Lost And Found
You woke up to the screeching sound of trees rustling, wolves howling, and a spooky wind tickling the tree branches above you.
Your breathing hitches. Looking around, you find yourself not in your room anymore. You're outside. In the woods. In the dark.
Your heart rate rises deep within your chest.
Fear seems to be lingering in the darkness around you, the full moon barely providing enough light.
You call out with a shaky breath, feeling like you were too loud. Your hands draw up to cradle your chest as you shiver ever so slightly.
You stand in place, alone, scared, cold and not at your own home, but an unknown place; with unknown dangers...
Looking around, you try to find out if you are near any known area or town that would lead you home. But you were deep in the woods, the trees too thick for you to see any sign of civilization near you.
Without knowing it... You get that strange feeling... Like you were being... Watched.
As your voice echoes, the unknown enemies jump out as a surprise attack, tackling you down.
Two males just stare at your (E/C) orbs in silence. They Notice that your an unknown intruder in their home.
"She's a human and not from here." The male in the hoodie says.
"What shall we do with it."
The hooded figure asks his partner in a white mask.
"Kill her of course, she knows where our home- our territory is. Our home is supposed to be unknown to humans. Plus, master wouldn't need her."
He replies as the hooded figure got out a knife.
You struggle under the guy, screaming out for help as loud as you could. You put up a fight as well, you try your best and manage to kick him in his crotch.
The hooded male whines out in pain. Just as you were about to get up, the masked one smacks you to the ground and sits on you to keep you in place, readying his knife.
Before he gets stopped mid way from stabbing you as the word "HALT!!" Was heard, making them stop to turn to the voice.
Soon a very tall creature came to view, he looked part human and part dragon. Along his side was a tall girl that looked fully human that had whitish, grey hair and beautiful but very curious eyes.
"Unhand her Masky. Mother wouldn't be pleased with you if she found out you attacked someone that isn't a threat."
He said as the male named Masky growls, getting off of you. He seems to be not trying to challenge the new guy.
"But she attacked Hoodie.."
"But did you attack first?"
"We... U-Uuuh-"
"Wait- Don't answer that -I already know the answer." The male hybrid says in a serious tone as the other two backed away as he got closer to you, kneeling down to your height. Looking at you in the eyes as the girl pops her head behind him, over his shoulder, to see you too.
"Hey are you alright?"
He asks, keeping his distance.
You shiver in fear, scared to death as you glance at everyone, you draw your knees up to your chest as you try to make yourself feel small and hopefully these people- were they even people?! You didn't know, nor did you want to know. You just want to go back home... But why? No one there cares about you, but your grandmother.
You speak anyway, oddly enough. You didn't want to, but with this half hybrid in front of you and the girl behind him, made you feel safe now. You didn't understand why.
Did they have powers? You didn't want to ask and be rude with the two guys who tried to kill you, still there.
Your voice is small; weak and fragile like glass. "N-No..."
Suddenly the male creature held his hands up in a stopping sign. "Don't worry thy will not Hurt you no more. Don't fear us, for no more harm will come to you. My name is Sparrow and the girl with me is my dear cousin, Olivia. The other two are Masky and Hoodie, they kinda serve me and the royal family."
"Where are you from little one?" Sparrow asked still keeping his distance.
You keep your mouth shut, not wanting to tell the strangers anything else. You let him know you are not answering anymore questions by diverting your (E/C) eyes to stare into the empty woods.
You rub your arms, shivering from the sudden cold ground and weather. Your teeth chatter softly, a soft sneeze startling you, thus scaring you more as you whine- trying your best not to sob and show them your fear.
Sparrow looks saddened by your state of being as he could see and sense your fear. He looks over at Olivia.
"Olivia dear, can you help our new friend here. She seems hungry. Can you share your crystal berries with her?" He asks as he softly smiles at Olivia.
You glance over at the girl with the strange eyes as she smiles sweetly, almost making a warmth spread across you- you which you try to shake it off, looking away again.
Once you heard her voice; it was over. You fall right under her spell. Was it a spell? Her voice was so different...
Almost that of an... Angel...
You turn to see her kneeling down in front of you almost like you were a lost animal. You blush softly, looking away as you growl softly to only make her giggle.
"I won't hurt you. I promise." Olivia coos, making you curiously turn to see what she was offering you, your (E/C) orbs looking at her opened hands.
Olivia opens up her cupped hands, revealing a crystal. She digs her fingers gently into it, cracks it open to reveal small, shiny berries, resting in the crystal that was acting as a bowl- offering it to you.
Staring at it, you hesitate. How did you know this wasn't a trap? Or a trick?
Almost as if the girl read your mind, she takes one of the berries, gesturing it in a eating motion and puts it in her mouth, chewing it up as she gives a cheesy smile to you, giggling and blushing softly.
Her giggling was contagious as you do the same, feeling like a little kid with her mother as you try the berry, the taste was so hard to put into words other than- exotic.
Sparrow smiles in relief from seeing you smile by enjoying the new, sweet, unknown fruit.
"Olivia would you like to show your grandmothers' your new friend?" He asks as the proxies look surprised.
"But she's unknown to this world and who knows if she will kill us all or bring an army of humans to kill us!" Masky shouts, making Sparrow glare at him.
"SILENCE!! You will not judge anyone on the goddess of judgement's behalf!! Only she will decide if she is a threat! Am I clear?!" He yells back, the two back down again as they nod in agreement.
"Head back to your places... Don't You two dare tell your master about this human. Now. Go." He barks as the two guys vanish back into the woods.
Sparrow turns to Olivia and you, moving closer to you both. "So... What do you think of helping out our new friend, Olivia?" He asks once more.
Olivia gets giddy with excitement; an expansion of random stars or sparkles, surround her. "That sounds wonderful! If granny doesn't see her as a threat, I'll claim her as my little sister!"
Olivia coos, picking you up as you yelp out in surprise, whining out in fear as you squirm against her grip. She puts you back down as you stagger back, whining as you're shaking like a leaf, tears about to spill in your eyes.
"N-No... I can walk..." you mumble, them both barely able to hear you.
Sparrow smiles sympathetically as he starts walking.
"Come, follow us to take you to safety. This world is full of dangers if you're not from here. You will be safe with us." He reassures.
((A/N: Hia hia! Enjoying this so far? Good, good. Don't forget to vote and comment! 🏵️🐑💕 This note will be short, but I just wanna get this out there that this story is made by two people- my mum and I. Her link is below! Go check her out! Her art is so amazing!~ She's sweet too! (Sometimes lol) Don't be afraid to follow her too!
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