The New Base Part 2
Liz followed Sam back to Sam's car with the white wolf following her. I see that Sam and the black wolf are getting along. I looked back to see another wolf was following Ben around. I looked down to see Million was sitting by my feet. I was wondering how and why this is happening.
"Hey Ben. How the plans going?" I asked him, walking up to Ben and James.
"It's good so far. We are starting with the lower levels and thinking some escape routs but I have to talk to Sam first," Ben said, looking around.
"She in her car," I said.
"Thanks Alice," he said, walking towards Sam's car.
"So, are you and Ben a thing?" James asked.
"Yeah," I stated, walking way from James. I walked over to my chair and looked over the list of medical supplies, "Dang, I forgot to tell Sam that we might need bandages," I got up and walked over to Sam's car.
"Hey, I forgot to tell you, that we needs bandages," I said, looking at Liz.
"Okay but were can we get them at?" Liz asked.
"Um... the hospital," I suggested.
"Right, I will take Sam with me since she just fell back to sleep," Liz said, looking down at her.
"Right, did Ben talked to her about escape routs," I asked.
"Yeah, Sam thinks it's a good idea," Liz said, grabbing Sam's keys.
"Liz, not now," Sam mumbled.
"I just need the keys," Liz chuckled, grabbing the keys and sliding over to the driver seat.
"Okay, good luck and come back safe," I said, backing away from the car.
"Yeah, see ya when we get back," She said pulling away.
I pulled way from our new base. I looked down at Sam, who is sleeping on my lap with Beta and Alpha on the floor on the passenger seat. Sam was stirring awake.
"Hey, where are we going?" Sam asked, looking around.
"The hospital. Alice said that we need some stuff," I inform her.
"Okay and you're driving my car," she raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, because you where sleeping and you know I can drive," I stated, looking at her. She nodded and looked at the floor.
"Why is Alpha and Beta in the car?" Sam asked.
"Well Alpha was following you and I guess Beta was following me," I explain, looking for a hospital.
"Well I guess we have a bond with them," she said.
"I guess so," I shrugged.
~Time skip
I found a hospital. I got out with Sam right behind me. We made sure the window was down for the two wolves.
"So, what do we need?" Sam asked, looking around the nurse station.
"Bandages, and some others," I said, picking up a big bag. I started to look around and found what we needed.
"Okay," She said, looking around for somethings that we needed. I kept an eye on Sam since she had to stay up late.
~Back to the factory ~ Ben
I have been thinking about blueprints for our new base. I looked at how deep and wide we got the hole.
"Okay, James lets get the bottom level started and work our way up hopefully it wont take to long to do the whole base," I said, looking up from the blueprints.
"Yeah me too, dude and your wolf is staring at me," I looked down to see Delta looking at James.
"Delta," I said, looking at the wolf. I looked over to see Million is sitting next to Alice.
"Hey, Alice. Do want to look over these blueprints?" I asked, getting her attention.
"Um... Sure," She said, walking over to us with Million following close behind. She looked over the plan.
"I think this would work but Sam needs to approve this first," Alice said, looking over the plans.
"Yeah, she should be coming back soon," I said, looking at Alice.
"Yeah, unless something went wrong," she said worriedly.
~Back at the Hospital ~Sam
I looked around and found a door with chains on it. I walked up to the window and saw the undead in there. I looked back to see Liz grabbing some bandages. Liz looked up and saw me.
"What's behind the door?" she asked, looking at the door.
"The undead," I muttered, "I hope we don't need anything behind here,"
"We don't need anything behind the doors," Liz said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the hospital.
"Okay," I said, running behind her. We heard clanging coming from behind us. I looked back to see the door was moving and it looks like it's going to break, "LIZ!" I yelled, "THE DOOR IS BREAKING!"
"I know bet we don't have time to slow down," she said, pulling on my arm. I kept an eye on the door. I looked forward and heard a loud thud. I looked back to see the door was completely open and on the floor.
"LIZ!" I screamed.
"Sam, I know," Liz called back. I grabbed my gun and was ready to shoot, "Sam, we don't have time to kill them."
"Alright," I said, putting the gun back in its holster and continue running. We made it outside and into the car. I looked up to see the zombies was flooding out. I put the petal to the metal and drove away from the hospital.
~Time Skip
We made it back to the base. I looked over to see Ben is walking towards the car.
"Hey, Sam. I want to take look at this," Ben said, handing me blueprints.
"Great work. Now, can you get started," I said, annoyed.
"Yeah sure thing," Ben said, walking over to James. I looked to see Liz handing the supplies to Alice. I walked back over to see the sun is setting. I looked over at Alpha, who seems ready for the night.
"Well, I'm going on watch," I said to them they nodded and continue on working. I looked over to Liz, who is ready to sleep. I don't blame her, with the kind of day we had. James and Ben have been working on the base. I started to feel like something is going to be coming soon.
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