Jungkook woke up under bedsheets, a pounding feeling in his head, and dryness in his eyes. He licked his chapped lips and looked around- and then gasped when he saw familiar grey hair beside him.
Taehyung was sleeping on the same bed, shirtless. Jungkook's eyes widened. Oh god, did something happen last night?
Jungkook sat up and tried to remember instances from the night before- but it all seemed like a blur. Nothing fit, everything was too misfit to be conjoined. But what he found- what he found were bruises on the sides of his hips.
He gulped. He got up from the bed, even though it strained to do so. He quickly put his boxers on and then saw his jeans and sweater in different parts of Taehyung's hotel room. Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was still sleeping, and his eyebrows frowned when he saw a weed bong on the table.
Jungkook got dressed rather quickly and then bent down to put on his shoes- but jolted when he felt a sharp pain in his lower backside.
Suddenly Jungkook remember. He remembered bits from the night before.
He remembered how drunk he was, how stupidly drunk he was- all because he thought Jimin ditched him and because he heard Eka talking about what a great boyfriend Taehyung was. He let that stupidity go to his head and got himself crazily drunk, and-
Wait, Jungkook remembered. Taehyung was never drunk, was he? No no- now Jungkook remembers what the strange fragrance in the room was. Taehyung must've smoked a lot the night before- but he wasn't drunk, no.
So he wasn't drunk, but Jungkook was? And both were in the bed together, naked, and-
Jungkook put his hand over his mouth and rushed into the washroom, flipped up the toilet seat cover and threw up into the toilet.
He breathed heavily after lurching, and then flushed it and got up quickly, washing his mouth. "Oh- you got up before me," A raspy deep morning voice came, and Jungkook looked into the mirror in front of him and saw Taehyung leaning against the doorframe, shirtless and wearing sweatpants.
Jungkook gulped and turned around, brushing past Taehyung and get out of here. "Let me guess," Taehyung snickered, and then looked at him. "You're mad at me?"
"Am I not supposed to be?" Jungkook snapped, looking at Taehyung, who rose his eyebrow. "I was drunk as fuck last night, V. I don't remember a single thing!" Jungkook shouted.
"Yeah, I bet you don't," Taehyung said, and Jungkook frowned.
"What's wrong with you? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?? Knowing I was drunk off my ass you still-" Jungkook began, and then took a step away from him. "Taehyung I don't know what you did- but I trusted you. I-I thought- I thought I trusted you but-"
"Jungkook-" Taehyung began, taking a step towards him. His eyes were bigger. "Listen, w-what I did last night- I was high as fuck-"
"That's not a fucking excuse!" Jungkook snapped, opening the door of the hotel room. Taehyung grabbed his arm.
"Okay, woah, why are you getting so angry? After what you told me last night?? About some plan you had of hurting me?" Taehyung said, and Jungkook gulped. "I mean- I just- I got really angry and-"
"So you decided to take advantage of me?" Jungkook said, and Taehyung frowned.
"What? Jungkook no, I-" Taehyung began, but Jungkook pushed him away quite roughly, making him stumble back and follow onto the floor.
"Don't ever touch me again, you fucking asshole!" Jungkook shouted, and then rushed out of his hotel room, and turned around and instantly met with Eka.
Jungkook's eyes widened, and Eka's did too. "Jungkook-" She began, but Jungkook turned away and rushed off, brimmed with anxiety.
Eka looked into the hotel room, where Taehyung was on the floor. She walked in, closing the door behind him. There was a bit of a silence.
Taehyung looked up at Eka and then gruffed. "That was you last night, wasn't it? Outside my room?" Taehyung asked in a mumble.
Eka snickered. "Of course it was."
Taehyung gulped. "D-did-" Taehyung began. "Did you see what happe-"
"All of it, V," Eka said, and Taehyung tensed. "Or whatever parts were important."
Taehyung got up from the floor and looked at her. "Eka-" He started, and then looked down. "Don't tell anyone- you know it'll ruin everything for me. It could get me kicked off the football team-"
"Will get you kicked off the football team, V." Eka snapped. She pointed her thumb towards the door. "You saw what that Captain dude from the other team was doing last night. He thought no one saw him! And today I heard his teammates discussing kicking him out,"
Taehyung gulped. There was a small pause, and then Eka turned around. "Plus it was disgusting, frankly. It was weirder, y'know V- because he was drunk," Eka said, and Taehyung tensed.
"I know. I know it's weird and disgusting- but I didn't know you were there," Taehyung said. "Eka seriously- don't be one of those people that goes and spreads this shit around just because I broke up with you-"
"As if I want to get back together with you!" Eks snapped, and then snickered, looking at him, dark hair falling down her shoulders. "You know what- since last night basically confirmed everything for me, I'll say it. I slept with the goalkeeper from the Seoul team two nights ago and you're a fucking faggot!" Eka snarked, and turned around to walk out of the hotel room, slamming the door shut.
Taehyung's muscles tensed, fists balling up. He took a deep breath. No, no I'm not, Taehyung thought, tried, begged himself. He sat down on his bed, covering his face with his hands. God fucking damnit, his mother would be so disappointed.
Taehyung grabbed his wallet and opened it to take out the small picture he kept of his mother. He took it out and felt tears graze his eyes, felt the warm salty tears slowly leave his eyes. He wanted to say- he wanted to say sorry. But he couldn't bear to look at her face, knowing the mortification she'd receive if she was alive.
So he put the picture away and sighed to himself. Don't cry, he thought. He remembered his father's harsh voice. Men don't cry.
"Everyone sit on the assigned train seats- and don't move around too much. Remember there are other passengers aboard, let's not try to disturb them too much," The Coach said, and everyone- the football players and cheerleaders, all nodded. They were on their way back to the school.
Everyone was either hungover as fuck or simply tired from the exhausting trip. They were more than glad their efforts had got them to win. The cheerleaders won the cheerleading competition too, so that was great. Eka was the captain, but everyone knew it was Seulgi and Momo who did 99% of the word.
Jungkook sat with Jimin with his head on the boy's shoulder. Jimin looked down sadly. "I-I'm really sorry for leaving the party last night. I saw you hanging out with Bambam and stuff so I didn't think-" Jimin began. He paused and then sighed. "I shouldn't have left. I-I'm so sorry, Kookie."
"It's okay," Jungkook said. "You had fun with Rose though, right?"
Jimin smiled a little, but still looked weary, not in the mood to smile. "Kook, are you sure you're right about this V thing? I mean- maybe you were just imagining stuff." Jimin said, and Jungkook looked at him. "I'm not trying to say undermine your words- I just- I can't believe V would do such a thing. Taking advantage of you when you're drunk? I mean, we know he's a scumbag, but he's not that bad, right?"
Jungkook looked unsure, and Jimin bit his bottom lip. "I mean- Yoongi told me he saw the Captain from the Ilsan team getting kind of close to you and touching you in the corner of the room- and V punched him in the face and then picked you up and left. The guy broke his nose. He had to be taken to ER." Jimin said, and Jungkook's eyes widened.
"What? R-really? I didn't know that happened..." Jungkook trailed. "But still. These kind of boys who become Captains and stuff.. they think they have power over you and do things because they know they'll never get backlash for it." Jungkook mumbled. "It sucks."
"I know. Rose was telling me how she and her friends never go to big parties because all the boys get really drunk and touchy." Jimin said, and then frowned. "I'm- I'm really sorry about what happened, Kookie. We should tell the Coach. Or- or the principal. Or just all gang up on him and beat him up."
Jungkook snickered. He looked out the window. "Yeah. Sounds fun."
"Aw, you guys look like a couple of boyfriends," Jaebum taunted to the two of them, and Jimin frowned- but Jungkook just sighed. He couldn't take it. Couldn't take the constant homophobic bullshit.
Jungkook got up from his seat and walked past Jaebum. Jaebum looked at him, raising his eyebrow. "Jeez, no need to get so sensitive."
"It's not you," Jungkook snapped. "I just need to tell the Coach something," Jungkook mumbled, and began walking towards the train carriage with the teachers.
Jungkook suddenly heard footsteps come up to him. "Jungkook no!" He heard, and started walking faster, but then felt someone grab his arm- so he turned around. It was Eka.
She looked almost a little fearful, breathing heavily. "Look- don't tell the Coach anything," Eka said, and Jungkook frowned.
"What? You don't know what this is about-" Jungkook began, and Eka looked at him sharply.
"I do. I was there last night." Eka said, and Jungkook frowned. "I-I-" Eka began and then sighed. "I know how to lockpick. And I thought V was cheating on me, so I tried lockpicking into his hotel room."
Jungkook gulped, and Eka looked at him. "I think we should talk. Let's sit down." Eka said, and Jungkook looked hesitant, but then saw Eka sit down on an empty seat, pointing towards the seat beside her. No one else was in this carriage, so Jungkook sat down beside her.
"I don't think you remember last night clearly," Eka said, and then began explaining to him what really happened.
Eka took the hairpin from her hair and stuck it into the metal lock. She twisted it around and then pushed it open ever so slightly, and grinned when the door opened. She looked in, and her eyes widened when she saw Taehyung.
Eka's eyes turned into dark slits. She knew it. She knew he was cheating on her! All this time... there had to have been someone else. Eka looked. It was some short haired bitch-
But then Eka gasped. It wasn't a short haired bitch! It was Jungkook!
Eka peered from inside the door and then saw Jungkook mumbled something. She saw Jungkook roll onto the bed and then saw Taehyung stand by the bed, looking a little distraught, a little confused.
"I-I thought you- um-" Taehyung began speaking- and holy shit, Eka hadn't seen him stutter, like ever. "Thought you did that b-because you wanted us to be fuckbuddies again?"
Fuckbuddies??? Oh my god, WHAT?? They were- They were fuckbuddies??? What?!
"No," Jungkook giggled, looking at Taehyung with his big eyes. "Only wanted to hurt you~" Jungkook slurred, and then giggled again. She saw Taehyung helplessly open his mouth, but no words came out.
He looked so vulnerable, so weak, so unlike himself. She saw as Jungkook took off all of his clothes and threw them all over the place, whining. Eka was a little grossed out, but then saw Taehyung pick up the pipe and climb onto the bed right beside him.
"You were so easyyy, Taehyungie~" Jungkook slurred, and Eka realized that must've been V's real name. "Looked so- so pathetic, wanting to fuck me,"
Eka gulped. Wanting to fuck him? Jeez, was V gay for Jungkook?
She saw Taehyung trace his hand down his hip gently as he looked at Jungkook. "And tell me this," Taehyung said, voice raspy because of the weed. "You're really drunk, right? You won't remember a singly thing tomorrow, right?" Taehyung said, sounding angry.
Jungkook mumbled something about how he was doing to pass out soon. Taehyung only nodded and mumbled "Good."
"I-I can't move," Jungkook said in a weak voice. Taehyung looked at him, eyes solemn.
"Ssh, baby," Taehyung whispered, putting his hand on Jungkook's thigh. "It's alright." He'd continued, and then Jungkook closed his eyes for a little.
Taehyung leaned down and pressed a chaste, lingering kiss onto Jungkook's forehead- and fuck, he looked sad. Really sad. Jungkook looked up at him as Taehyung's hand went to his hip. "A-are you going to fuck me now?" Jungkook asked in a squeaky voice.
"Ah, Jungkook." Taehyung chuckled, voice rough. "You know I can't resist you." He whispered, pinching Jungkook's hip. Jungkook gulped and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
Eka looked, forgetting that they might see her. She saw as Taehyung looked at him for a little longer and then lay down on the bed beside him, looking at him like he was the prettiest thing on the planet.
"You know I wouldn't be able to say no to you-" Taehyung said sadly, a little chuckle leaving his lips. He grabbed Jungkook's hand, taking another hit of the weed. "Wouldn't be able to stay away from your dumb big eyes and stupid-" Taehyung began, gulping down, voice slightly wavery. "Stupid bunny like self."
He was high, Eka thought.
"That's why you wanted to hurt me, wasn't it? God, I'm so annoying. I really did fall for your every move. Over a stupid Instagram picture, too." Taehyung mumbled to himself.
I knew it, Eka thought.
Taehyung sat up, and now Eka wondered if he was talking to himself, or if Jungkook was awake. "I could've killed that guy from the party. How dare he fucking- he even think about hurting you like that??" Taehyung snapped, and Eka saw Jungkook reach his nimble fingers out to touch Taehyung's arm.
"Y-you-" Jungkook's voice started, and Eka realized he hadn't passed out. "You s-scared me just now, T-Taehyungie." Jungkook squeaked, and Eka saw him cover his face with his hands. "T-thought you were going to be meanie to me."
Taehyung looked at him. Eka saw Taehyung get up from the bed, put the bong on the table, and then help Jungkook sit up on the bed. Jungkook's hair was all over the place, and his eyes were glittery. Taehyung kissed his cheek.
"Of course not, baby," Taehyung whispered, looking into his eyes. "I-I know you wanted to hurt me- but I would never hurt you- not like that. Never like that." Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook looked at him with his big eyes.
"B-but you-" Jungkook began, pointing at his nose. "You were t-touching me very rough." Jungkook mumbled with a little pout, looking down sadly.
Taehyung's breath hitched. "I-I don't realize sometimes," Taehyung said. "Don't realize how rough I can be with you. S-sometimes when I think of you-you and your- and your smile, and your eyes, and your stupid way of always looking so fucking cute I-" Taehyung began, and then smiled a little. "I get so o-overwhelmed I end up hurting you,"
Jungkook put his hands on Taehyung's cheeks, squishing them. "You don't like mee~" Jungkook said, shaking his head. "Noo, TaeTaehyungie- you're just mean mean mean. You only like girls and-" Jungkook began. "And Eka. You loveeee her, don't you?" Jungkook asked, leaning in until their noses touched, Jungkook's eyes big.
Taehyung smiled a little. "As much as you love Jaebum."
Jungkook burst into giggles, falling onto the bed. "B-but I hate him!"
"Exactly," Taehyung said, getting up from the bed. Eka frowned from outside. Bitch.
She saw Taehyung pick up Jungkook's sweater which was on the floor. She didn't know why she was still watching, it was just... weird. Taehyung was acting like a different person altogether. Like Ed Sheeran had taken over his body or something. He was never this lovey-dovey!
"Baby you should wear your sweater, you'll get cold," Taehyung said, and Eka grimaced. Baby??
"No T-Tae," Jungkook said, shaking his head. "I hate!!! Clothes." Jungkook growled, and picked up his sweater and chucked it across the room, and then giggled when Taehyung frowned.
"You know, for someone who just told me you purposely wanted to break my heart," Taehyung said, and then kneeled down to look at Jungkook. "You sure are being really cute right now."
"I'm not cute." Jungkook said with a frown. "Bitch, I'm adorable."
"Okay," Taehyung sighed, and then lay Jungkook down on the bed and grabbed the blanket and pulled it over him, tucking the boy in. Taehyung grabbed the bong and took another few hits. He smiled at Jungkook. "You're the cutest boy in the whole world," Taehyung said.
Jungkook giggled. "You're acting weird, Taehyungie~"
"Yeah, I'm high as hell," Taehyung mumbled, and then kissed Jungkook's forehead. "Go to sleep, babyboy."
"Okayyy. Tell Jimin..." Jungkook mumbled, closing his eyes and getting all comfortable. "T-to tell me tomorrow... " Jungkook yawned cutely, scrunching his nose. "To-to be mean and distant to you on the train..." Jungkook mumbled, falling into sleep. "....so you get sad.." Jungkook trailed, words mixing together. "...and I get revenge...." Jungkook dozed off in the end, and then fell asleep.
Taehyung looked at him for a few seconds and then leaned over him, kneeling over the side of the bed. Taehyung gulped and grabbed his chin. The boy was asleep, but Taehyung pressed a soft, quick, lingering kiss to his lips.
Eka gulped. She saw everything that happened, had all the proof she needed, and then ran off.
Taehyung climbed onto the bed, watched videos of bunnies eating cabbage for an hour while crying and then went to sleep.
"W-what?" Jungkook stammered, and Eka hummed, leaning against the train window. "Wait... if you went away, then how do you know he watched videos of bunnies eating cabbage while crying?"
"I don't know I made that part up. But he didn't... take advantage of you, Jungkook." Eka said, and Jungkook looked away. "He's slept with all of my best friends and almost every girl on the cheerleading squad. Every one of them has told me he doesn't do anything until he has the girl's full consent and stuff. He's an asshole at times, but he's a decent human person, at least." Eka said.
Jungkook gulped. "I don't know, Eka. How do I know you didn't make all that up to save his ass?"
"He's been cheating on me and fucking a guy from the football team, what the hell makes you think I'll do anything to save his ass?" Eka snapped, and Jungkook rose his eyebrow as if saying you just did.
Eka sighed. She looked outside. "Well, I didn't want you thinking he did something so heinous to you. I know you hate me, and that's understandable, but you can trust me on this one." Eka said, sounding more serious than Jungkook had ever heard her.
Jungkook looked at her. "Thank you," Jungkook said. "A-and I'm sorry. For- for fucking your boyfriend."
"Eh, it's fine," Eka said, looking out the window. "I fucked yours too, so it's cool."
Jungkook laughed. "V's not my boyfriend."
"I'm not talking about V," Eka said, and then looked at Jungkook. "I mean your other one. Y'know," Eka said, and then nodded. "Jimin."
"What?!" Jungkook shouted, and Eka frowned. "Jimin didn't tell you? Yeah, we slept together some time ago."
"What?! What?! What?!" Jungkook snapped repeatedly, this information not registering in his brain. "Wait- what?! When?"
"I don't know..." Eka mumbled, thinking about it. "Like, two months ago,"
"That's not even that long ago!" Jungkook gasped, eyes wide. Eka rolled her eyes. "God, you're so gay."
Jungkook frowned. "Why're you so homophobic? All offense. Sometimes I feel like you're just a simple teenager looking for attention like the rest of us, but you completely ruin it by being so rude. I mean, yeah, I'm gay- that shouldn't give you the right to treat me like shit."
Eka sighed. "Sorry. I guess." Eka mumbled, looking at him. "My parents are really traditional and stuff. I've been brought up thinking it's weird." Eka said, and then took a deep breath. "I guess- I-I'll try being less homophobic," Eka said, and then looked at Jungkook. "But I still don't like you."
"That's fine. I don't like you either." Jungkook said. "But thanks for telling me. If you didn't, V probably would've been kicked off the football team."
"I get it. I mean, when he joined in the 7th grade he was so lame. All he did was talk about football and how he wanted to be on the Seoul team. I made fun of him back then. He started changing slowly, became a real fuckboy when 8th grade started. Cold, distant, mean. Every girl's dream." Eka said sarcastically, and Jungkook giggled.
"Football's his entire life. I mean, I've only ever seen him so passionate about two things. Maybe you don't see it, but while cheerleading, you can see how intensely he feels about the game." Eka said, and Jungkook hummed and then tilted his head.
"Two things? What else have you seen him so passionate about?" Jungkook asked, and Eka looked at him, and for the first time, he saw a slightly soft smile.
"My ass."
"I'm kidding." Eka snickered. "You. I saw the way he was talking to you last night. That definitely wasn't just the weed. I mean, he was so fucking gay. If he was two years younger, I would've beaten his ass up." Eka joked, and Jungkook frowned. She huffed. "Sorry."
Jungkook looked down, biting his bottom lip. He was passionate about Jungkook? Maybe there were feelings in there somewhere.
Jungkook got up from his seat. "Nice talk," Jungkook said, and then looked at her. "But Eka- please don't tell anyone about V. Please. Very few people know and- and it'll break him if everyone finds out."
"Fine... guess I'll delete the pictures I took," Eka said in a joking manner. Jungkook frowned. "What pictures?"
Eka snickered. "I'm kidding. By the way, who else knows?"
"Um... well, Jimin. Obviously. Yugyeom, a little bit. Youngjae..."
"Fucking Youngjae knows?? Wow, what the hell. That's why V punched him, huh? That was hilarious." Eka laughed, and Jungkook shook his head.
"Wow, we'll never be friends. That's oddly comforting. Okay, bye. I need to have a strict talk with V.... and Jimin." Jungkook said firmly and then walked towards his train carrier.
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