"That doesn't make any sense, Jin."
"Well I'm saying it, so it does! Plus, Jimin agrees with me."
"Don't drag me in to this."
"What're you guys arguing about?" Jungkook asked, seated on the floor of Namjoon and Jin's dorm, Jimin beside him, Yoongi on a beanbag, Hoseok on a chair, Namjoon sitting on the floor against the bed, Jin and V on the bed.
"Owls. I'm saying they devour their prey whole, and these guys are saying I'm wrong. V can you search it up?" Jin asked, and V, who was looking at his phone, scoffed.
"Fuck no." V snapped, and Jin rolled his eyes and turned to Hoseok, who took his phone out to search it up.
"Yup. Owls fuckin'... absorb their preys whole." Hoseok said, looking petrified, and Jin grinned, causing V to roll his eyes in return.
"You guys are fucking fun. Why'd I come here?" V grumbled, and Jimin pursed his lips. "Oh come on, V. We're all hanging out. By the way- I heard that the new guy who joined last week is gonna try out for the football team."
"Well if he's any better than Jeon over here I'll take him," V snickered, and Jungkook glared at him. "Fuck off. I'm not that bad."
"Also, new kid? You mean that tall guy that's been hanging out with Jackson and his crew?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin nodded. "Yeah. He's named Yugyeom, I think."
"Sounds irrelevant." V said, and then took his phone and showed it to Jin. "This has to be fake, right? I mean there's no way her ass is actually this huge,"
"Are you talking about that picture Eka posted? Oh yeah, that's definitely photoshopped. Didn't you hook up with her a couple of days ago?" Namjoon asked.
V snickered. "No, haven't hooked up with her for a while."
"Oh.. but you had those scratches on your back the other day.. who'd you hook up with this time, V?" Jimin said with a sigh, and Jungkook gulped, looking at his phone, trying to pretend this didn't involve him.
V looked up, frowning a little. "No one. It doesn't matter."
"Ooh.. she's a secret girl. Now you've gotta tell us. Is it some nerd? A virgin? One of the cheerleader's? Jaebum's girlfriend, again?"
"I said it's no one, guys." V snapped, and Jin gasped. "Protecting her, are you? You're blushing, too! Does our V have a crush~?" Jin teased dramatically, poking his side.
"What? No I don't-" V tried, but Jungkook suddenly looked up, liked the view of V looking embarrassed and caught off guard.
"C'mon, V. You can tell us. Who's got you all blushy?" Jungkook asked with a smirk, and V glared at him.
"Shut up, Jeon." V snapped, but the boys continued teasing, and Jungkook giggled at the look on V's face, and then V suddenly smirked a little.
"I can't tell you who she was. But damn, was she desperate."
Jungkook's smile dropped. What.
The guys began snickering, so V continued, giving Jungkook a look. "Really horny, begging- practically. You should've seen her- she wanted it up her ass-"
"Woah, really? You know she's freaky if she likes anal." Yoongi joked, and the guys started laughing.
Jungkook was blushing wildly, and looked down at his phone again, gulping. The laughing died down, and V just smirked to himself.
"Let's go to dinner, it starts in 5 minutes. I heard we're getting pizza tonight," Hoseok said, and they all got up from their seats and headed for the door. Before V could leave, Jungkook grabbed his arm, pulling him back.
"What the fuck were you doing? I thought we weren't gonna talk about it!" Jungkook snapped, and V frowned.
"You're the one who brought it up in front of them. And I'm only telling the truth, Jeon." V said, pinching Jungkook's side, making him glare.
"Fuck you. I was not needy, and definitely wasn't 'begging'. If anything, you were the one who-" Jungkook started, reaching forward to whack him on the shoulder, but before he could, V grabbed his wrist, grabbing his waist by his other hand and pulled him closer.
"You better tone it down, babygirl. Or I'll have to bend you over my knee and spank you right here," V whispered into his ear, voice sweet and low, small smirk on his face.
Jungkook's eyes widened, cheeks turned pink, body stilled. "W-what?" He squeaked out, and V laughed at his expression.
"I'm kidding dude, chill out. Anyways, let's go." V said, and Jungkook nodded, gulping. What the fuck was that and why did it make Jungkook's stomach take approximately 18 somersaults?? Fuck.
The math teacher walked into the room full of rowdy teenagers looking more than annoyed. "Everyone quiet." She snapped, and everyone quietened and sat down because they knew better than to mess with Ms. Yang when she was angry.
Jungkook was sat in the side in the second row, picking on his nails, feeling more than nervous since they got results back for a test which wasn't too long ago. Jimin was sat next to him, looking a little nervous as well. Probably not as much as Jungkook, though.
"-so anyways, I told him that the whole idea was stupid. And you can imagine, him with his annoying fag friends had to say it out loud-" V said to Yoongi seated beside him, both sitting behind Jimin and Jungkook.
"V, I said be quiet." Ms. Yang snapped, and V gave her a look of annoyance and rolled his eyes when she wasn't looking, which made some girls giggle.
"I have your test results. Some of you did exceptionally well, like always. Some did better than usual. A lot of you still need to stop making silly mistakes." She said, taking out a pile of papers, a tense silence falling across the room.
"Jimin." She called out, and Jimin went up to the teacher and took his paper, looked at it, and then sighed, looking a little relieved.
Jungkook looked at him in question, and Jimin mouthed 93, and Jungkook scoffed. "Obviously." He whispered back, and Jimin giggled.
Yoongi went up, looked at the paper, pursed his lips in annoyance and then went back to his seat and sat down. Jimin looked at him, and Yoongi mumbled "72."
"That's not bad." Jungkook reassured, and Yoongi hummed. "V." The teacher called out after a few more names, and V got up grudgingly, walking over to her. He took the paper from her hands, looked at it, and then laughed.
"You've got to be kidding me," He snapped, and she looked at him sternly. "You left out half the questions, V."
"Yeah, because it's bullshit! Combinatronics isn't going to help me in real life." V snapped, and the teacher sighed.
"Look, V. Your grade is very low right now. If you don't get it up, it could be bad-"
"I don't care. Sports scholarships don't give a shit about maths," V grumbled, and then turned back around to sit down with a slump, scaring everyone around him. The teacher looked annoyed, and Jungkook just gave him a nervous glance, but V was too busy picking on the sides of the paper in anger.
"Jungkook." The teacher called out, and Jungkook got up and walked over to her, taking the paper from her hands, and then looking at it.
"89? Ms, I'm so close to an A+! Can't you just up my grade by one mark?" Jungkook asked, and Ms. Yang chuckled.
"You made silly mistakes, Jungkook. I told you, always go through your work." She said, and Jungkook huffed. "Can't I do something to get to the A+?? I tried really hard this year, I don't want an A." Jungkook said, and the teacher sighed, then looked to the side, and then back at him.
"V's your friend, right? How about this. You tutor him for a little-" The teacher started, and Jungkook's breath hitched. "Think of it like extra credit! If he does well, I'll boost your grade up too. If he doesn't, your grade won't get affected."
Jungkook sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. Thank you." Jungkook said quickly, and then turned around to walk over to V, but then saw some girl sitting on his table.
"Just come over, V. I'll tutor you, babe. You can repay me with your tongue, if you know what I mean." She giggled, and V snickered humourlessly.
"That's cute, Jennie. But I'm good. I don't give a shit about math anyway." He said, and Jennie pursed her lips and sighed, and then got up and walked away.
The bell rang, and everyone took their stuff to walk out. V left his math test on his desk, and Jungkook took a quick peek at it and saw 32%. Yikes.
He grabbed his stuff and rushed out of class, seeing V walking quickly down the hallway. Jungkook rushed up to him, and then grabbed his arm. "V-"
"Don't touch me," V snapped, and Jungkook removed his hand, and then V turned around, and saw Jungkook. "What?"
Jungkook knew he wasn't actually angry. He acted like this all the time. "Ms. Yang said you could use a tutor."
"Ms. Yang can go shove it up her ass."
"She's not that bad, y'know... Anyway- she said if I tutor you, it'd get my grade up too! So let's meet up after football practice? I'll come to your dorm with-" Jungkook started, and V scoffed.
"I don't need help in math, Jeon." V said, and Jungkook hugged, and then rushed in front of him to stop him from walking away.
"V! C'mon, this is better for both of us. Don't be so annoying- let's just-"
"Jeon, I swear to god- if you come to my room for any other reason than wanting to get fucked, I'll get really fucking angry, got it?" V snapped, and Jungkook paused, frown reaching his face.
Before Jungkook could snap back at him, V turned around and walked away, and Jungkook watched him shove some freshmen kid into the wall on his way out.
"Jungkook kick through the cones and then shoot-" The coach snapped, and Jungkook kicked the ball ahead with his feet, going slowly through the cones.
"Faster!" The coach snapped, and Jungkook groaned inwardly and started going through the spread out cones faster, and then in a haste kicked the ball, and saw it went like 4 yards away from the goal.
Jimin, who was goalkeeping, sighed. "Kook you've got to keep your foot straight."
"Sorry." Jungkook mumbled, walking away to go get the ball. He went over and picked the ball up, and then turned and saw V by the end of the cones.
Jungkook saw him rush in really fast, going past and through the cones like lightning, and then shoot the ball in right into the net before Jungkook could blink. Jimin tried getting it, but fell to the floor, gasping.
"Shit, that was good." Jimin said, and V laughed at his expression.
The coach blew a whistle. "Practice is over. Everyone hit the showers. Jungkook, come here." The coach said, and Jungkook sighed and walked over to the coach.
"Jungkook, you need to improve. I don't want to keep benching you." The coach said, and Jungkook nodded, head cowered a little.
"Yes sir. I just don't get any time to practice football outside this.." Jungkook mumbled, and then the coach looked behind him.
"Well, y'know- V comes every morning for an hour to practice-"
"He does??" Jungkook asked in shock, and the coach nodded. "Yes, so why don't you ask him to help you sometime. I'm sure he'd love to tutor you for football-"
"What- no, sir- I can't. I don't want to get tutored by... him. Can't I ask Jimin or something?" Jungkook asked, and then heard footsteps approaching him.
"What's going on?" V asked, and the coach placed his hand firmly on his shoulder. "V, you're going to help Jungkook practice for football."
"What? No- I don't want to. He's fine." V said quickly, and the coach glared at him, and V rolled his eyes. Jungkook pursed his lips in anger.
"You come here every morning to practice, just get Jungkook with you for a few days. Help him figure out his aim and how to dribble properly." The coach said, and Jungkook looked at V, who rolled his eyes.
"Yes sir." V mumbled, and then coach gave him a small smile and then walked off. V looked at Jungkook, who was looking away angrily.
"I'm only doing this because I'm captain and have to care about my team members or whatever. I would much rather die than have to spend an hour with you every morning." V snapped. Jungkook looked at him with anger.
"I don't wanna do this anymore than you do, dipshit! But if I have to get tutored by you, then you have to let me tutor you. Because I need to get my grade up, V, and you're not going to get in my way of me getting an A+." Jungkook growled.
"God, you're a nerd. Fine, I'll get tutored by your dumbass. Tomorrow. 5:30 am. On the field. If you're a minute late, I won't help you" V snapped, and Jungkook stepped close to him, eyes sneering.
"Fine. But tomorrow, 5:30 pm, library. If you're a minute late, you're stuck with that F." Jungkook snapped back, and then walked past him, towards the locker room.
"Jeon!" V called out, rushing up to him. Jungkook stopped and turned around. "You'll still suck me off in the showers, right?"
"Yeah." Jungkook said nonchalantly, and V grinned, slapping his lower back and then jogging off towards the locker room.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, sighing to himself. Give and take, he presumes.
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