Book 1 Chapter 11
Rebecca sat in her office that morning, confused. She had been trying to focus on her patience as several children came in with teeth removals. Opie had been acting strange. It had been close to a week and a half since she had woken up in Opie's bed at the clubhouse. He had asked her on a date, and then they went out. Rebecca didn't ask what they had done. She did not want to know. Becca wasn't stupid; she knew the Son of Anarchy was not a simple motorbike enthusiast.
However, she wasn't going to beg him to change or stop. Rebecca knew that this was Opie's life. It was bread into him. To be with Opie meant to be with the club, and whatever was added. However, it always seemed like he was busy. Rebecca understood that he was busy. She wasn't one to be clingy or needy. But she felt like she was losing her mind. That night when Opie got home, she had already put the children to bed and was sitting on the couch reading a book.
Rebecca didn't know if it was because of the anxiety or just the general happiness she felt when she saw Opie, but she rushed to hug him. Maybe that's why she didn't even consider what was happening when he picked her up and held her against the door, lips on lips. They had sex that night. It was rough with a lot of hair-pulling and nail scratching, but they were running on a high they didn't even realize. Rebecca wanted to chase that high and experience it because, with Opie, she felt it under her skin.
However, that was hard to do when the man you wanted nothing more than to pull into a bedroom and ride like the same bike parked outside was never home. She would go to Opie's home, help with the kids, and with dinner, she formed a routine with everyone. However, Opie was distant. When he did come home, he would take a shower and go to bed. No words.
She felt like a fool. Rebecca wanted to call Sam and tell her about the issue but was terrified of what her sister would say. Sam was protective as she was the first twin born and liked to announce it often.
Instead, Rebecca called Tara. It only took a few rings before the brunette's voice came through the speaker.
"Hey Tar," Rebecca's voice stopped for a moment, not knowing what she would say. "Do. Have. God. Has Jax said anything to you about Opie?"
"No, Jax hasn't said anything. Is everything okay?" Tara's concerned voice gave Becca a sense of comfort.
"Yeah, no. I don't know." Becca let a sign come out before she went into detail, "Opie's been acting odd recently. One day he's asking me out on a date. The next won't even look at me."
"What? That's odd. How about you come to the house later? We can have a girl's night in."
Rebecca couldn't take the smile off her face as she accepted her friend's offer before they hung up. Maybe this was what she needed. A night away from the house, away from feeling like she had done something wrong. Perhaps she had overstayed her welcome. It was only supposed to be a week or two. It was going on for almost a month.
The day couldn't have ended any faster. Rebecca had sent a text to Opie, letting him know she would be out tonight. She didn't get a reply. Maybe he was busy. Denial, but Becca just needed to look on the positive side.
Once in her car, Rebecca made her way to Opie's home. He had given her an extra key that way. She was able to get in whenever she wanted. She needed to do laundry anyway, so she packed all her clothes at the Winston home and grabbed the required items. Going back to her car, she opened up the back seat to place her bag when she noticed Kenny's inhaler in the back seat.
Kenny's asthma wasn't too bad, only when he got himself worked up playing sports. Rebecca signed as she grabbed the small white device and got into the driver's seat. The kids should still be at the TM after getting off the school bus. The drive wasn't long as she made the journey to the shop.
The first thing she noticed when she pulled into the parking lot was the line of bikes. So Opie was there and ignoring her. That fact hurt her more than she would like to admit. She stepped out of her car and noticed Gemma walking out of the office and towards her. Rebecca smiled and tried to act like everything was fine.
"Hey honey, what are you doing here?" the older woman asked, with a confused look. "Tara said you guys were doing something."
"Yeah, I'm on my way to her house now," Becca said as she raised the inhaler and smiled, "Kenny left his puffer in my car. He doesn't usually need it, but I know that the one time he doesn't have it, it'll come." Rebecca smiled at the thought of the children she had been helping care for. They were great kids. While Kenny was a little wild at times, Ellie balanced him out by being quiet and shy.
Rebecca walked towards the clubhouse when Gemma stopped her, "why don't I just take it. That way, you're not late."
"Are you sure?" Rebecca asked as she held the inhaler a little tighter. It wasn't that she didn't trust Gemma with Kenny and Ellie. Gemma had been in the twin's lives longer than Rebecca had. She just had grown an attachment to them.
"Of course, it's no big,"
Gemma's words got cut off when the door to the clubhouse opened. The loud squeak of the rusty door's hinges was all that Rebecca could hear when she turned her head to see who had come out. At that moment, she wished that she did not turn around. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. There was a skinny blonde woman with two short shorts, and a crop top that looked like a nipple would get exposed with a shift. She looked like a prostitute. And standing right behind the prostitute was Opie.
Rebecca felt the air in her lungs go out as her brown eyes widened. She couldn't keep her eyes off of Opie. In her mind, she knew a man just doesn't quit talking to someone. She felt so stupid.
The blonde smirked as she turned around, standing with her chest on Opie's as she flung her arms around his shoulders. Raising, the blonde planted a solid kiss on his lips and then lowered herself back. "See you later for another ride, handsome."
Rebecca turned away. She didn't want to see anything. Becca already got an eye full, and she knew. Turning back towards Gemma, she handed her over the inhaler. "Can you make sure he gets this? Thank you."
Rebecca didn't wait around to hear the reply before she started to fast walk towards her car. She almost reached the door when she felt a hand hold her arm. Jerking away, she moved around to see Opie standing behind her.
"Don't touch me." Her voice was stern but weak at the same time. She was mad. She wanted to punch him. But she was also so upset with herself. Why did she think that this was a good idea? To allow this man into her life so quickly, like it was accepting a piece of candy from the store. She was a fool.
"Don't," she cut him off, raising a hand to stop him. "Leave me alone, Harry. I get it now. You didn't have to be so cruel about it. You could have just told me if you didn't want me." Rebecca needed to get out of there. She had to leave before the tears came out.
Turning around, she quickly got into her car and locked the doors before throwing the car into reverse and pulling out. Rebecca didn't let a tear fall until the garage couldn't be seen anymore. However, when one tear fell, they all started coming along.
Rebecca wasn't going to Tara's house anymore. She knew that Gemma or Jax would rat out her whereabouts to Opie if asked. Why would he even ask? He did not want her. She felt like an idiot for even believing that he did. They were in prison together, for crying out loud. She was there when he was lonely with no other contact with a female and when they met again. He was still lonely. She wanted to cry harder as the ideal that she was nothing more but a familiar face and a glorified babysitter.
She ran straight into the house once she arrived home. Making sure to lock all the doors, she ran straight into her bedroom and dove into her bed.
Later that night, Tara came by with a duffle bag, wine, and a dozen donuts. Rebecca was confused until Tara explained how she wouldn't go through this alone. That night they spent getting drunk while watching shitty movies.
Rebecca cried in Tara's arms as they slept in her bed.
"Was I just a babysitter for him?" Rebecca asked the following day. It was the first time she had brought Opie up. They sat at her bar drinking some coffee to clear her head up.
"I don't think so," Tara said, shaking her head, "You are the first girl after Donna's death that he's even gotten close to. He opened up to you. He doesn't open up to a lot of people."
Rebecca wanted to cry again, but her eyes hurt too much. Looking down into her black coffee, she let out a sign that was nothing but hurt. "I wasn't in love with him, not yet. But I felt like I could have. He was so sweet and kind and those kids. His kids were amazing." The bitter pill to swallow hurt her as she groaned, "Now he's fucked a stripper."
Rebecca was bitter and hurt. Maybe she needed a few days away from here. She could call Savannah, and they could take a vacation, or she could just go to Tacoma and spend some time out there. Becca didn't know what she was going to do. She knew she would not wait around like a damsel in distress.
"I hate fucking porn stars," Tara said, her voice laced with disgust.
"Nasty ass fucking porn stars," Rebecca agreed, nodding her head. "You Tar, you're my best friend." Smiling slightly, she looked down at her coffee before looking back at the brunette beside her.
"You're my best friend too, Bec," Tara repeated as she raised her glass to clink together. "I want you to know that regardless of Jax, Opie, or the club. I have your back."
Rebecca laughed as she clinked glasses and nodded, "I have your back. Any time you call. I have you."
Tara had to go to work that afternoon as she was on call, leaving Rebecca with her thoughts. Maybe she was just a love-sick fool. Rebecca had always been a bit of a hopeless romantic. It was probably why she had so many romance books on her shelf and a subscription to the Hallmark channel. She needed to man up even if it killed her.
She tried to ignore the feeling of loneliness as she moped around her home, trying to straighten up. That was until she heard a knock at the door. Walking over, she peeked through the hole, noticing it was some woman. Confused, Rebecca opened the door.
"Rebecca Croce?" The blonde lady in an ugly blue suit asked as she held up what looked like a badge.
"I'm Agent Stahl with the FBI. Could I have a word with you?" Rebecca automatically seized up. She had hated police since she was a child having to sit by a cop car watching the same police who told her mom to be a better wife wheel her out.
"Am I under arrest for something?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Rebecca knew she wasn't going to let this woman inside her home.
"That depends. Do we need to?" The fed spouted off before changing her tactic. "You are currently dating a Mr. Opie Winston? Correct? Apart from the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Gang?"
As she straightened her spine, Rebecca saw red and sneered, "It's a club. Gangs are illegal. Although I was sure that someone from the FBI would know that." Rebecca glared as she raised her arm to hold onto the side of the door. "However, my love life is no one's business but my own unless you have a court order. Leave. This is private property." Shutting the door, Rebecca felt shaky as she swallowed hard. She needed to talk to Tara.
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