(Elphaba's POV)
It has been two days since Bessie started staying here again. She has managed to move all her things into her old room, and begin to pester me. “Elphaba!” She says knocking on my bedroom. “Please come here. I would like to talk with you.”
Sighing I set the book I was reading aside and go to the door. “What is it Bessie?” I say in rather boredly, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind me.
“I wanted to know is what you would like to have for supper tonight?”
“I'm not hungry.”
“You aren't now, but that doesn't mean you won't be later. Now come along.” She takes my hand and begins pulling me towards the kitchen. I know she will keep pestering until I go with her, but I don't want to. I want to go back to my room and read as I think about my Glinda, and the fact Lerena says she wants us together again.
“Elphaba!” Bessie says snapping in front of my face pulling me from my thoughts. I start slightly and look at her with a slight glare. “Yes?”
“I am going to town to run a few errands and then to market to get some food for us. Now tell me what you want for supper so I know what to get.” She says rather impatiently and I sigh. “Bessie, I really don’t care what you make for supper. You know as long as there is no meat in mine, I don’t care what you fix.”
“You are so helpful, you know!” She says sarcastically, and I give her a small smirk. “I know.” I say as I turn back and start down the hall towards my room, and Bessie goes out the door grumbling to herself.
Not long after getting settled into my room I hear a knock on the door, sighing I head towards the door. Wonder who it can be? No sooner do I get the door open then I get knocked back by someone. “ELPHIEEEEEEE!” I go partially deaf for a few seconds. “Glinda!” I say regaining my balance as I pick her up in a huge hug giving her a quick spin before setting her down.
It is then I notice Lerena standing off to the side on the porch smiling at us. “Lerena!” I say quickly and smile. “Forgive me. I didn’t see you standing there.” She laughs a little. “No need to apologize. Glinda makes a better door than window.” She teases, and Glinda shoots her a playful glare, and we start laughing. “Please come in.” I say standing aside so Lerana can come into the cabin as well.
“Please take a seat. I’ll go get us something to drink.” I say as I quickly go into the kitchen, and for once am thankful Bessie had made some lemonade. I get down some glasses and place them on a tray with the pitcher of lemonade, and then grab a plate of cookies and set it on the tray as well. Then carefully return to the living room.
“So Glinda when did you get back?” I ask pouring her and Lerena some lemonade. “I got back late last night. The negotiations were finally worked out, and hopefully there will be no more trouble.”
“I'm glad of that.” I say smiling at her. “I take it from the way you greeted me your mother talked to you?” I glance at Lerena and she nods. “I told Glinda when she got up today. I didn't want to tell her last night because I knew she wouldn't sleep, and she was exhausted!”
Glinda pouts a little. “I'm sure I would have slept just fine!” She tosses her hair over her shoulder. Lerena and I just laugh. “Yeah, sure you would have. Would that have been before or after you came charging down here and jumping me in my sleep?” I say rolling my eyes.
“After! Only because I would not have slept in my own room! I would have slept here.” She says giving her mother a pointed look and Lerena smirks. “Really?”
“Yes really!” Glinda huffs crossing her arms. I lean over give her quick peck on the cheek before I whisper so only she hears. “I would not have complained one bit, and we would not have slept.” I sit back and cackle a little as Glinda turns a brilliant shade of red.
Lerena clears her throat a little and takes a sip of her tea. “If you two can take a moment to stop flirting I would like to discuss a few things with the two of you.”
(Glinda’s POV)
I manage to compose myself and Elphaba gets her laughter under control, and we both fall silent looking at her. She nods and goes on once we are silent. “Now, I know I told you I support you both being together as a couple, but I have yet to speak to Highmuster about it.”
“Do you think he will agree with you Momsie?” I ask worriedly taking Elphie's hand, and she gives it a slight squeeze. Momsie sighs. “I am not going to lie to you, but I am not sure what he will think. I do know though that will do everything I can to get him to see you two,” she looks between us,” to get him to see what I see.”
Elphie nods. “That is all we can ask.”
“When will Popsicle return from his business trip?”
“I expect him back in two days, and since the the trip went so well hopefully he will be more than willing to listen.” Momsie looks right at me. “I believe he will, and now that I know about what has been going on with you there isn't a doubt in my mind that he won't see the logic in letting you two be together.”
I go slightly pale. “I- I don't know what you mean.” I stammer. Momsie gives me a small sad frown, and I see her reach into the pocket of her jacket. She sets a bottle of pills on the table in front of me. I stare at them and then look up at her feeling panicky. How did she get ahold of those? Elphie looks at the pills and I am unable to read her. “Momsie! I- I can explain!”
Momsie holds a hand up silencing me. “Glinda, darling, you don't have to. I know why, and I am sorry. This is as much my fault as anyone else’s. I should have seen the signs that you were stressed, but I chose not to and told myself you would be fine. I'm sorry.” She looks down and dabs a tear off her cheek. I moved over to her and hug her. “Momsie, I'm sorry as well. I should have spoken up and told you and Popsicle what was going on instead of trying to bury myself in pills.” Momsie hugs me back, and we both cry. Elphie watches silently for a moment before standing. “I'll leave you two to talk.” She says quietly and slips off down the hall.
After awhile I go down the hall and find Elphie staring out her bedroom window. “Elphie?” She turns around and smiles. “Hey Glin.”
“Momsie is getting ready to head back to the house and she wanted me to come get you.” I smile walking towards her. “She said she would like to speak to you for a moment before she goes.”
“Alright.” She says taking my and and we walk towards the living room. “I shan't keep her waiting then.”
(Lerena's POV)
I sit patiently on the couch waiting for the girls, and can't help but smile as I think of the two of them. I hear them talking as they come into the room and I stand. “Elphie, I have been thinking about something for the past few days concerning you.”
She looks a little nervous. “What is it? Nothing g bad I hope.” I smile at her reassuringly. “No. Nothing bad at all. In fact, I am sure you will like what I have to say.”
“Really?” She tilts her head a little and looks curiously be there me. I nod. “Yes, really. You see I have decided that you should be with Glinda,“ she goes to speak and I raise a hand silencing anything she may say for the moment, “ and when I said that I meant that I would also like you to move up into the main house with her.”
Her eyes like up in surprise and she exchanges an excited look with Glinda. “As in roommates?” She asks, and I chuckle a little. “If you just want to be roommates fine, but here I had thought you two were past being roommates.” I smirk.
“I- I… I don't know what to say!” She stammers looking thrilled and stunned. “Say yes you big, green goof!” Glinda says grabbing Elphaba’s arm practically bouncing as she does. Elphaba smiles down at Glinda and laugh “Alright!” She looks up at me and smiles. “I guess, I don't have a choice. I will gladly accept the offer moving to the main house. Thank you.”
“You're welcome.” I smile and turn to leave, but before I walk out the door I turn back to her. “I will send Jake and one of the others down to fetch your things once you are ready to move.” She nods and thanks me again. I head back to the main house feeling at peace for the first time in quite awhile.
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