Part 28
I look around at the boys, whose faces hold worried expressions. I start to get worried myself. Sophie looks around at us all and I see her sink back into herself. Ashton see the same thing and nudges her.
"So, did you have fun today?" He asks. Sophie smiles and starts to tell him all about her day, and Milly. Jesse and Ryder join in the conversation, there worried expressions gone. I look up to Trystan.
"What's wrong with Storm's brother?" I ask. He gives me a small smile.
"Did Storm show you the garage?" He asks. I nod. "Well Ilario looks up to Storm, and he sees Storm training, so he can sometimes get into fist fights at school, he doesn't pick them, but kids are cruel and can pick on him for being 'different'. Storm talks to him and tries to tell him every time that fighting isn't the answer, but it obviously doesn't get through." Trystan explains.
"Would you think Storm, and Ilario, would mind if I talked to Ilario?" I ask, getting an idea. Trystan shrugs.
"You can try. We have all tried to speak to him, but he doesn't listen."
I get up. "Sophie, come with me for a minute?" I call. She looks up at me and then jumps off the sofa and comes running up to me. I lift her up.
"We'll be back in a minute." I say before walking out of the room. I walk towards where Storm's room is and listen and hear voices coming from the opposite door to Storm's room. I knock and open the door slightly.
"Can we come in?" I ask. Storm looks slightly surprised to see us but nods.
"Hi Ilario, I'm Bambi and this is Sophie, can we speak to you?" I ask kindly. Ilario looks like what I would imagine a young Storm to look like - dark hair and the same grey eyes. He's sat in he middle of the bed and shrugs his shoulders. I walk and sit on the bed with Sophie on my lap.
"Would you mind leaving us? We'll be out in a minute." I ask Storm smiling.
"Sure." He says. Ilario watches him leave.
"I want to tell you a story." I say watching his reaction. He doesn't object so I continue.
"When I was fifteen I had Sophie," I say making her bounce on my knees. "People thought that I was different and picked on me. I was called nasty names and was hit and kicked. I never once did the same thing back. I didn't hit them, I didn't hit or kick them back, I ignored them, and you know what?" I say as if I'm going to tell him a secret.
"What?" He says speaking for the first time.
"It stopped, and people left me alone. It turned out they were just jealous." I exaggerate, I'm not going to tell a six year old the truth.
"When you hit and kick someone, people will become scared of you and won't want to be your friend. I bet the people who aren't being very nice to you, secretly like you, you just have to show them how amazing you are. Sophie was getting picked on for not having a dad anymore, weren't you sweetie?" I say.
"Yeah, but I have Milly now and she stands up for me." She says. Ilario looks up at me and Sophie.
"But Bufera hits and kicks people. Does no one like him?" He asks. I sigh and think how I can put it so that makes it OK for Storm to hit and kick others. I'm about to open my mouth when Storm's voice interrupts.
"Ilario, you know I have Levi and the others, and now I have Bambi and Sophie, and I've explained that I do it protect and feed mamma and you." he says kneeling beside the bed.
"But I want to protect mamma as well."
"You can, but when you're older. You have to be at least eighteen before you fight, and you're six right now."
"Oh." He says. He throws himself at Storm and says "I'm sorry" over and over again.
"Well, I know that Sophie would probably love to watch another film. Would you like to come and join us?" I say standing up and putting Sophie, who is clapping her hands, on my hip. Ilario pulls back from Storm and nods.
"Ok, well, join us when you're ready." I say walking out of the room.
Here we are!
So we learnt what was going on with Ilario. Hopefully the next update will be longer and will have Sam and Jinx in and maybe Tanner (Yay! Just what everybody wanted ;)).
Any film suggestions you want them to watch? :)
What do you think of Ilario?
What did you think?
What will happen next?
Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and sharing (if any of you do that ;))
CC ;)
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