Part 52
I let my arms fall onto his shoulders, my hands playing with his blonde hair at the back of his neck as I push my body closer to his, my lips moving over his still, soft ones. It takes my brain a moment to realise that Trystan is frozen under me, not reciprocating. It seems that Trystan realises this at the same time, and instead of reciprocating like I expect him to do, he pulls back pushing me away. My eyebrows draw together as I look at him, letting a small sound of complaint leave my lips. He drags himself away from me, his face showing his shock. I look from him to Ashton and Jess and see they are mimicking Trystan's expression. I feel my throat growing smaller as I cross my arms in front of me. Something wet begins to fall from my face, and I realise that tears are streaming down my face. It's a result of my anger and hurt at Trystan's rejection. When Trystan sees my face, he steps towards me his arms out to try and comfort me.
"Bambi..." he starts his own voice with pain tainting it. I step back and away from him.
"I get it, you don't want me."
"Princess... You would regret it later." He says taking another step, his hands resting on my arms. I pull back violently.
"Then let me regret it!" I shout, tears still falling as I step back. I turn on my heel, walking to the bags that I packed before they arrived picking as many as I can up.
"Buttercup, let us take them." Jesse says walking up beside me. I turn my back to him, feeling embarrassed as well as the hurt. I hear Trystan let out a groan.
"You did the right thing mate. She'll thank you later, at the moment she's not got full control over her actions." Ashton tells Trystan in reassurance. I struggle with opening the door with the bags in my hands. A sigh sounds before a big hand opens the door for me.
The car ride is silent and tense. We eventually pull up outside Trystan and Ryder's and they jump out for the bags before I can even open the door. I open the door slowly, and look around expecting to see Tanner as he was here the last time. Once I am happy that he's not here, I get out. I look up as I start to walk across the road, trying to see to the top of the building. A beep of a horn causes me to look back down at to the car, I let out a giggle when I realise I'm in the middle of the road. I hear the guys exclaim out in shock behind me. I skip the rest of the way, hearing the guys following behind me quickly, shouting out their apologies to the waiting cars. I continue skipping until I get to the front door, catching myself by slamming my hand flat on the door. I look over my shoulder to see Ashton, Trystan, and Jesse running up to me.
"Jesus." Ashton breathes out, looking me over for any small injuries I could have received. I give them a cheeky grin, as I watch Trystan walk around me and to the door, pulling it open. I run in through the open door and to the lifts at the end of the hall.
"Her mood is all over the place." Jesse notices. I ignore it as I push the call button repeatedly. I move from foot to foot as I wait for the doors to open. They guys stop behind me as they catch up. The doors finally slide open and I enter the lift moving to the buttons. I try and hide my smile as I reach out to press a button. I start at the bottom, pressing them all.
"Oh god, she's as bad as Colton!" Before I can get halfway, my hands are pulled down and the top button is pressed.
What should have been a three minute ride turns into a 10 minute one. With every stop I let out a small giggle.
When the doors finally open to show Ryder and Trystan's apartment I run out, and knock into the side table causing a vase to rock and tip of the side. I spin around catching it, my mouth forming into a 'O' shape as I look up at Trystan, Ashton and Jesse. Trystan chuckles as he walks past me.
"Be careful, Brody was proud of that piece."
"Wh- He made this?" I ask looking down at the vase in my hands. It was white, and the smooth surface was raised in ridges until it came to a grey band in the middle. The band was decorated with blue flowers, and white lines acting as stems curling up and around. The band faded out over the ridges into the white. He was so creative and good at it, first with Colton's surfboard and now the vase.
"Yes." I run my hand over it as I pull it closer in a hug.
"It's beautiful." I murmur as I begin to walk around the apartment.
"Let's put the vase down." Ashton says gently, as he comes up to me. I stare at him before I giggle, running away from him and out onto the balcony through the open door. I get to the rail, not stopping in time causing me bend over it, the vase nearly falling out of my hands. I feel a strong arm pull me back.
"Let's go back in." Ashton suggests, holding my shoulders as we walk. I feel like a kid, with the way they're treating me, but to be honest I am acting like one. I hold the vase close to my body, not wanting to risk dropping it again. He leads me to where the vase was and I put it down, tapping it as I point at it.
"Stay." I instruct. I hear Trystan and Jesse laughing at me.
"She's a mom even when she's drunk and high." Jesse remarks to Trystan. I hear multiple footsteps coming down the stairs, and I look up to see Brody, Storm and Sam walking down the stairs. They have all changed out of their beach attire, and are all looking at me amused and curious.
"Hi guys!" I beam.
"We thought we heard a commotion." Brody says with a grin. I pout looking around.
"Where's Sophie?" I ask.
"She's down at the pool with Jinx, Colton, and Ryder, bella ragazza."
"Oh! I want to go swimming." I tell them as I reach for the bottom of my shirt. Brody's eyebrows shoot up along with Storm's.
"If she gets out of her clothes, we're never getting her back in them. It was hard enough last time." Trystan mutters holding my hands in one of his. I bite my lip looking away, feeling that he was disgusted by me. Trystan lifts my hands up and places a soft kiss on my knuckles, sensing my thoughts. "You can go swimming when your sober." Trystan continues.
"What do you mean again?" Storm asks.
"We'll explain later."
"Is there anything that we can do to sober her up?" Brody asks looking at me, concern in his eyes.
"Leave shorty to me, I'll sober her up." Sam declares, stepping forward.
"Hey!" I object indignantly at his nickname. He grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs and to the bathroom at the top.
"Get me a strong black coffee." He calls back down as he opens the door and pushes me in, before closing the door behind us both. I sway on my feet as I look around the room. It was generously sized, a shower encircled by glass in the corner, this is our destination as pushes me forward. I struggle against him, pleading.
"Please, Sam, don't." I let out a giggle. He turns the dial on the shower, and sets it to the coldest setting, before pushing me under. I let out a startled shriek. I feel an evil smile come onto my face as I reach up for the detachable shower head. Acting quickly, before Sam can realise what I'm doing, I wrench the door open and aim it at Sam. I push the cold clump of wet hair out of my face as I chase him as best as I can with the shower head. Giving up on running away, he battles against the stream and struggles with me over the shower head. I laugh with Sam as he yanks the shower from my hands, quickly turning it back on me. I let out a yelp, as I bring my hands up against the onslaught of cold water. When I breathe out, droplets of water fly out in front of me. I look Sam over and realise we are both soaked to the skin. His shirt is sheer, and it clings to his chest beneath. I look down and see I'm in a similar state. I look around and see that the bathroom has splashes of water everywhere. I look up and see spots on the ceiling. I let out a giggle. If I was in a sober state, I would have felt immensely guilty, but I was having too much fun to care.
There is a knock on the bathroom door, before it opens to reveal Brody standing there, a mug of hot coffee in his hands. Sam looks from me down to the shower, and then to the coffee in Brody's hands. With a shake of his head, Sam reaches into the shower cubicle and turns the water off. Brody walks closer to us, an amused look on his face. I look back to Sam and see he has placed the shower back on the holder.
"What's happening? You look like your having fun." Brody states, a small smile on his lips. I bring my hand up to his lip, pressing a finger to his lips. The slight roughness of them under my finger, makes my inebriated mind wonder what they would feel like on my own. I drag my finger down his lip, causing them to part. His eyes meet mine with a look my brain can't quite register. Whatever it is makes me feel hot.
"Sh. You're going to get us into trouble." I giggle.
"This is for you." He says after clearing his throat, passing me the mug. I watch him as I bring the mug up to my lip, trying to figure out what his look means. His eyes haven't left my face, and whenever they flick down, they immediately return to my face. He looks to be in a kind of pain, but his pupils have almost taken over all of the grey. The more I look at his face, the more I realise that I've seen the look before, on Jack's. However, there is something different about Brody's face, unlike Jack I don't feel threatened. Still uncomfortable at the memories, I swallow, backing away slightly as I take a sip of the bitter hot drink. I pull a face. Sam is suddenly next to me.
"Drink the whole thing." He instructs. Sam gives me a look over, before continuing. "And we should get you changed." I look down to see what he's talking about. The wet fabric moulds around my bra, and down my stomach. Feeling a blush come to my cheeks I pull it out away from my body, but have no success as it returns the exact same places. I groan and give up.
"I- Um- I'll be downstairs." Brody tells us, moving back out of the room.
After drinking down the whole coffee, and getting changed out of our soaked clothes, we make our way downstairs to Brody and the others. I feel slightly better, and more with it, but the tipsiness is still present. As we step down past the floor of the second floor, we begin to hear the boys. Colton and Ryder's voices have joined them. I peek down and see that Jinx has Sophie on the sofa, as the boys talk behind them closer to the stairs.
"...taste?" Ryder asks
"It was ecstasy. I doubt that Tanner would have drugged the alcohol, so that leaves one of her mum's boyfriends. It might explain why she also had an over dose, if he was drugging the..." A cough cuts him short, as they all look up at me on the stairs. Sam goes past me, and jogs down the last steps going to Sophie.
"There's my goddaughter, have you got sick of Jinx yet?" Sam jokes. I smile slightly but keep my attention on the guys all looking up at me.
"I thought you said you didn't know what was in my system..."
Here you go! I hope you liked it!
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