"Oh for heaven's sake, what are you doing here?"
A groan of annoyance left my mouth at the sight of Klaus at my doorway. At first I was thankful to whoever woke me up from my nightmare by knocking on the door.
Then it was revealed that it was the Original Hybrid bothering me. A flash of a smile passed over his face, but it was replaced by concern which was surprising considering I've never seen him worried about anything.
"Can't a concerned friend drop by to check on you?" He asked.
"I must've missed the part where we became friends." I replied.
He leaned on the doorway since he knew he couldn't come in due to the fact that he wasn't invited in and it was clear I wasn't planning on doing so anytime soon.
There's enough vampire drama outside of my flat, I don't intend to bring any of it inside my living space.
His eyes flickered over my face and I shifted uncomfortably not understanding why he did that every time he saw me.
"I heard you having a nightmare. Are you alright? Your heart is still beating faster than normal." Klaus said.
My body tensed at the mention of my sleeping struggles since I didn't think he'd notice. I move a lot in bed when having a nightmare as a way to try and escape from what haunts me in the dream.
I bit my lip as I pondered on how I should answer his question. If it was any other day, I wouldn't have even considered telling him about it.
However, the look on his face made me rethink that decision. "I will be, once my brain stops reliving the nightmares. They come and go, but they're usually just memories of my mother."
The dots in his head seemed to connect as I took a deep breath observing his reaction to my revelation. It's been a long time since I've told anyone about the fact that my mother is the one who haunts me in my nightmares.
When I was taken into foster care, I overheard people saying that I was an abused child. I didn't know what it meant back then.
After realizing that the beatings my mother gave me weren't out of love nor because I was a problematic child, I understood what abused meant and it filled me with a rage that I couldn't understand.
But it also damaged me in ways that I wouldn't comprehend until later on. From what I've heard about Klaus, he can understand what that feels like. The flash of emotion in his eyes was more than enough to convince me of it.
"I'm assuming she wasn't a good mother if she could ever harm you so much that you'd have nightmares about her," he said," anyone who hurts someone like you isn't right in their mind."
My heart skipped a beat at his words as I found myself startled by the amount of emotion that his voice held. It was the first time that I didn't feel like he was there to use me or my magic, like he just genuinely wanted to be there.
Our eyes locked and my breath hitched at the sheer intensity of his gaze. It made my stomach flutter as I swallowed a lump in my throat.
"Thank you, for saying that." I said.
He went to say something, but decided against it and just nodded. It wasn't like him to hesitate at doing anything. A part of me hoped that meant he was honest with me.
Hearing him say that I didn't deserve what I went through actually meant something. If a creature as twisted and deviant as him can think like that, then there must be some truth to it.
Even though I'm starting to think there might be more to Klaus Mikaelson than I previously thought.
"I came here to inform you that Cami will be leaving town. Considering she's your friend, I thought I'd tell you before you decide to murder me. I assure you that I meant no harm to her nor you. Hopefully you'll see that in the future."
As he walked away, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before it finally hit me. He was the one who was compelling Cami, making her lose time. As I opened my mouth to call out for him, I realized there was no use.
He was already gone with the wind. One thing was for certain though, I wasn't going to let Cami leave New Orleans without saying goodbye. Even if it breaks my heart letting her go.
Muted screaming filled the air as I stood outside Cami's door. My heart started beating faster at the possibility of her being hurt or worse. I tried to open the door, but it was locked.
There was no time for me to give Davina a heads-up about me using magic, but it felt worth the risk. I held out my hand feeling the familiar energy coursing through me.
The door flew open and was now barely holding on. In my defense, it's been a long time since I needed to use my magic. I rushed inside ready to take on Cami's attacker only to freeze upon seeing Davina and a random guy there.
She looked up with a frightened expression and Cami's head lifted from her kneeling position on the ground. It was then that I realized it was Davina who was hurting Cami.
"Davina? What the hell are you doing?" I exclaimed.
The guy furrowed his eyebrows looking from me to Davina as if not understanding how we knew each other. I rushed to Cami who was severely sweating and looked to be in a lot of pain.
She grimaced as I touched her head and let her lean into me. Klaus never mentioned anything about Davina being here so I'm assuming he doesn't even know.
Davina frowned. "Klaus compelled her. I've been undoing his compulsion all night with Josh. How did you know I was here?"
"I didn't. Klaus told me Cami was leaving town, which I realized was because of the compulsion, and I was coming to say goodbye." I replied.
Cami lifted her head to look at me and it was the first time that I saw her eyes. A look of realization went over her face as she finally figured out that I was involved with the Mikaelsons.
I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't find the right words. If Davina removes the compulsion, Cami will know about the supernatural world and therefore about me. I didn't know how she'd react.
"You knew about this? About Klaus and vampires-"
"And witches and werewolves. I promise I'll explain everything to you, but only if that's what you truly want. Knowing all of it... It's dangerous."
My eyes flew back to Davina who was seemingly confused at our exchange. I've never talked about Cami with her or about Davina to Cami. They were from two different worlds which have now collided.
A part of me always cared for Cami because she was the normal in my life, the kind that I had before discovering I was a witch. While Davina was the only thing that connected me to the witches.
She was proof that not all of them are a pain in the ass and that I could actually be with my own kind.
"I want to remember, I have to." Cami said.
My eyes closed as I inhaled deeply and nodded. I got up and stepped away from her as Davina stood in front of her. She glanced back at me and I nodded telling her it was okay to continue.
Both of them were confused at how I was involved in all of this. Hell, finding the right answer to that question is beginning to get harder and harder. I've been trying to protect them, but I fear I've only put them in more danger.
As minutes passed, Cami's screaming slowly decreased as I stood in her bedroom looking through the window. My phone buzzed and I unlocked it to see a text from Rebekah asking about Davina.
If she knows she's missing, then so do the other Mikaelsons. Great, witches and vampires will now be searching for Davina and I don't think I'll be able to protect her after lack of practicing magic for months.
"It's done. Cami remembers everything now. I told her about us being witches. I hope you don't mind," Davina seemed unsure, "after seeing the way you looked at her, I could tell you were having a hard time processing this."
I turned around to see her standing uncomfortably in front of me. Her fingers were fidgeting with the end of her dress as she avoided my eyes.
A sigh left my lips as I knew this had to have happened eventually. I wasn't ashamed of what I was, I just knew some people couldn't accept the truth about supernatural beings.
It's why I didn't have a lot of friends, besides my charming personality.
"It's not you telling her about all of this that upsets me, Davina. You ran away without telling me. I thought you'd come to me if you were ever in trouble." I said.
From what I know, Cami and Davina haven't ever even met. How could she suddenly show up at her place? It's obvious I'm missing something larger at play and I hate being in the dark. Did they know each other from before?
I think Cami would've told me if they were close, same goes for Davina. Maybe I was too focused on keeping them safe to realize they couldn't be in more danger than they were right now.
"I couldn't come to you because Marcel would expect me to go there. He lied to me about Agnes. She's dead which means I'm free and he kept that from me. I thought I was keeping you safe by not telling you about it."
A frown formed on my face as I realized she wanted to protect me from Marcel, the Mikaelsons, the witches and anyone who ever wanted to harm me.
My heart ached knowing someone as young as her could have the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Not only that, but she cares enough to worry about the renegade witch of New Orleans.
I put my hand on her shoulder and leaned closer before speaking. "Hey, it isn't your job to protect me."
"Neither is yours to protect me and you still do it."
I opened my mouth to reply, but decided against it. She had a good point. We were friends, close as sisters, and there was nothing that could ever stop me from wanting to keep her safe.
As I looked into her blue eyes filled with uncertainty and innocence, I understood that she felt the same about me. As difficult as that was to comprehend, I believed that she cared for me as much as I cared for her.
No words were needed as I pulled her into a hug. I wanted to explain to her that she couldn't protect me, that I was already broken beyond repair.
But her arms held on to me with a grip so tight that almost made me feel like she could. I closed my eyes taking in the moment as I knew it couldn't last for too long. Nothing good ever did.
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