"May I help you?" Elijah asked.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I stood at the mansion's porch. Rebekah had texted me saying Hayley was under the influence of a dark object and was burning up.
Since it was Sophie's fault that Hayley and the baby were in danger, Rebekah thought I was the second best witch to fix it. So I arrived at the mansion only to be greeted by the Mikaelson brother who I thought was still in Marcel's grasp.
Guess their plan worked out in the end. I hadn't stuck around long enough to see the plan go through.
I rolled my eyes. "I don't have time for this, dude. Either you let me in or I leave you alone to deal with your sick werewolf problem."
A hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes. The Mikaelson siblings were all so full of mistrust. Not that I blamed them, I didn't trust them either. Yet you'd think after everything I've done, they'd show a little more confidence in my abilities.
This probably isn't the best way to introduce myself to the Third Mikaelson sibling, but I don't have time for him to interrogate me about why I'm here.
"Oh, I thought I heard someone complaining. Let her in, Elijah, she's a friend." I heard Rebekah say.
My eyebrows lifted at the friend comment. I barely know her and her weird ass family. I wouldn't exactly classify us as friends, but whatever keeps them from ripping my throat out.
Elijah moved out of the way though not before narrowing his eyes at me for a moment. I walked inside only to be led to the pool by Rebekah.
Sophie was there with a sickly pale Hayley whose eyes met mine. A weak smile formed on her lips as I reached her.
"You really have terrible luck." I commented.
Hayley hummed in agreement as Rebekah and Elijah joined us at the pool. His eyes were solely focused on Hayley as concern filled them.
It was clear he cared for her and the baby she was carrying. I didn't know if he liked her as more than a friend, but he did care for her wellbeing which was equally surprising.
I haven't seen a vampire who cares for someone other than themselves in a really long time.
"She's burning up. We need to do this now." Elijah said.
"Get her in the water." Sophie said.
Hayley held on to me as Elijah entered the pool first. His arms awaited Hayley as I helped her enter it. If she has a fever, we could use the water to help lower the temperature at least for a little bit.
It won't stop the inevitable, the death of the baby, but it will buy us time to find another way out of this. Judging by Elijah's cool demeanor, he had a plan in motion.
"I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help." Rebekah said.
I rolled my eyes. Her lack of enthusiasm isn't helping the situation. Witches may be a pain in the ass sometimes, I'm the best example, but we do have helpful and effective advice.
The situation isn't ideal yet Sophie is managing quite well without my help. Truth to be told, I would've done the same thing if I had gotten here first. Perhaps then Elijah would've been less reluctant to let me in.
"The water with the help of the herbs should cool them down. Olivia, give them to Hayley." Sophie ordered.
I took the bowl from her and entered the pool. My body tensed at the cold and I was reluctant to go further but I fought my own instincts. My clothing was getting soaked and I hated the feeling.
I reached Hayley and helped her drink it. She was breathing heavily and I could see the pain etched onto her face.
She won't last for much longer, whatever they have planned needs to happen already.
"You're gonna have to get her heartbeat down." I told Elijah.
"How do you suggest I do that?" He asked.
For a second I thought he was mocking me, but I looked at him and saw only sincerity. He might not have trusted me before but now he has to if he wants to save Hayley and her baby.
I swallowed a lump under his intense gaze. I don't want to say anything that might be wrong because then he'll blame me if it doesn't work. But I don't really have a choice.
"Hold her. It's a natural reaction of the human body to slow down the heartbeat." I said.
"This is never gonna work." Rebekah complained.
I turned my head to glare at her. Hayley is in a bad state as it is. If she starts panicking, it'll only get worse. Rebekah's lack of optimism isn't exactly helping the situation.
I may not be a ray of sunshine, but at least I can lie to people. These Original vampires should learn a thing or two from mortals. Hayley needs to believe everything is going to be okay, even if it isn't.
"Davina will break that link. We just need time."
I froze at Elijah's statement. Davina was supposed to be tucked away safely in an attic. Marcel promised to keep her safe and away from the Mikaelsons yet it appears he has failed. God, I wish I could go and see her.
If I do and someone sees where I'm going, they might follow me and discover my location. The witches are still after her. I can't put her in danger, she's just a kid.
"I can't breathe." Hayley said.
A frown planted itself onto my face as she started gasping for air. I didn't know the girl well, but I bonded with her in the Bayou. She and I share a similar story.
We were both in foster care and we knew what it was like to be alone against the world. After everything they've put her through, she deserves to have the link between her and Sophie broken and her baby to be safe.
"Take long, deep breaths. Hayley, look at me. Long, deep breaths. Just focus on the sound of my voice." Elijah said.
A scream left Hayley's lips and she held on to her stomach. I bit my lip in worry as I paced around the pool.
There was an odd need inside of me to protect that baby, to prove it wasn't going to be evil nor a disappointment. It doesn't deserve to feel like a monster.
Maybe I'm being selfish when comparing it to myself and the childhood I had, but there's something inside of me that doesn't want that to happen to it.
All of a sudden, Hayley stopped screaming and took deep breaths.
"I just felt a lift." Sophie said.
A sigh of relief left my lips as I went to the pool. Elijah led Hayley to me and I pulled her out of the pool. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as she shivered against the cold.
We were both a soaking mess, but at least the baby was safe. Water dripped down Hayley and onto the ground as she gripped the towel tighter around herself.
"Elijah, as soon as your brother finds out that the link is broken. He'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything. But please, don't let him kill her," Sophie begged the eldest Original, "Elijah, she's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him."
He used his vampire speed to leave the pool and to reach his phone. He called Klaus and reassured Sophie that Agnes wouldn't die at his brother's hands. That's a damn shame.
I would've loved to see the fear in her eyes as Klaus took her life. Perhaps then the covens would leave me and Davina alone. If the last elder dies, there will be no one to finish the harvest and Davina will be free.
"I know you were just using me to save your people... but try it again? I'll kill you." Hayley warned Sophie.
She held on to me as I helped her into the house. I glanced back to see Sophie staring at the water with a pained expression on her face. What did she think was going to happen?
She blackmailed the Original vampires and put their hybrid brother's miracle baby in danger just to get rid of Marcel.
A plan that Klaus seems to be either avoiding or reshaping with every moment that passes.
Trusting vampires is never a good idea, whether it's through blackmail or friendship, it never ends well. If Sophie hadn't promised to get rid of the covens off of my back, I wouldn't have gotten involved in this mess.
Yet as I help Hayley sit on her bed and dry her hair, there is something in me telling me to help her. But helping her means cooperating with the creatures I don't trust and getting involved into something that doesn't concern me.
"Thank you, for helping me and my baby. It means a lot." Hayley spoke up.
I jumped a bit at the sound of her voice as it broke the silence we were in. Her brown eyes looked at me with more gratitude than I've ever experienced in my life.
As people who grew up without anyone on our side, any act of kindness was appreciated. It felt odd to know she was actually glad I was here.
"If your baby truly is the devil reincarnated, I want nothing more than to meet it. Imagine all the fun, evil activities we could do." I said as sarcasm filled my voice.
An amused smile popped up onto her face at my words. We both knew I didn't believe for a second that her child was evil.
There was something about everyone wanting to kill it because they deemed it dangerous that made me protective of it. I've spent a big part of my life being told that my power was dangerous and that that made me an abomination.
What kind of person would I be if I let someone go through that again?
"Glad to see we're all besties now. Here, you're dripping on the floors."
Rebekah threw a towel and I caught it with my hand. I rolled my eyes at the besties part of her speech. I'm starting to think that a friend to the Mikaelsons is anyone who doesn't try to kill them.
I used the towel to wipe my arms before using it on my hair. Both Hayley and I were still wet from our adventure in the pool.
"How thoughtful. Does the besties package include borrowing me some dry clothes?" I said.
"Also, do we get warm beverages as a hooray that we haven't died today?" Hayley added.
Rebekah rolled her eyes at our words. She won't lack clothes, and if she does then she can just compel herself some new ones. Though I think we won't be getting those beverages.
A playful smirk tugged on Hayley's face as she glanced at me. Perhaps this won't be a completely awful experience after all.
"Don't make me regret this. I'm already surrounded by obnoxious siblings, I don't need you two stirring up trouble, too." Rebekah retorted.
She walked away to fetch some dry clothes for me as I sat down on a chair in Hayley's room. My eyes flickered to her baby bump while she wasn't looking.
In there somewhere was a tiny person that doesn't deserve all the hate it's getting and I'm going to make sure it doesn't get hurt by people who can't understand how extraordinary it is.
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