Part 31
I couldn't look at the boys for the first couple of minutes. There were 12 of us to fit around a table for five. The boys said that Sophie, Ilario, Storm's mum and I should have a seat each. I reluctantly agreed to a seat, with the condition of Sophie sitting on my lap, so two of the boys could have a seat. I thank Storm's mum as she serves Sophie and me. Colton sits across from us and looks back at Storm expectantly, patting his lap.
"Come on then Stormy, what are you waiting for?"
"I'm not sitting on your lap." He says through gritted teeth. I can tell he is holding back.
"Stormy, you can sit on my lap." Sophie says. Storm smiles.
"Sweetie, eat your tea." I say. She shrugs her shoulders and then starts to eat her dinner, using her hands to help it onto her fork. I smile and shake my head.
"Well Storm, if you're not taking up Colton's offer, I will." Levi says. Colton's eyes widen, looking like a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming car, but he doesn't object. I press my lips together to stop a giggle coming out. Levi falls onto Colton's lap. A 'oof' sound comes from Colton.
"You OK there Colt?" Brody asks, not hiding his amusement.
"Yep." A strained voice replies.
"OK, so you won't mind if I take a seat then?" He asks, walking towards them.
"YES!" They both shout, before Levi gets off Colton's lap and sits on the seat next to him. Brody pouts and then walks back to where he was, winking at me. I giggle and start to eat my dinner. The boys stand around the room eat while talking with each other. Storm's mum makes conversation with me and Sophie while Ilario sits next to her eating quietly. I finish my dinner and Ashton sees, taking my bowl, putting it in the sink. I thank him quietly and watch Sophie finish her dinner. When she is finished she turns to me clapping her messy hands together.
"All done?" I ask. She nods and then puts her hands onto my shirt, giggling. I sigh.
"You're a little monkey." I say looking down at the orange handprint.
"We better clean you up then." I say. Storm's mum smiles.
"I'll do it if she doesn't mind." She says, standing up and extending a hand to Sophie who jumps down and takes it.
"So what are we doing after dinner?" Jesse asks.
"Sophie and I should go home. I guess I need to put this for a wash now, anyway."
"Ok, I'll drive you back after dinner is finished, as I'm going that way." Ashton says.
"No. I don't want to make you leave so soon, I'll get a taxi."
"I don't mind, I insist." He says. I nod reluctantly and smile in thanks. Sophie comes back in and runs up to me showing me her clean hands. I smile at her and stand up.
"Thank you Mrs Giamatti for everything." I say. She smiles and walks forward to hug me.
"No problem at all, you are a pleasure who is always welcome here, and call me Lia." She says. I smile at her as I pull away.
"OK sweetie, time to say goodbye." I say down to Sophie. For a minute she looks as if she's going to refuse and pouts slightly, but then she walks to Ryder, who picks her up. Her arms wrap tightly around his neck. He smiles.
"See you soon, little star." He says. He then puts her down so she can say goodbye to everyone else.
After everyone has said their goodbyes, including me, Ashton drives us back to the apartment. When we arrive at the complex, I just sit looking up at the building for a minute.
"You OK?" Ashton asks. I blink, then look towards him giving him a small smile.
"I just thought that I would be slightly happy to be back home, even if it's a small amount, but I'm not. I can't find one reason to be happy about being home." I explain.
"You don't have to stay here, you can come back with me."
"Thanks but I should stay here and check up on my mum." He reaches his hand over and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.
"You're so brave." He whispers. I stare into his eyes for a moment that shows an emotion I haven't seen before, before I slowly turn to get out of the car. Ashton follows, unlocking the door for Sophie. A minute later Ashton comes around the back with a very tired Sophie and her car seat. I take both from him.
"Sweetie are you going to be able to stay awake for a film? If not you can still stay in my room." I say. She lays her head on my shoulder and nods, but I know she will be asleep before I even get up to the apartment.
"Are you going to be able to cope with Sophie and the car seat?" Ashton asks.
"I'll be fine. Thanks for the lift." I say turning around and making my way up to our apartment.
When I arrive I have to juggle everything in my hands to be able to find my keys, but eventually I open the door. I look in and see bottles thrown everywhere along with a variety of clothing articles. I sigh and walk in.
"Mum! I'm home." I call. I look down at Sophie to make sure I haven't woken her but she's still fast asleep oblivious to the world.
"Bambi?" My mum says slurring her words coming out half clothed.
"Where the fuck were you?!" She screams at me. I ship Sophie trying not to wake her.
"Mum, be quiet, Sophie's asleep." I whisper shout at her. She looks to Sophie and then back at me.
"Answer the fucking question." She says lowering her voice.
"I was at a friends." I explain. A noise comes from behind her and a different man to her latest boyfriend walks out, half naked. I instantly recognise him as Terry the guy from Trystan and Ryder's apartment complex.
"Have you come to join us?" He asks leering at me. I grit my teeth.
"No. I want to go to bed." I say.
"Leave her alone Terry, Jack, her last boyfriend, said that she wasn't good anyway." I wince and she brings up Jack.
"She looks good to me." He say looking me up and down. "Oh well. Maybe another time." He says winking at me before slapping my mum's ass and turning back the way he came. My mum follows after him. I quickly walk to my room, making sure to lock it after me. I rest my head against the door sighing. I get Sophie and then myself ready for bed. I lay there thinking about everything, covering Sophie's ears from the noises coming from down the hall.
"God you look awful!" Sam shouts when he sees me.
"Thanks." I say chuckling. I did not get one wink of sleep last night knowing that Terry was down the hall scared shitless that he would come and do the same thing Jack did to me. Luckily Sophie slept through the night and eventually the noises stopped, but I would jump at any creak. When Sophie woke up, luckily my mum and Terry weren't up yet so we left for school without another incident.
"You look like a Zombie that's been dragged through a bush backwards." He adds on.
"I feel like it."
"What happened?" Jinx asks.
"I just couldn't sleep." I say, telling the truth. I look away from the locker where we were stood and looked around at the other students. Do they have problems at home? They all looks so happy and carefree, but are they all hiding something inside? I look up and see Tanner looking right at me, he motions for me to go to him. I shiver and turn back to my locker slamming it shut.
"What's wrong?" Sam asks. I nod discreetly to Tanner and see Sam narrow his eyes.
"You don't ha-" Sam starts but I cut him.
"I'll just see what he wants." I say, already walking towards where he is.
"You're meant to be my girlfriend so start acting like it." He says angrily as I get close.
"What do you mean?" I ask annoyed.
"Kiss me." He says simply.
"No." I say refusing. He grabs hold of my arm. I flash back to Jack in the halls of my old school trying to kiss me after the party. I struggle against.
"Kiss me." He says again harder.
"No." His grip tightens.
"Get the fuck off her." I sigh in relief as I hear Levi's voice.
"No. She is my girlfriend." He says.
"I thought we already went over this; Ex girlfriend." Brody adds. Tanner glares at them before letting go of my arm.
"This isn't over. I will only take enough before..." He trails off but I know what he means - exposing Sophie. I close my eyes and when I open them Tanner has left and Trystan is standing in front of me.
"What happened?" He asks concerned.
"He was just trying to force me to kiss him." I say.
"No. I meant in the time after we last saw you." He says looking towards the bags under my eyes.
Here it is. Sorry it's was so long between updates my life has been manic recently but it should be settling down so I should have updates more frequently now. :) Anyway hope you enjoyed it!!
Will Bambi start telling the truth more??
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