"I don't even know why I'm even asking you questions but, I totally remembered that you're the freaking Golden Ninja!! I have to know what it's like!" You two carefully go down a hill. Lloyd chuckles, "You mean, used to be the Golden Ninja." He says and you get confused. "What do you mean 'used to?' You don't have the power anymore?" "Well, it's kind of a long story." "We've been in the forest for three days now we've got plenty of time!" You said as you land on flat ground again.
"Well alright, as you know, 'The Golden Master' aka the Overlord, took over Ninjago for a bit." He starts off. "Yeah! The city was totally destroyed and we had to start over again. Luckily he didn't get to the villages yet." "Yup, he had golden power which made him strong but before the power, he was weak, basically a computer virus." "Ohh is that why we had to switch to our manual appliances!? You should have seen Jessie when almost all her tech had gone mad! She was so pissed."
"Haha well anyways, he wanted my golden power, and eventually-" "You were captured and you were stripped of your powers..." "...yeah, exactly. Which eventually made him 'The Golden Master' and sadly....resulting in Zane's death." Lloyd says sadly and you both stop walking.
You frown and put your hand on his shoulder. "He's still gone...isn't he?" You ask and he looks down and nods. "Yeah, but his memories live on." He says with a small smile. "Well you still have my condolences." "Thanks I guess." He says and you smile.
(A/n: Found this on YouTube so I figured, why not! Haha you can play it now. :D)
Just then you get a incoming call on your watch and you answer it. "OH! YOU PUT MY LIFE IN MOTION YOUR LOVE, MAKES ME WANT TO GIVE ME ALL ALL ALL OH! OH OH ALL! I'M READY SET GO READY SET GO! SO LONG I'M NOT HOLDING BACK ANYMORE! LIKE AN ENGINE READY TO EXPLO- OH OH OH! OH OH ODE I'M READY SET GO READY SET GO!" Jessie and your boyfriend Jason sing obnoxiously loud.
"THIS LOVE IS SOMETHING EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW!" "HEARTS ARE CALLING." "NO MORE STALLING." "ITS JUST READY-" "SET GO!" Jessie finishes and then gives a high five to Jason. Then the two continue singing and you get annoyed every second. Eventually Jessie saw you glaring at them and she shushed Jason and turned off the music.
The two blushed in embarrassment and nervously smiled at you and Lloyd. "Why the heck did you call and sing that ridiculous song?!" You asked them getting pissed. "Must've pressed the wrong button! Hehe whoops." Jessie says and you roll your eyes. You looked at Lloyd and he chuckled.
"Yeah! Don't be a hater Alex! It's our favorite music group!" Your boyfriend says and Jessie nods in agreement while you roll your eyes. "Anyways, Lexi bear I missed you so much!!" Jason says and you smiled at the ginger boy and his freckles.
"Babe!!! I missed you too!" You cooed and he chuckled and blew you a kiss and you blew him one back. "I figured you both wanted to see each other! Haha so I invited Jason over!" Jessie says proudly and you smile widely. "Yup! Also here to assist Jessie at base when your father or Sensei Garmadon isn't here! Speaking of which, you're working with the golden ninja!! Lucky!! Where's Lloyd?!" Jason said excitedly and you chuckled and looked at Lloyd with a smile.
Lloyd looked at you nervously and you gestured for him to talk. Lloyd showed himself to the screen and the smiles of Jessie and Jason lit up. "It's actually just 'green ninja' again, I uh lost my golden power a month ago." Lloyd says and the two get shocked. "Yeah I know, shocking. But I'll explain later." You tell them and they nod. "So how long have you two been out there?" Jason asks but you gesture again for Lloyd to answer.
"About three days I guess. It's day three now." He says. "Oh cool! So what's the awesome plan you two are gonna do when ya get there?" He asks and both you and Lloyd stop and stare at each other. All this time you two didn't have a plan of action for when you two would actually get to the place! "I guess we gotta come up with one later." You said and Jessie shakes her head in disappointment.
"Well you two better make it soon! The Master of Sound was just taken! And her collection is increasing heavily!" She says as she types away on the keyboard. "What?! What do you mean her collection is increasing heavy?!" You ask and she furrows her eyebrows. "There are 17 elemental masters all together. Including her, Master of Absorption, and the ninja with Lloyd and a deceased Zane....sorry mate." "That's okay." Lloyd says with a reassuring smile.
"Oh! And two unidentified elements which aren't popping up on the screen." Jason says and shows jessie something on the screen and she nods. "So far she's got Speed, Form, Sound, Poison, Mind, Nature, Gravity, and Smoke. She's still got a lot to go though but she's quick. She's probably got some minions or something to kidnap them, so be on the look out since you two are getting closer, they might be trying to get you Lloyd. Just a warning." She says and you two nod.
"Jess, how's the vehicles coming along?" You ask and she turns around and turns back. "Still have some more process to go through but hopefully tomorrow we can get some testing started! I mean I can't send you something that won't work! Obviously." She says with a chuckle and you roll your eyes.
"You guys could probably get one more night of rest. You'll need your energy for whatever comes your way." Jason says and you smile. Lloyd chuckles and makes an energy ball appear in his hand. "Well I kind of create energy so I should have more than enough!" He says then makes it go away.
"Oh ha ha Mr. Power Ninja, you and your smart remarks!" You say and he chuckles. "We should get started on those vehicles, and you two should set up camp! Sun is gonna set soon and the temperatures are gonna go even lower!" Jessie says and you smile. "Alright alright, night guys!" "Good night!" Lloyd joins in and you all wave to each other. "Sweet dreams and be safe Lexi bear!" Jason says and you chuckle and blow him a kiss. "Will do babe! Night! Miss you!" "You too!" He says and blows you a kiss back.
"Oh my gosh just hang up already!" Jessie says and hangs up. "So, let's set up camp again!" Lloyd says and you nod and you two begin to prepare for the cold night stay in the woods. As you and Lloyd were setting up the tents, you needed a piece just on the other side of Lloyd. As you began to go get it, you tripped on one of the corners of the tent and fell right on top of Lloyd! You two blush madly as you both notice how close your faces were to each other.
To you, this was a really awkward moment and you had no idea why you were so clumsy all of a sudden. But to Lloyd, all of a sudden, he felt different about you, but he didn't understand what he was feeling. He looked up at your face and his heart started to race. You cleared your throat, "Uh...sorry about that, guess you're not the only one that's clumsy." You said and quickly got off Lloyd. Lloyd laid on the ground still in shock and you looked at him confused.
"You getting up or what?" You ask him and Lloyd blinks his eyes several times to snap himself out of whatever was going on in his head. He quickly sits up and starts blushing, "Oh uh yeah...hehe sorry about that. I uh...zoned out for a bit, I guess." He says and stands up again. "Well c'mon! We gotta finish the tents! It's getting cold." "Uh you go ahead, I uh...gotta get some more wood for the fire. Yeah, more wood." Lloyd said before walking away.
You sigh and finish putting up both tents by yourself. Eventually you finished setting up camp and you had started to warm up something for you and Lloyd to eat. While watching the food warm up by the fire you sat, and waited for Lloyd, wondering where he could have gone. Soon the food was good for eating but Lloyd still hadn't returned. You took a bite and called up Lloyd on your watch. First ring, no answer, you dialed again getting worried.
The second call, Lloyd finally answered and you started to relax. "Lloyd! It's been twenty minutes! Where are you?" You said and Lloyd pulls down his green bandana and gives you a nervous smile. "Sorry I uh was fighting off two of Leiko's minions. I'm on my way back. So much for getting extra wood huh." He says and you get surprised. "You were what?! Aw! I wish I was there! Really wanna kick some butt right now!" You said and he chuckles. "Trust me you didn't miss out anything. I'll meet you there." "Alright, see ya." You then hung up.
5 minutes later Lloyd came back, but with some kind of armor in his hand. "The heck is that?!" You ask him as he drops it on the ground. "The guys had it on, they were unbelievably tough, every energy ball I threw at them, this armor seems to be protecting them of my powers!" He explains and you look at it carefully.
"It's...it's samurai armor...but it's not like mine though, this armor was made with a different, stronger material. I'll send it to Jessie and see if she can figure out what it's made of." You said and scanned the dark silver breastplate and sent the information to Jessie on your watch. "I guess they kinda did resemble features of a samurai. She must have an army of them." Lloyd says and sits down next to you.
"Samurai are strong warriors Lloyd, of course she'd want the strongest people on her side. It'd be like a sturdy shield protecting her. But luckily I'm also a samurai, pretty sure I can take them on." "So, you take on the defenses, while I get the elemental masters?" "Yup. Once I'm done and once the elemental masters get to safety, if you want, we can both take on Leiko." "Alright but once we get to the actual hideout, how are we gonna get in?" He asked.
"Well obviously we're not gonna barge in there, we've gotta wait till the coast is clear. Then sneak in, I mean you are a ninja. But we've got to be ready for whatever is in there, and I'm talking traps." You said and then laid down on the grass. Lloyd mirrored your move and also laid down on the ground.
Silence filled the both of you and only the crackling sounds of the fire could be heard. "Lloyd?" You ask still looking up at the tops of the trees which covered your view of the sky. Lloyd flipped on his side and looked at you. "Yeah Alex?" "Will we...make it back? I've honestly...never been on a mission like this before." There was a silence from Lloyd for a minute, until, "Well there's a first time for everything. As long as we're together, I uh mean as a team...then yeah, we'll make it home. Why the question though?"
You bite your lip of the thought in your head but you sighed, seeming Lloyd could be trusted. "I thought I ask because...I-i, I'm worried. I mean I get worried. Missions are dangerous and anything could happen. Sometimes I worry and doubt...what if I never make it back? I-i just have the feeling inside every time and I don't tell anyone about it though. I guess it builds up inside me and it...creates a fear. I'm...scared, if we won't make it back. Like I mentioned before, I'm not the strong samurai everyone thinks I am." You explained then sigh again.
"We'll make it, I promise. We're in this together which means, you've got my back...and I've got yours. I'm going to make sure we get home safe. Nothing bad will happen to us." Lloyd says to you and you smile, feeling safe. "Thank you Lloyd." You say with a yawn. "No problem Alex." You heard Lloyd say before you fall asleep. Lloyd didn't fall asleep just yet though, he kept his gaze on you, with his own thoughts in his head.
'Why am I feeling this way?' 'What am I feeling?' 'She's just my friend...right?' 'Why do I have this weird feeling in my stomach?' 'She's so...pretty.' 'Why is my heart beating so fast when she's around?' 'Ugh! I need to focus on the mission!' Lloyd thought in his head. He laid on his back to stop himself from staring at you and the thoughts left his head. He sighed in relief and went to sleep, hoping he'd be back on track tomorrow.
A/n: Finally a chapter!! School is getting freaking cray cray with the homework which is why I haven't been uploading like I have before. :/ hopefully with the holidays coming up I might get more time to work on them but hopefully :) Song at top is Ready Set Go by Royal Tailor Feat. Capital Kings. Luckily I found an awesome Lloyd clip to go with it lol XD
And here's a question for all of you awesome people out there!
I've been thinking of making a lil blog book here on wattpad and it'll have my rl stuff in there, and also my Oc life in Ninjago! :D so would you guys wanna see what I go through everyday? Or nah XD comment if you think I should do a blog book :D and don't forget to leave a vote! :)
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