The woman of darkness
𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚊 #2
I find myself in a classroom that looks like a pastel pop star world. I walk around for a bit playing with things before I see my then crush [now ex-girlfriend] Reaira...
"Hey, Reaira. why are you here?" I said to her,
"I came to pick you up, now come on let us head to a classroom to sleep in."
As we were walking to a stairway I suddenly saw something out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look at it and saw a tall woman with long black hair and red eyes, her skin is jet black her body is in impossible proportions, she was wearing a black silk dress that goes down to her knees and Her eyes look at me with contentment before she fades into darkness.
I was curious to see if she was there or not and asked my crush if she had seen her as the woman did not match the colorful pop star world... She reminds me of all my other dreams that had someone similar in them.
It's just that........they were almost all of them were nightmares...
"Um hey Reaira"
"Did you see that woman over there?" I asked quietly. Reaira looked at me confused but then shakes her head. "No." She said "But it was probably your mom making sure I got you"
"But my mother doesn't look like that..."
Reaira sat in silence. It scared me a little...
Suddenly we arrive at our destination; a past classroom of mine. She opens the door for me and leaves it open as she ushers me toward a desk and tells me to put my head down and go to sleep.
I go over to the desk and sit on the chair provided for me and think 'it's very comfy for some reason' and put my head down on the desk.
I turn my head to look out the window 'hey it's raining' and before I close my eyes to sleep I see a reflection in the mirror. It's Reaira and...The woman is behind her in the open doorway staring at her with hate-filled eyes and that's when I finally notice that Reaira is Crying... but before I could do anything I woke up.
Or so I thought, I'm now in my bedroom tucked in my bed the same way I went to sleep. I'm not awake. I'm in another dream but I can't help but think something is wrong.
...wait why is my room bigger...everything is in place but why does my room look like "Hers"'.
It was hers...I was in my cousin's room. It's just that all my stuff was in it. The room looked like a mashup between rooms, probably why I couldn't notice it at first.
'But I don't understand why am I so scared' just as I thought that I could hear the creaking open and my heart dropped at the sound...
Oh no...
It was her...the woman that's been haunting my dreams since I was a kid the "woman of darkness" I now call her but I used to call her "Scary Lady"
I don't know why but I would feel terrified at the sight of her. It's just something about.....her that brought nightmares to my head.
But I have no time for thinking. I needed to get away from here. I never liked the idea of her catching me and it didn't help that she moved very quickly when she found her "target".
I would always wake up when she caught me so since I was in bed I thought I would hide under my covers like a scared child. from some strange perspective, I was able to see through them for some reason.
When she finally entered the morphed room...she was singing and talking...talking about me and how she'll finally have her little flower of darkness again.
She got extremely close to me. I had never been this close to her, only her accomplice had gotten this close to me when he wanted to scare me but never her...
I was scared and stiff as a board for the very first time she touched me... her hands were cold and long.
I could see her constantly shifting in her form from a human to a monster. I was shocked...I didn't know she could touch me. She's never touched me before.
Just as I was thinking she picked me up and started to carry me bridle style to the door slowly and while all this was happening she was just staring at me with her piercing blood-red eyes as if she was trying to enchant me with her eyes alone While talking to only herself.
When we reached the open door of my deformed room I quickly found that I was not home. I am in my aunt's house (her house was bigger than ours) and all of my cousins were lying on the hallway floor bloody and hurt 'Daylin, Devin, the baby, Nae-Nae, aunty, and uncle' they were all passed out or at least I hoped they were.
I was shocked to my core but I guess the lady was lost in her mind because she stopped in the center of the hall to talk about each one to me and how they fought against her to save me.
I guess she forgot to put one of the boys asleep because he looked at me with pain-filled eyes.
I was beyond terrified and was shaking with fear for myself and him. He suddenly looked at something across from him...
a knife...
...but it's too far. if he makes any noise she'll get him and make sure he dies this time '.
However, I can't move, or I'll probably anger her so I stayed limp and just nodded my head to whatever she said, and that's when suddenly the oldest boy Devin starts to crawl to the weapon.
I try to tell him no with my tear-filled eyes to stop and just stay on the ground however he just keeps going
...a sound fills the room and she stops talking for the first time since she entered the room.
My heart is pounding at this moment because the room is now deadly silent.
Suddenly Devin tries to run and get up to the knife but it is utterly pointless as she is even faster than him.
She puts me on the floor, my back facing the wall but facing them as well and swiftly glides over to him.
In an instant, she has him on the floor and is using her sharp claws to rip him apart quickly and painfully.
While all that is happening she is screaming at him that "he's not getting me back" while he cries out in pain and suddenly, it's all too much for me, and I'm crying and screaming at her to stop.
Then she suddenly harshly crushes his skull on the floor, his brains plastered on the now blood-stained carpet...
She was now staring at me with a crazed look on her face as I got a good look at her. She had very sharp teeth, beady blood-red eyes, ripped-up clothes from Devin's attempt at escaping and her long black silk hair is now up in the air...
I passed out...
Finally truly woke up in a cold sweat terrified with tears on my face I woke up with a loud Gasp however as I find I am in the safety of my room again.
I slowly calmed down and just sat in silence for a bit but I got the strength to finally look at the time on my phone, it says 3:45.
'Why is it always 3:00 when I have nightmares...'
I was too scared to go back to sleep now so I waited until it was 4 to sleep again that night...
but there was one thing I knew for sure I don't know when or why but I knew that I will see her again one day...
Here are some looks of the woman of darkness
[This horrific nightmare was made by @yournameplz on Wattpad]
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