Part 1
Hiya, Here is the first part! Hope you like it!
"Name?" The office lady asks me.
"Huh." I reply coming out of the haze I was in.
"I asked what is your name?" She demanded irritated.
"Oh, Sorry. Bambi Raye." I say with a smile. She types something into the computer. Clicks the mouse a couple of times. Types something else. Clicks the mouse once more, then waits and clicks it another time.
Seriously what is she doing, hacking into the Pentagon?
No, she was more likely finishing the level on the game she was playing, but you never know.
"Ah yes, Bambi, Senior right?" I nod. She turns and grabs some papers off the desk behind her.
"Here is your schedule and your locker assignment with the combination. Have a great day." She says giving me a fake smile before turning back to her computer. I turn around and walk out of the office.
A new home, a new school, a new life. Hopefully.
After the events that took place a couple of years ago, the students in my old school gave me a load of shit even though it wasn't my fault. It became worse and worse over the years and eventually it became too much and we decided to move. Move across the world to be exact. We moved from England to California, USA. We would have moved sooner but my mum didn't have the money.
I looked up from my schedule and saw everyone was staring at me. I continued onto where my locker should be. I had gotten used to people staring at me. I found my locker and tried the locker combination, it wouldn't open. I tried again and failed. I slammed my hand onto the locker willing it to open.
"You know it won't open if you hit it." I turn around to find the person who said it. A girl around my height stood a couple of lockers down, she had brown hair with blonde highlights. Her grey eyes sparkled with amusement.
"And how am I meant to open it? By asking it nicely?" I reply sarcastically.
"That could work, or..." She said walking towards me, "You could use the right combination." She said opening the locker.
"My friend had this locker before you, she moved away last year, and she found out that the school gave her the wrong combination. It's the same until the last number just add one."
"Um, thanks."
"Don't mention it." She says before walking off. I turn to my locker and put the stuff I don't need into it. The bell rings indicating first class is about to start. I look down at my schedule to see what I have first,
Homeroom - Room 109 - Mr Blake
Trigonometry - Room 118 - Mr Roll
Gym - Gymnasium - Coach Farmer
English - Room 231 - Mr Stave
Biology - Room 222 - Mrs Bernal
World History - Room 125 - Mrs Black
Spanish - Room 214 - Señora Gonzales
When I make it to Homeroom I head to the back of the class and sit in a seat in the corner without making eye contact with anyone. A couple of minutes later the teacher comes in, and stands at the front of the class.
"Hello everyone, we have a new student starting today, Bambi Raye, why don't you come up and introduce yourself?" I reluctantly stand up and head to the front.
"Um, hello, my name is Bambi Raye and I moved from England, but I bet you could tell that already. Um, I don't know what else to say." I say with a smile.
"Thank you Bambi. You can sit back down now." I make my way back to my seat. I look around the class, and see two boys staring at me across the room. I give them a questioning look; they both grin back at me and turn back to the front. Well that was weird.
For the rest of the class I doodle in my notebook. When the bell rings I pack my notebook away and move towards the hallway. I feel eyes on me when I get to the door. I turn back to the room and see the same boys from earlier both staring at me still in their seats. I turn back around and rush to my next lesson.
I make it to Trigonometry just as the bell rings.
"You must be our new student, Bambi Raye. Introduce yourself to the class and then sit down at one of the empty seats."
What does he expect me to do, sit on a seat with someone already in it, so I end up sitting on their lap?
"Hi, my name is Bambi Raye and-"
"You're British! That is so cool. Good day to you my lady!" A boy shouts out doing a posh English accent.
"Why does everyone think we are all posh, we don't all talk and sound posh." I reply to him.
"That told you, Pete."A boy shouts to him turning to me and winking. I feel a blush colour my cheeks. The teacher turns to me and asks me to go and sit down. I walk to a seat at the back, and in the corner. I look around at my classmates and see the boy that winked at me staring at me. What is it with this school, and boys staring at me?
The bell rings for gym knocking me out of the daze I was in. I grab my bag and make my way to the gym. When I arrive I go and find the coach.
"Of course, Miss Raye do you have any clothes on you that you can change into?"
"OK, go and change and then make your way out to the field we are going to be doing soccer today."
I change quickly and arrive at the field to see them all stretching. I quickly join them. Coach Farmer then splits us into teams. I'm on the same team as the girl that helped with my locker.
"Hi, you're the girl that helped me in the hallway earlier with my locker, right?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Thanks, for that again. My name's Bambi Raye."
"Like I said before don't mention it, the name's Jinx Hazeglade. Weird name right?"
"Not really, no weirder than Bambi." She smiles. The whistle sounds for us to start.
The bell went for English to end and I shot out of my seat heading towards the cafeteria, eager to get some food. I told Jinx I would meet her there. I walked to the end of the line and waited for what felt like forever before I was to the front. I grabbed a sandwich, a bag of crisps and a bottle of water. Once I had paid, I looked around the cafeteria and saw a waving Jinx sat at the table with a boy. I walked over to them and sat in a seat on the other side of the table.
"Bambi this is Sam." Sam was tanned, with blonde hair and green eyes. You could see that he had a small amount of definition to his muscles.
"Oh, are you both together?" I ask. Jinx laughs while Sam screams in glee. Everyone in the cafeteria looks to our table.
"Ohmigod, Ohmigod I love your accent! Where did you get it?" Sam screams with glee. Jinx looks at him weirdly.
"She didn't go and buy it from a shop, she was born with it."
"Oh yeah, from England right?" I nod "Can we swap?" He asks.
"Sure." I reply laughing. Jinx rolls her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose.
"And to answer your earlier question no, we're not together. Sam is as gay as they can come, you might have been able to tell that." I blush, laughing.
"Yeah, but you wish that we are together babe." He says slinging his arm over her shoulders. She shrugs it off.
"I would rather go out with a potato."
"Uh, babe I'm hurt." He says clutching his chest, falling to the floor dramatically causing everyone to look at us again. I laugh. Sam stands up and brushes himself off and turns to me and asks,
"You would go out with me wouldn't you?"
"Not if you're gay, you would probably end up going out with another man."
"Yeah, I probably would, I mean have you seen me, who could resist this." he says with a grin pointing at himself.
"I can tell you one person." Jinx mutters. Sam turns and glares at her.
"Yeah, but you like potatoes so you can hardly make a good judgement." I laugh.
We talk for five more minutes before I feel eyes looking at me. I look around the cafeteria and see a group of 8 boys staring at me from across the room. 3 of them I recognise, the 2 boys who were staring at me in Homeroom and the boy that winked at me in Trigonometry. I turn back to Sam and Jinx.
"Hey, do you know who those guys are?" I said nodding in their direction. They both look around at the same time, being as obvious as they could.
"The ones staring at you?" Jinx asks.
"They usually keep to themselves; they have all been friends since kindergarten."
"Oooh! This is like Twilight! Staring at you from across the cafeteria. You asking who they are. All of them keeping to themselves. Maybe they're all vampires and you blood appeals to them. If you become a vampire promise to turn me too!" I laugh at Sam's imagination.
"Sure, but I doubt that's going to happen." I reply. Jinx just rolls her eyes. I stand up and say I'm going to throw my trash away.
I was just walking back to the table when a body bumps into me knocking me to the floor. I look up to see boys pushing each other, playing around.
"Hey, are you OK? I saw those guys bump into you." The boy from my Trig class asks from the other side of me.
"Um, yeah, no damage done." He offers me his hand, to pull me up.
When I grab his hand sparks fly up my arm, causing me to gasp. "Mine!" he growls.
Only joking!
Of course sparks didn't fly up my arm and he didn't growl 'mine'. It's not a werewolf book!
When I did grab his hand he pulled me up so I was standing. Now that I was closer to him I could see his features more clearly. His brown hair was styled to look like he had just got out of bed. His piercing blue eyes danced with kindness. He had broad shoulders and you could see definition to his muscles as his shirt clung to his body. I had to look up to look him in the eyes, and I'm not short.
"By the way the name's Jesse."
"Bambi." I reply with a smile.
"Well Bambi it was nice to meet you." He said before walking back to the table with his other friends. I rush back to the table where Jinx and Sam are sat.
"What was that?" They both ask at the same time.
"What was what?"
"You and one of those hot boys, bitch you are so lucky! I don't even know their names." Sam says.
"What Jesse?"
"Well if that was who you were talking to, then yes, Jesse."
"He just helped me up, after two boys knocked into me making me fall."
"That is more than he did for anyone else before!" Jinx adds. I shrug my shoulders. I was saved by the bell from answering any more questions, as it rang indicating the end of lunch.
"What's your next class?" Sam asked me. I retrieved my schedule from my bag and saw I had Biology.
"Yay!" He says clapping his hands.
"I guess you have it as well?" He nods excitedly. I turn to Jinx,
"Do you?"
"No. Chemistry." She says making a face. "What do you have after that?"
"World History?" I reply.
"I think we both have that as well." She says. Sam and I say goodbye to her and we walk to class.
When we get there we sit at the back and wait for the bell to ring. Sam was telling me how all the hot guys are straight in this school, but it doesn't stop him from looking when the door opens revealing one of the guys who was staring at me earlier in the cafeteria. He takes a seat at the front and looks around the class. When his eyes fall on me, he smiles and gets up and moves towards the empty seat next to me. Sam was too busy talking to realise I wasn't listening to him anymore, so he was talking to himself. Now that the guy was close up I could see his features more clearly. His green eyes sparkled with amusement. His light brown hair was styled messily. Like Jesse, you could see that he worked out regularly and was a couple of inches taller than him.
"Hi." He said smiling. His smile was infectious and I ended up smiling back. "Is this seat taken?" He said nodding to the seat next to me.
"No." He smiled and sat down.
"My name's Levi." He said.
"Bambi." The bell rang and the teacher entered the room. She started her lesson. It was five minutes before a note landed on my desk. I looked up at Levi who was smirking facing the board. I opened it and read:
Love the accent BTW.
I blushed. The rest of the class was me doodling in my notebook and occasionally taking notes. I said goodbye to Levi when the bell rang and Sam and I walked to World History.
"How was Biology?"
"Guess who made friends with another one of the boys that was staring at her."
"Seriously?" She said turning to me. I nod blushing. She opened her mouth to say something else when the bell rang indicating the start of the lesson. saved by the bell again. Like most of my other classes I had one or two of the boys that were staring at me, in my last two classes. Finally the bell rang and I was up out of my seat straight away. I rushed out to the parking lot, saying goodbye to Sam and Jinx on the way out.
There you go, the first part.
What happened to Bambi 3 years ago?
Would Jinx actually go out with a potato?
Comment what you think! Don't forget to vote if you like it!
Edited 13 September 2015. :)
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