Part 23
"Thanks Storm." I say when we get to the car.
"No problem." He replies walking around the car and opening the door for me. I blush and give him a small smile, I've never had a boy open a car door for me. He gives me a smile back.
"Thanks." I say quietly again as I get in.
"You're welcome." He says closing the door behind me. He runs around the front of the car and gets in starting the engine.
The first five minutes of the car ride goes by in a comfortable silence before Storm pits on the radio.
"What kind of music do you like?" He asks fiddling with the stations.
"Um, anything really, I'm not that picky." I reply. "You choose." He fiddles a bit longer before finding a station he wants. Soft rock starts to play through the speakers. He turns to me.
"Is this ok?" He asks. I nod.
"Have you lived in America all your life?" I ask him wanting to get to know him a bit better.
"Technically No, but for me it feels like I have." He replies. "We moved here when I was 1, so I don't really remember much of Italy, but my mamma made sure I learnt the language."
"I've always wanted to go."
"Well, we should go one day." He says looking over to me. I smile at him.
"I'd like that." He turns the indicator on and turns into the daycare. As soon as the car stops I'm out of the car and running into the daycare.
"Sorry, I'm late!" I shout as soon as I enter. I look around and see Sophie nowhere. I start to panic. Storm comes in behind me as the worker that got Sophie a friend came out the back.
"I thought I heard you come in. We were in the back." She says.
"Sorry, I didn't catch your name earlier. " I say following her the way she came from, Storm walking beside me.
"Mae, you're Bambi right?"
"Yep." I say smiling at her. She opens the door and looks in. "Miss Fields, Miss Raye is here to pick up Sophie." I hear grumbles and a scrape of a chair before Miss Fields tells Sophie that I'm here. She comes running out to me and hugs my legs, when she see Storm she shouts out to him and let's go of my legs and turns to him.
"Hey, mia piccola sole." He says ruffling her hair.
"What's that mean?" She asks quizzically.
"If I'm Stormy, you're my little sunshine." He explains. I smile at him, that is so sweet.
"OK, Sweetie, time to leave." I say going to pick her up. She crosses her arms and steps back.
"I want Stormy to carry me." Storm doesn't object and picks Sophie up.
"See you tomorrow, Mae." I say as I go to walk out of the day care. I hear the door open behind me and Miss Fields voice stops me.
"Miss Raye, Can I talk to you please for a moment?" I roll my eyes and turn around with a smile on my face.
"Sure." Storm stops and turns back to see Miss Fields. Miss Fields gives Storm an appreciative look and turns to him and obviously pushing her chest out.
"Who's this?" Storm looks disgusted and pulls me into his side.
"We'll be in the car, bella ragazza." He says dropping a kiss to my temple, before letting me go and walking out of the door. I blush but smile smugly at Miss Fields inwardly.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Next time be a better mom, and get someone to come and pick her up sooner." She says before walking off.
"I am so sorry, she shouldn't have said that." She says.
"Don't worry, I'm used to it." I reply.
"You shouldn't have to be."
"How was Sophie today?" I ask.
"She was good, the best I've seen her so far, she and Milly got along really well."
"Good." I sigh. "Bye Mae." I say walking out of the day care.
"Bye." She calls after me.
I put my seatbelt on and turn around to Sophie sat in her car seat in the back.
"Did you have a good time today?" I ask her smiling. Storm starts the car and drives out of the car park.
"Yeah, Milly is my new friend..." She starts to talk about what she and Milly did, and Mae. Storm and I just listen smiling at how happy she is. When she stops I look over to Storm.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"I wandered if you wanted to come over mine before the others leave school?" he replies. I turn around to Sophie and ask her. She shouts 'Yes' and claps her hands.
"We would love to." I say turning back to Storm smiling.
Hope you liked it. Next chapter will be learning more about Storm.
What do you think of Miss Fields and Mae?
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CC ;)
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