A Night on the Town
(Glinda's POV)
I am just finishing putting the last touches on my makeup and slipping my heels on when there is a soft knock on the door. “Come in!” I call, and Elphaba enters. She is wearing a satin Victorian style long sleeve dress that is royal blue with black trim, and it has black lace around her waist. She has her hair down. My jaw about hits the floor though when I see she had put on makeup! Mind you not a lot, but just enough to bring out her feminine features. I smile at her. “Oh! Elphie!” I say breathlessly. “You look beautiful!”
“Thank you, my sweet.” She giggles blushing a little. “You look lovely as well.” She says coming over to me. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yup!” I say and grabbing my cloak. “Let me escort you then please.” Elphie says offering me her arm. I grin and accept it. “Thank you.” I say and we head down the hall to meet up with my parents. They smile at us as we meet up with them. “Momsie. Popsicle.” I greet them, and Elphie smiles at them. “Highmuster. Lerena. Thank you for inviting me to join you for supper.”
“Ah! Girls!” Popsicle says giving us a nod before he addresses Elphie. “It's our pleasure to have you join us.” Momsie agrees with Popsicle, and then we head out to the carriage that awaits.
(Elphaba's POV)
It feels so… so strange to be leaving the Upland's estate, and to be honest I am terrified! A million thoughts rush through my head. What if I am recognized? What if I do or say something wrong? These thoughts and more race through my head, and I find that I can't seem to relax and begin to hyperventilate. I try to stare out the window, but it doesn't help, and so I close my eyes in hopes I can calm down as I listen to Glinda and her parents chat with each other.
“Elphie?” I swallow the lump in my throat and don't look at Glinda. “Elphie?” I feel her take my hand. “Are you okay honey?” It is then I realize the carriage is quiet. I give Glinda's hand a light squeeze, take a shaky breath and turn to look at her with a small smile. “I am okay, my sweet.”
“Elphie.” She says gently taking my other hand. “I don't believe you. You're trembling.” I look down at my hands and notice for the first time I am trembling. “I… I'm just nervous.”
“About what?” She asks concerned. “Glinda, I haven't been anywhere outside your parents estate since I woke up from the coma. It has been years, and last time I was in public people wanted me dead.”
“Elphie, you have nothing to worry about.” Glinda says giving me a hug. “I am sure Momsie and Popsicle have arranged it so you won't have to worry.”
“She's right, dear.” Lerena says. “Highmuster and myself thought about all of that beforehand.” She glances over at Highmuster and he nods in agreement and back to me. Highmuster speaks up. “Elphaba,” he says gently and I look at him. “If this is too much for you we can go back. We don't want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“Thank you, but I will be fine.” I give him a weak smile, and turn back the window still holding Glinda's hand. It isn't much longer before we arrive at the restaurant, and the carriage comes to a halt. “Alright!” Highmuster says with a smile. “We're here!”
“Yay!” Glinda and Lerena say at the same time. I can't help but smile a little. Like mother like daughter. Highmuster exits first and helps Lerena out and then he helps Glinda. “Okay Elphaba.” He says quietly so people passing by can't hear. “It's your turn.” I move to the carriage door and freeze when I see people walking by. Suddenly, my heart begins to race and breathing becomes rapid. “I-I…” I can't finish my thought because I am panicking.
“Elphaba?” Highmuster says worriedly. “What's the matter?” I can't talk, all I can do it just shake my head. “Highmuster? Are we going to sup-” Lerena stops talking. “Elphaba?” She says, and I look at her. I can feel myself trembling. “Glinda! Get in the carriage!” Lerena says and Highmuster helps both in before he gets back in.
“Elphie?” Glinda says very concerned as she looks at me. I barely hear here. I am having trouble breathing, and I can't stop shaking. “G-Glinda.” I whimper having a very hard time focusing and feeling incredibly dizzy. I feel so overwhelmed. “I… I can't…. I can't…” Next thing I know she has me in a hug. “Shhh! Honey, it's okay.” She says soothingly, and I bury my face against her neck. “It will take some time. We all understand. Now just try and calm down.”
Highmuster had ordered the carriage to return back to the Upland Estate. I feel horrible for ruining the evening. I don't say a word the entire way back to the estate, I just stay huddled against Glinda as she hugs me and soothingly rubs my back until will get back.
The moment we get back into the house I flee to the safety of my room. I am sitting by the window when there's a knock at the door. “Enter!” I say quietly, and Glinda comes in. “Hey Elphie. Are you okay now?” I nod giving her a small smile. “Yes.” She smiles and comes over to me giving me a kiss. “I’m sorry I ruined the evening. I just panicked and could move.”
“Elphie, dear, it's perfectly fine. Now come along.” She says leading me out of my room, and I look at her a little worried. “Where are we going?”
“We are going to a lovely privately owned little diner that is nearby.” She says with a grin, and I freeze. “Glinda! I… I can't!! I begin to panic, and try to go back to my room. Glinda quickly grabs my arm and pulls me towards her. “I'm sorry Elphie. I shouldn't have done that, it was mean.” I look at her curiously, and she sighs. “We aren't going out again tonight.”
“But you just said-”
“I know what I said, but I should not have said it.” She takes my hand and leads me down the hall. “By a privately owned diner I mean the kitchen. Cook fixed us something after she heard about what happened.”
“Oh. I… I see.” I say as we head to the kitchen.
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