"Never took you for a tattoos guy, Elijah."
Over a few dozen names were written all over his upper body, except the face. The magic in the ink made the air heavy. None of the others seemed to feel it.
Elijah didn't seem affected by my comment. "Hayley, Olivia, I need you to make a list of all these names. Please."
It's the least I could do after not being of any help in finding Klaus and Rebekah. Celeste came after them and Hayley last night.
Klaus was taken down by Papa Tunde's blade, Rebekah was mauled by wolves and Hayley almost burnt alive. Instead of being there, I was at home painting so I could meet Skylar's deadline.
Perhaps if I was at the plantation for longer, I could've prevented Rebekah from being taken. Never thought I'd care about a vampire's wellbeing but she's proven to be a loyal friend.
I went over the names. "You think this'll lead us to Klaus and Rebekah?"
Hayley noticed Sabine's name on Elijah's wrist. We looked at each other surprised by the revelation. The witch preaching against her child is the same woman who wants Klaus dead.
"I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries." Elijah explained.
That was a lot of names for only two centuries. She didn't like to stay in one skin for long. It was probably smarter to go from body to body. More difficult to notice something was wrong.
"It's called a devinette. It's old school, kind of riddle," Marcel said," witches use them to teach their kids. Solve it and it disappears."
That explains why it's familiar. Though I've never had to solve a devinette, I did read about them. The witches who taught me would leave me spellbooks to study on my own.
Hayley frowned. "Why? What's the point?"
"Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice. Taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer." Elijah said.
Celeste is one vindictive bitch. Though you can't really blame her for wanting revenge on Klaus. Why she wanted to drag Elijah and Rebekah into it is unclear to me.
"The way to Klaus and Rebekah is through the riddle," I sighed, "and the only way to solve the riddle is through the names."
Hayley handed me a piece of paper as we started writing down all the names. It's going to take forever to research all of these names.
"The name next to Sabine, Annie Lafleur. She's a witch that was shunned from her coven just over a year ago. Never knew why, but I can find out." Marcel spoke up.
Elijah and Marcel decided to go together. I volunteered for the duty but Elijah told me to stay with Hayley.
Once they left, I turned to Hayley. She was on the laptop searching the names for any kind of clues. I sat in front of her before speaking.
"Why doesn't Elijah want me to go with them?"
Hayley looked at me and bit her lip. She obviously knew something that I didn't and I didn't like not knowing things. I thought we were on the same side.
"Elijah believes that you may be working with Celeste and the other witches." she replied.
I looked at her in disbelief. "Why the hell would I do that? Do you think that, too?"
After everything I've done for their family, to not be trusted is insulting. The only thing I've ever lied about was Davina's location.
"Of course not, Olivia. Elijah's just concerned, and it's not like witches like us." Hayley replied.
I got up and started pacing around the room. This was a new feeling for me. It used to be me who didn't trust people, not the other way around.
"He'll come around, don't worry."
My eyes closed while my back was turned to Hayley. I took a few deep breaths to collect my thoughts. This was a stupid thing to get upset over.
"I'm not worried. What do I care if he trusts me?" I mumbled.
I stared at the map of New Orleans, trying to force it to reveal Rebekah's and Klaus's location. With no luck though.
A sigh left my lips as I opened another book trying to find a spell that could counteract with Celeste's magic. She was strong enough to thwart a regular locator spell.
Any loophole that I thought of, she was two steps ahead. Her spells were arguably perfect. She thought of everything that could stop it and then modified her spell accordingly.
Elijah entered the room in a hurry. I hadn't even noticed he was back. Mostly because I left Hayley in the other room so I could work in peace.
"We know where they are. Fleur de Lis sanitorium. Let's go."
I wanted to jump at the opportunity to save them but it had to wait. Before any of this continued, Elijah and I needed to have a little chat.
"I'm not working with Celeste." I said.
Elijah stopped in his tracks. "That's not important right now."
A scoff left my lips as he turned around to face me. I can handle insults and mistrust from most people.
But not after I've earned their trust, not when I'm worthy of it.
"It's important to me, Elijah. I've been helping your family since all of this started. I've more than earned your trust." I argued.
A part of me didn't want to admit it but I wanted them to trust me. At first it was out of selfish gain. However, now I think I just need someone who'll stand by me.
After losing Davina, I thought I was going to be alone again, that only Cami would remain. But then Hayley and Rebekah reached out to me.
Even though I left town, they never held it against me. They trusted me and it felt so good to know that.
"You want to talk about trust, Olivia? Can you honestly say that you trust my family?" Elijah asked.
Those words made my anger fade away. As his eyes stared at me, I knew I couldn't answer that. I wanted to trust them.
But how could I after everything I've been through? People always disappoint me.
I grabbed my jacket. "I'll drive."
Elijah didn't say a word as I passed by him. He didn't have to say anything, he had made his point. I was a hypocrite that shouldn't be trusted.
Marcel, Elijah and I reached the sanitorium. It was agreed that they'd search the building while I stayed behind to make sure no one left without their knowledge.
Little did they know, this hypocrite had different plans. I opened the trunk and Hayley got out of it. While Elijah was busy listening to me complain, Hayley had enough time to sneak into the car.
Though I suppose Elijah should be glad. He was right. I can't be trusted. By him, at least.
We hid away waiting for one specific witch. Celeste didn't keep us waiting for long. As she exited the building, Hayley knocked her out with a pole.
I offered to simply use magic but Hayley refused. She wanted to hit someone. If that someone turned out to be the witch responsible for the curse on her werewolf buddies, then so be it.
"Hey there, witch bitch. You and I are gonna have a little chat."
Hayley removed tape from Celeste's mouth. The quicker we make her turn Hayley's people human again, the quicker we can get rid of her.
She looked at us. "So, what's this? Payback? Look, I'm sorry I tricked you. I wasn't after you."
I looked around at the wolves surrounding us. They made Hayley feel safe but they made me uncomfortable. Wolves and I didn't get along.
"What, and we were just collateral damage? You almost burned her and Jackson alive in that plantation fire." Eve said.
Celeste shifted, trying to get more comfortable against her ropes. The tree pressed up against her back surely didn't help.
Hayley fired her rifle making both Celeste and I jump at the sound. Perhaps I should've stuck around a murderous Klaus.
Right now it seems less frightening than facing a hormonal werewolf.
"Careful, Sabine! Or Celeste, or whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy," she reloaded her rifle, "and homicidal."
Celeste glanced at me and I shrugged. Seeing Hayley kill the woman that put her daughter in danger would really make my day.
According to Hayley, there was no better time to tell me the gender of her baby than when we're kidnapping the witch that considered the baby evil.
"You messed with the wrong dream team." I said.
Celeste scoffed at my words. I'm going to assume that means she doesn't consider us a threat. A part of me wanted to be offended but she wasn't exactly wrong.
"What, you're gonna kill me, honey?" Celeste taunted her.
I wonder what Celeste is experiencing right now. She, Elijah's former lover, was being threatened by Hayley, Elijah's newest love interest..
Behind all that mockery, she must be dying of envy. While she hasn't forgotten Elijah, he has clearly forgotten all about her.
"No. I know better. See, I know all about you. I know that you like to off yourself and then jump into other people's bodies. Well, that's not gonna happen here." Hayley said.
She turned to me with a smirk. Me being a witch works out in her favor. Even if I'm not as powerful as Celeste, I still have a trick or two up my sleeve.
"It's quite simple, really. You try to hex Hayley or Eve, I'll break every bone in your body. You try to come after me-" I was interrupted by Hayley.
"And I'll really make it hurt."
I hummed in agreement with Hayley. She had my back and I had hers. As far as trust goes, I trust Hayley. Without a doubt.
Celeste rolled her eyes. "So what do you want?"
"Back in the nineties, you inhabited a witch named Brynne Deveraux, remember? Marcel had her, you, put a curse on a lot of werewolves so they'd only turn human on a full moon." Hayley said.
Aka, her little werewolf buddies. One of whom is the Jackson dude. Hayley hasn't really given any information regarding him yet.
"I see. Yes, that was me. Let me guess, you want revenge." Celeste said.
For a smart witch, she's really got this all wrong. Hayley cares more about her people than some petty revenge. I can't relate but I sympathize.
"I want you to undo the curse."
Contrary to what we thought, Celeste didn't object to undoing her own spell. If anything, she was eager to do it. I collected all the herbs she asked for, making sure none of them were poisonous.
She may be a stronger witch than I am but that doesn't mean I can't tell if her spells are corrupt. If she tries to screw over Hayley, I'll make sure she regrets it.
"Here," Celeste handed Hayley a jar filled with a liquid, "it's herbs ground into paste."
Hayley handed it me as I inspected the contents of it. The liquid itself didn't contain any magic but it was linked to a powerful spell. I could feel its connection to.
"It'll act as a conduit for the spell. On the next full moon, your people become human. Feed it to them, the curse will be broken."
"Great way to poison us all at once." Hayley said.
It would be. If that were Celeste's intention. However, it was too easy for someone of her skill. No, she definitely has an ulterior motive.
"Look, I know you have no reason to trust me but, Hayley, I actually like you. I was you, caring for Elijah when he cared more about his brother. And I ended up dead, so did a lot of others. This? Call it a chance for me to give you what I was too in love to give myself. It's a chance to free yourself from the Originals." Celeste explained.
Eve glanced at Hayley. "You believe her?"
The wolves growled as they detected another person's presence. I stood in front of Hayley in case of an attack. But it never came.
Instead Elijah revealed himself to us. "Whatever she has promised you, it's a lie."
Hayley reassured him that she was okay. His focus, however, was on an amused Celeste. She was enjoying the show.
"She cannot be trusted."
I faked a smile. "Yeah, there's a lot of that going around."
Elijah glanced at me. My comment wasn't appreciated. Well if I can't be trusted, at least I am capable of annoying him.
"She's the only one that can help my pack." Hayley argued.
"Do you have any idea what she has done to our family?" Elijah asked.
His family, not ours. Besides, it's not our fault his entire family has daddy issues.
So Rebekah called their murderous father to New Orleans, who cares? From the sound of it, Klaus had it coming.
"Your revenge can wait. We need to make sure that Celeste's not lying about turning Hayley's pack human the next full moon." I said.
As soon as I said it, I knew it was ludicrous. If I were Elijah, I wouldn't agree to it either. Celeste was better off dead. Even if her spell was fake.
"Are you two suggesting that we hold her, her, captive for an entire month? It would be take an army."
"And I've got one."
As soon as Hayley said that, a chorus of howles filled the air. Goosebumps appeared on my skin at the sound. Bad memories.
"So help me or get out of my way." She said.
Elijah had already made his decision. Using vampire speed, he grabbed the jar and Celeste before speeding away. A gasp left Hayley's lips as she didn't expect such a betrayal from him.
Who can't be trusted now?
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