Chapter 6
A/N: We've got a lot going on and I'm going to push these two along rather quickly, so fasten your seatbelts because we're getting to the good stuff now...
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing against my nightstand. I reached for it, answering lazily.
"Hello?" I yawned.
Jamie's laugh filled my ears causing me to smile. I wanted to wake up to the sound of him every day, except in person.
"Good morning, sunshine," he said. "Did I wake you?"
I grunted.
"Ah, yes." I could hear him grinning on the other end. "I wish I was sorry, but you can sleep on the plane tonight."
My heart began racing as the sleepy daze wore off and I realized we were leaving for London in a few hours.
"I'll be too excited to sleep," I replied.
"Glad to know you're excited."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"No reason," he said, "just glad, because I'm excited, too."
"What time is it anyway?" I asked.
Before he could answer I checked the clock by my bed.
"7:30?! Jesus, Jamie, you could let a girl sleep in!"
"Oh, I didn't keep you up that late last night," he argued.
His comment made me smile. We'd spent a night in and I'd made him my mother's famous chicken spaghetti recipe. He'd helped me mix the ingredients, set the table, and do the dishes after. The pink and white lilies he'd brought were the perfect centerpieces, even though they were going to die with no one home to care for them.
"Whatever," I said playfully, "how can I assist you at such an early hour?"
"Well, I figured I'd call before I just knocked on the door."
Shit, I would've offered to let him stay the night if I knew he' be back at the crack of dawn.
"Be right there."
I hung up and frantically searched for a hair tie as well as pants and a shirt. I was used to sleeping in my underwear and sports bra; having a man in my life might change that. I twisted my hair up into a messy bun and pulled on the nearest black yoga pants. I didn't have time to brush my teeth, so I ran to the door with my tank top in hand.
I unlocked it as he stood there in black basketball shorts and a white tee, with a New York Yankees hat to match. He'd clearly been on his daily jog. In his one hand he held a carrier with two coffees and in the other a paper bag. He stared at me even after I stepped aside for him to enter. Then it occurred to me I didn't have a shirt on.
"Sorry," I said, "come in." I quickly dressed and he shut the door behind him.
"No need to apologize," he replied, "won't mind waking up to that every morning."
The thought hit me suddenly that he would be seeing me 24/7 for the next few weeks. But that also meant I'd be seeing him at all hours of the day, which left me anxious. He pressed a soft kiss to my temple and I was grateful it wasn't on the lips since I had full-on morning breath.
"And I won't mind waking up to you with coffee every morning," I said.
I caught him blush. He wasn't expecting a similar rebuttal.
"I had to come make sure you're packed."
I scoffed. "Of course I'm packed. I've been packed and ready, waiting on you."
He laughed. "So you were waiting on me in your underclothes?"
I rolled my eyes. "Give me my coffee."
He denied my outreached hand as he walked through my apartment to the kitchen table and began pulling out scones from the brown bag. I loved how he seemed to make himself right at home. I'd never been more comfortable in my own apartment than I was when he was in it.
"Come eat," he instructed.
We both took a seat and I pressed the button on the remote to roll up the window shades, revealing a bright, sunny New York morning.
"Are you trying to impress me?" he winked.
"No, just trying to see you better, darling."
I was feeling feisty. His early wake-up call had me in a rare mood, especially without enough coffee in my system. His eyes widened at my words before a sly grin pulled at the corner of his lips.
"We can get closer, babe."
I giggled. "Drink your coffee."
He shook his head with a wide smile. "I really am here for a reason."
"I came to get your bags," he said. "I'm having a driver take us to the airport, so he's going to load everything at my place and drop off our luggage with the airline beforehand. You can either spend the day with me or we can swing by and get you on the way."
Of course I'd rather spend the day with him, was he kidding?
"Well, I still need to shower and pack some last minute items."
"I can wait."
He wanted me to go with him, that's really why he came by, but he was going to pretend like I had an option.
"Good thing we have all day," I joked.
"Good thing I'm a patient man."
He was lethal. He matched every witty remark; he was not going to let me win against his charm. I wasn't sure why I thought I could.
Our flight left at almost 9PM. Jamie was right, I was exhausted by the time we took off. Luckily first class offered fully reclining seats with a complimentary pillow and blanket. It even had a private curtain so we could change clothes if we wanted.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked. I made him take the window seat; I never cared for it, but he didn't mind.
"Yes, definitely. Thank you."
"For what?"
"You have to ask?" I chuckled.
"I should be thanking you. It's nice to have a companion on the long journey home."
"I'm honored to be going with you."
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head. The flight attendant stopped beside me.
"Hello, my name is Anne, I'll be your personal attendant for the remainder of the evening."
We both smiled at her.
"We will be showing a couple of movies and have plenty of food and drink options if you desire. If you would like privacy or to sleep just close this curtain and I will not disturb you. Can I get you anything at the moment?"
I went to shake my head as Jamie interrupted with an order for two glasses of Pinot Noir.
"Right away, sir," she said before stepping away.
"Thank you, but I planned to take an Advil PM."
"It's complimentary and will relax you," he argued. "One glass with a sleeping pill isn't going to do any harm."
"I'm relaxed!"
"Then why do you have a death grip on my hand?" He smiled.
I purposely loosened my hold. "Sorry."
"If I minded, I would've said so sooner."
He was becoming my safety blanket. I hadn't even remembered grabbing his hand; it was just instinctual. I was comfortable with him, although flying made me a little nervous. His other arm was still draped around my shoulder and he pulled me in closer, rubbing a lazy pattern on my skin.
The flight attendant returned with our wine and he held his up to toast after I unlocked our hands.
"Cheers to the beginning of many adventures together."
I felt myself blushing. "Cheers."
We clinked our glasses and took a sip. He leaned in, kissing my lips sweetly. I could taste the combination of him and the wine and wanted nothing more than to get lost in his mouth. But I reminded myself we were on an airplane with hundreds of people.
"I don't think today is the day I should join the mile-high club."
He laughed loudly and it made me smile.
"Damn, a wasted effort," he replied. He kissed me again. "Just kidding, never wasted."
We drank the rest of our wine and watched Pitch Perfect 2. I was getting sleepier by the minute and was afraid I wouldn't last much longer. The flight attendant collected our trash as I noticed most of the cabin was settling down for the night. I rummaged through my purse to find my water and Advil. I dropped one into my hand, offering Jamie one, which he declined.
"Ready for bed?" he asked.
I nodded. "Absolutely."
He smiled before unfolding the two blankets we'd been given. He moved the armrest that separated us out of the way and reached across my lap to press the button that leaned my seat back. I watched it lay down flat then he repeated the action on his side. He reached up to turn off our reading lights and I retrieved two pillows from the overhead compartment. I pulled our curtain shut before lying down.
His head was resting in his palm, as he lay propped up on his side. I mimicked his position so that we were facing each other.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"More than okay." I smiled.
He ran his fingers gently through my hair before pulling me in for a sweet kiss. I deepened it because the wine, Advil, and my nerves were creating a dangerous combination. I playfully tugged at his bottom lip and felt him smile against my mouth.
"You taste heavenly," he said between kisses.
He pressed me back against the seat and leaned over, half of his weight resting on my hip as his tongue danced with mine.
"Mmm," I moaned before breaking contact, "we're going to get in trouble."
"I hope so," he whispered.
His lips trailed down the side of my face to my neck where he licked and bit at my sensitive spot. I tugged at his hair, forcing him back up to my face. He looked at me longingly and I felt it deep within me. His eyes were incredible the way they turned blue to grey depending on his mood.
"God, I..."
"You what?" he said.
I closed my eyes when he kissed me quickly. "Nothing."
When I opened them again, he searched my expression for an answer and my heart physically hurt. I wanted him so bad I could scream it out the window of the airplane. I wanted the world to know that this man was with me; he wanted me as much as I wanted him. He couldn't keep his hands or mouth off of me. I wanted every piece of him, physically and emotionally. Whatever price I had to pay, I was willing to happily do so. I...loved him. And I wanted to tell him before he questioned otherwise.
"Say it," he barely said. I almost wondered if it was my mind playing tricks on me.
"I love..." I swallowed hard and felt his breath hitch. "Your eyes. I lose myself in them."
I panicked. He closed them briefly and sighed. Was I sensing disappointment? The sleeping pill was setting in.
He kissed me again before moving back to rest on the seat. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him tightly, as close as we could get.
"Go ahead," he said softly.
"Lose yourself."
I smiled as I realized what he meant. We never spoke another word; we locked eyes and gently caressed one another until I eventually gave into sleep.
When I woke up, I could see the sunlight peering in from the window shade of the person a few rows ahead. I heard newspapers crinkling and could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I looked ahead at Jamie, who still lay in my arms, I in his. His body temperature was hot and I began feeling a little sweaty wrapped up like that. I softly kissed his nose, which made him wiggle it. I smiled, moving my fingers up under the back of his t-shirt and tickling his skin. A grin spread across his face.
"Good morning, handsome," I whispered.
"Mmm, good morning, beautiful." His blue eyes opened and my heart skipped a beat.
I kissed his nose again before the pilot announced that we were about thirty minutes from touchdown.
"I don't wanna get up," I whined.
He moved a strand of hair out of my face. "We can sleep at my house."
"Promise?" I poked out my bottom lip.
He kissed it with a smile. "Promise."
We adjusted our seats to prepare for landing and I tied the curtain back. The flight attendant collected our blankets and pillows before disappearing to her own seat. Jamie pulled my hand into his, interlocking our fingers. I rested my head on his shoulder as the plane descended.
After landing, we were escorted out the front of the plane with the rest of the first class cabin. I held his hand tightly in mine as we made our way into the airport. We stopped to use the restroom respectively and when he met me by the water fountain, he had on sunglasses. I was inwardly disappointed that we were back to that.
He grabbed my hand again and whispered in my ear, "For your protection, not mine."
I smiled. We found our luggage and waited in line at customs, which went surprisingly fast.
"I have to call my driver," he said. We stepped to the side as I waited for him to finish.
I checked my own phone when I heard someone yell, "Oh my God!"
Jamie and I both looked up to see two women running towards us; or him rather.
"You're Jamie Dornan!" the one yelled.
"Please, please, please take a picture with us," the other begged.
He ended his phone call as I stood there awkwardly.
"Hi guys," he said. "A quick photo, we have to go."
He posed with each of them and they squealed afterward, their thumbs moving frantically on their phones, probably posting to every social network.
"Let's go," he said, reaching out his hand to me.
I took it and he led us away with our bags to a secluded corner by an exit.
"He'll be here in ten. In the meantime, don't make eye contact with anyone."
"I want to make eye contact with you," I said, looking at the ground.
He lifted my chin with one hand and held up his sunglasses with the other. "I just want to get us out of here, okay? I'm sorry."
His sunglasses fell back over his eyes and I felt like crying. I was still exhausted and all of it was beyond my realm. He squeezed my hand a few times as we stood there in silence for what felt like eternity, waiting for the notification that the driver was outside. I could faintly hear those two girls talking from behind me somewhere, but I couldn't understand what they were saying due to their accents.
"Shit," Jamie said suddenly, and his grip on my hand tightened. "Look at me."
I wanted to look around at whatever was causing his reaction, but I did as he asked.
"Don't answer any of their questions and just smile without looking in their direction. I'll pull you through."
I furrowed my eyebrows and he motioned his head at the doors. Then I noticed a group of older men with cameras blocking the exit we were closest to. I began to feel claustrophobic as I realized they would follow us out of any door we used. Those girls must've tipped them off. I suddenly wanted to find them and shatter their phones.
Just then he received the text message. "He's here. Deep breath."
He released our hands and pulled me against him protectively with his arm tightly around my shoulder. We stepped outside and all I could hear were shutter sounds and yelling.
"Welcome home, Jamie!" one of them shouted.
"Congrats on the nomination!" another said, which he thanked him for.
"How long are you home?" a big man with grey facial hair asked.
"Who are you with?"
"Is she your sister or your new girlfriend?"
"She's beautiful, is she American?" another questioned.
"Jamie, please sign this!" a fan yelled.
"Have a nice day, guys," Jamie said before pushing me in front of him. His driver opened the door and I fell in. I could still hear the cameras flashing and people screaming after he shut the door.
I was shell-shocked. I assumed it would be bad, I just didn't know how bad. My eyes were stinging as my heart tried to find a normal rhythm. He tossed his sunglasses in the floor and grabbed my face.
"Don't cry, babe, please," he pleaded. He kissed away the tears on my cheeks.
I closed my eyes. "I'm fine," I whispered.
"I'm so sorry, I never imagined they'd be here this early in the morning."
I shook my head. "I'm just tired."
He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms in a hug around me. I couldn't help but cry in his embrace. I wasn't sad; I was scared. Scared as I began to realize the life I had known mere hours ago was over. They were going to plaster our photos all over the Internet and my anonymity had gone out the door. This was the life I would have to adjust to if I wanted a life with Jamie. My head hurt. What had I signed up for? Did I really believe we would be able to avoid it? He was famous, and even though I knew that, I was still somehow blindsided. It felt good to cry against his shoulder. I was releasing a lot of pent up emotions, which I had a tendency to do when I was tired. The paparazzi had pushed me over the edge. I was crying because I wanted to thank him for protecting me as best he could. Confess to him that I denied sleeping with him that night because I wanted our first time to be perfect. Apologize for not telling him I loved him on the plane while we flew across the ocean to London on his dime. But I was also really damn tired. He rocked me back and forth as the driver drove us to his house.
"I'm just overwhelmed," I said.
He leaned back. "I know. I didn't want it to happen like that. Especially after a long flight."
"It's not your fault." I shrugged. "I wasn't prepared. I'll do better next time."
He smiled. "You did fine, babe."
"I look awful though. What a great introduction." I laughed at myself, but he didn't join.
"You should only care what I think," he said, "and I think you're stunning."
"Even if I'm not."
"Stop," he argued. "Your exhausted look is just as desirable to me as when you were dressed to the nines the night I met your parents."
I blushed.
"But this is the real Kelsey. Why wouldn't you want the world to meet her?"
"You're a smooth talker," I said.
"Smooth, honest, whatever. I like you the way you are, fuck everyone else."
I already felt better. He made me feel like one in a million and I wasn't sure I'd ever understand why I was so lucky, but I was his and he was mine and I never wanted that to change.
"You know what else you're smooth at?" I teased. I'd already ruined the morning with my stupid tears.
"I think I do." He grinned before latching his mouth onto mine.
He kissed me deeply until the car stopped out front. He helped me up and I stood on the sidewalk enjoying the warm London air while he retrieved our bags.
"Beautiful home...from the outside," I said.
"Thank you," he replied.
I followed him into his place. It was manly, which made me smile. He had Manchester United posters all over the walls and an autographed soccer ball in a case on a table by the door. I showed myself around as I found a bookshelf filled with books and pictures. I chuckled when I saw he had Shakespeare's Hamlet, as well as various soccer books and even a few on being a single dad. My breath caught in my throat when I saw a framed photo of him with his daughter on his shoulders. They both were grinning from ear to ear. I picked it up and admired it; my heart began beating out of my chest at the sight of him as a father.
"She's beautiful," I commented.
"You're beautiful," he said as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to the back of my head. "But thank you. She's my everything."
I'd do anything to be his everything. I set their photo down and picked up another of him with his dad and sisters.
"Great pic," I said.
He didn't respond, only rested his chin on my shoulder. There was a framed photo beside an opened jewelry box with a ballerina inside. I admired the woman in it, holding the hand of whom I assumed was a young Jamie.
"Is this your mom?" I asked. "You've never told me about her."
He turned me in his arms and I moved the photo around for him to look at. He took it from my hands and set it down behind me.
"She passed when I was a teenager."
I gasped, and I didn't mean to have such a dramatic reaction, but my heart shattered at his admission. I held his face in my hands and he closed his eyes.
"Sweetie, I'm..." I stammered. I wanted to cry again.
"Shh," he shook his head, "you don't have to say it. I'm sorry, too. You would've gotten along wonderfully."
I kissed him softly. "I'm sure of it."
"Anyway," he released me, "this is my place."
"Charming," I grinned.
"Nothing, just looks awfully...manly. Your poor daughter."
We both laughed.
"She has her own room filled with pink, dolls, and flowers. I think that's fair."
"Absolutely, Mr. Bachelor."
He smiled. "I prefer Mr. Taken nowadays."
My stomach flipped. God, he was irresistible, and the more I learned, the more vulnerable he seemed.
"Let me show you the rest," he said.
I followed him around his open living room and kitchen space. He had a great backyard, something I hadn't seen since living in Ohio, and I had the urge to go roll around in the grass like a newly free caged animal.
We walked to his upstairs and I noticed three doors; one to the right was closed with a butterfly on it, a bathroom in front of me, and another closed one to my left.
He cleared his throat. "I may have excluded the sleeping arrangements."
"Please share."
He chuckled. "My daughter wanted her own room here, so I don't have a spare."
I eyed him suspiciously.
"You'll be sleeping in my room."
"And where will you be sleeping?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"On the couch," he deadpanned.
I stared at him briefly, but his expression was serious. I began to feel like an imposition.
"Jamie, you don't have to sleep on the couch in your house."
"I'm going to," he said.
"No, that's not fair. I know how good it feels to be able to sleep in your own bed after a long time. I'll sleep on the couch."
"Absolutely not. You're a guest and a lady; I'd be the biggest arse in Europe to give you the couch when there's a perfectly good bed here."
I sighed loudly, which made him smile. "Fine."
"Fine?" he raised an eyebrow.
"We'll both sleep in your bed." My knees went weak at my own words.
"If you insist," he shrugged and headed toward the door.
He was the worst; he knew he'd get me to agree, but once again, made it seem like my decision. I trailed behind him into his bedroom.
The walls were a medium grey with black and white accents, as well as a black and white bedspread.
"Nice," I said.
"Glad you think so. Now how about that nap?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
He left me there to retrieve our bags. I walked around the room, checking out the details. All of the dressers were black and all of the photos were framed in white. I smiled as I saw one of the NYC skyline, as well as London, Paris, and LA. I walked into the master bathroom. The floor was tiled black with a white shower and white fuzzy floor mats. It was very dark, very manly, and very Jamie.
"Did you need to change?" I jumped when he came back in.
"Um, yes, that'd be great. Thank you for getting these." I unzipped my big bag, rummaging through to find some gym shorts and a tank, as well as my toothbrush and face wash.
I shut the door behind me once I stepped into his bathroom. I quickly changed before cleaning myself up a little. His shaving cream and cologne were sitting on the vanity, so I picked them both up and smelled them. His scent was my favorite thing in the world. Being nosy, I walked over to his shower and grabbed his shower gel. God, it smelled amazing, too. It reminded me of every moment we'd spent together, all those times when I tried to embed his smell in my mind. I was grateful he had it bottled up because it mixed perfectly with his natural scent. I set it back in the shower and went out to the bedroom.
Jamie had changed as well, into grey sweatpants and a white tank top. I tried not to moan audibly, but his gorgeous arm muscles were prominent, as were all of the veins throbbing across them. He was edible, and I couldn't wait for the day I could put my mouth over every inch of his perfect body. He looked up when I walked across the room.
"Which side is yours?" I asked.
He licked his lips and I wanted to faint.
"Whichever one you don't want."
I moved to the side of the bed closest to me and pulled the covers back before sitting down. He stood there staring with a smile.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"More than okay," he mimicked my statement from the airplane.
I giggled shyly, all of a sudden feeling very vulnerable and aware that I was far away from familiarity.
"I just can't believe you're here," he said. "In my house. In my bed."
"It's what you wanted, right?"
"It's all I want." He sat down beside me and I smiled.
"We better nap before we..." I stopped myself.
"Before we...go on," he urged.
"I'm not even going to talk. I'm just going to lie down and go to sleep. My mouth gets me in too much trouble."
He laughed. "Your mouth can get you just about anything except in trouble."
I shivered. I'd never wanted to rip someone's clothes off so badly in my life, and on a daily basis. It was a miracle I hadn't already.
"You know, one day I'm going to lose control and you won't know what hit you." I said it without thinking, and that's exactly what I'd meant; my mouth was trouble.
"Can that day be today?"
He bit his lip then shoved me back against the bed. He hovered over top of me and I squeezed his strong arms.
"Sooner than later. Promise," I said.
He leaned down to kiss me. I scratched the back of his head, loving the way his entire body felt pressed against mine.
"Let's sleep," he said and rolled off.
I groaned, but he quickly placed his arm around my waist, caressing my back and pulling me into him. I tangled my legs in his and ran my fingers through his soft hair. He closed his eyes at my touch, so I did the same and soon fell asleep.
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