"Let me get this right, you were leaving New Orleans when Elijah called saying Hayley was missing. He and Klaus thought Marcel took her, but he doesn't have her?"
My feet paced from one side of my flat to the other. Getting rudely awakened by Rebekah on the phone wasn't exactly my perfect morning.
A part of me wondered how she even had my number, but after a few texts I realized that I didn't even want to know.
Hayley was in trouble, that I understood, but the reason why Rebekah called me of all people is still unknown to me. We weren't really friends, I barely knew any of them.
"About bloody time you comprehended the situation. I knew if I called Sophie for help, she would say no because of obvious reasons. And, honestly, you're the only witch I know that doesn't completely hate my family."
The Mikaelsons were a lot to take in, all of them arrogant and demanding. It was easy to hate them, almost too easy, but Hayley I liked. Probably because she wasn't a vampire nor a Mikaelson.
Her baby was an attachment that I didn't expect to care for. If someone had asked me if I cared about whether it lived or died, I would've said no.
Yet as I met Hayley, there was something about everyone hating it that made me want to protect it.
"Not completely, but close enough. Aren't your brothers off trying to save her? That seems like the logical course of action."
I poured some coffee into my mug knowing this was going to be a long day. Technically, I'm more suited to help than Rebekah even realizes considering Davina wouldn't tell on me if I did magic.
But getting involved in vampire drama wasn't a smart move to make in my position.
The covens are already a pain in my existence, Cami remains unaware of the danger she's actually in and Davina is being used as a tool in vampire plans.
"Love, if I relied on my brothers all the time, I'd never get anything done. Just find Hayley, make sure she's alright and text me about it. After that, you are free to go back to your home and do whatever it is you do in your free time. Just do me this one favor, please."
My jaw clenched in annoyance as I knew it never ended with one favor when it came to vampires. It has happened to so many witches before. They become someone's on call help which I refuse to become a part of.
Yet I recalled Hayley thanking me for helping her and guilt started to spread through me at the thought of letting her down by refusing to help. I don't have many friends and she seems like she could be a good one.
A sigh left my lips. "If you make me regret this, I'll make your life a living hell."
I hung up and immediately went into my messages. It was only right that I inform my favorite witch that I was going to be performing a small locator spell and that I'd appreciate it if she didn't tell Marcel.
For some reason, she looked up to him as her family because he saved her. That was the only reason that I didn't try to drag her out of the attic that she was in.
Mud smeared over my high heeled boots as I grimaced at the sight. It's official. I hate nature and everything it has to offer. After informing Davina of my activities, I went to the house the Mikaelsons were staying at.
As expected, there was no one there so I took the liberty of grabbing Hayley's belonging and using it for my locator spell. Which led me to the one and only Bayou. Home of cursed werewolves.
In a way, it made sense for a werewolf to go to other werewolves but Hayley never expressed that need when we were together. Disappearing out of thin air doesn't seem like something she would do, it's too rash.
She knew the trouble it would stir up and she'd know people would look for her. Something's not right about it, I can feel it.
"What do we have here? Is the famous Olivia Hade lost in the big, bad woods?"
I stopped my movements as a sigh left my lips. There was no need to turn around, I already knew it was the infamous Klaus Mikaelson behind me.
Knowing he was here only made me regret doing Rebekah that favor since it seems her brothers are already on the case.
I turned around to see him leaning against one of the trees and looking at me with that devilish glint in his eyes. God, I hated how smug he looked.
"Not lost, only busy with trying to find your child's mother. Rebekah called, asked for a favor." I replied.
"I wasn't aware you and my sister were such good friends." Klaus commented.
A hint of a patronizing tone filled my ears and I scowled at his words. He's bolder than I expected and less subtle about all the ideas of manipulating me in his head.
It was clear he wanted to use whatever good relations I had with his sister. Too bad we weren't actually friends and I was only doing this for Hayley. Well, her and her unborn kid.
However, wherever I go, there's Klaus Mikaelson trying to lowkey seduce and manipulate me.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have a strong dislike for your family and the way you manipulate people that you consider to be beneath you." I snapped.
He furrowed his eyebrows as I turned around and wandered deeper into the woods. Hayley has to be here somewhere.
Klaus's footsteps could be heard following me and I rolled my eyes as I had hoped he would leave me alone. My teenage self is swooning from all the attention yet my current self finds it extremely annoying.
I don't know what's worse. Him trying to flirt or him trying to manipulate me. Sometimes both.
"Is that what you think this is? Just another ploy to have a witch on my side?"
"You're saying it isn't?"
Using his vampire speed, he was able to show up in front of me blocking my way. His head was tilted to the side as he observed me, not even caring that I knew he was doing it.
This whole situation was just getting annoying at this point. We keep going back and forth, conversing as if it was going to lead to finding the cure for cancer.
One second it seems like he's simply flirting, the other it's like I'm the key to a very important puzzle.
"Rest easy, love, knowing that the reason I speak to you is simply because I enjoy your company." Klaus said.
I raised my eyebrow finding that difficult to believe. He didn't give me a chance to reply though, as he sped through the woods searching for Hayley. If he's going that way, I'm going to go to the opposite side.
As I moved branches out of my way, I pondered over his words. I don't even know why they're stuck in my head. It's not like Klaus Mikaelson's existence mattered to me in the slightest.
Him saying he enjoyed my company was very unexpected though. People usually found me too snarky or mean while he seems to take special joy in hearing me insult him and his family.
The guy daggers his family, kills for fun and is overall just a crappy person. I don't see how any kind words could make me like him or see him as more than a master manipulator.
I did, however, hate that it felt nice to hear him say he enjoyed my company.
"I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time."
My eyes quickly tried to locate Hayley as her voice could be heard from not far from here. I moved some branches and accidently stood on some twigs.
It was then that I was slammed into a tree with a hand loosely wrapped around my throat. No damage was made to my neck and I could breathe normally, but it served as a warning.
Elijah was the one who grabbed me.
"Elijah, let her go! She wasn't the one who took me." Hayley said.
She ran up to us as Elijah let go of me. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me and I took a step back so I wouldn't be so close to him.
There was something about the way he was looking at me that made me uncomfortable. He wasn't exactly my biggest fan when I met him for the first time at their house.
"Forgive me. It wasn't my intention to frighten you." He apologized.
A scoff left my lips as I rubbed my neck although it didn't hurt. I think I was more surprised by the ambush than frightened. Here I was thinking Hayley actually needed my help.
So far this whole helping others thing hasn't really worked out in my favor. Rebekah owes me big time for having to go out and socialize with other people. It's exhausting, especially without magic.
I frowned. "Your family loves to irritate me, don't they? Rebekah wanted to know if Hayley was okay. Considering she's with you, I'd say that she was."
After seeing the way he held her in that pool while her life was in danger, I knew he cared about her. Still not quite sure if there were any kind of romantic feelings between them, but their fondness of each other was clear.
While Elijah was looking for Hayley, I'm assuming Klaus went after whoever kidnapped her. It's nice to know where people's priorities are in this messed up family that I ended up helping.
"You seem very eager to help out a stranger. Care to explain why?" Elijah asked.
Once again, that scepticism about me showed up. Although it was annoying to know he sees me as an untrustworthy person, I can't say that I see him as anything different.
I'm a witch, he's an Original vampire. Our species tend to lash out at each other until a new enemy shows up. Sometimes it's werewolves, sometimes it's other creatures in the night.
"Eager isn't a word I'd use. More like, your sister will owe me a favor which I intend to collect at some point in my life." I replied.
Might as well be honest since he obviously doesn't have the highest opinion of me. It's not like he's rude, which I would expect from vampires, but he does have that aura of smugness and arrogance that I despise in them.
Who am I to judge though? I have all of that too except I'm like that by making, not nature. The fact that Hayley can stand them is really difficult for me to grasp.
"You know, you're almost not bitchy when you're worried. It's growing on me." Hayley replied.
A smirk spread over my face as she nudged my shoulder with hers. Okay, fine. So maybe, on some deep level, I actually wanted to help find her and make sure she's safe.
That realization crossed my mind when I saw how relaxed she was with me. You save a woman's life once and she actually likes you.
Honestly, that's the first time that has happened to me. Usually nothing changes the dislike people feel towards me.
"I better get going before you turn too soft on me. You two need a ride back?" I asked.
It felt silly to ask a pregnant werewolf and her vampire friend who probably had a fancy car if they needed a ride back. Elijah seemed to think the same as me because a faint smile flickered over his face.
He looked more relaxed and free when he smiled. All of the Mikaelsons did, despite their differences in looks. I guess they didn't have a lot of reasons to smile though.
"We have business to discuss with Niklaus, but your offer is appreciated." Elijah replied.
I nodded acknowledging his words as Hayley gave me a quick hug. It was over before I even had the chance to process it was happening.
She and Elijah turned to go in the other direction as I looked at them. I have a feeling that this is only the start of something bigger, something I won't be able to hide or escape from.
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