Chapter 12
A/N: I wanted to start off by saying THANK YOU for reading and voting for my story. I appreciate knowing you guys are enjoying it. Please feel free to leave a comment :) I have a lot in store for these two characters, so fasten your seatbelts and join them on this wild ride!
Everything was dreadful after the moment Jamie and I kissed goodbye. I received unwanted stares from strangers through airport security all the way to the terminal after cameras and fans had followed us inside. The last image of Jamie I saw was of him signing autographs. However, they weren't that interested in me, so no one asked questions, just shot random glances my way. Yes, I'm with him, no, I'm not also famous.
The flight home was even worse. I sat next to some stuffy businessman who typed obnoxiously on his laptop the entire seven hours back to New York. He didn't speak to me, or the flight attendant when she brought his lunch, not even a thank you. Those were the type of New Yorkers I hated; gave the entire city a bad rep.
I was incredibly lonely. Luckily, when I turned my phone on Jamie had already sent sweet texts making sure I'd made it home okay and telling me how much he missed me. I called him to let him know I had arrived and he promised to video call before he went to bed.
My apartment was desolate; it felt empty without him there. In fact, it didn't feel like home anymore. Amazing how after only a couple of months he'd turned my life inside out so dramatically that my own place didn't even seem like mine. I never thought I'd be one of those women. I was always the most adventurous person in my family, taking risks, and straying from the small town life. After all, I'd moved to New York by myself, went to school by myself, lived by myself, etc. Although much support came from my parents, no one joined me. I'd never been tied to anyone or defined by whom I was dating, but all of that had changed. Every plan I imagined, I considered Jamie before acting on it. I'd never organized my future around a man. Victoria was right, there was a new Kelsey in town.
I spent the rest of my day unpacking and returning various phone calls. My dad had decided not to fly in, so he emailed me advice on how to handle the meeting. I already wasn't looking forward to the lunch, but now I'd have to go it alone. After I ordered myself Chinese takeout, I sat at the kitchen table and sifted through two and a half weeks worth of mail. There was an unstamped envelope from Victoria in the mix. I wrinkled my forehead, why would she write me a letter?
Opening it, I pulled out the contents, which immediately caused me to roll my eyes and blush. She'd ripped out pages from various magazines with my and Jamie's pictures from the airport. He was wrong; I looked like shit. What an awful introduction into the spotlight. It reminded me of how he'd handled my emotions afterward, and I suddenly felt guilty for not staying with him and handling his injuries. He'd been so cautious as he guided me through it; I was grateful for his protection. I had to start putting in more effort into our relationship before he decided I wasn't worth his affection. I still hadn't convinced myself I was.
I sent a quick text to remind him. Hi. I love you. Bye. ;)
A few seconds later, he replied. I love you more. Come back. This place sucks without you! :(
My heart hurt; I felt the same. I noticed Victoria had handwritten a note along with the photos.
Figured you'd want these since I know you'll never pick up a gossip mag in your life! Cuties. I can't handle it. Xo, Vic
I laughed out loud. She was right; I had no desire to know what was going on in Hollyweird. Although, it'd be incredibly difficult not to snoop now that I was involved in his lifestyle. I knew it would only be a detriment to my confidence.
I curled up on the couch with some comfort food, my laptop sitting beside me, as I impatiently waited for the time to pass. Carelessly, I flipped through the TV channels, stopping on a rerun of "Friends." An hour later he sent me a text asking if I was around. Did he really think I had anything better to do? God love him.
I opened my computer and waited for the call, smiling from ear to ear when it began ringing.
"Hi," I said after I answered.
"Hello, beautiful." His smile was beaming just like mine, and the sound of his voice was instantly improving my mood.
"I miss you."
He was in bed in a white t-shirt, his pillows resting behind him against the headboard, the scars and bruises looking even better than earlier.
"I wish you knew how much I miss you," he said. "Unbelievably."
"How are you feeling?"
"Besides the lack of you, fine." He winked.
How could the man make me blush when he wasn't even in the same room?
"The flight went well?"
"I suppose." I shrugged. "My seat partner wasn't as friendly as the one on the way out."
He laughed. "I think that's a relief?"
"When's your doctor's appointment?"
He rubbed the stubble that had grown on his chin and smiled like a child with a secret.
"Why are you acting weird?" I chuckled.
"I might've changed it."
"Jamie!" I whined, "I already have to go without you until at least Monday, why would you move it?"
"I tugged some strings to convince him to see me three days early, AKA tomorrow. If he gives me the all clear, I'll be in New York Saturday!"
I was giddy. I felt like an idiot, but I couldn't help the squeal that escaped my throat. Getting through my meeting didn't seem so daunting now that I knew he'd be on the other side of it.
"Oh my God! Please let him release you!"
"You miss me that much already? Figured you'd be tired of me by now, after all I've put you through."
For someone so charismatic, he was awfully self-deprecating.
"Don't be silly. This place sucks without you." I mocked his earlier sentiment.
"No, this place sucks without you."
I looked down at my keyboard, feeling sad again that I'd had to leave for an opportunity I wasn't interested in; even worse that I'd left him during a very vulnerable time.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing, just realizing how lonely I am, because even though I can see you, you're not here. I can't touch you."
And also realizing how pathetic that sounded. He was going to think I was the clingy type.
"Baby," he said, and I looked up, "I wish things were different, but we'll be fine. It's only a couple of days."
"Is this what it'll be like?"
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"When you have work somewhere else or have to go home and I'm stuck at my boring day job and can't be with you."
He sighed. "I'll say no if you want, but unfortunately yes, this is how it'll be if you can't come. Nothing we can't handle though."
I wasn't convinced I could be away from him for an extended period of time. I was barely thinking straight after a few hours, how would I survive weeks?
"I'm going to cancel this stupid interview then."
"No, you're not," he argued. "Give it a chance. You gave me a huge chance and look what happened."
"Not the best time to use that example, as I sit here by myself when the only place I want to be is with you." I shook my head, "God, I sound pitiful."
He smiled. "Pretty sure that's called love, and there's nothing pitiful about it. If it's any consolation, I'm just as miserable. I'd give anything to hold you in my arms right now and fall asleep to the sound of your breathing."
My heart began racing. I wasn't sure if he was making me feel better or worse.
"You're perfect," I said with a wink.
"Far from it, baby. Only perfect with you."
Those damn one-liners.
"I love you," I said.
"And I love you. I'll text you what the doc says and you call me after your meeting."
"Consider it done. Sweet dreams, babe."
"As long as you're in them." He blew me a kiss before hanging up.
Like the wimp that I am, I cried. I missed him more than I'd ever missed another human in my life, and it'd only been half a day. I was ruined. If he ever left me, I wouldn't survive the heartbreak. I was 100% his and there was no turning back.
As soon as I woke the next day, I checked my phone to find a text from Jamie.
Good morning, my love, still missing you terribly. Best of luck today, but you'll do great! Doc says I'm looking better, thinks I can travel. Call me later and we'll discuss.
What was there to discuss? I wanted him with me as soon as physically possible. I showered and dressed for my interview; never more ready to get something over with so I could call him.
I drove to the upscale restaurant the president of NYU had picked out, and I prayed he'd also pick up the bill, because I was running low on cash after my Eurotrip. Maybe a job wouldn't be too bad after all; I could wean myself off of my family's support and become completely independent. Although, with the same token, my dad was an old friend of his, which meant the job would still leave me under their supervision. Plus, I'd have to work while my boyfriend was jet setting around the world to film. Sighing, I handed my keys to the valet and made my way inside.
The president was a sweet, older man, and I instantly felt at ease with him because he was a fellow Midwesterner. We talked a lot about growing up in Ohio and all the things that had changed since we'd left. The meeting ran extremely smooth and I found myself back at a crossroads in my mind, unsure of if I wanted to take the position if he offered it, or keep my life on hold to see what Jamie's future looked like. All I knew was I wasn't ready to make any decisions on the spot. I thanked him for lunch and made my way out into the hot, humid New York summer day. I sat on a nearby bench, dismissing the valet for a few minutes.
Pulling out my phone to call my parents to tell them about the meeting, I noticed I had multiple missed calls from Victoria and my sister. Worried, I quickly dialed. My mom answered after one ring.
"Everything okay?"
"Huh?" she asked.
"Are you and Daddy okay?"
"Honey, we're fine, what are you talking about?"
"Weird. I had a ton of notifications during my meeting and was worried something had happened."
"Nope, just got home from lunch with your dad. He took the day off anyway, despite not flying to you. How'd it go?"
"Really well, actually. He said he'll be in touch next week and we'll go from there. Sounds promising."
"I'm happy for you! I can't wait to tell your dad, he'll be thrilled. I'll ship him to you to celebrate."
"Don't get too excited," I laughed, "still haven't been offered or accepted anything."
"They'd be fools not to hire you."
"Listen, can I call you back later? I have like three people I need to get ahold of."
"No problem, sweetie. Talk soon."
I hung up and tried to decide who to call first, my sister, Victoria, or Jamie. I scrolled to my sister's number, figuring I'd tell her she'd scared me to death thinking something was wrong with Mom and Dad.
"Where have you been?" she answered.
"In an interview. What's going on? You called a million times, I was worried someone was hurt!"
"You're about to be," she said curtly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Are you still dating Jamie?"
I was utterly confused. "Yes, I just flew home from London yesterday, why?"
She sucked in a sharp breath. "Ouch, not even one day. This is why I told you to go with him in the first place, bastard."
"Emily, what the hell are you talking about?" I was getting angry.
"I think he's seeing someone else."
My heart sank at her words without hearing her reasoning.
"I think you're wrong. We talked last night."
"So you knew about his lunch date?"
"No, nothing was mentioned about a date."
"Then you need to Google it. Your picture is front headlines beside the photo of him touching another woman and enjoying lunch with her."
My mind was racing; whom could he have taken to lunch that he wouldn't have mentioned to me during our call?
"I've gotta go," I said abruptly.
"Call me later."
I didn't even respond, just hung up. I also noticed there were unread texts from Victoria as I blankly stared at my phone. Not a word from Jamie.
CALL ME NOW! the most recent one read. Coming after her hundreds of calls.
I clicked her picture and it rang twice.
"I'm on my way to the airport now. I'll kill him for you, girl."
"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" I yelled.
"Your man is a cheating asshole, that's what."
"No, he's not! It's probably his sister."
"He greets his sister with a kiss on the cheek?"
"It's Europe, nothing abnormal."
"And holds onto her lower back while they walk?"
"Still probable."
"Oh," she said.
"You haven't seen the pictures have you?"
"I don't think I even want to."
"I disagree. Hang up, I'll send you the link."
I hit the end call button and waited. A moment later her text arrived. I clicked the link and it took me to People's website. I almost vomited at the headline.
Jamie Dornan's girlfriend spotted leaving London yesterday; today he gets cozy with ex-wife. Who really has his heart?
Against my better judgment, I read the article.
The Irish model-turned-actor, Jamie Dornan is confusing his flock of female fans on his relationship status. One day he's dating an unknown woman, the next he's having lunch with his ex. Seems like he doesn't know what or whom he wants! Two weeks ago we reported his arrival at Heathrow airport with the mystery woman he also announced on national television that he loved. Yesterday he sent her off on a jet plane only to turn around and take his ex-wife of two years, and mother of his daughter to lunch earlier today in London. They look pretty cozy to us, what do you think? See the questionable photos below and weigh in with your opinion!
I scrolled down to investigate the pictures with my own eyes. Sure enough, as was told to me, there he stood, kissing her on the cheek in one picture and walking her inside the restaurant with his hand dangerously low on her back in another. He wore a black polo and dark jeans; she wore a short summer dress and a bright smile. The tears surfaced automatically. All I could do was stare at every inch of his body, trying to read its language through the screen of my phone. I was absolutely sick. Why wouldn't he tell me he was meeting her? He should've known I wouldn't be mad, and would assume he was clearing the air. But these pictures painted a very happy picture and not one of "setting the record straight." Why would he take her to a public place knowing they'd be photographed? It felt like a slap in the face.
My phone began buzzing in my hand, it was Victoria again.
"Are you okay?" she said.
"I don't think so."
"I'm coming over tonight, with wine and ice cream."
My hurt feelings were hard to disguise. Did he not trust me enough to say something? Not even after the fact? He had to have noticed the cameras, or at least she did, showing off a delighted expression.
"I don't believe it," I finished.
"Honey, men are all the same. They think with their penis."
Maybe that was my problem; I'd told him I loved him too soon, slept with him way too early in our relationship. I looked easy and he'd taken advantage of it. Now his ex-wife was back in the picture, and he'd already said his daughter was his world. Being with her mother would surely make her happier than being with me.
"Yeah," I whispered.
"I'll see you in a bit. Don't do anything irrational."
I hung up and called my sister back.
"Hey," she said.
"I saw the pics."
"I figured. How did they make you feel?"
"Like shit."
"So it's not a publicity stunt to save face?"
"Jamie's not like that. I don't know what it is, I just know I wasn't aware it was happening."
"I'm sorry sis. He's famous; he probably thinks he's invincible. The power goes to their head. He wanted to have his cake and eat it, too, but he got caught."
"I guess," I said.
"I love you, Kels. If you need me to fly out, I'll be there ASAP."
"I'll be fine," I said, "I love you, too."
"Please let me know if you change your mind. I'm always here for you."
I ended the call, dropping my phone into my purse and with mascara stained cheeks, asked the valet to retrieve my car. He stood there for a moment, regarding my expression and probably pitying me, but he only nodded in response.
I drove home, tears streaming down my face, not really focusing on the road. Pulling into my garage, I heard my cell buzzing at the bottom of my bag.
It was Jamie. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, making my way up to my apartment. Mrs. Turner was locking her door when the elevator opened.
She looked up at the sound of the ding. "Miss Taylor, how are you?"
"I've been better."
"Oh, dear, you're sad. What's wrong?"
"Boyfriend blues," I said, trying to force a smile.
"Men, cant' live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Come by later and I'll bake you some cookies."
"Thanks, Mrs. Turner, you're the best. Have a great afternoon."
I stepped into my apartment and plopped down on the couch. The tears had subsided, but I was still an emotional wreck. I couldn't wrap my head around why he looked so happy in those pictures or why he took her to lunch in the first place. All he had to do was tell her to be respectful towards me, that didn't require a meal in public.
My phone was buzzing again and I pulled it out of my purse, pressing ignore on his call. I set it on the end table, out of sight. He was relentless though, call after call after call, but I was not in the mood to talk to him. I needed to gather the questions I wanted to ask in my head first. Besides, if I answered now, I'd start yelling.
A few minutes later, I heard a different vibration. Retrieving it, I noticed he was trying to FaceTime me. Really? Did he think I'd answer a video call over a voice call? I tried to calm my anger and give him benefit of the doubt. He clearly didn't know I was mad. Maybe he thought I didn't have my phone and was on my laptop. After an unsuccessful attempt, I received a text notification.
Hey baby, I'm worried. Did you fall asleep? Hope your interview went off without a hitch. Call me when you can. Miss you, xo.
Yeah, he clearly missed me all right. While I'm sitting in a meeting thousands of miles away, wondering how I'm going to tell this guy I don't want his job offer because I love my boyfriend too much, he's out wining and dining his ex-wife. The woman who gave birth to his daughter. Did I really think he wanted to be with me? Why me of all people? I was a nobody. Disposable. Just like she'd predicted and she was obviously already there to pick up the pieces.
Hour after hour went by and he called endlessly. I cried harder every time it rang. Victoria had arrived, guns blazing. She constantly refilled my wine glass and held me during my misery. She swore that men were nothing but trouble, that roaming the earth as a strong-willed, independent woman was the way to go. As much as I wanted to be on board with her empowering words, his messages were sending me into an opposite spiral of sadness. I read the texts to her through my sobs.
Kels, please call me back! I'm so worried. I don't know how else to reach you. I just want to know you're okay.
I know your phone's not dead because it keeps ringing. Why aren't you answering? Please say something, anything.
This is like the hundredth time I've tried calling and texting, what is going on?! I'm scared to death. My mind is racing at the possibilities. I just need to hear your voice. Call me!
"He's looking guilty. He realizes that, right?" she said.
"Maybe I should text him so he'll leave me alone. Put us both out of our misery."
She took my glass from my hand. "That's the wine talking, enough of that."
"Fuck him, and her too. She got exactly what she wanted; her perfect man back in the palm of her hand. He was supposed to be my perfect man! Why did I tell him I loved him? Why did I sleep with him? I feel used, cheap. Stupid American girl."
"Shh," Victoria cooed as she hugged me. I cried into her shoulder.
She helped put me to bed rather early; I'd had a little too much to drink. We lay under the covers in my bed watching reruns of "Full House." She laughed at the show while I read his texts over and over.
"Give me your phone, you're making yourself miserable."
"No, this makes me miserable."
I pressed play on the single voicemail he'd left. He was clearly crying on the other end, absolutely distraught from my lack of response. His voice sounded almost unrecognizable between his accent and emotions.
Kelsey, I don't know what to do. I've tried calling, texting, everything. I don't know where you are or what you're doing that you wouldn't have your phone with you. All I can picture is my accident and pray that nothing like that has happened to you. I don't have anyone else to contact to find out what's going on. This is my SOS. Please let me know you're okay. I want to hear your voice, tell you I love you and miss you. Baby, please call me.
I halfway felt cruel, but Victoria took my phone before I could act on it.
"Sleep," she commanded.
And I did, without Jamie, which was the normal I'd have to get used to once again.
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