bath?" I asked.
"No. See I get this... " He gestured to my body making me turn and look at him. His eyes went to my torso and a smile appeared.
"I totally get all this. But that irritating fucking noise that leaves your mouth. Just kills any mans boner."
"Get out before you choke on your own.... Still attached to your body."
He smirked and came over tapping my nose with his index finger "Always some what of a pleasure Maria."
"Drop dead.." I snapped as he left the back laughing.
I went back out after 5 minutes to find Barbie crying on another mans shoulder, it would seem King Douche had ditched her ass and left.
The rest of the evening went without a hitch, no more fights and everyone left in a pleasant mood. We closed up at 1am, I didn't leave till 2am after sorting the money into the safe and cleaning up. I looked around to make sure no sleeping drunks were left behind, with the all clear I walked through the bar turning off the lights.
I stepped out into the cold air and shuddered. Maybe Bud had a point about it being too cold for me to wear this, but I had seen women with less.... But then they had enough fire in their bellies in the form of alcohol to numb them from the cold.
I locked up and put the keys away before I blew into my hands and headed home.
Aaron must still be angry not to be here. He was normally around to take me home but after our spat earlier I guess he didn't want to be here tonight... Cant say that didn't hurt either.
I kept my head down as I passed one of the men I had thrown out earlier.
"Hey! You!!" He called. Just Brilliant.
I kept walking ignoring him but I could hear his footsteps behind me. They got louder and quicker causing my heart to pick up pace when a firm hand grabbed my wrist pulling me faster.
"Keep walking Maria." King douche growled.
This time I listened and kept up with his stupidly long legs.. Friggin' emu legs that man has.
Zak pulled me off the street and into a shop door covering my mouth as the man ran past yelling. Zak poked his head out and looked around giving me a chance to shove his hand down.
"I don't know where they've been." I spoke as he glared at my move.
"Shh!" He hissed.
"WHERE DID YOU GO?!!" The man shouted. I looked at Zak who pulled off his coat and put it around me quickly.
"Wha-" His hand clamped over my mouth as his mouth went onto his hand, I felt his hand on my side pushing me slightly into the darker corner of the shop opening away from the moonlight and street lights.
"Oh Sorry man." The man spoke seeing us. Only he couldn't see me in the dark.
He disappeared again and Zak removed his hand giving me the opportunity to breath again. I gave him a swat and held my chest.
"What was that for?"
"I was suffocating you ass!" I hissed breathing heavily.
"Oh.. Shame it didn't shut you up then."
"Go to hell." I muttered pulling off his coat and shoving it into his chest.
"Its Ria."
"Whatever. It's cold. Put it on." He held out his coat.
"You don't tell me what to do."
"Put it on because he knows what you are wearing you stubborn bitch." He growled.
I snatched the coat from him and pulled it on leaving the shop opening and walking home.
"W-Where are you going?!"
"Good, that's where I'm walking you." He replied.
Whenever we went past a group of men I felt his hand on the base of my back, even over his coat. I ignored pulling him up about it and concentrated on getting home safely.
Seeing my apartment come into view I smiled.
"Damn.. A real smile. I didn't think witches smiled anymore." Zak commented.
"Shut your mouth... You know. You'd be pretty hot with no voice and a bag over your head." I replied.
"Ouch that almost hurt." He grinned.
I stopped walking and took his coat off handing it to him. " Thank you but I can take it from here."
"Uh no. I'm walking you to the doo-"
"Absolutely not. Good night." I interrupted and walked away from him.
"Still going to follow."
"I'll call the police."
"Go ahead. Help me officer the man who's just saved me from an ass whooping wants to walk me to the door. Heaven help me!" He mocked my voice.
"I don't sound like that!"
"No you are right.. You sound a whole lot worse and you're more stubborn and irritating."
"Just bugger off Zak."
"I would. But I'm not an asshole-"
"Could have fooled me." I sniped.
"And I made a promise to Aaron to get you home safe.. His friendship means a lot to me and for some reason he cares for you. Not that I can see why." He replied.
"Well I'm fine from here!" I threw my arms up towards my apartment.
His hand grabbed my wrist and dragged me along "You may want to throw Aaron's friendship away acting like a god damn child. But I don't. Grow up and shut up." He snapped.
I was dragged to my front door and pushed through it once I unlocked it.
"Finally Goodbye!" He sighed and pulled the door closed before I could at least say thank you.
He's still an ass.
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