Jamie and I were eight glorious months into our marriage. Every morning I woke to his handsome face, wrapped in his warm arms, and breathing in his familiar scent. It didn't matter where we found ourselves, he would always be my soft place to land, and I was glad to be his. We were partners and friends through everything and that had been proven endlessly since we returned from Italy. I prayed the honeymoon stage never wore off.
I walked through the front door of the lake house, smiling as the lingering scent of budding flowers and fresh cut grass from our yard filled my senses. It was mid-April and the weather had finally broken from a long, cold winter. We'd escaped to London and New York a few times, but neither offered much relief. So the sixty degrees we were experiencing seemed long overdue. I was ready to start transforming the property from the inside out.
I truly loved our home. We'd not decorated it to its full potential yet, but it was coming along. Jamie had been busy doing promo for his new film set to release in a few weeks, and I had launched my first collection of short stories. Both of us were headed to New York over the summer for work, and I was grateful we were able to swing a duo trip. I knew in the future our schedules wouldn't align, but for now we'd made it work.
I set down the small bag of groceries I'd picked up on my way home from the doctor. I hadn't been feeling too great recently, and I was afraid I'd caught a late flu or severe allergies due to the weather change. However, the appointment had gone better than expected and I would soon be back to Kelsey. Or well a better version of her, no flu or allergies in tow.
I smiled, seeing the handwritten note Jamie had left on the white board on our refrigerator. He was out for a meeting with some press members to discuss his upcoming movie. The Midwest had surprisingly been very interested and accommodating with our careers, especially his. It was quite unusual for a big name celebrity like Jamie to live in rural Ohio; they didn't let his presence go wasted.
Hope you're feeling better!
Please don't forget to call my dad before it's late in Belfast.
Hope to be home before dark.
Love you, x
Shit. Thank God for his reminder. We were going to fly to London in a little less than two weeks to pick up Dulcie and take her with us to Belfast. His dad and stepmom had been itching to see all of us, and I was looking forward to family time before we ran off to promote our new projects. Plus it would count as a birthday trip for Jamie, since it'd fall during the week we visited.
I quickly found my phone and noticed it was almost eight in Northern Ireland. I tapped Jim's name before the line began ringing.
"Hey Kels!" he answered cheerfully.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Excited to see you all soon."
I smiled even though he couldn't see. "Me too. Dulcie talks about it every time she calls. I think she has plans for Samina and me. Shopping plans, that is."
"Little lady loves to shop. Good thing she'll never want for anything."
"Very true. I won't keep you, I know it's getting late, but Jamie wanted me to call and make sure you have our itinerary. Do you need us to bring anything along, either from here or London?"
"No, just yourselves," he said. "We've plenty of groceries and places to crash."
Jim was hinting at Jamie and I wanting a hotel room for a couple of nights. He was going to do more press for the film while we were there. He'd been set on killing two birds with one stone, same in London. The hotel in Belfast had an indoor pool for Dulcie to swim her energy away; it was a win on every account.
"We appreciate your hospitality."
"That's what family is for! Forgive my rudeness, how are you? How's Jamie?"
I chuckled at how he'd let his excitement overrun his usual etiquette. "We're good, he's been in meetings all day. I got home from the doctor a few minutes ago."
"You're sick?"
"No, I'm okay. Well, I thought I was, but everything is fine. Great, actually."
"Glad to hear it."
I took a deep breath before proceeding. "I do have a small favor to ask of you. But Jamie can't know."
He gasped. "A surprise? I love secrets."
We laughed together.
"I could use some help with a little something."
He clicked his tongue. "Then I'm your guy. Jamie doesn't have to know."
I'd finished up the dishes from cooking and was drying my hands when I heard the front door rattle. I peered around the corner to see Jamie's smiling face walking through the living room toward me.
"Hey, baby," he said.
I stood at the counter waiting for him then leaned up to peck his mouth when he reached me. "Hi, handsome."
He took in a deep breath. "What smells delicious, besides you?"
I grinned. "I made chicken Alfredo and garlic bread. I was craving Italian."
"Ah, so not trying to ward off vampires?" He winked.
"Unless you plan on sucking my blood later?"
He snaked his arms around my waist before playfully biting at my neck. I roared with laughter, trying to squirm out of his embrace as his beard tickled my sensitive skin. He kissed me behind the ear before letting go.
"You didn't have to wait for me." He walked around to the stove, and grabbed the plate I'd set out for him.
"Oh, I didn't. I already ate."
He snickered, looking over. "Sit with me? We can pour some wine and catch up."
I swallowed audibly, but he didn't notice as he scooped up the noodles, and dumped them on his plate. "Still have a headache, no wine for me."
He closed his eyes. "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm such an ass." I was about to ask him what he meant when he continued. "How'd your appointment go? Are you feeling any better? You look better."
I nodded slowly. "Yeah, it went fine. I feel as good as I look, have a slight headache."
"Then what was wrong? Allergies?" He started eating as we stood there in the kitchen, staring at each other.
I realized then he'd asked me a question. "No, um, blood pressure and hormones or something. I forget what she said exactly."
"Oh my god," he said, startling me.
I knew he'd figured it out. I went to speak and he interrupted.
"Baby, this alfredo is amazing!"
My heart was racing inside my chest. "Mmm, thanks. It's a family recipe."
"Well, you can make this every day and I wouldn't complain. I am a lucky husband."
I rolled my eyes. "Maybe the luckiest."
He took a bite of his garlic bread and nodded, talking with it stuffed in the corner of his mouth. He looked like an adorable chipmunk. "Luck of the Irish."
"It's only fair then that I'm the luckiest wife ever."
He shrugged. "I have my moments. You deserve to get lucky after I finish this."
"Jamie!" I jokingly scolded.
He ducked when I tossed the dishtowel at him. "What? That wasn't on your agenda when you made it?"
I crossed my arms. "No, I actually don't think to myself 'what can I do to make Jamie want to have sex tonight?'"
His hearty laugh caused me to join him. "Breathing does the trick. You don't have to try hard at all. I want you every day."
"I hope you always will."
He narrowed his eyes, finishing off the noodles that remained. "I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but you know better."
I bit my lip. "I do. Are you done?"
He looked down at his plate. "I suppose."
"Good, come with me." I took his plate from him, laid it in the sink, and grabbed his hand, leading him to the living room where the small present sat on the coffee table.
"What's that?" he asked, curious as ever.
My fingers trembled as I picked up the black velvet box. "I have a little lucky charm that belongs to you. Or rather, belongs to both of us."
His wrinkled forehead told me he was already confused. "Should I be following along?"
I giggled. "Here." I passed him the square that contained my gift with a hand written note folded underneath.
He took it, eyeing me for a clue. "A pre-birthday gift?"
"I suppose so." I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant, although my heart was beating rapidly against my shirt.
He flipped open the lid to reveal the four leaf clover charm I'd gone back out to buy; after Jim and I decided it was perfect. He chortled.
"Cute. I am beyond lucky to call you mine."
I stopped him when he leaned in for a kiss. "Read the note, Daddy."
He scrunched his nose. "I don't know how I feel about 'daddy kink.' We don't need to role play, the sex is hot enough."
I shook my head at his playful nudge. "Just open it."
I watched in anticipation as he unfolded the piece of paper. He read it to himself before reading it aloud.
"I can't wait to meet you. Love always, your lucky charm."
"What does this—?"
I cut him off as I dropped my hand to cup my stomach.
I nodded, my eyes clouding with tears.
"Wait, Kels that means?"
"Yes." I bit my bottom lip to prevent my childish squeal from escaping.
"I'm gonna be a daddy?"
I smiled. "Again."
He looked stunned, and I half expected him to tackle me, but he didn't move.
"With you. We're having a baby? No joke?"
I laughed at his disbelief. "Jamie, I'm pregnant!"
He finally stumbled his way into my arms, instantly sobbing. In turn my own floodgates opened, and I cried against his chest. He engulfed me entirely, his whole body pressing against mine. I stroked his back, reeling with excitement. I'd started my day like any other and was ending it as a mom. And the man I held tightly was going to be the father of my child.
Jamie kissed the top of my head repeatedly. "I love you more than life. I am speechless, but so fucking happy."
"I'm happy, too. A little anxious and a lot nervous."
He let go to look at me, wiping at my tears. I reached up to return the favor. "Don't be. I'll be here every step of the way."
"I love you," I muttered.
"God, baby." He kissed me roughly, but it was welcomed. We'd made a human together and every emotion possible seemed to rush to the forefront. His lips confirmed it all was real.
"I was expecting the flu, not a kid," I joked.
He smiled against my lips then pressed his own to my head before regarding me once again.
"How far along, did she say?"
"Around four weeks."
He looked at me puzzled. "What was four weeks ago?"
I felt the blush creep across my cheeks and he noticed it, rubbing his thumb over one of them.
"St. Patrick's Day."
He laughed loudly and I couldn't stop myself from doing the same. My Irishman had knocked me up while celebrating his holiday. It had been a very memorable and sensual night. We'd both been pretty tipsy, but I had zero regrets; the next day nor now.
"Oh, so..." He nodded. "I get it. Lucky charm, luck of the Irish."
"It was your dad's idea." I slipped the comment in.
He raised his eyebrows. "My dad knows?"
I tucked my head. "I'm sorry, I should've let you break the news. But I called him and we had a great conversation and I couldn't stop myself. I asked him for an idea and he mentioned a four leaf clover."
He tipped my chin up and kissed me quickly. "Don't apologize. I love that you trusted him with this info."
"He's kinda an expert."
He chuckled. "Very true."
I scratched the back of his neck and he closed his eyes at the sensation. We stood like that for the longest moment, letting the realization sink in.
"We're going to be parents," I whispered. "Or well..."
We technically already were, but Dulcie wasn't mine to claim. I loved her as my own regardless.
"Yes we are, baby," he answered. "And you're going to be the most beautiful pregnant woman on the planet."
"You have to say that."
He silenced me with another soft kiss. "No, I don't. But it's true. I can't wait to see you glowing. You already are and I don't know how I missed it."
I giggled through the new tears that formed over his sweet words. "Will you still find me sexy when I'm as big as the house?"
Jamie's face hardened at my comment. "Of course I will. You're carrying my child. I could never love you or be more attracted to you than I am right now."
"Show me." I tugged at the hem of his shirt, suddenly wanting to feel his skin and weight on top of mine.
"There's nothing I'd rather do."
He grabbed my hand and I followed him up the stairs to our bedroom. I knew he'd do everything in his power to make the next eight months as easy for me as possible. And while he gently caressed every inch of my skin during our slow lovemaking, I was comforted by the knowledge there was no person better equipped to be my life partner and father to my children than Jamie. The truest love I'd ever known.
Surprise! ;) See you all very soon for the sequel, where the rollercoaster will begin again for this new chapter of their lives! Thank you for making Endlessly more successful than I ever imagined possible. I appreciate every one of you beyond words! Xo
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