Chapter 2
I smiled at the latest text from Thomas.
It was just a picture of a puppy, but a cute one nonetheless.
"Isa? Is everything ok?" Her mom knocked on her door.
"I'm fine, Ma!" I yelled, hoping Mom would leave.
So it had been a week since I started texting Thomas. He was actually quite interesting and reminded me a little of my other best friend, Ferb.
"I was wondering, what's the real reason you signed up for Enchanted." Thomas texted.
"What do you mean? To meet some cute guys." I giggled to myself, adding a winky face.
He texted back a few seconds later. "Obviously that's not it. The only person you're following is me and I can see that you haven't matched with anyone."
I blushed. He was right. I'd only been texting him. I couldn't help it though. I felt drawn to his mysterious ways.
"Maybe you're the cute guy I've been looking for." I texted.
"I'm a rebound, aren't I." He said.
I blinked in surprise. He was quick. How did he figure out so soon.
I sighed. I'd only known him for a week but I felt like I had known him my whole life.
"Sorry. It's just...this guy I've liked forever rejected me and my friends thought this would be a good idea." I confessed.
"It's fine. That happened to my best friend. Well, if I'm gonna be honest,
I'm only on here because I'm trying to get over her. I liked her but she's into my brother. I was hoping to be her...knight in shining armor? But we haven't talked in a while so I don't know."
"Aw I'm sorry. I hope you talk to her soon."
"Yea. I'll probably call her and ask her to come over later. So since neither of us are actually looking for something serious, you want to be friends?"
I smiled to myself.
"Cool. Anyways, I got to go. I think I'll call my friend over and see if she wants to hang out. See you."
"See you!"
As soon as I put my phone down, it started ringing.
I flipped the screen towards me and saw that Ferb was calling.
"Funny, he's always punctual." I smiled.
"Hello, this is Isabella Garcia-Shapiro! How may I help you?" I smirked, knowing full well who it was.
"This is Mr. Ferb Fletcher requesting for Mrs. Isabella's presence at the Flynn-Fletcher household in five minutes." Ferb answered in a posh voice, going along with our long running joke.
"Hmm. Let me check Miss Isabella's schedule." I was quiet for a few seconds. "You're in luck, she has a few hours free. She'll be right over!"
Ferb laughed. "See you in a few."
"See you." I smiled and hung up.
I ran down the stairs and quickly grabbed my jacket before running across the street.
I knocked on the door and waited.
I tried to focus on just smiling as Phineas opened the door.
"Hey, Phineas! Is Ferb upstairs?" I asked.
"Oh, hey, Isabella! Yea, he's upstairs." He said.
As I walked inside, Phineas grabbed my hand. I froze and then continued to focus so I wouldn't lose my cool.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"Um, so about last week..." He said.
I sighed. "Stop right there. I get it. You can't see me as anything other than a friend. It's fine."
"So...we're cool?" He asked.
"...yea, sure." I shrugged, eager to run upstairs.
"Cool! So, uh, I was gonna ask Ferb if he wanted to play some video games, you wanna join?" Phineas asked.
"Sure." I smiled.
I sincerely hoped Ferb would understand that I didn't want to hang out with Phineas.
I just can't believe him. Still oblivious as ever. Good thing I've got my girls, Ferb, and now Thomas to keep me in check.
"Hey, Izzy. Wh-" Ferb stopped when he saw Phineas enter behind me.
"Hey, Ferb! Wanna play some video games? We have another controller, right? Isabella can play with us!" Phineas exclaimed.
I was standing behind Phineas and was silently begging Ferb to say no. I kept shaking my head furiously and I saw him try to stifle a smile.
"Sorry, Phineas, but I've got plans," Ferb said and I thanked him to the moon and back.
Phineas frowned but smiled again. "Ok, sure! You want to play video games, Izzy?"
I winced at his use of my childhood nickname that I used to love but after last week, not so much.
"I, uh...."
"I meant I have plans with Isabella. That's why she's here," Ferb said, saving my butt once again.
"Oh. Um..." For once, he was at a loss for words.
"I heard Baljeet is over at Buford's." Ferb suggested.
Phineas' eyes glowed. "Oh, yea! See you later!"
I flopped down on Ferb's bed with a sigh. "Thanks, Ferbs."
"You owe me." He smirked, putting his long legs on top of my stomach.
"Ferb..." I groaned, shoving him off.
I pushed him over and got into his bed next to him. Because we had done this a million times, he already knew to pull the blanket up to my chin where I felt nice and comfy.
For all the years I had like Phineas, I had only felt comfortable doing this with Ferb.
"So...whatcha doing?" I asked.
"Laying down." He said.
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, captain obvious."
"So, video games?" He asked.
"Why not." I shrugged and grabbed the two controllers from his shelf.
As we played Nintendo's Smash Brothers, I half-spaced out as I thought of Phineas. I couldn't help it. After years of endless daydreams and fantasies, it was hard not to.
"Hey, hey, focus on the game," Ferb said and I saw that I had lost the first round.
"Dang..." I muttered.
"You thinking about Phineas?" He asked as he chose Link for his next fighter.
"Unfortunately," I said, pressing ok as I stayed with my favorite fighter, Sheik.
"You...upset?" He asked, pressing on the matter lightly.
I sighed. "Sorta but I guess I already kinda knew."
We continued the game in silence. It felt weird. This silence wasn't like the other times we didn't talk. It felt awkward and I struggled to find something to talk about.
Ferb sensed I wasn't ok with the silence and tried to talk about other things.
I smiled as we talked and laughed. Now this felt right. Just sitting with my best friend, laughing while playing video games.
I was gonna mention Thomas to Ferb but I didn't want him to know yet that I was so desperate that I joined a dating site.
Sorry for the awkward ending I thought it'd be nice to end here
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