Part 25
Storm leads me back to the entrance hall and then into the door that his mum came from when we arrived. It lead into a small kitchen, with a round table and chairs in one corner. Storm's mum was sat in one of the chairs holding a mug.
"Would you like a cup of tea?" She asks kindly.
"Um, no, but thanks anyway." I say.
"Come, join me." She says nodding to the empty chairs. I smile and sit down in one.
"Is she OK?" She asks.
"Um, yeah, she's fast asleep."
"Good, is she OK with spaghetti bolognese?" I smile.
"She'll be your friend for life, she loves it."
"How old is she? She's such a sweet little thing." She says taking a sip.
"She's three."
"And how old are you?" She asks.
"I'm eighteen." I say sighing. It only takes a minute for her to do the calculations.
"Oh, how awful for you." She says with a choked voice. I shrug my shoulders, wiping the tears that are leaking out.
"It meant that I got Sophie, so it's not all bad." I say with a smile.
"Did you know her father?" She asks. I simply nod.
"Right, mamma, can we change the subject?" Storm says looking at my tear stricken face.
"Right, of course." She replies her gaze lingering on the bruise on my cheek. Storm wraps his arm around me and gives my shoulder a squeeze. I smile at him to show that I'm OK.
"So, Bambi, what's my son to you?" She asks with a glint of cheekiness in her eyes.
"We're just friends." I reply blushing. She makes a noise as if she doesn't believe me.
"It won't be that way for long..." She mutters with a smile. My blush deepens.
"Mamma! OK, Bambi, I want to show you something." Storm says getting up with a blush on his cheeks. His mum giggles.
"The others will probably be over soon so don't make out for too long." She says laughing. I blush harder.
"Mamma, stop, I'm just going to show her the garage."
"Right, have fun!" She calls after us as Storm drags me out of the kitchen.
"I am so sorry for that!" He says as we get to the front door.
"It's OK, I like her she's funny." I reply.
"We won't be long." He says.
He leads me out the front, and to the garage I saw when we arrived. He leads me to a door and opens it. He reaches in and flicks a switch. The light flickers before turning on. I walk further in and see the walls are all covered in shelves. The middle of the garage is take up by different exercise machines. A beaten punching bag hangs from one corner. I turn around and look at Storm quizzically.
"I wanted to show you a part of me." He says with a small smile. "I come out here to train." My mind turns over trying to wrap my head around what he said.
"What do you mean?"
"After my father and sister died, it left me, my brother and my mamma fending for ourselves. We didn't have a lot of money to get us by, so I decided to make some for us. I took up fighting..." I hold my breath.
"Are you good?" I ask.
"My opponent usually comes off worse, but sometimes, I'm the one beaten both physically and mentally at the end of the fight." He says. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him.
"Be careful. I'm not going to judge you, but please promise me that you won't let your brother and mum have another loss."
"I promise." He says hugging me back.
A/N: Here you go, I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while and it is so short, I am meant to be editing the books, but have forgot recently so I will be doing that now for the books I haven't done. :)
I have also started co-writing a book with an amazing writer - RebbeccaMartin , it's called Call Me Master, I am/will be writing Dean's part! So go and check it out if you want. :)
So we learnt more about Storm and how his mother is. Next chapter they will all be reunited again and we will meet Storm's little brother!
What did you think of Storm's mother?
What did you think of the update?
What will happen next/later in the story? (I've already told you what will happen next ;) )
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!
CC ;)
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