Shopping and Lunch
(Bessie's POV)
“Bessie!” I hear Elphaba call my name as she enters her room. I look up from the making her bed, and smile. “Hello Elphaba. Is there something I can do for you?” I ask noticing she looks a little agitated. She nods and begins to pace. “I need your help.”
“Yes! Of course! What is it?” I ask concerned. She pauses her nervous pacing and looks at me. “I need you to help me cover my verdigris. I am going to town.’ I stare at her shocked for a few moments. “Uuuum, did you just say you are going to town?”
“Yes I did!” Elphaba snaps and sighs. “I agreed to go with Glinda and her mother, but I am completely freaking out!”
“Alright!” I say and go over to her. “First off let's make sure you wear a high collar dress, and thankfully since it is autumn you will be wearing long sleeves. That makes things much easier.” I open her closet and frown as I dig through her meager selection. Finally I find a light tan colored dress that will work. “Go put this on.”
She grabs it and storms off to her bathroom and comes out shortly wearing the dress. Meanwhile I had gotten her a cloak that was a nice rich blue color and some tan gloves to match. “Wear these, and keep the hood up and the gloves on!” I order and she scowls at me silently, but she puts the cloak on. Before she puts up her hood though I take out some makeup. “What is that for?” She.growls glaring. “Its makeup. I figure I can use it to hide your verdigris.” I sit her down and begin to apply it, and I try not to laugh because she scowls the whole time. “There! Finally done.” I say and then take her hair down and drape it over her shoulders. “Why are you doing that?”
“I'm doing this so your hair hide your face some. You know, for extra protection so to speak.” look at her as I a step back. “There! You should be good to go.” I smile and turns back to the bed so I can finish making it. “Thank you, Bessie. Now go get your cloak you are coming too.”
“What!?” i says whipping around to face Elphaba.. “I said you are coming to, and seeing as you are technically my servant you must do as I say.” I reply nonchalantly. I sighs. “Very well. If I must.”
“You must. Now come on.” She says turning and heading to where Glinda and Lady Upland await. Just great! I get to spend the day playing babysitter and baggage carrier to Elphaba and Glinda.
(Elphaba's POV)
We have been in town for two hours already, and I am so over shopping right now. “Glinda?”
“Yes dear?” Glinda says looking over from the rack of dresses she and her are browsing. “Are we almost through here? It's almost tea time, and we have been to seven dress shoes already! I am tired, hungry, and starting to feel overwhelmed.” Glinda pouts. “But I still haven't found the perfect gown!”
“I'm sorry.” Lerena says putting a dress back, and taking the dress Glinda was holding and puts it back. “Come along Glinda. She is right, it is tea time and I am sure we can all use a break.”
“But Momsie!” Glinda whines, and Lerena gives her a stern look. “We can come back later. Besides we agreed not to push Fae too hard.” Lerena says looking at me, and Glinda follows her look to meet my gaze. “Please?” I whisper as I hand a bag to Bessie, who is just as tired of shopping as I am, as I go over to Glinda. “Please, can we just go get lunch, and then go to the bookstore? I am not sure how much more I can handle my sweet.” I say quietly so only she can hear. “My nerves are an absolute wreck, and I just want to to home.”
“Fine.” Glinda says pouting as she turns towards the door, and heads out. I sigh and take a couple bags from Bessie and we all head out of the shop and down the street. It isn't long before we come across a small diner. “They have delicious food here.” Bessie says. “They are fairly inexpensive as well.”
“Sounds good to me!” Glinda says excitedly. Lerena and nod. Bessie smiles and leads us in, and soon we are lead to a secluded booth near the back of the diner. A waitress hands us each a menu and smile. “Good afternoon ladies. My name is Celestial, and I will be your waitress today. Might I interest you in something to drink or our special of the day?”
“I would like some cider please.” I ask quietly as I look down at my menu so she can't see my face even though the makeup is doing it's job to hide me. The others give her their drinks. “Alright!” She smiles starting to turn away. “I'll bring you your drinks in just a moment.”
“Excuse me!” Lerena says, and Celestial turns back and smiles at her. “Yes Ma’am?”
“What is your special? I forgot to ask.” She says and the waitress grins at Lerena excitedly. “It's called the D.G. Supreme.”
“Odd name.” I say quietly and she chuckles. “It’s named after Dorothy Gale, and it's a special dish made up food from her home world. We serve it every year on this day, because it's her birthday, in honor of her defeating the Wicked Witch of the West and her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East.”
Suddenly I feel very, very, very sick! I begin having trouble breathing. My skin feels as if it is on fire! I want to scream but I can't. I can't move I can't make any noise at all! Kill the Witch! Wickedness must be punished! Kill the Witch! I hear people yelling. Finally I am able to move. Quickly I cover my ears to try and stop the voices, but it doesn't work. By now I can feel myself shaking, every part of my hurts, and everything goes black.
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