Leader-Foxstar- an orange tabby she-cat with green eyes
Deputy-Whitefur- a white Tom with yellow eyes
Medicine cat-Shrewface- a pale brown Tom with blue eyes
Palepelt-a golden Tom that fades into pale yellow with blue eyes
Eagleleg- a brown she-cat with brown eyes
Stormeyes- a grey Tom with green eyes
Moonprowl- a black she-cat with blue eyes
Brokengleam- a dark brown tabby Tom with blue eyes
Wishheart- a orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Hopeclaw- a tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
Bearstripe- a brown Tom with brown eyes
Mistshadow- a grey Tom with blue eyes
Clawpaw- a black she-cat with amber eyes
Goldpaw- a golden tabby she-cat with hazel eyes
Brackenpaw- a brown Tom with hazel eyes
Mosspaw- a white she-cat with copper eyes
Beachgorse- a golden tabby she-cat with hazel eyes, mother to Bearstripe's kits, Raggedkit(brown tabby Tom with hazel eyes), Tigerkit(brown tabby she-kit with brown eyes), and Beekit(golden she-kit with brown eyes)
Pinestream- a brown she-cat with brown eyes, mother to Birchkit( a light brown Tom-kit with hazel eyes), and Seedkit( a dark brown tabby she-kit with blue eyes),mate is Brokengleam
Buzzardheart- a pale Tom with blue eyes
Cedarfall- a pale brown she-cat with brown eyes
Harenose- a creamy brown Tom with brown eyes
Fawnstep- a pale brownish cream she-cat with hazel eyes
Leader-Mudstar- a brown Tom with amber eyes
Deputy-Berrybird- a black Tom with copper eyes
Medicine cat-Tallberry- a orange tabby Tom with yellow eyes and a long tail
Mousetail- a grey Tom with blue eyes
Owlfoot- a brown she-cat with yellow eyes
Spiderface- a black she-cat with green eyes
Mistycall- a blue-grey tom with green eyes
Hazeleyes - a brown tabby tom with hazel eyes
Shardtooth- a grey tabby Tom with yellow eyes
Thornleg- a white Tom with blue eyes
Gemstone- a black she-cat with yellow eyes
Hawkpaw- a brown Tom with blue eyes
Greypaw- a grey Tom with yellow eyes
Moonpaw- a dark grey she-cat with green eyes
Featherpaw- a silver tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Stonepaw- a grey Tom with dark brown eyes
Lilacface- a blue-grey she-cat with green eyes, Expecting Shardtooth's kits
Finchlight- a orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes, mother of Flamekit(a orange tabby tom with hazel eyes),Bramblekit(a brown tabby she-kit with blue eyes), Foxkit(a orange tabby tom with blue eyes),and Owlkit(a brown tabby tom with hazel eyes), Mates with Hazeleyes
Brackenwave- a brown Tom with blue eyes
Robinheart- a dark orange tabby she-cat with dark brown eyes
Leader-Shrewstar- a light brown Tom with dark green eyes
Deputy-Fawnleg- a cream she-cat with yellow eyes
Medicine cat- Juniperface- a calico she-cat with blue eyes
Redpelt- a crimson Tom with amber eyes
Bearbreeze- a brown she-cat with copper eyes
Nettleheart- a grey Tom with green eyes
Frogtail- a white she-cat with blue eyes
Rabbitclaw- a light brown she-cat with dark brown eyes
Leafdrift- a tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Thrushfern- a black Tom with yellow eyes
Ivybreeze- a calico Tom with yellow eyes
Birchleg- a grey she-cat with blue eyes
Blackheart- a black she-cat with green eyes
Needleface- a tortoiseshell Tom with green eyes
Icepaw- a white Tom with blue eyes
Woodpaw- a brown she-cat with green eyes
Hailjaw- a blue-grey she-cat with copper eyes,expecting Nettleheart's kits
Russetjump- a orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Leader-Flamestar- a orange tabby she-cat with green eyes
Deputy-Waveheart- a blue-grey Tom with dark brown eyes
Medicine cat-Sandstone- a pale ginger tabby Tom with dark brown eyes
Kelpbreeze- a black Tom with green eyes
Breezefur- a white she-cat with blue eyes
Hailface- a blue-grey she-cat with yellow eyes
Sol-a brown tabby Tom with amber eyes, former loner
Browntooth- a brown she-cat with copper eyes
Firepaw- a orange tabby she-cat with green eyes
Branchpaw- a brown Tom with blue eyes
Snakepaw- a black she-cat with amber eyes
Berrypaw- a cream tabby Tom with yellow eyes
Fawnface- a cream she-cat with yellow eyes, mother to Brackenkit, Yewkit, Yellowkit, and Boragekit, mates with Sol
Grassleg- a white she-cat with copper eyes, mother to Blackkit, Snowkit, and Shadekit, mates with Kelpbreeze
Ravenwing- a black Tom with blue eyes
Nettlewave- a white faced brown she-cat with yellow eyes
The tribe of running prey
Reader of crushed rocks/Rockreader- a grey Tom with green eyes
Trout that snaps its jaws(Trout)- a black Tom with brown eyes
Song of a Morning Dove at Dawn(Dove)- a white she-cat with blue eyes
Tree that falls in Storm(Tree)- a small black she-cat with green eyes
Flight of startled birds(Flight)- a brown Tom with yellow eyes
Spark of Fading Embers(Spark)- a orange Tom with copper eyes
Swoop of Hungry Eagle(Swoop)- a grey she-cat with amber eyes
Patter of Falling Rain(Patter)- a blue-grey Tom with green eyes
Moon that passes by quickly(Moon)- a white she-cat with blue eyes
Lizard that watches intently(Lizard)- a brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Mountain of past memories(Mountain)- a grey tabby Tom with blue eyes
Flower blossoming in the noon(Flower)- a white she-cat with green eyes
Rabbit that hops briskly(Rabbit)- a brown Tom with yellow eyes
Ash of past flames(Ash)- a dark grey Tom with amber eyes
Oak standing motionless(Oak)- a dark brown Tom with copper eyes
Fog that hides many secrets(Fog)- a light grey she-cat with green eyes, mother to Magpie that chirps happily(Magpie), Lightning flashes in the night(Lightning), and Pine if an ebony hue(Pine), mates with Patter of falling rain(Patter)
Valley of Sweet Aroma(Valley)- a grey she-cat with dark flecks and dark brown eyes, expecting Trout that snake its jaws(Trout)'s kits
Rock the crumbles to dust(Rock)- a black and white Tom with yellow eyes
Snake that sits still(Snake)- a silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Cats outside of clans
Snag- a dark grey rogue Tom with amber eyes
Smudge- a black and white loner Tom with green eyes
Philly- a old black and white loner cat with green eyes
Butter- a pale ginger tabby loner Tom with yellow eyes
Diamond- a black kittypet she-cat with blue eyes
Thor- a black apprentice aged kittypet she-cat with green eyes
Gem- a black apprentice aged kittypet Tom with blue eyes
Smoky- a dark grey apprentice aged Tom with blue eyes
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