A Run in with an Ex
(Glinda's POV)
“We simply can’t commit to what they are asking!” The Quadling leader objects in his slow thick accent. “It would leave our economy in shambles!” Slamming his fist down on the table.
“We would pay you for the land.” The Munchkin leader replies, and this only makes the Quadling leader even more upset. “You say you will pay us, but it would not even be half of what the land is worth! That is our most fertile soil, and you want it for the sole purpose of digging it up!”
“Gentleman please! Please!” Averic says. “Let’s all just calm down. Let’s not turn this is into another screaming match.” He looks over at me. “Lady Glinda, is there any input you have on the matter?”
By this point I have pretty much zoned out. We have been listening to the same damn argument over and over and over for the past week. I have had enough so I didn’t hear him. “Lady Glinda?” He says again and touches my arm. I jump slightly startled. “What? I’m sorry. Where were we?”
“Lord Averic just asked if you had any input on the the debate.” Chuffrey says giving me an odd look. I clear my throat. “Right. Um, no. Not at this time.” I turn to Averic. “I’m sorry Lord Averic, but might we resume this another day please? I am afraid I am coming down with a migraine.”
“Gentleman?” Averic says turning to the Quadling leader and the Munchkin leader. “Is that alright with you?”
“Of course!” The Quadling leader says with a nod of his head to Averic and Chuffrey. He then turns to me. “I hope you feel better, Lady Glinda.” He says with another bow of his head. The leader of the Munchkins looks irritated, but he agrees to holding the rest of the negotiations at another time. Averic adjourned the meeting, and I quickly take my leave.
Bessie looks surprised when I enter my room early. “Glinda! What are you doing back? I wasn’t expecting you to be through with negotiations yet. Were they able to come to some sort of agreement?” I shake my head. “No they are still at odds.” I say taking a seat at the vanity.
Just then there is a knock at the door. Bessie and I exchange looks and she goes and answers. “Good afternoon, Bessie.” It’s Chuffrey. “I was wondering if I might be able to speak to Lady Glinda?” Bessie turns to me. “Excuse me Ma’am, but it is Sir Chuffrey. He would like to know if you would speak with him?” I close my eyes for a moment. I really don’t want to, but I nod. “Go ahead and let him in.”
“Yes Ma’am.” She curtsies and then opens the door. “Lady Glinda will see you.” He smiles at her and gives a slight nod. “Thank you Bessie.”
“Lady Glinda, if you don’t mind I will return later to finish cleaning things up?” I give Bessie a small smile. “Not at all. You are excused.” She drops another curtsy. “Thank you Ma’am.” She says and leaves closing the door behind her.
There is an awkward silence for several moments. I clear my throat. “Um, please have a seat.” I say motioning to a chair.”How have you been?” I ask. “I'm doing okay. You?” He says as he takes a seat. “I mean, you must be you have been reunited with Elphaba.”
I bite my lip and stop brushing my hair. I know I can't say it out loud. I can't tell him I can't see her or be with her otherwise I am going to completely melt down. I grab a couple of bottles that sit sit on my vanity and quickly open them dumping a few of each in my hand down before I down them. “Glinda?” I don't respond but glance at him through the mirror after I swallow the last of the pills. “Are you okay?”
“I… I'm… I'm…” I hide my face in my hands and begin to cry. I feel a hand on my shoulder and Chuffrey sounds worried as he asks,“What happened, Glinda? Did she hurt you?”
“N-no! No! Of course not!” I manage to choke out and shoot him an annoyed look. “She hasn't done a thing to me!”
“Alright! Alright!” He says taken a back a bit by the tone I used. “Then why don't you tell me what's wrong.”
“Why in Oz would you think there is anything wrong?” I snap and he raises an eye amused. “Glinda, we used to be married, and I know that you take pills when you are upset, stressed or depressed, or when something is bothering you. We may not be together anymore, but that doesn't mean I want to see you troubled. Please, talk to me, and who knows maybe it will help.”
“A-alright.” I sign. “It’s just that… that Elphie and I haven't seen each other in quite sometime.”
“Oh?” He quirks a brow at this, and I nod. “Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?”
“Popsicle has forbidden us to be together.” I say quietly dropping my gaze to my hands. I go on to tell him about what happened, and what has gone on since. I tell him how depressed I have been and stressed out and all that. It's then he asks if that is why I was taking more pills, and I told him it was. I hadn't meant to tell him, but it all sort of just came pouring out, and I can feel myself getting more and more emotional as I go on. By the time I finish I am sobbing, and with shaky hands I reach for another bottle and fumble with the lid.
“Glinda, dear.” Chuffrey say taking the bottle from me. “It sounds like you have hit a rough patch, and I am here for you.” I watch through blurry eyes as he opens the pills and hands me some. I take them with a grateful half hearted smile and down them quickly. “Come here.” Chuffrey says gently pulling up from my seat. “Why don't I help you forget you problems for a bit.” He whispers as we sit down in the bed.
“What did you have in mind?” I say quietly, and our eyes meet. Something inside screams to get away from him, but there is a part of me that is so lonely, hurting and longing for love I ignore my gut instinct. “Well,” he says and leans towards me, “I believe I we could start with this…” He leans in and presses his lips to mine, and I close my eyes and find myself returning the kiss. It isn't long before we begin to kiss more fervently.
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