Chapter 13
A/N: So sorry for the delay in updating, life has been a little hectic. I hope this chapter makes up for it :) Thank you for reading and voting for my story! Your comments keep me inspired!
"Morning, sunshine!"
Rubbing my eyes to adjust to the suddenly sunny room, I rolled over to see my best friend standing beside the bed with a coffee cup in her hand.
"Why are the blinds open?" I whined.
"Because it's time to get up. A new day, a fresh start, hit it bright and early!"
"What time is it, Vic?"
"On a Saturday? You've lost your damn mind. Goodbye." I pulled the covers up over my head as she laughed.
"I have a training session at 9:15," she began, "so I need to head out. I made you some coffee, and will be done by eleven if you want to meet for lunch."
"Okay," I said.
I heard her set the cup down on my nightstand before the bed sank beneath her weight as she sat. She removed the blanket from my face.
"Don't do anything dramatic. I'll help distract you from him. Avoid your phone and most definitely the internet altogether."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'll meet you at our Jay's Café at eleven."
"Seriously, don't beat yourself up over his choices. Okay?"
I nodded reluctantly.
"See you soon!" She jumped up and made her way out of my room, shutting the door quietly.
Because curiosity killed the cat, I retrieved my cell phone from its place on the nightstand, next to the hot drink. I was surprised she hadn't taken my phone from me. Even more surprising was the single text message from Jamie at 2:36AM. No further calls or messages.
I love you, Kelsey was all it read.
I wanted so badly to reply, but I was still too hurt and confused over the whole situation. Only one day after my departure, and he was back canoodling with his ex-wife, without even warning me in case pictures leaked. Which they did, and he had yet to acknowledge them in any of his desperate attempts for my attention. How could he not know that's why I was upset? Were men really that ignorant?
Scrolling through my contacts, I found my sister's name and pressed call. I needed to talk to someone, anyone.
"You're up early for a Saturday," she answered.
"Tell me about it!" Emily was an early bird and I inherited the ability to sleep in all morning.
"How are you?"
"Eh," I replied.
"I'm really sorry this is happening, sis. I wish I could cover for him, but I don't know him well enough to defend those suspicious pics. I was hoping he was one of the good ones; he always seemed like it in interviews. I still can't believe you're dating him, or were dating him, or whatever."
"Yeah," was all I could manage. "Me neither."
She sighed. "Do you want me to come out?"
"No. Actually..." I trailed off, reconsidering if it was a good idea. "I think I want to come home."
"Mom and dad would love that," she said. "It's been since, what, Christmas?"
"I know. I'm awful. Last semester was brutal, though or I would've gone for Spring Break. At any rate, I think it'd help clear my head a little. There's a lot of noise in this city, plus the last time I was here, Jamie was, too. So it'd be nice to avoid the reminders until I can figure it all out."
"There's no place like home! But truthfully, I agree. Mom and I can help distract you from your own racing mind. Catching up with old friends always helps."
"Right," I said.
"When are you thinking? Today? Tomorrow? Next weekend?"
"I don't know, I have lunch plans with Victoria and still haven't done my laundry from London. Ask mom and text me what she thinks. We'll go from there."
"Okay. In the meantime, remember that your heart knows you better than you know yourself. Don't let any outside forces influence you."
"Too late." I half-laughed. "I'll do my best. Love you, Em."
"Love you more, Kels."
Victoria dropped me off at my apartment after lunch. My sister had texted while we were out that Mom and Dad would pay for a flight home tomorrow if I was up for it. I agreed, because I really missed my family. Their short graduation trip wasn't enough, especially with the distraction of Jamie. But it meant I had a ton of laundry to do, as well as repack for a new trip. I was ready for a slow down. I needed a break from everything and everyone outside of those who loved me unconditionally. Besides, Jamie had stopped incessantly calling, so I assumed he'd finally realized what he'd done to upset me.
I walked into my bedroom, dumping the contents of my hamper out onto the bed then separating my clothes into lights and darks. I was headed to put a load in the washer when I heard a knock at the door.
Rolling my eyes, I set the hamper down in the hall and made my way through the apartment. Either Victoria didn't trust me alone or she'd left something behind after our impromptu sleepover. Tossing the door open with a smile, I froze in my tracks at the person before me.
"Wh-what," I stuttered, "are you doing h-here?"
Shockingly he didn't trample me in an embrace of relief.
"Why are you ignoring me would be the better question," Jamie said.
I couldn't move. My first instinct was to slam the door, but when I went to shut it on him, he pushed it back open.
"Kelsey, what is wrong with you?" he said slightly louder, his accent a little thicker.
I prayed my sweet old neighbor didn't come out into the hall at the commotion. She didn't need to be subjected to my relationship drama.
"You had me scared to death! I haven't slept since yesterday because I've been sick to my stomach over thoughts of what happened. Care to explain?"
"How are you in New York?" I really couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he was standing in front of me. That's why he had stopped calling; he was in the air.
"I told you if he released me I'd be here today. If you had called me back like I asked, you would've known my plans. But since my girlfriend decided to ignore me, I had even more reason to get here on the first flight to find out why."
"Your plans?" I asked. "Would those be the same plans that involved your ex-wife or are you referring to different plans? The ones you tell me to make me happy while disguising the truth."
He closed his eyes for a moment, clearly frustrated and exhausted. He'd decided to show up unannounced, so I didn't feel bad for giving him the answers he was seeking.
"Can I please come in? I'd prefer not to do this from the hallway."
"Fine." I moved out of his way to let him inside and stood in the middle of the living room, my arms crossed.
"Let's start over," he said.
I didn't want to be civil and he could sense that, because he was trying to calm me down.
"Good idea," I countered.
"I asked you to call after your interview yesterday, but you didn't."
"See," I began, "the funny thing about that is I was getting ready to when my phone became flooded with calls and messages from my family and friends asking me why my boyfriend was cheating on me."
"Cheating on you? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! I would never."
"Then explain the lunch. The one you decided was better done in public."
"As opposed to privately? Me walking out of her house would've been your preferred paparazzi picture?"
I looked at the ground. He had a point. "But you knew they'd snap photos. You didn't think it warranted an explanation?"
"I never explain myself to those bastards. They don't deserve one. Besides, I announced on live television my love for my girlfriend, that should've been enough confirmation on where I stand."
"Why'd you have lunch with her?"
"Because you and I agreed that I needed to set her straight on how she'll discuss our relationship, specifically when referring to you."
"Why didn't you just tell me that when you called the night before?"
"It wasn't planned at the time. I was out after my appointment and asked if she could meet. I knew I'd be leaving to come back here, so I needed to clear the air first."
I was feeling defeated. He had an answer for every accusation, and I didn't know whether that was a good thing or something he'd trained himself to do from past experience. I didn't want to be like her, because that obviously didn't work out. But I still felt like he'd betrayed me for whatever reason. My insecurities were showing.
"You looked pretty damn happy during your little date."
"It wasn't a date. There were cameras and I'm an actor," he said. "Baby you've got to remember she's the mother of my daughter and can take her away from me any moment she pleases. I can't lose my little girl."
Well, that was it. Those were all of my questions. Now I just looked like a horrible person for ignoring him, being angry, leaving, everything. Once again, I'd thought about it too much and made myself crazy. Why hadn't he left yet? Most guys would've. In fact, they usually did. Couldn't he see my fears were more of a risk than a payoff?
"God," I said and the tears fell freely. I was embarrassed. I walked over to the windowsill and looked down at the busy city beneath me. The people and cars were all moving as quickly as my mind. I wondered if any of the strangers below were feeling as foolish as I was in that exact moment. What I wouldn't give to trade places with one of them to get me out of my current conversation.
I couldn't look at him. All those hours I'd wasted being mad over nothing, denying him the words he wanted reciprocated. Why had I been so damn dramatic? That wasn't like me. I wasn't the possessive or jealous type ever before.
I felt him approach, but he didn't reach out, which was actually a relief. I didn't deserve his affection.
"You should go," I whispered.
"Please," he begged.
"You deserve better, Jamie. I'm a fool. You should go before you're in too deep."
He didn't say anything for a long moment, and I began to think he was considering my proposal.
"Too late," he chuckled. "Will you look at me?"
I shook my head, which caused him to touch me. My skin lit up by the light gesture. He pulled my face toward him, but I refused eye contact. He leaned in and left a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"I deserve to love someone as much as they love me," he said.
I finally met his gaze, those breathtaking blue eyes staring into mine. "I'm sorry."
"As am I. I should've given you fair warning, but I was anxious to get her off my plate and get back to you that I didn't think about how it'd look in the media. Should've known they'd warp me into a villain."
"I'm the one who feels like a villain. I'm sorry I ignored you, I truly regret it, but I was so hurt and so scared."
"Scared of what?"
"That you didn't want me anymore."
He held my face between both of his large hands. "That'll never happen."
"I've experienced the effects of it before."
"And I told you I'm not like them. I'm not a cheater. I have no reason to be. There's no one out there that I could ever be more in love with or attracted to than you."
I sighed. "You can't say that. You've already been married to someone you were obviously in love with and attracted to."
He took a deep breath, releasing his grip. I'd struck a nerve and really didn't mean to say it, but while we were laying it all on the table, it was worth his response.
"Is that what this boils down to?"
"If you want the truth then yes."
"Okay, let's go there," he said. "My daughter came from that marriage. She's the only reason it even happened, because I panicked and thought that's what you were supposed to do when you knocked a girl up, marry her. It sufficed both of our families, too. And yeah, I loved her as a person, respected her as a mother, but never felt a connection. She was more like a longtime friend. I don't regret our relationship, because like I said, my daughter was the result; however, she's not a threat."
I huffed. "She doesn't like me very much. How do I know she won't spread rumors to the press?"
"I set her straight. That won't happen, I promise."
"Look," I chose my words carefully. This was the conversation we needed to have, and it was about time I said it.
"I'm intimidated. I've never been in a committed relationship, or even a relationship where I felt like I had a long-term future with someone. Yes, you warned me from the beginning that you came with an ex and a kid, and I fully accepted both. This isn't about you; it's a personal struggle. You started a life with someone else before we met, and I respect that, but I'm a blank slate. I will never know what it's like to have truly loved someone prior to you. The guys in my past were a waste of time compared to what we have. So seeing you out with someone you used to be married to made me feel insecure, because you haven't loved me or known me as long. Point blank, those pictures hurt. I was jealous. You're supposed to be mine, and I don't want to share you with anyone, especially your ex-wife."
His lips crashed into mine in a sudden rush before I could comprehend what was happening. He pinned me against the cold window as he breathlessly kissed me with every fiber of his being. It felt incredible to be near him again, and even more incredible to taste him, touch him, smell him. My fingers tangled in his soft hair as he dipped his tongue in my mouth. God, he was everything. Even a couple of days without him had been torture, and his plump lips sucking at mine made me forget anything I'd just said or why I was upset in the first place. All I knew was I never wanted to let him go. I wanted him exactly like this everyday for the rest of my life. I needed to stop letting my mind get in the way of my heart.
I broke our kiss to look up at him. "Do you get it now?"
"I do," he panted, "but you have to stop worrying about the past. It's over and neither of us can change it. I want, need, miss, desire, and love only you. No one will get in the way of my feelings so don't let them get in the way of yours. I'm scared, too, you know."
"Of what?" I smiled.
"Not being able to control my emotions. Rushing you into things. I've never felt this way before and I'm not sure if I'm handling it right. All I know is you're it, and I'll do whatever you want me to in order to be with you for..."
He stopped mid-sentence and my heart was leaping. He undoubtedly felt the same way. One of us had to say what we'd both been thinking since day one. I don't know how or why it happened as quickly as it did, but our feelings were mutual. He was the one.
"The rest of our lives?" I asked.
He nodded. "Endlessly."
"I love you so damn much." I couldn't contain my giddy laugh.
He tightened his arms around me. "You really must, because I've never had a woman ignore me for that long. Or deep down you knew I loved you enough to fly across the ocean to prove my loyalty."
"You've proven enough. I need to stop overthinking things."
"That's a good place to start." He winked. "There's no need to complicate what I know you feel, too. Let it unfold naturally."
I couldn't contain the joy in my smile. Despite last night's ignorance, I loved him more than I thought possible. Anger is just love disappointed.
"So we're not moving too fast?"
"In whose opinion?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No one that matters."
"We can slow down, baby. I'll move at whatever speed you're comfortable with."
I laughed out loud. "I'm comfortable with you. Like you said, naturally."
"I'd like to get natural." His mouth curved up in a devilish grin.
"I'm gonna make you wait for it, because I need to pack."
"Wait, what?" He wrinkled his forehead, all playfulness disappearing from his face.
I bit my bottom lip and looked down. "I'm going home tomorrow."
"To Ohio?"
I nodded.
"For how long?"
I shrugged, meeting his eyes. "I don't know. But for my own sanity I think I need to be with my family and cool my jets."
"I understand. I'm sorry that I've pushed you to that point."
There was that self-deprecation. I really needed to stop him from such a bad habit. He went from high to low in an instant, and it hurt my heart. He was a lot more broken than he let on. I wanted to find out why; help him move past it.
"Remember, not about you; personal struggle."
"How can I help? I don't want you worrying about anything." He kissed the tip of my nose.
"Come with me."
"Won't that defeat the purpose?"
I shook my head. "I'm not running from you, babe. I'm running from my own mind, the craziness of this city, everything happening in my life at once. Let's slow down and relax together in Nowhereville, Ohio."
It was his turn to laugh.
"Seriously, it'll make me feel better. I don't want to worry about a new job, getting caught by the paparazzi, car accidents, ex-wives, etc. Just you, me, and my small town. I'll show you all ten miles of it."
"Will your family mind?"
"I really don't care," I said with a smile. "I want you there, but no, they won't mind. They loved you after one meeting, surely they'll love you even more once they get to know you better."
"They loved me?"
His face was beaming like it was some big revelation. How could anyone not?
"Of course they did. You make me happy, what's not to love?"
"I suppose that's fair since my family loves you for the same reason."
"Okay, see now I'm going to run for the hills. We've let too many people in. I retract my invite."
He kissed my forehead, chuckling. "Keep burying those feelings, baby. You can talk all you want, but actions speak louder than words."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yes, and there are a few things I'd like to act on if I wasn't so damn tired."
I gently kissed his lips. "You sleep, I'll do laundry and pack."
"Does that mean I finally get to see your bedroom?"
"This one and my old one in Ohio. Adorned with *NSYNC and Justin Timberlake posters."
"God help me!"
We both laughed and he stepped away from my body. I immediately felt the loss of his warmth.
"Hey," I said as he walked down the hallway to my room.
He stopped and turned.
"I'm glad you're here. Despite my previous lack of response, I missed you."
He smiled. "I missed you more. Come join me when you're done."
"I love you," I called after him when he continued his path.
"Not as much as I love you," he responded without looking back.
I quickly found my cell phone and sent my sister a text.
Let Mom and Dad know Jamie is coming with me. Long story, can't explain right now, but promise to fill you in when we have girl time. Thanks! Love you!
Less than a minute later she replied. So he's a good guy after all? Can't say I'm not relieved to hear it. I like you together. Hopefully he likes our hometown, haha! Love you, see you tomorrow.
I went back to my previous task of putting clothes in the washer. I forgot to ask Jamie where his luggage was, but figured we could handle it later, or he could just get what he needed from his place before we left.
I quietly stepped into my room to see him lying on my side of the bed, facing the wall. I smiled at the sight of him making himself at home in my most private space. He was already snoring, absolutely exhausted. He looked angelic in his slumber, his porcelain skin covered with my white down comforter, and his golden locks tousled against my pillow. I gently crawled in under the covers behind him, wrapping my arm around his waist. He didn't budge, just kept sleeping away. The unique smell of his skin and cologne mixed in my nose, lulling me into a Jamie trance. I laced our fingers together and kissed his cotton-covered shoulder. I'd marry him tomorrow if he asked.
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