Appendix B - Sentient Creatures & Critters
Anadomites - Microscopic metal eating organisms
Archapids - Large scavenging insects, often found residing among the stones of old buildings
Bloodhawks - Birds created by the Predation. Avian killers with bladed wingtips. Typically deployed during a siege to spread panic and chaos among the defenders on a fortress' walls
Boak -Thick skinned reptile hunted in the south for its meat and skin. Capable of eating its prey whole and then vomiting up anything it can't digest
Borak - Large, ugly, semi aquatic hairless animal. Bred for meat
Broindell - Heavy reptilian riding beast. Originally used for hunting boak, but also often favoured by mercenaries
Brutger - Mountain dwelling creatures from the highlands of Flammel. Many brutger make their living transporting and trading highland spring water in borderland towns in the southern deserts.
Buscets - Large flying insects
Corpse-gulls - Vagrant sea birds, commonly found in coastal areas of the lost lands. Carriers of the blood coral disease, their bodies are often covered in open, rotting sores. The collective name for a group of corpse-gulls, is a 'banquet'
Crak - Bright red scavenging birds
Chivrahl - Huge armoured beings that live in the lands beyond the western
Crennil - Yellow skinned, flying mammal. Likes to hunt Redbugs in the Blood-grass
Felgar - Related to Madriel. Used by ranchers to herd Tragasaur
Genisian - Long lived inhabitants of the southern desert
Ghat - Hermaphrodite herd animal from the mountains- bred for its fleece and its milk
Grenkep - Large animals used for pulling waggons
Gulljamlet - Mythical beast that supposedly lives in the deserts of Kla
Hamabird -Flightless birds bred for meat. Originating in the eastern isles
Herredna - Tribe of creatures that dwell in the barren hills. Once inhabited the
plains around Klinberg until conquering noble houses drove them away
Hydrayet - Fast moving riding beast
Javac - Riding beast of the Order of the Hills and High Places
Juddra - Large beasts of burden. Used for hauling wagons by the Engineers
Kaddena - Vicious plains dwelling creature
Karabok - Bipedal herd animals of the plains. Chief diet of the Madriel pride
Khlith - Tribe of creatures that dwell in the western marshes
Krebian - Small reptile. Often kept as pets
Krieve - Creatures of the swarm mind - Predators of the southern deserts
Madriel - The riding beasts of the Order of The Plains
Masdon - Beasts of burden used by farmers to pull wagons
Metal crousks - Large metallic crustaceans, often utilised by the Engineers for the purposes of pest control
Minotaur - Horned biped, named because of its resemblance to the mythical creatures of ancient earth. Of reasonable intellect, capable of using many types of weapons, though many favour the war- axe, or double bladed great-spear. They once acted as the core-guards of the Predation.
Mowmok - Small multi-limbed simian - originally lived in the Cusp Jungle - Many can be found in the Growers. Highly sophisticated linguistic skills
Panak - Bird with long spines that live in the Cusp Jungle. Spines are often worn in the hair by the Cusp natives
Pihratis - Giant insectile creature with large bladed fore-limbs and spiny hind-limbs. Vicious, but not very clever.
Rachnid - Creature that builds spikes of sweet tasting edible wax to attract insects for food
Ramrok - Mountain dwelling hibernating creature
Razorbeaks - Large vicious riding birds - Often favoured by outlaws
Redbugs - Fat flightless insects that live in the high protein blood-grass beneath Cherossa trees
Ruteia - small scaly plains dweller - Often domesticated and used on farms for pest control
Silth - Huge predator that lives beneath the sands of the southern deserts. Lays its eggs inside its prey
Sithkall - Creatures of the Predation. Beasts of instinct. Created for hunting
Tragasaur - Large reptilian creature, farmed in the north for its hide, which is waterproof and highly durable
Vesk - flightless, colony dwelling insects. Often kept in pyramidal hives in gardens, their hive syrup is often used in the production of hive wine
Volus - Predator of the plains and the hills and mountains of Monmellier
Zule - Exoskeleton animal used for pulling carts and small waggons
Corpus-demon - **CLASSIFIED**
Caust-demon - Demon capable of vomiting corrosive venom
Prowl-demon - Quadruped demonic hunters. Mid size demon, but still terrifying
Titan-demon - The largest demons ever created by the Predation. They were the ultimate terror weapon during the wars, capable of devouring entire town populations
Endocrath - Linguant-demons - Commanders of the armies of the Predation
Nadidge - Chameleon like sub-demon assassins.
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