"Thank you for doing this." Sophie said.
I walked alongside her as we made our way to the voodoo shop.
It's not like I had much of a choice. She basically marched into my flat, said she could make the covens leave me alone if I agreed to do a small favor for her.
Apparently she was tightly involved with the Mikaelsons. Klaus has a brother and a sister who also decided to drop by New Orleans. She wanted me here as backup, I guess.
"Just remember your part of the deal. I help you deal with whatever Original vampires business you've got going on here and you make the covens stop insisting that I join them. They're a pain in the ass." I grumbled.
When magic was still allowed, I was stronger than most of the witches. The covens claimed it was because of my Hade genes, an ancient coven run by my family.
However, all I know about being a witch, I've learnt on my own or from a lone witch here and there. I have no desire to be part of a coven, especially one as annoying as the New Orleans ones.
"Don't worry, they want Marcel taken down as much as we do."
As we neared the shop, I spotted the blonde Original. She paced impatiently in her high heels with a look of complete and utter boredom.
Her facial structure was a little different than her brother's. Though they both had the same aura of arrogance around them.
Her eyes narrowed upon seeing me accompany Sophie.
"Oh, so glad you could make it. Elijah only lies daggered and rotting whilst you dilly dally," she glanced at me," and who the bloody hell is she?"
I glared at her as I crossed my hands over my chest. If she doesn't want me here, I'll gladly leave her on her own.
She asked for Sophie's help and Sophie asked for my help. I don't even know what we're doing here and I get the feeling that neither does Sophie.
"Olivia Hade, always a pleasure to meet an Original." I said.
Sarcasm laced my voice as she raised her eyebrow not impressed at all. I don't want to be here any more than she wants me to be here.
My paintings aren't going to make themselves and I can't just compel people to give me money like vampires can.
The one perk of being a vampire is that you make people do whatever you want. As long as they don't drink vervain or aren't a witch. We're immune to compulsion, thankfully.
"You're lucky we came at all. What do you want?" Sophie asked.
Rebekah decided to hold her tongue when it came to complaining about my presence. Though I could see she wanted to.
"Hayley was attacked last night by Marcel's crew because somebody told him there was a werewolf in the Quarter. She only made one stop. Whoever saw her here ratted her out. Watch and learn." Rebekah told us.
We entered the voodoo shop following the blonde Original. She pretended to be interested in the necklaces as a sigh left my lips. The place was run by Katie, a witch that I barely conversed with.
We know each other, but I've never bothered to hang out with her or even talk to her. Witches and I usually didn't get along, no matter what the circumstances were.
"Hey, Soph. Hey, Olivia." Katie greeted.
Sophie greeted her back while I only nodded my head in acknowledgment. The sooner this is over, the better. Rebekah's strategy was working so far.
Pretending not to want to kill Katie and find out why she ratted out this Hayley girl. From what I've gathered, Hayley Marshall is a pregnant werewolf whose baby daddy is Klaus, which shouldn't be possible.
"That's filled with marigold, great for attracting the opposite sex, would look awesome on you." Katie complimented Rebekah.
I rolled my eyes at the typical salesperson sentence. You want to sell your products, we get it, but don't lie about our looks. This is why I have trust issues, along with a very tragic backstory that doesn't even deserve to be told.
Anyway, Katie was also wrong about the necklace. Rebekah is more classy than the tourists that come to New Orleans. It wouldn't suit her.
"I very seriously doubt that. Do you have any others, one with, say... I don't know... wolfsbane, perhaps?" Rebekah asked.
These Originals really don't know how to be subtle.
Katie isn't stupid, naive maybe, but Rebekah's insinuation was quite clear. I guess you don't need brains when you've got super strength and speed, let's not forget compulsion.
If we were allowed to use magic, these vampires would be running from us. Not the other way around.
"Wolfsbane? Why would you want that?"
There was a hint of fake innocence in Katie's voice. Unfortunately for her, we were already aware she was the one who put Hayley and her baby in danger.
Rebekah used her vampire speed to grab Katie by the neck before throwing her onto the counter. Her grip on the girl's neck didn't waver once. My jaw clenched at the sight.
I hated vampires more than anything, but even I had to admit Katie deserved that.
Rebekah scowled. "Please do not play dumb with me."
"Rebekah!" Sophie shouted.
A part of me was amused that Rebekah didn't give a damn if a random tourist walked in and saw this mess. If only I could do what Rebekah's doing.
I don't mean it in a vampire way, I just want the ability to defend myself again. Not being able to use my powers is irritating and frustrating at the same time.
Finally, Katie gave in. "I just sold the werewolf some herbs. That's all."
"Are you lying to me, Katie? I suggest you answer my question honestly." Rebekah demanded.
Katie begged us to help her. We remained quiet and I noticed that was causing Sophie some regret.
She should really pick sides already. I don't like Rebekah that much, but we already agreed to help her so we might as well not feel guilty for it.
"Yes. I told someone but you don't understand. I-I love him." Katie said.
Rebekah threw her off the counter and onto the ground. A huff left my lips at the mess she was making.
Katie coughed for air and held on to her neck. She was obviously in a distressed state because of Rebekah's little attack.
To be honest, I hadn't expected her to let her live after what she did. It seemed that that baby's safety was all that mattered to her.
"Then tell us, who is this vampire Romeo of yours?"
It didn't take Sophie too long to figure it out. She and Katie were pretty close.
"Are you out of your mind? No way."
Like I said many, many times before, vampires don't care about what harm may come to others as long as they get what they want.
That much was clear from the conversation I was having with Sophie, Klaus and Rebekah.
I ended up getting dragged to the Originals' mansion to have a nice chat about their plans. Klaus's first reaction to my arrival was surprise then a hint of satisfaction.
Guess he still wasn't giving up on finding out what made me so respected in Marcel's eyes.
"It's very simple," Rebekah argued, "we need you to perform a teeny, tiny locator spell to help us find our brother."
The spell was intended to find their third sibling, Elijah Mikaelson. None of this will get Marcel off his throne. Sure, getting their brother back is important to the Originals but not to the witches.
All we want is for Marcel to be gone, well that's what matters to me at least. I'm only here to protect my friend from getting hurt by witches or vampires. The only way to do that is to play double agent.
"Witches who use magic in New Orleans get caught and they get executed." I reminded them.
"Yes. About that, it seems Sophie left out a crucial detail when we made our deal." Klaus said.
He sat down in the armchair next to me. His eyes flickered over to mine and he flashed me a smirk before turning his attention back to Sophie. I rolled my eyes at Klaus and his crooked smirks.
Rebekah narrowed her eyes at the two of us. I could tell she was still wary of me and I couldn't blame her. Our species don't get along very well and neither do our tempers.
Klaus looked at Sophie. "Marcel's secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic."
"Girl about yay high, cute as a button, anger issues." Rebekah commented.
My body tensed at the mention of my friend, Davina Claire. The only witch that I could ever call a true friend.
No one except Marcel knew that I knew where Davina was and that I sometimes visit her. I couldn't do it as often as I wished to since I'd attract unwanted attention.
Sometimes we texted, sometimes she'd send me small messages using magic since she was the one who could sense if a witch was using her powers.
"Davina? Where have you seen her?" Sophie asked.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. The only reason she was interested in her was because she thought Davina was the key to bringing her dead niece back.
"I don't know. The little brat erased my memory right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind." Rebekah said.
My jaw clenched at her insulting Davina. Davina was many things, but she most certainly wasn't a brat. The girl had to watch as her friends were slaughtered and she thought she was going to be next.
Until Marcel saved her, that is. It was me and Kierran who gave him the address and time it was going to happen. Since I wasn't part of the coven, I couldn't participate in the ritual nor did I want to.
"Let me cut to the chase. Davina has Elijah. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is. Ergo, we need magic."
Klaus made it seem so simple. If it was, the witches would've gotten their hands on her already. Something I wasn't going to let happen.
"Davina would sense it." Sophie pointed out.
"Unless, of course, another witch. Say, a traitor to the cause, Katie for example, was to perform a much more powerful magic at the same time," Rebekah shrugged, "that would create a smokescreen concealing your very small spell from Davina."
It's a well thought out plan. This way, Marcel will never find out they used magic nor will he know that they know where Elijah is.
I'm almost ashamed that I didn't think of this plan myself, though I don't have hundreds of years of experience.
Sophie hesitated. "Katie doesn't deserve to die."
Klaus slammed his hands on the table and I jumped at the sound. Flashes of some uncomfortable childhood memories resurfaced and I tried my hardest to conceal them.
This was not the time nor place to reminisce about troubled pasts. Not that I wanted to relive my traumas. Some wounds never heal, not even time can help me now.
"Sophie Deveraux... You're in no position to be so principled. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be. How many times have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't, your sister executed in the public square for practicing magic who knew she'd be caught. Did she even attempt to flee?"
I hope his speech has a point. If she doesn't agree to help them, they might turn to me and I did not want to be caught in the crossfire. Being a double agent is easier when you're on the sidelines.
"She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi." I replied instead of Sophie.
"And who, pray tell, in Marcel's valued inner circle manages his business at the docks?" Klaus asked.
My mind connected the dots. Klaus wasn't only manipulating Marcel, he was also doing the same to Sophie. It made him a dangerous opponent.
Sophie swallowed a lump in her throat as she knew as well as I who ran the docks for Marcel. It was so beautifully planned that it almost seemed too perfect.
"Katie's boyfriend. Thierry."
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