Part 61
Sorry for the delay! I was much busier over the time that Hades' Daughter was published than I thought I would be! Thank you to those of you who you have bought a copy! If you are interested, and you haven't already, the links to where you can buy it are on my profile under the about me section. ;) I would love to hear from you about what you thought of it, so get in touch or leave a review and let me know!
And if you are simply just reading this part, I am grateful as readers like you helped me get published (it still doesn't feel real!).
The rest of the evening Sophie occupies my attention, as I try and take hers away from being away from the guys. I keep shooting glances at the laptop in the kitchen as if I am expecting it to blow at any time. I want to go back to it, but I don't know what things I will find that are new and if it will tell me what I'm looking for. How? How did she get it? What has she spent it on? I may be able to get the answer to my latter question, but do I really want to know?
"Mummy?" Sophie asks. I look back around, realising that I have been staring at the laptop.
"Wow sweetie, that's amazing," I say looking down at the notepad we were drawing in, showing her a big grin. She smiles and continues to colour her picture of a house in. I extend my arms out and roll my neck, glancing at the clock. It's nearly nine which surprises me. It's been a long day.
"Look at the time, you're going to turn into a pumpkin!" I exclaim tickling her slightly. She giggles and rolls away.
Over Sophie's giggles I hear a knock on the front door. I suck in a breath, I'm not ready to talk to the guys, however deep down I hope it's them and not Tanner who has been watching and decided to take advantage of us being home and alone. With a sigh, I push myself to my feet and walk to the door. I unlock and hesitantly open it. I furrow my eyebrows when I don't see anyone. I look down and see a bag that I used when I packed for Ryder and Trystan's. I lean out and look both ways, knowing that one of the guys must have dropped it off. I catch a flash of short brown hair, and the grey top that Ashton was wearing today. It makes sense, he lives nearby.
I bite my lip as I bend to pick the bag up, feeling guilty that he had to come and drop my stuff off and grateful that he had done so.
I lift it up and turn to go back into the apartment, only to stop when my name is called.
"Miss Raye, just the person I wanted to see." I place the bag in the doorway, and turn to address the person.
"Can I help you?" I ask the man, who looks to be in his early fifties, in front of me.
"Ah yes, we haven't met. I've only seen glimpses of you. I'm your landlord, I talked to your mom when you first arrived. Is she in?" he asks, looking past me and into the apartment. Looking him over, I recognise the grey hair and tanned skin from the first week we were here.
"I'm sorry, my mum's currently in the hospital. Can I help?" His blue eyes widen.
"Oh I'm sorry, I hope it's nothing serious. I wanted to talk to her about your rent."
"Mummy!" Sophie calls. I close my eyes for a moment, waiting for the stranger in front of me to start judging me for having a child so young, and lying about it, before calling back to her.
"Coming, sweetie!" I open my eyes to find the face of the man in front of me not being like I expected. The judging look is not there, only understanding, his blue eyes kind.
"Go," he encourages. I falter for a moment, surprised at his acceptance about it.
"Do you want to come in?" I offer. He nods.
"Thank you."
"I shouldn't be long," I let him know as I turn, pick the bag up and walk to Sophie's room.
"What is it sweetie?" I ask as I enter. I place the bag down.
"I don't have anything to wear."
"Yes, sorry, here," I say as I crouch to the bag and unzip it. I stop, pulling back when I see a letter placed on the top of the contents. I pick it up and see that it is addressed to me. Not wanting to feel the guilt at leaving, and the sadness, yet, I put it down and find some pyjamas.
Letter in hand, I leave Sophie's room to find the landlord sitting on our sofa, looking around at the mess.
"I'm sorry about the mess." He waves his hand at me.
"I've seen much worse, trust me." I let out a breathy remnant of a laugh.
"So, how can I help you?" I ask.
"I hate to the bearer of bad news, but I need a payment for rent. You've not paid any since the first couple weeks," he says gently. My mum should have been taking care of all of that, and after finding out that we have ten thousand dollars I thought that it would be no sweat.
"I didn't know. How much do we owe?"
"400 dollars." My breathing starts to quicken as I start to panic. I don't have enough money in the normal account to pay for it, and I don't know how to access mum's account which has the money I need.
"I'm sorry, I'll try and get the money, but it might take me a couple of days," I say to him as I go over in my mind the possibilities. I get a job, but not necessarily enough in time. I talk to my mum, and confront her about the money. My thoughts are stopped by the landlord.
"Look, I don't want to bankrupt you, and for you not able to survive. I also understand that your mom is in the hospital, so take the time you need, and this once I will take off 150. Do you think you could get 250?" he asks a kind smile on his face.
"Yes. Thank you!"
"Don't mention it, sweetheart," he says as he gets up. "I understand what it's like to have a child young, and them not necessarily be planned, or wanted at the time of conceiving. My daughter had a son forced on her when she was a bit younger than you," he says delicately.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing? You shouldn't be the one doing that... that bast-" he says getting increasingly angry, before stopping. "I'll leave you to it, have a good night," he says, walking to the door and leaving. I sigh. My mum's causing problems for us, and I am going to get answers, I think as I put the envelope down on the side and go to help Sophie get ready.
Here you go!
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