"Why is it that every time you come here we somehow end up watching Supernatural?" Davina asked.
We were sat on her bed with our backs against the wall as the laptop in front of us played an episode that I downloaded for her. I put as many episodes as I can on a USB and then bring them to her so she can watch them when she's bored.
Her head was on my shoulder as we watched the Winchester brothers on the road. It was the final scene of the episode and that was the only reason Davina spoke up.
"Because it's awesome? Besides, it's not like there's a lot of other activities we can do. I'd teach you another spell, but it'd upset your body because of the magic."
A sigh left her lips as I kissed the top of her head. Davina Claire was like a little sister to me. Upon finding out about the harvest, Marcel brought her to me asking for help to hide her since he knew I didn't get along with the witches.
She stayed with me for a few days until Marcel concluded it was too dangerous for Davina to be at my flat.
I came to this attic often since then, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. Marcel and I barely exchanged a few words since the day he took her here.
Davina turned to me. "I made a friend. His name is Josh."
"Oh, I believe I've heard of him. Klaus Mikaelson's compelled minion?" I asked, not moving my eyes from the screen.
Davina paused the video before crossing her legs on the bed and turning to look at me in disbelief. Spending time with the world's most hated vampires does have its perks when it comes to knowing stuff.
Rebekah's a very chatty person which works to my advantage and disadvantage.
A part of her must think we're actual friends considering the amount of information she has been giving me. The thought of being friends with her didn't disgust me as much as it used to though.
"Wait, you knew Klaus was spying on Marcel? Why didn't you say something?" Davina demanded to know.
It was difficult to explain to her that I had my own motives in this game the vampires were playing. I help Sophie, I get rid of the covens. I help the Mikaelsons, I get to know all of their plans for New Orleans.
Amidst all of that, I can also make sure that she and Hayley are safe. Although the pregnant werewolf wasn't in my plan when I first started this. It's just like me to become friends with the most unconventional people.
"Vi, everything I'm doing is to protect you. Sophie asked for help with the Mikaelsons and she unknowingly gave me a source of information. I can make sure they don't harm you. Not if I have a say in it. It's an unusual alliance, but a necessary one."
She didn't say it, but I knew she was thinking about how I couldn't care less about what happened to Marcel. Deep down, she probably suspected that the Originals wanted to get rid of him and that I was helping them.
My dislike of him was always something obvious to her, but she tried to ignore it. It's hard to know that the two people you care about, don't like each other.
"Just stay safe, Liv. You're among the only family that I have left," she glanced at me, "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."
Her voice was barely louder than a whisper and it made my heart ache knowing that she felt so alone.
From what she's told me, her mother was going to let her get killed in the ritual, I'm not sure where she is right now, and her father was distant, never really there.
Bad parents are kind of my department. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug. I won't ever let anyone hurt her.
"I think I might be losing my mind, Olivia, just like my brother. I'm missing time, my mind is foggy and it always feels like I'm forgetting something." Cami ranted.
My eyes followed her pacing form from the couch. I had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on with her. I've had my fair share of interactions with compelled people to know one when I see one.
Considering everything that she was indirectly involved with, I wouldn't be surprised if Klaus or Rebekah or Marcel compelled her to take part in some crazy scheme of theirs.
"Hey, you aren't like Sean, okay? He was sick, you're not. Perhaps you're just tired? It doesn't have to be some mental illness." I replied.
She rubbed her face and it was difficult to not notice how tired she looked. I bit my lip and looked away from her face knowing that it would only haunt me later.
Every cell in my body wanted to tell her about the supernatural world that she lived in and yet I found myself unable to do so.
Bringing people into that world has backfired before. They either run away from it screaming their heads off or they end up at the wrong place at the wrong time and die.
"My uncle thinks I should leave town. As if running away is going to fix whatever is wrong with me." Cami mumbled with a hint of bitterness in her voice.
Kieran was many things, but he wasn't dumb. He and I spoke once in all of the time that he was in New Orleans and it was concerning Davina. All I know about him is what I've heard from the witches.
It was common knowledge that he knew about the supernatural creatures lurking in the night. If he isn't willing to tell Cami, then how am I supposed to do it? He's her family and he thought it best if she didn't know.
I shrugged. "Well perhaps you should. Don't get me wrong, I'd hate to see you go, but if it's what's best for you... I just don't want to see you get hurt."
She stopped pacing as she swallowed a lump in her throat. It was then that she came closer and sat down on the couch next to me. Her hand took mine in hers and I tensed a tiny bit at the touch.
Physical contact was still complicated for me. Especially from women. Cami was aware of this, I could tell from the look in her eyes. Some wounds never heal, not fully at least.
"No matter what I decide, you will always be my friend. I'm not giving you much of a choice in the matter since I know you have a tendency to shut people out." She said.
I rolled my eyes, but a hint of a smile etched itself onto my face. Cami had almost all of me figured out when we first met.
Back then, I was in a bad place with no one to lean on except for Davina whom I couldn't see most of the time. When Cami walked into my life, the part of me that was lonely had finally faded away a bit.
Upon learning she was a therapist, I had experienced some unpleasant flashbacks of the therapists that I was sent to when I was young.
"It's good to know your psychology is on point even when you don't feel well." I replied.
"I don't have to be a psychologist to know something's up with you. You don't sleep a lot when you're under stress." She said.
She tilted my head looking at the dark circles under my eyes. Most people wouldn't notice them, but this woman picked up on almost everything. My sleeping schedule has been off.
I worried about the consequences of the war that was slowly brewing in New Orleans. When I'm stressed, that's when I'm exposed to nightmares of the past.
But I couldn't tell her that. "It's just artist's block. Skylar has been exceptionally demanding in the art department and I've been struggling to find inspiration for the work she's expecting."
It wasn't a total lie. My work in the art industry could be advancing at a much larger scale, but it still pays the bills.
Skylar had no intention of promoting me nor running her gallery with me which was made clear when she ignored my advice.
Even with the money I earn through her, there's still not enough to start my own business. Considering all the other drama in my life, there was no point in even trying.
"It'll come. Some of your best work has come out of a struggle. I'm sure your next piece will be amazing, it always is." Cami said.
Her eyes went to the other side of the room and I glanced at the painting on her wall. It was an overview of New Orleans that I made for her. She had jokingly asked for it without realizing I would actually do it.
It now stood proudly in the center of the wall where it could be admired for its beauty. Looking at the painting only made me dread what was going to happen to our city.
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