"Cami, Olivia."
The fear in Davina's voice warned me that something was wrong. We left Cami's flat after learning that the witches were trying to locate her.
Josh, Davina's vampire friend, stayed behind because of the sun while we dressed up Davina in an outfit and tried to get her through the Quarter.
That task was proving to be difficult as Davina pointed out Klaus among the crowd. It was obvious he was looking for something, most probably Davina herself.
"We have to get off the street." Cami said.
"You go. I'll distract him." I replied.
Cami nodded trusting me while Davina seemed to be hesitant. She didn't have time to protest as Cami grabbed her hand and pulled her in the other direction. I took a deep breath as I made my way to Klaus.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Marcel and Elijah noticing my arrival. Now that they're focused on me, they can't see Davina and Cami slipping away.
"Were you born a complete dick or is it something you picked up over the last thousand years?" I asked.
Klaus stopped moving and turned around with narrowed eyes. It was probably irrational of me to tempt him into murdering me, but I couldn't help the insult. He compelled Cami and now he was chasing after Davina.
In a matter of a few weeks, he has put the only friends I've got in danger. Hayley was a new addition, but he even controlled her actions because of their child.
"You're the one to speak, love. Playing spy for Davina, your little friend," he stepped closer to me, "Did you think I wasn't going to find out you were helping her?"
He failed to mention what I was helping her with. It could be not telling him where she was or helping her escape once he moved her to the compound. A detail he nor his family told me about.
Marcel knew and he didn't tell them anything so I don't see why I should get all the blame. Besides, Davina was the closest thing I had to family so I wasn't going to abandon her.
"I didn't particularly care." I said.
"Where is she, Olivia?" A voice asked.
I turned around to see Marcel and Elijah looking at me. It was Marcel who asked about her since he knew all of the history between us. I scoffed at his question.
He acts as if though he knows what's best for her when all he has done is put her in danger.
Getting her involved in vampire business? It's going to get her killed one day and not even I will be able to stop it.
"You're extremely thick in the head if you think I'd ever tell you her whereabouts. You lied to her, you manipulated her-"
"I kept her safe!"
A snort escaped my mouth as Elijah narrowed his eyes. He and Klaus observed our interaction. It made me remember that it was Marcel's opinion of me that intrigued Klaus in the first place.
Guess he finally found out what secret I was keeping. His interest in me will finally fade and perhaps then I'll be able to get away from vampire drama.
"If you think having her live in the same place as the Original vampires is safe, then you're more messed up than I thought." I snapped.
Klaus grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me closer to him in an attempt to intimidate me. His eyes glared at me as I clenched my jaw refusing to give any information.
Despite the situation, it still made my heart flutter that we were standing so close. I wrote it off as a pang of fear. What else could it be?
His grip on me tightened as he started to speak. "As much as I enjoy your tempestuous attitude, I'm afraid things won't end well for you unless you tell us where Davina is."
Elijah put his hand on Klaus's shoulder pulling him away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows as he stood in front of me and Klaus acting as a shield.
He was considered the noble one among the Originals, perhaps that is why he decided not to let Klaus get too violent.
Or maybe it was because Hayley considered me a friend and he cared for her. That sounded more probable.
"We shall do no such thing, Niklaus. If she does not want to reveal Davina's location, she doesn't have to," he turned his head to look at me, "although it would be better for Davina's wellbeing which is what I assume Olivia wants."
I knew he was trying to convince me to tell them without violence. We both knew Klaus wouldn't hesitate to harm Davina if he considered her a threat.
I may not fear him, but I do fear what he could do to the ones I care about. I bit my lip as I decided the truth was in my favor this time.
"I don't know. They could be anywhere by now." I replied.
This way I don't betray Davina and I cooperate so I don't get killed. As much as I'd like to believe that I'm too fascinating to Klaus for him to kill me, I knew he wouldn't hesitate to put me down if I stood in his way.
Even with my powers, that's a risk that I would rather avoid than test. Elijah believed me so he let me leave before Klaus could do anything Klaus like.
I tried calling Davina and Cami, but with no luck which could only be a bad sign.
"You should've called sooner."
I paced right outside of Davina's room at the compound as Rebekah leaned against a wall watching me. She called me and told me all about what I missed.
Klaus had taken Tim, Davina's crush, and used him to make her come back. Davina single-handedly took down Klaus and Elijah while Rebekah finished off Marcel.
They, and Josh, saved Tim and Rebekah took them to Marcel's creepy dungeon where Tim unintentionally poisoned himself and Davina. Thankfully, Marcel put a protection spell on Davina which saved her life but not Tim's.
She was now sleeping at the compound with Klaus's supposed protection. I should've known he would do something so inhumane.
"Oh, I'm sorry, does my lack of awareness of your friendship with her bother you? Guess you should've informed me a tiny bit more."
A sigh left my mouth as I leaned against a wall mirroring Rebekah's position. Klaus had put the people that I care about in danger, he tried to kill Davina and I couldn't stop it.
If I had tried to attack him, could I have succeeded in protecting Davina? Probably not, but I would've felt a lot better about myself right about now.
"In case you haven't noticed, Rebekah, I don't trust a lot of people. Especially vampires. The only two people that I completely trust almost died today because of your brother." I said.
"Well, I am not my brother. A fact that I have to keep proving to people despite the clear distinction." Rebekah replied.
A frown graced her face and despite her words, in that moment she looked a lot like him. Anger, bitterness, persistence.
All of the things that a Mikaelson possessed. She can pretend not to be like her brothers, but even then it's clear that they share many traits.
It made me wonder if I was in any way similar to my parents. I dismissed the thought rather quickly since there was no way I could be anything like them.
"Well, family and its reputation isn't easy to get rid of. Why do you think the witches were so persistent in trying to recruit me? My dad was part of a New Orleans bloodline and my mother dabbled in lost magic. Apparently that makes me the perfect witch for them to use. If it wasn't for Sophie, I wouldn't have gotten rid of them."
Rebekah tilted her head as her eyes narrowed. A part of her must've been curious why I was working with Sophie when it was clear she and I weren't friends.
Hell, ever since she and Hayley were unlinked, I haven't heard from her. Not that I wanted to anyway. Her grand plan of taking down Marcel and finishing the harvest failed. She and everyone else knew that.
"It seems you and I are more alike than you care to admit, Olivia. Despite our differences, I would like to be your friend. Maybe one day you'll let me." She said.
My eyes followed her as she exited the hallway and went deeper into the compound. I slid down the wall until I was sitting on the floor. What Rebekah didn't know was that a part of me wanted to be her friend.
Despite all my better judgment, I could see the good behind the bad. The one thing stopping me is my bad experience with vampires. I tried to be friends with them before and all I got was a stabbing in the back.
Throughout my life, there has only been pain and betrayal and mistrust. It's difficult to give people a chance when you know they'll betray you one day. Cami and Davina were easier because they were unapologetically honest.
But with other people, it's like there's a barrier that I can't move nor do I want to. It's what keeps me safe in a world that has always wanted me gone.
As I sat there in silence, a familiar face sat down next to me.
"Fair warning, I'm really close to killing you for what you did to Davina. No amount of charm can save you from that."
"I know, love. I just wanted to reassure you that from now on she is under my protection. She will not be harmed under my watch. Even if she did try to kill me."
I turned my head to look at Klaus and he did the same. There was a look on his face, one of a vulnerability that I hadn't seen yet. It was what was so surprising about him.
The change from the big, bad hybrid that threatened me to this damaged man who was reassuring me about my friend's safety. It was extremely ironic considering he was the one who put her life in danger, who tried to kill her.
"That's not good enough, Klaus. Your words mean nothing to me until you prove them to be truthful." I replied.
A lump formed in my throat as I found myself wanting to believe he'll change or at least do what he said and protect Davina. Somehow even when I'm upset with him, his presence affects me in a way that I haven't experienced before.
It's not hate, although I tried to write it off as that. The better word for it would be fascination because if I'm an enigma then so is he.
His eyes narrowed and the damaged man disappeared. "What makes you think I care what you think of me?"
I wanted to tell him that he didn't care about me nor my opinion. But the more I gazed into his eyes, the more I realized that wasn't true.
For whatever reason, he wanted my company and he wanted me to listen to his side of the story. I couldn't understand why he'd want that or why I'd even be willing to listen to it.
"You wouldn't be here if you didn't."
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