Chapter 24
A/N: I seriously appreciate you guys more than you know! I'm certain I would've lost creative inspiration a long time ago if it weren't for y'all keeping me motivated with your sweet words and votes. Thank you for reading along with the rollercoaster I've created! Also, I love writing long chapters, so without further ado, I hope you enjoy this one :) NC17 rating applies... Xo
I had my meeting with the literary agent a few days later, and it had gone extremely well. She was as nice as I'd heard she was and I left feeling fulfilled. She wanted me to send her a few more pieces then we'd talk logistics from there. I told her I ultimately wanted to write a novel, but she'd said the market for short stories was stronger and she was fairly certain she could get me published in less than a year. I owed Jamie for getting me such an incredible, life-changing opportunity. I didn't plan on wasting it.
His daughter ended up spending most of the trip at our house. He took us all over London to sightsee since my last visit to the city was a bust. We went someplace different each day, and I made it a point to capture as many pictures of the three of us together as possible.
We saw Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, and Buckingham Palace. We took a ride in the London Eye and walked across Tower Bridge, hand-in-hand. His daughter wasn't too fond of the British Museum and got restless rather quickly, therefore we decided against a show in Piccadilly and instead he took us shopping on Oxford Street to rid her of her excess energy.
Leo was a saint; he met us after our spree to collect the bags and take them to the house so we could continue our walking tour. It was mild out for October, but the crispness in the breeze was more pleasing than distracting. Luckily for us, the rain held off and the sun halfway showed her face. I took in all the colorful people and buildings we passed. The sounds of strangers laughing and musicians performing in the streets made me smile. It reminded me of why I loved living in New York; there was always something going on, never allowing its residents to feel bored or alone.
For the most part we'd managed to escape the paparazzi. There were too many people in some of the locations that we blended right in. Jamie wasn't a flashy person, which made it easier for him to look like an average Joe, and nobody knew me from Adam, therefore maintaining a level of anonymity was simple. There were a few fans that recognized him, though. A couple of times when his daughter was singing loudly or trying to get our attention she'd also attracted theirs. But it wasn't a major issue. He stopped to shake their hand, sign an autograph or snap a photo. We enjoyed the rest of our uninterrupted time.
Since we were leaving for Belfast in a couple of days, today was the last day in London with his daughter. Jamie wanted to make sure she could spend time with her mom before we stole her again for a mock Thanksgiving with his family. I wasn't sure how keen his ex-wife was on the idea, but he made it sound like it was no big deal.
His heavy sigh broke my train of thought.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
We were walking to dinner and he was pushing the stroller since his daughter had begged me to carry her. I tightened my grip on her small frame when I saw the men with cameras ahead of us.
"Here, I can take her," he said, outstretching his arms.
"She's fine," I replied as she yelled she didn't want to go to him.
He read my expression for a moment, clearly trying to decipher a plan.
"Okay. Stay behind me," he instructed.
I pulled up the hood on her jacket in hopes it'd somehow hide her from their attention. She was curious, but she obeyed when I told her to stay still. I was suddenly annoyed beyond belief. Why couldn't they go the hell away? She didn't deserve to be berated by strange men wanting to snap a few pictures of her daddy, so they could gossip about his love life in the tabloids.
They started yelling idiotic, spiteful comments as we followed him quickly down the sidewalk. If there were a way for me to mute them or drown out their voices, I would do it in a heartbeat.
"Jamie, why aren't you holding your daughter?" one began.
"Is she living with you now?" another questioned.
"Are you guys getting married?"
My stomach clenched at their incessant demands for answers to our most private information.
"Kelsey, are you practicing for your own kids?" one piped in.
"She already has a mother!"
My heart sank at the last comment. The old dude was lucky there was a child with us or I would've decked him right in the teeth, bastard. I felt Jamie grab the arm I had draped around his daughter as he pulled us into the nearest restaurant.
They had a lot of nerve accusing us of committing some kind of love crime. We'd been together six months, he'd told the world we were in love, and made out with me at the airport only days ago. Why were they acting like we were brand new? It was nobody's business what Jamie and I were doing with our lives, but it was a tough pill to swallow knowing everyone wanted the inside scoop. I didn't give a shit what anyone else was doing in their relationships, why was mine an exception? Would I ever get used to those assholes?
Thankfully my eyes were covered with sunglasses so neither Jamie nor his daughter could see the hurt reflected in them.
A woman behind the desk escorted us to a table in the back as everything blurred together. I didn't even hear him ask her to seat us far from the door, but apparently he had. She set a booster seat down next to me, assuming I was the little girl's mother. However, the paparazzi had made it very clear that I wasn't.
His hand picked up mine and he linked our fingers. "Are you all right?"
I nodded instinctively, his question not actually registering as I heard their comments echoing in my head. All I could think about was how our pictures were going to be on every headline in the universe. I should've handed her over like he'd asked. Now there were permanent tabloid photos of me holding his daughter as if I had some right to comfort her. They were correct in saying she wasn't mine. I'd let my maternal instincts kick in and I was certain it'd reflect poorly on him. I could practically come up with the titles their stories would read in my head.
"Kelsey!" His tone snapped me back.
"What?" I knew if I reached up to wipe my eyes, they'd both notice. But I also knew how rude it was to sit at the table with sunglasses on.
"Whatta matta, Kelthy?" she asked in her tiny, innocent voice.
"I'm fine, sweetie. No worries." I smiled, hoping she'd find it genuine since their questions meant nothing to her.
I removed my grip from Jamie's hand and took off the sunglasses, setting them on the table.
"Baby, I'm sorry," he said.
"Please stop apologizing for them. Not your fault."
He shook his head. "I wish I could tell you it'll get easier."
I interrupted. "Oh, I'm sure it'll only get harder."
His expression turned regretful, and I hated that celebrities had to pay such a hefty price to merely do what they love. No one else got hassled in every aspect of their life because of their career choice. It wasn't fair, but I knew it came with the territory.
"They're only words," I muttered.
"Very hurtful ones."
"Dey mean to you?" his daughter chimed in.
I looked from her to him, not wanting to answer on his behalf. He needed to be the one to assure her they either were part of the package or evil men, whichever he wanted her to believe. My personal feelings shouldn't be passed on to a child who was not mine.
"Darlin', sometimes people say what they don't mean. That's all. Those men said some things that weren't very nice, but they don't represent how we feel about Kelsey. Right?"
"Wight!" she agreed triumphantly, even if she had no clue what he was referring to.
I, however, wondered if his message had a double meaning. Although nothing indicated otherwise, I still felt like there was an awkward tension between us. I knew I had caused it, but I was afraid to bring it up again in fear that by doing so I'd hurt him all over. Maybe someday I'd learn to keep my damn mouth shut and let go of my insecurities. I'd obviously never been as in love with anyone as I was with Jamie, and it terrified me that I'd somehow still screw it up because I didn't know what I was doing.
"It's all good," I said, inwardly adjusting my emotions. I smiled down at her curious expression. "The only thing that matters is that you both know how much I love you, and that words don't always reflect true feelings. People say things to get a reaction without thinking about how it could make the other person feel."
My eyes met his and he half-smiled. I hoped that meant he understood what I was trying to convey.
We ate a peaceful dinner, not bringing up either situation again. We could talk about grown up things when she wasn't around. As long as she was with us, she deserved our undivided, positive attention. I helped her color in the kid's book they gave her while we'd waited on our food. Jamie scrolled through the various pictures he'd taken, showing me his favorites. My heart repaired instantly when I saw us all together, looking happy and full of love. No matter what the outside world thought, I knew how much the three of us meant to one another, and nobody could destroy that bond.
Jamie called Leo when we were finished to ask him to pick us up at the back door that the manager agreed we could leave from.
We drove his daughter home, much to her dismay. She threw a minor fit in the car and it simultaneously made me smile and broke my heart. It at least meant she enjoyed her time with us, not wanting to leave, and I truly felt like we were becoming a family. Even despite the tragic comments from the paparazzi earlier. He walked her into her mother's house while I waited in the car. The partition was down, so I decided to make use of the silence and chat with Leo for a brief moment.
"How are you?" I asked him.
He smiled at me from the rearview mirror. "Delightful, ma'am, and you?"
"I'm okay. But please, you can always call me Kelsey. I promise I'm not that formal."
"Ah yes," he replied. "I do recall your previous request. My apologies."
"No need." I returned the genuine expression.
"Rough day out there?" he asked.
I sighed. "I love him, Leo, which makes me hate that he has to deal with those monsters even more."
"Only here, wouldn't it seem?" He raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean he only seems to be recognized in London. Not as often in New York."
He made a valid argument. "Good point. But it's probably because he was famous here first."
"I suppose." Leo shrugged, and I began to wonder if he knew something I didn't.
"Oh, no reason at all. I just sometimes question if someone sets him up."
I took in his response, contemplating who would do such a thing, knowing how terrible those vultures could be.
"I didn't mean to spin your wheels," he said. "Forget I mentioned anything."
"Do you think it's his ex-wife?" I blurted.
"I simply have no basis for my reasoning, but--"
He was quieted by Jamie's re-entry.
I smiled warmly when he plopped down beside me then looked back at Leo who began disappearing behind the partition, offering me a wink before it closed.
Jamie leaned in to kiss my temple. "I love you. Didn't want you to forget."
I giggled. "I never could."
"Thanks for being perfect with my little girl. You'll never know how much your love for each other means to me. It has solidified any lingering questions. Not that there were any." He held me tightly against his frame, his warmth comforting the remaining anxiety inside.
"I love her like she's my own. Even though she most definitely isn't."
He moved to look at me. "Bullocks. They have no fucking clue what they're talking about. You and me, baby. Only we know the truth."
"Why do they want to destroy us?" I rested my head on his shoulder, avoiding his gaze.
"Because unfortunately they get paid way too much money to do exactly that. Ignore them."
"I'm trying," I mumbled when he kissed the top of my head.
"I know you are," he replied. "I'll protect you as much as I can."
"You already do."
We pulled up to Jamie's house a few minutes later. He offered me his hand as we stepped out. He waved goodbye to Leo, nodding his head as a thanks. But before we could walk away, he rolled down the window.
"Miss Taylor," he said, calling me over.
Jamie furrowed his eyebrows at his request.
"I'll be right in, babe," I told him.
He hesitated for a moment before heading inside. I waited for him to shut the door then returned to the car to meet Leo.
"Don't mention anything to Mr. Dornan," he said.
I nodded, understanding his reference. "I won't. Thanks for the ride. I hope you have a great evening!"
"You as well. And Kelsey?"
"Yeah?" I said, curious to know what else he had to say, especially since he'd finally used my first name.
"Mr. Dornan is the happiest I've ever seen him, and I've known him since he was a pup. He loves you a lot, and I hope he tells you as often as he tells me. As far as the tabloids go, ignore those nasty buggers. They don't know anything about you."
His comment hit me right in the heart. I smiled at his thoughtfulness before he waved goodbye. Where had all that come from? For whatever unknown reason, I had a sneaking suspicion Leo wasn't too fond of Jamie's previous relationships. It gave me great reassurance that he at least approved of me.
I knew as soon as I walked in the house that Jamie would want to know what Leo had to say.
"What was that about?" he asked from his spot on the couch.
I smiled at my accuracy. "He simply wanted to remind me that the paparazzi are assholes and I'm not."
He chuckled. "Well, wasn't that nice of him?"
"Very," I replied. "I think I'm gonna run up and change real quick."
"It's been a long day. Movie night?"
I nodded with a grin. "Sounds wonderful."
He searched for the TV remote as I walked away and up the stairs to his room. I rummaged through my suitcase trying to decide on something comfortable yet cute to wear. As much as I wanted to bum it, I was still trying to make up for my shitty accusations the week before, and needed to keep his attention focused on the good things.
A flirtatious idea ran through my mind as I shifted to his dresser. I pulled open a drawer to retrieve one of his comfy t-shirts. I quickly changed into his ragged Beach Boys tee and my favorite black and yellow Batman panties. He'd certainly get a laugh out of it.
When I headed back down I could hear him on the phone, and my déjà vu kicked in. He was mad. The same thing had happened the last time we were in London, which at the time, resulted in me running out of fear after overhearing his ex's nasty comments. Instead of eavesdropping this time, I quickly made my way into the living room and he looked up when he saw me approach. His phone wasn't on speaker, making it impossible to hear the whole conversation.
"Stop!" He raised his voice and it startled me. I didn't ever want him to talk to me that way, because it wasn't the Jamie I knew. I was thankful not be on the receiving end of his anger.
"You're being insensitive and dramatic. I don't have time for it. Call me back when you've thought it over."
He wiggled his finger for me to come to him and I moved a little closer.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Thanks for ruining something special."
I saw the hurt slap him across the face, and I wanted to take the phone from him to give whoever it was a piece of my mind.
"Yeah, because her being loved is the worst thing that could happen to her."
I watched him press the button to end his call as he angrily tossed the phone on the table in front of him. I wouldn't be shocked if he'd cracked the screen, although it didn't seem that he cared at the moment. He ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling it into an adorable mess.
"Who was that?" My nosiness got the best of me.
"Um," he paused for a long while, and I thought maybe he was going to shield me from whatever it was that had him frustrated. "The bitch won't let us take her to Belfast now."
I didn't even need clarification; I knew exactly whom he was referring to. I rolled my eyes and walked toward him, straddling his lap before taking a seat. His hands naturally fell to my thighs as he rubbed gentle circles over them.
"Do I want to know why?" I draped my arms around his neck.
"She saw the pictures from today," he replied.
"That's what I said. I don't understand the problem." He sighed, and I stroked the hair at his neck to level him. I felt his breathing and heart rate calm beneath my touch. "Apparently she didn't think it was your responsibility to carry our child. But, baby-"
I cut him off. "Don't. I know you disagree. Unfortunately, I'm not sure she's wrong."
"Of course she is!" He wrinkled his forehead as though I was speaking in tongues.
"She's not, babe. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you saw her new man in the headlines carrying your baby girl?"
"Don't try to reason with me," he said, and I could tell he halfway understood.
I chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I think her anger is somewhat justified. As much as I love your daughter and would do anything to keep her safe, your ex-wife has a right not to trust me with her. She did, after all, give birth to her, not me."
"That has nothing to do with it. You protected her today and I'm beyond grateful. I don't know why she can't be, too."
"Because maybe deep down she's afraid I'm trying to replace her? Of course I'm not, but female brains are engineered to overthink literally everything." I laughed, knowing my own guilt with the same issue.
"Think about it from her side for a minute. Her ex-husband has fallen in love again and is starting a new life with another woman. Don't you suspect maybe she's worried her daughter is mirroring your actions?"
He rolled his eyes. "Well, she can get over it. Because once we're married, she'll have to let us share custody, since you'll be her stepmum."
A tingle ran over my spine. I really didn't want to fight the woman, but I would if it meant Jamie would get fair visitation with his daughter. I'd leave him before I'd let her revoke his rights to his little girl. I tried to shake the thought and hidden fear that there was a chance she'd do exactly that, because maybe she liked to see him suffer. However, I had some faith that his family wouldn't allow it to happen either.
"You're right about some of it at least," he said. "I have fallen madly in love with you, and we're definitely starting a new life. If my daughter falls in love with you, too, which she clearly has, then she can deal with it. That's not a realistic issue; it's a damn blessing. Frankly, I don't care about her feelings anymore. I only care that the two girls I love most are happy."
"Fuck her," I replied. I immediately wished I had kept the sentiment to myself and not spoken it aloud.
He laughed. "But I'd rather fuck you."
I shook my head with a seductive smile. "How quickly you turn it on, sir."
"You wearing my clothes turns me on. I guess I'll have to start going naked to appease your addiction."
I giggled. "It's been longer than usual, so I'll cut you some slack."
His lips crashed into mine without warning, and I melted into him, relieved to redirect his attention. I loved being held and appreciated by the man I knew had been made for me. I never questioned if his words were shallow, because his actions proved how much he truly loved me.
It seemed like a hundred things had happened to us individually in the short time we'd been dating, but somehow we managed to get each other through it. I was certain if we could survive the negative cards we'd been dealt over the last year, we could survive anything else headed our way. That was if I didn't screw it all up in the meantime. I really did need to see a professional who could help me get out of my own head.
I pulled back from his soft skin. "Are we okay?"
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Of course we are. Why would you ask such a silly thing?"
I shrugged, looking down at his chin while I rubbed the scruff adorning it. "I just don't want there to be any tension between us. If there's an elephant in the room, let's expose it."
I moved my gaze back to his, getting lost in his expression.
"The only tension between us is the tension you've created in your head. Stop overthinking, baby, please." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with a smirk. "You let in too much noise and it only hurts you in the end. I can't stand knowing I'm unable to prevent your wandering thoughts."
"You've already made me a better person, though. Believe it or not." I tried to hold in my hormonal emotions. "Any other time and I would've convinced myself to run by now, because I'm not worthy of someone like you."
He pressed his finger to my lips. "Shh, enough. That scares me. Don't ever run. You're my everything, and I love you more than you think you know. Stop believing the bullshit you tell yourself."
I bit my lip in hopes that it would trick the tears into hiding. "I really don't want to mess this up, but I'm an expert at ruining a good thing."
"I won't let that happen, baby," he said.
"I can't believe I've kept you this long."
He sighed, and I knew he was frustrated at my self-deprecating. But he needed to see all my broken pieces for what they were. If he wanted to marry me, he had to realize he was getting someone flawed.
"You're gonna keep me forever. Now shut up and kiss me." His hand moved to my neck as he forced us together again.
I chuckled into his lips as he breathed me in, our tongues tangling. He wrapped his free arm around my waist, lifting me momentarily in order to lay me on my back against the couch.
His veiny hand slipped under the Beach Boys shirt as he pushed it up my torso. My moan broke our kiss when his fingers teased the sensitive flesh of my breasts. He took the opportunity to snake down, leaving kisses along my jawline and over my neck. I smiled at his alluring nibbles on my pulse point. My fingers twisted in his hair, urging him to continue.
He playfully traced small swirls across my stomach, causing me to writhe at the tickling sensation. His snickering sent a quiver straight to my center.
"You're so soft and reactive," he whispered, kissing and licking at the skin above my panties.
"Mmm," was all I could manage in response.
"I like these." His forefinger traced the yellow band at the top of the underwear.
"If you rip them, I'll kill you."
He laughed loudly. "A little partial, are we?"
"They're my favorite."
Our eyes locked, his mischievous grin challenging me. I really would be pissed if he shredded them. Although it'd be worth it, he'd owe me a lot more than a simple replacement pair.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
I wrinkled my forehead, confused as to what he meant.
"I thought this was your favorite?"
His hand twisted underneath the fabric as his fingers rubbed a dangerous rhythm over my swollen bud.
"God, yes," I moaned, throwing my head back in pleasure.
He serenaded every sensation with his expert handiwork. The goosebumps flared across my skin as my heart raced at his erotic touch.
"Or was it this?"
I didn't have to time to react to the loss as he quickly jerked the Batman panties down and off my legs. I watched in surprise and delight, preparing myself for his next move.
In an act of pure encouragement, I tossed one leg over the back of the couch, dropping the other to the floor.
"Naughty girl," he teased, but left no room for a response. His face fell between them with that prideful grin. He lifted my hips, cupping my rear in his strong hands before he dropped his mouth to meet my center. I circled myself in the same motion of his tongue, coaxing my orgasm to the brink.
"Jamie, mmm."
He stopped his movements a minute later and I cried out in frustration. He sat back, smiling devilishly before quickly pushing two fingers inside me.
"No!" I yelled, trying to move away from his assault. I couldn't stand the sexual torture any longer. I wasn't going to unravel without him.
"It's just us, baby, let it out."
The curling of his fingers was making it hard to protest as the edge of my release erased all coherent thought.
"You," I begged, hoping he'd know I wanted him and not his hand or mouth.
"Oh, I'm your favorite?"
I glared at him before he stopped his stimulation, that sly smirk still painted across his face.
"Dammit, please!" I whined.
He agreed, lifting his shirt over his head to expose his mouth-watering six-pack and happy trail. I wet my lips with my tongue as I resisted the urge to lick every inch of him. His gaze never left mine as his slick fingers worked the button and zipper of his jeans. He pulled them down slowly along with his boxers, revealing his length. Merely the image of him aroused and kneeling between my legs was enough to make my head spin off. How was I the chosen one who got to touch that captivating, muscular body? What did I do to deserve to feel every inch of him from the inside out? God bless the luck of the Irish.
"You're fucking perfect," I gushed, my skin on fire.
He closed his eyes for a brief moment. "You totally disarm me. Control is a lost concept when it comes to pleasuring you."
His remark brought back the fight I'd caused last week. I thought he'd assured me we were fine? Then what was the point in bringing it up?
"Baby!" he snapped. "Turn over and stop thinking."
I sighed, somehow he saw right through me. But it had been the longest I'd gone without his intimacy, so I moved to rest on my hands and knees, forgetting what I couldn't change.
I felt his palms grip either side of my waist, his hardened manhood teasing my entrance. He was being purposely cruel.
"Don't make me beg," I said over my shoulder.
He chuckled. "Don't tempt me."
I forcefully pushed myself back against him and he hummed at the eagerness. A moment later he helped himself press into me. I relaxed, savoring the sensation, and allowing him to fill me completely.
"It's been too long," he said, slowly easing in and out.
"Yesss," I hissed in response.
He twisted my hair in his hand, tugging it gently yet hard enough that it managed to ignite the deep flame that was burning to explode.
Our hips crashed into one another's urgently. I met him thrust for thrust in a rhythm we'd silently agreed on. However, my wrists were starting to ache at the pressure of his body slamming into mine. I eased myself upward, gripping the back of the couch as leverage. With my other hand, I reached behind me to grasp his thigh. He moaned loudly when I dug my fingernails into his flesh.
"Baby, please. Come," he begged.
The new position allowed him to hit my sweet spot at a different angle, and his plea only encouraged the orgasm to arrive on command.
"Jamie!" I yelled, loud enough that the neighbors probably heard.
"Shit, Kelsey, baby." I could tell his teeth were clenched as I reached my peak, throbbing and spilling against him.
A couple more thrusts and he, too was coming undone. His body shuddered, and every delectable drop of his orgasm filled me. Although I didn't like our lack of sex recently, the wait had paid off, because that was a new level of Heaven.
"Jesus Christ," he said, collapsing with me onto the cushions.
I laughed. "We need to pent up our frustrations more often."
He kissed my shoulder. "No, we need to learn to be sneaky when we have company. I missed you."
"It's hard to be quiet when you tease so damn much."
His body rumbled on top of mine with his chuckle. "You are kind of a screamer, darlin.'"
I pushed against him, forcing him to move off of me. I rolled to my side as he halfway rested on my torso.
"I beg your pardon? I am not."
"You're kidding, right?"
I narrowed my eyes, remembering the scream half of London had just heard. "Well, it's all your fault."
"I know it is, and trust that it's never an accident."
We laughed together. I shook my head at his ridiculousness.
"I love you," I said. "Even though you drive me mad."
He kissed my nose. "I'll love you more if you'll shower with me?"
"No shower screams, promise."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."
"Although, the acoustics in there are much better than down here."
"Screw you!" I replied.
"If you insist." He shrugged and I squealed when he pulled me up into his arms, throwing me over his shoulder. Talk about disarming someone.
"I can't stand your ass," I said, my hand snaking down to pinch his plump rear.
"Mmm, well I love yours." He slapped mine playfully, eliciting a giggle as he carried me up the stairs.
What did you think? A lot to digest once again ;) Thank you for reading! Now please don't forget to vote and/or comment before departing! Xo
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