~Chapter Twenty~
You heard the doorbell ring and you went to go get it. You opened the door to a very happy green ninja. "Hi boyfriend!" You greet Lloyd and he chuckles and pecks you on your lips. "Hi girlfriend!" He said and you let him inside. "You told anyone about us yet?" You ask as you take Lloyd's dark green coat and hang it on the rack by the door. "Yeah! My parents." He says as he sips he shoes off.
"Ooh how'd that go?" You ask as you make your way over to the kitchen to make some ice cream. As you grabbed the bowls and the ice cream, Lloyd sat in on one of the stools. "At first they thought I was joking, since sometimes I joke around, but once they realized I was serious, they gave me a big hug and congratulated me. They said that they knew that I was gonna get with you sooner or later. Since...you're my first uh love, and first relationship, they ended up giving me a lecture on how to be a boyfriend." Lloyd said with a chuckle.
You smiled and passed Lloyd a bowl of ice cream, "Just be yourself Lloyd! Being in a relationship isn't hard. You'll be fine." You said and put a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth, sitting down on the stool next to him. "Thanks, I'll keep note of that. So, did you tell your dad yet?"
"Nope, not yet but he'll find out. Always does. It's a samurai thing." You say with a chuckle. "What about Jessie?" "Nope! But she's got her weird ways of finding out." "And uh...what about Jason? How's he uh..taking it?" "I don't know, haven't talked to him since I broke up with him yesterday."
Lloyd nodded and gave a frown. "Hey it wasn't your fault. We just..weren't meant to be, but you and I were, and I'm sure of it this time." You said and gave him a small smile. Just then your dad came in, "I thought I heard Lloyd in here! Haha hey buddy!" He says and Lloyd smiles and gives him a small wave. "Hi!" He greeted him back. "Anywho! Alex, I'm off to the store to get some stuff real quick, want anything?" Your dad asked you.
You shrugged and leaned your head on Lloyd's shoulder, as he put his arm around your waist. "I dunno, a bag of chips...more cereal..maybe an-" "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOU TWO!" Your dad yelled and you both got startled. "Alex!! Did you break up with jason? For Lloyd?" Your dad asked with a grin forming on his face.
"Yup. Lloyd's my MVP now." You said and Lloyd laughed. "Woah okay, so...just to be clear, you don't need to cry about the breakup or anything right?" "Nope. I did all that yesterday. When I came home. That's kinda why I didn't talk to you." You said sitting up now.
"Ohh okay. Well Lloyd, before I congratulate you or anything, I'm gonna give you a little talk. But first, I need my suit." Your dad said as he cracked his knuckles and glared at Lloyd before walking away. "Okaayyy?? Should I be...scared?" Lloyd asked you feeling confused.
"He did the same thing to Jason when I first dated him. He's gonna test ya first to see if you're the one for me. But he does it his own weird way." You say as you get both empty bowls and put them in the sink. "How?" "Can't say. I sorta told him I wouldn't give details about what he's gonna do if stuff like this happens." You then make your way over to the living room couch.
"Anywho! How about, you, tell me one weird thing about yourself! Can't start a relationship without knowing one weird thing!" You said sitting down next to Lloyd. He smiled and thought for a minute till he thought of something. "So, my dad was a brunette, and so was my mom! But, as you can see, I'm a blonde!" He said and you were actually surprised. You quickly did a punnet square in your head, "How?! How is that possible?! You should be a brunette too!"
Lloyd chuckled and shrugged, "Unless my mom drank from a magic golden flower and I came out blonde and I was given energy powers!" "Haha What?!" "Haha you don't remember Tangled?" "Ohhh yeah!! Haha took awhile." "So what about you? Anything weird I should know?" You then think for a minute then you thought of something. "I'm not ticklish." You stated. Lloyd smirked, "Oh really huh?" "Yup." "Now see, that's sad, you're sitting next to the Lloydster! I'm a master at tickling! And well, every once and awhile I tickle people!" You chuckled and folded your arms.
"Sounds cute but I'm not ticklish!" "Everyone's ticklish! Even my friend Zane! And he's a Nindroid!" "Well I'm just one of those people who aren't ticklish!" "We'll see about that!" He said and got up then started tickling you. You tried to keep a straight face and be still but after 2 minutes, you bursted out laughing. "OKAY! OKAY! I LIED! HAHAHA LLOYD! STOP! HAHAHA!" You laughed and Lloyd laughed too. "When it comes to tickling, I never stop!" He said and continued.
"Oh that's it! You're on!" You said then rolled yourself off the couch and jumped on Lloyd's back. Lloyd laughed and held your legs so you wouldn't fall off. You two laughed and laughed until you both stopped laughing when someone appeared in front of you two. "Oh, uh Jason! How'd you get in?" You ask him and got off Lloyd's back. "Your dad let me in." He said and you nodded.
"Actually Alex I...came here to talk to Lloyd. I figured you two would be here." He said and you were actually surprised. "Oh uh ok. As long as you two aren't gonna start a fight." You said and they both nodded and you headed to the kitchen to grab some water, leaving Lloyd alone with your Ex. Lloyd felt pretty nervous standing in front of Jason, wondering why he wanted to see him.
"So...this is the part where you tell me that you still love her and then I've gotta be the overprotective one and then we start fighting. Right?" Lloyd asked him. Jason smiled and shook his head no. "Nope. Well, yeah, I still love her but I'm trying to get over her. But anyways, I really care about her Lloyd. I just want you to take care of her. Promise me?" He said and Lloyd smiled at him. "Of course! She's in good hands I promise you." Jason smiled and gave a bro hug to Lloyd. "Thanks man." Jason then made his way out of the house.
You hear the door close and you walk back to the living room. You find Lloyd sitting on the couch. "He didn't threaten you did he?" You ask as you sit down on the couch then lay down and rest your head on his lap. You look up at him and put your hand on his cheek to make sure he wasn't slapped or punched. "It's alright! He played it nice with me." Lloyd said and put your hand down. "So...what'd he tell you?" "He just wanted to make sure that I'd take care of you. That I promise him that." You were surprised but then you chuckled.
"That's nice of him. Wasn't expecting that actually. But clearly, he still loves me." You said and he nodded. "Yup, he told me. But he said he's trying to get over you so I found no reason to throw a punch." "Alrighty. But Lloyd, I've gotta tell you something." You said and he nodded. "Yeah what is it?" You smirked, "Come closer." Lloyd brought his face a little bit closer to yours. You still smirked, "ready for this?" "Yeah what?" You then wrapped your arms around his neck and crashes your lips into his.
Lloyd grinned, not at all surprised by it. You sat up a little so you could get more comfortable with the kiss. As you both kissed, you so had no clue that Jessie had arrived. "Alex! Oh my gosh! I've got to tell you the weirdest dream I had last night!" You heard her say. You opened your eyes to see her not paying a bit of attention to you two. You chuckled then sat on Lloyd's lap and continued kissing him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back.
"It was weird mate! And very British if I do say so myself! So! Here's what happened, Dan, Phil, Pj, Chris and I went to a fancy restaurant and ordered a roast dinner because we were broke! Of course the table ordered more fancier food than us, but Chris' acting skills were on point as he went 'Obviously they are too posh for our blood!' and we laughed."
"I somehow ended up sitting behind a security camera laughing at Chris doing a weird dance near the window and PJ was paying. We then went to the tube, or we thought we did but we ended up at my grans trying not to hit our heads on her 5'4 ceiling. We also had tea at Greggs... My dreams are weird but it's definitely one of my favorites." She finally finished.
Jessie ends up staring at you both for a minute before realizing what was going on. "BLOODY UNDERWORLD! ALEX AND LLOYD WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE QUEEN ARE YA DOIN'?!" She yelled and you both let go and burst out laughing. "Oh my gawd you two! When did this happen?! Alex! Why didn't ya tell me mate!" She said with a grin forming on her face. "One, this, happened yesterday after I broke up with Jason, and two, why tell you when you always end up finding out anyways!" You said with a chuckle.
"Haha Alright, I see the point. But, alex! You broke up with Jason! Do you need a hug or something?!" "I'm fine Jess, I did all that yesterday. Jason's fine too." "Alright lex, if ya say so. Sooooooo!!!! Lloyd! I see you have it going on! Hmm?" Jessie says with a smirk. "W-what??" Lloyd said with his eyes widening. "You know what! You sly dog!" Jessie said with a laugh then made kissing noises. That's when you got up and pushed her to the door. "Alright Jess that's your cue to go back to your home!" You said as she laughed the whole way to the door.
"But I'd rather stay and eat popcorn while watching you two do couple stuff!" She said and you rolled your eyes and pushed her out the door. "Bye Jessie." You said and closed it before she could say another word. "She's gone?" Lloyd asked as he walked up behind you. "Yeah, and good riddance too sheesh." You said with a chuckle and head back over to the couch to sit back down.
"Hey, how come you always wear your hair in a braid? I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair out." Lloyd says as he starts playing with your plat. "It gets in my way, if I had it tight and secure in a braid, it wouldn't be in my way." "Can you take your hair out?" Lloyd asked with a grin. "Haha, no." "Pleaaasseeee?? I'm curious!!" "Nope." "Then I'll do it!" Lloyd said as he began to unbraid the plat. "Lloyd!!!" "Don't worry! I'll braid it back up." He says as you feel your hair loosening.
He finished and your hair was out in flowing waves. "Ugh." You said as you folded your arms. "So that's what you look like! You have nice hair." Lloyd says as he plays with it some more. "Yup, you are still annoying." "But you love me." Lloyd says with a smirk. You growl and he chuckles. Just then your dad jumps in the living room in his full samurai suit and pointed his sword to Lloyd.
"Woah woah woah! What gives?!" Lloyd says as he puts his hands up in surrender. "State your name and your business here." Your dad said with his helmet on that covered his face. He had the voice modulation on which made him have a deeper voice. "I-i'm Lloyd M-Montgomery Garmadon, A-and I-i only wanted to hang out with Alex." Lloyd said nervously since the tip of the sword was one inch away from his face.
You rolled your eyes at your dad wondering what the point of al this was for. Your dad stayed in that position, not saying a single word. About 3 minutes later he put the sword back in his scabbard and grabbed Lloyd by the shirt collar and lifted him up. Your dad was pretty strong after all. Lloyd looked pretty terrified which was your dad's plan. You could tell he was glaring at the poor boy. "You have been encountered with my daughter. Describe your feelings towards her." He said and Lloyd gulped and nodded.
"I-I always get B-butterflies in M-my stomach when she's around, A-and I uh, always think about her and uh um, M-my heart races and all that. A-and um-" "haha aw Lloyd!" You said and your dad turned his head toward your which meant he wanted you to be quiet. He looked back at Lloyd. "So you are her significant other?!" He asked him with his voice getting louder. Lloyd nodded.
Your dad put him back down and let go of him. Before Lloyd could relax, your dad drew out his sword again, pointing it at Lloyd. "My rules state that you cannot have that girl until you prove to me that you will be able to protect her. Challenge me." He says and your eyes widen. "Dang, he's real serious about this." You murmured.
Lloyd made two energy balls appear in both his hands, he now had determination on his face. "Sir, I am the green ninja, I'm pretty tough. If you want me to prove to you that I'm worth Alex, then I accept the challenge." Lloyd said and you blushed hard at how sweet Lloyd is.
Your dad was in stance for 2 minutes then returned his sword back in his scabbard again. He then stood up straight and took off his helmet and Lloyd made his energy balls go away. "Mr. Lloyd Garmadon." Your dad says in his normal voice. "Yes sir?"
"Congratulations, you passed. I believe you make a perfect fit for my daughter." He said and shook his hand. "Thank you sir." "But just remember this. Hurt my daughter once, and I'll see to it that you never, see the light of day. Do I make myself clear?" Lloyd cleared his throat and nodded.
"Good boy!! Whew I forgot how hot this suit is! Haha well I'm gonna take this off and then I'm going to the store." Your dad said with a grin and left the living room. "NICE WORK DAD!" You yelled from the living room. "SCARED HIM FOR YOU PUMPKIN!!" He yelled from somewhere in the house.
You laughed and Lloyd sat back down. "So, what the heck just happened?!" Lloyd asked. "Like I said, he was testing you to see if your the one for me. You actually did better than Jason. When it came to the last part, Jason threw a weak punch and my dad ended up bursting out in laughter!"
"Haha really?" "When your scared you get weak, he can fight, but of course, not like you." "Oh ok." "Yeah, but I believe you have some hair braiding to do." You said and pointed to your hair. Lloyd chuckled, "Alright alright! I'm working on it!" He said as he put all you hair in the back and began braiding your hair. "Wait, you do know what your doing right?" "Oh, you'll see!"
After 2 minutes of silence, you can't help but ask, "So, you know about my friends, but..I don't think you actually told me anything about yours." You said as you felt your hair tighten. "I dunno, should I tell you?" "Hey, it's cool! Only they can't know anything about me! I'm the secret, not them."
Lloyd shrugs then nods, "Alright. I've got 5 of them. The red ninja, is my friend Kai! Master of Fire. He's the closest out of all of them. He comes to me for advice, and I go to him. He actually is the only ninja that knows that I have a crush on someone." He says and your eyes widen.
"You didn't-" "relax! I didn't say your name! I swear!" "Alright, continue." "Anyways, he's the hot head of the group, very impatient but pretty loyal. The black one is Cole. Master of Earth. He's always hungry! He can't cook and he's pretty strong. I train with him a lot. The blue ninja is Jay, Master of Lightning. He's loud. Sarcastic. Loves to make jokes and inventions. Oh and he's a gamer."
"Him and I play pranks on the others all the time. The white one is Zane. Master of ice. He's a robot ninja so we call him the Nindroid. He was very wise and smart. Sometimes you needed a dictionary when around him! Haha, ahh, I miss him...Anyways, the 6th one is Nya! She's the sister of Kai and Jay's girlfriend. She's tough, like you, also loves to invent things. She's a samurai! And yeah! That's pretty much my squad!"
"Wow you have a lot of friends. I'm lucky enough to have Jessie, and Jason if he still wants to you know..so uh, your uncle is your Sensei?" You said. "Yup. Sensei Wu. When we're in that monastery, he was the one to stop us if we were in trouble. Haha we get rowdy sometimes." You chuckled and then Lloyd let go of your hair. "Your all set Alex! I think you'll like how I braided it!" Lloyd said and you felt your hair. "Oh my gosh, Lloyd what did you do?!" You said as you got up and went to the mirror By the front door.
"It's a braid! Not a bunch of knots I swear!" He said following you. You looked in the mirror and gasped at the sight. "Lloyd you did a fishtail braid what the heck?! How?!" You said with a grin forming on your face. "You'd be surprised how bored I ended up being in Darkley's." He says folding his arms with a side smile on his face.
"It's a perfect braid too! Oh my gosh!" "Haha yeah, I also learned how to cook, sew, and do an evil laugh!" "Dang okay. Well thanks Lloyd, I love it! You'll definitely have to teach me how to do it like that!" You said with a smile and gave him a hug.
"Yeah of course! Just don't tell anyone else that I can braid...or sew." He said as he hugged you back. You chuckled, "Mhm." You said as you buried your head into the crook of his neck. You really liked hugging Lloyd. Something about being in his embrace made you feel, secure. "Lloyd." "Yeah alex?" "I really love you." You said, now looking into his emerald eyes. "You too Alex. You too.." Lloyd says with a smile. "How about one more Hershey kiss." You say with a chuckle. "Haha fine. Just one more." Then you two link your lips for another, Hershey's kiss.
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