"And you are?"
The simple question was directed towards Pacchie by the intimidating ol' grandpa who also happened to be her teacher. This place wasn't so different from earth. Pacchie figured that out the moment she stepped inside the room and everyone started to whisper among themselves.
Everything was basically the same except for one small yet very visible detail--earth had technology while this place had magic. She had yet to know the name of the planet(if it was a planet). She didn't want to look like an idiot.
"Pacchie," she replied casually.
The man glared at her before snapping, "I didn't ask for your name, it's written in this damned book! 'Was talkin' 'bout your position!" Such an accent.
"I..." she stuttered. "Don't know?"
"Ugh, how could you not know what your position is?! How old even are you?!" he snapped. Wow, this guy. So angry.
"I'm fifteen.. years... old?" she replied once again, each word coming out slower than the previous one. The whispers around her were starting to get louder, mixed with a few giggles and chuckles. Embarrassing.
Glaring at her, he roared, "What in the world is that? You know, what? It ain't important! Rick! Go teach her or something, I don't care! Just get her outta' my view!"
Soon, there was someone grabbing her by the arm and pulling her away from the room. What just happened?
Pacchie was pulled out the classroom--if it was even a classroom--by none other than Rick. It seemed that every where she went, he was always there anyways.
"I couldn't believe you were that stupid for an Analentine. What even are years?" Rick asked curiously, his pull slowly getting less hurtful.
Pacchie sighed. "It's a way to measure time, I guess. I really don't know what to believe and whatnot anymore. It's like I've been living in a lie all this time," she let out.
Rick raised an eyebrow, looking at her as they walked. "What in the world are you talking about?" he asked. They were walking outside the school building towards the edge of the forest.
Pacchie sighed once again, letting out a big huff of hair. "You won't understand. You won't believe me, but I'll say it anyways. This world isn't the world I once lived in. I used to live in earth; another planet, another realm.
"I don't know why I'm here or who brought me here, but I totally don't know a single thing about this world. I've never had powers my whole life."
"Yeah, well," Rick started, letting go of her hand, but continued walking. "I know what it feels to not be trusted because what you say seems to stupid, so I think I'm gonna believe you. Describe earth to me."
Surprised. That was what she felt. She never even thought to tell anyone about earth. Leia found out about it herself, now another person was about to find out.
"Well, earth is a great place even though it's full of pollution and all that," Pacchie started as they neared the trees. "We have no magic, but we have technology. For example, phones--we use them to communicate with other people from around the world. And, freezer--it's a machine that basically, well, freezes stuff like water and all that."
Rick nodded thoughtfully. Pacchie knew he was never going to understand, but him not laughing was enough for her.
At least, these people are more open-minded than those on earth, she thought gratefully.
"I have the power to know what others' powers are. Actually, it's more than that. I can know they're weaknesses and all that. That's why I always do the planning when a fight is gonna happen," Rick stated with a hint of sadness at the end.
"Oh! So, you'll easily find out what my power is?" Pacchie asked excitedly. She may be missing her beloved earth, but hey, free powers, why not?
Rick chuckled, probably confused by the sudden change of mood. Pacchie swore Tiara was rubbing off on her. "Yeah, actually, I do. It's teleportation, and I know exactly how to activate it."
"Activate wha-"
Her eyes widened when Rick threw a knife at her.
A knife!
Quickly, she raised her hands to shield her head as if that was going to save her and ready herself from the hit, but it never came.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked around before glaring at Rick. "What the hell?! Why did you do that?!" she screamed once she felt safe enough from the deadly knife.
Rick just chuckled, making her want to stab his face continuously with that knife, but she couldn't for her legs wouldn't move.
I nearly died.
Rick smiled at her. "Sorry, it's the only easy way to activate your power in one day. At least your power isn't being able to heal, because if so, I might need to hurt you," he apologized half-heartedly. "On the good side, look! You've teleported a few elks from the knife itself."
Pacchie looked around and true to his words, the knife landed a few metres away from her. She'll try to find out what elks are later. Right now, she wanted to smack this guy.
Then, Rick gave her an award-winning smile which made her unable to fight back the smile blossoming on her face.
His smile just got wider, as if mocking her.
I'll smack you one day, she planned.
"What now?" asked the girl who lived. She sighed and wiped off her smile before glaring at him again.
Rick clapped twice and the knife went flying to his hand. He made it disappear, probably securing it in some kind of magical invisible bag. "Right now, we're going to my favourite place," he announced and they started walking again. "Ready yourself, you might get soaking wet and all that."
Pacchie shrugged. "I don't think you even care if I'm ready considering you just threw a knife at me without warning," she stated, causing Rick to let out another annoying chuckle.
A few minutes after tiring walking, they arrived to "Rick's favourite place" which appeared to be a lake in the middle of a forest. It wasn't too bad, really. In fact, it was very beautiful.
"Sooooo..." Pacchie dragged on. "What are we supposed to do here?"
Pacchie walked to the edge of the lake, looking down. It was pretty deep and the water looked clean. The lake was surrounded by large trees.
"Can you swim?" Rick asked back.
"Um, nope," Pacchie answered truthfully with a blush tinting her cheeks.
"Great!" cheered Rick before he pushed Pacchie down the lake.
She squealed, trying to grasp something but nothing was there to help her. She held her breath for as long as she could, hoping Rick felt mercy, but unfortunately he did not. There was a force holding her down, so she couldn't even float.
When she started feeling the need to breath, she closed her eyes. The only way for her to get out of this was by teleporting, she knew that.
So, she collected all her might and concentrated herself. Pacchie imagined the forest, the trees and the air. Slowly, she felt herself turning into dust and then...
She coughed and spit some water from her mouth. Her whole body felt cold, but her mind was elsewhere.
As she was teleporting, she swore she saw something in the back of her mind. Moving shadows, she recalled, and whispers. But how?
Claps were heard from behind her and Pacchie quickly turned around in fright--scared that the shadows from her mind would come to real life, but luckily, it was just Rick.
"You didn't die!" he cheered.
Pacchie gave him a deadly glare and kicked him where the sun didn't shine.
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