Chapter 3
Serafina woke up the next morning with Julieta and Pepa still asleep on both sides of her. She smiled to herself and leaned into her sisters' warmth when her door suddenly slammed opened causing all three sisters to jump and sit up. Their mother was standing there as she smiled slightly seeing her daughters sleeping in the same bed together like they used to do when they were kids.
"Wake up mijas. We need you downstairs." Abuela ordered. "Did something happen Mamá?" Serafina asked worriedly. "Yes. Dolores is missing. So is Luisa." Abuela informed eliciting gasps from all three women. Serafina scrambled over to her dresser quickly searching for her dress. With a wave of her hand, she sent two dresses over to her sisters.
Thunder boomed as a cloud started forming over Pepa. "Please hermaña. You know how I feel about rain in my room." Serafina pleaded. "I'm sorry but I can't help but worry over Dolores." Pepa said putting on her dress. "Believe me hermaña. I worried about Luisa as well." Julieta agreed.
"Let's just get downstairs and meet with the rest of the family." Serafina offered holding both of their hands and leading them downstairs. The rest of the family was there sitting at the table. The sisters took their respective seats before looking to Abuela. "We need to find Dolores and Luisa. Serafina, can you look for them in the air?" Serafina nodded. "Sí mamá." With that she walked out the door with haste.
"Viento." She started but was instantly swept off her feet and into the air. Flying through the air, Serafina kept her eyes and ears open for anything that could lead her to her missing nieces. She was out searching until nightfall until she had to return home. "Did you find anything?" Abuela asked her who seemed exhausted.
Pepa and Julieta were at their mother's side bringing her drinks and food. "No mamá. There's nothing out in town." Serafina informed as her mother sighed wearily. "Tía Serafina! Come quick!" Mirabel burst into the room suddenly. "Easy Mirabel. There's no need to shout." Serafina spoke softly. "Sorry but I have to show you something." Mirabel said calmly and quietly.
Mirabel took her aunt by the hand and led her up to Bruno's tower whose door was glowing. "What?" Serafina said in shock lightly touching the door tracing her older brother's name. "I also found these." Mirabel opened her bag that held many green pieces. "You have one of his visions?" Serafina questioned pulling out a piece.
"I found them by Dolores's room." Mirabel informed as her aunt placed the piece back in the bag. "Come along." She simply said walking towards her room as Mirabel struggled to keep in pace with her. Serafina opened her door and walked in floating up to her bed. Mirabel stayed back taking a good look at her aunt's door.
"Hey Tía. When did you have a snowflake on your door?" She asked. "I don't." Her aunt said, "Pepa controls the weather. You know this." Mirabel shook her head and placed a finger onto the snowflake etched into the door when it suddenly glowed brightly. Her aunt yelped as the temperature in the room suddenly dropped to freezing causing both ladies shivered. "What did you do?" Serafina questioned going to float down only she didn't float.
Mirabel ran towards her aunt who was now freefalling from her bed. Thankfully, Casita used the floorboards to create a slide and saved Serafina from multiple injuries. The said woman was now sitting on the floor breathing heavily. "Are you ok Tía?" Mirabel asked worriedly. "Sí mi sol." Serafina spoke placing a hand on the floor to get up.
The entire floor then glazed over in a sheet of ice. Serafina's hand slipped causing her to fall backwards. Mirabel slid and fell right next to her aunt who groaned in frustration and laid down on her back. "Pepa!" Serafina yelled. Within seconds, the weather controlling sister slammed open the door with a cloud appearing over her head. "What's going on?" Pepa asked her eyes narrowing at Mirabel slowly assuming that the girl has said something to her younger sister once again.
"Look!" Serafina huffed drawing attention to her floor that was now an ice skating rink. "Um. I promise you it wasn't me." Her sister said quickly. "I know Pepa! It was me!" Serafina groaned. "What?" Pepa said surprised. "I touched the snowflake symbol on her door." Mirabel informed raising her hand. Pepa looked towards the door seeing the said symbol lit up and sparkling. "Mhm." She leaned down to inspect the door. Julieta joined her not long after having been caught up to speed on what was happening.
Mirabel carefully slid over to the door and eyed the symbols curiously. She reached over and tapped the wind symbol. The ice on the floor melted as a gust of wind shot Serafina, who let out a yelp of surprise, into the air. "Sorry! Sorry! How about this?" Mirabel said tapping on a symbol that looked like water. The room filled up with water though none of it went out to the rest of the house. Serafina landed in the water with a splash spitting out a little of water that she ingested.
"Stop pushing them Mirabel!" Pepa scolded her niece. Mirabel pushed the wind button once again as all the water drained from the room with Serafina shooting into the air once more with her arms crossed. The wind gently placed her on the bed as she leveled a look at all three family members at her door. "Stop touching it!" She yelled, a gust of wind blowing all of them inside the room as the door closed behind them.
"You have air, ice, and water powers!" Mirabel said excitedly though her aunts and mother didn't share the same enthusiasm. Pepa was in both shock and surprise, Julieta was mostly confused and concerned while Serafina was totally tired and frustrated. "Out." With a wave of her hand, the wind pushed Mirabel and her sisters out of her room. "Wait! What about the vision?" Mirabel asked, the wind stopped pushing them as Mirabel walked forward.
"What vision?" Pepa asked raising an eyebrow. Julieta sighed and placed a hand on her forehead. "This one." Mirabel threw the pieces into the air as the wind started piecing them together. The green picture grew bigger so all four women could see.
Casita was cracked in the background. The family stood in front fighting something or someone but Mirabel or Serafina weren't in the vision. "It's probably nothing." Serafina rolled her eyes. The vision broke into its pieces and were shoved into Mirabel's bag before the wind gave it to her. "What?" Mirabel said surprised. "Not all of Bruno's visions come true." Serafina crossed her legs and waved it off.
Pepa and Julieta looked at each other worriedly wondering why their baby sister suddenly seemed so flippant. "But Tía, shouldn't we at least consider his vision?" Mirabel asked. "No! It's just some stupid vision! It's not going to happen so just stop wasting my time!" Her aunt yelled. The house shook as cracks went up the wall and across the floor earning gasps from everyone. The candle flickered as did the doors in turn.
Everything went still but no one dared to move in fear. There was a sudden scream followed by another from the main room. Julieta, Pepa, and Mirabel ran out as Serafina stayed on her bed not daring to move. "What's going on?" Abuela asked worriedly hearing the commotion. The doors flickered once more before returning to their usual state only Isabela and Camilo's doors never lit up like Dolores and Luisa's.
"We lost two more." Felix stated holding Antonio close. "What's happening? Where are the kids disappearing too?" Pepa asked worriedly, her voice breaking. Julieta pulled her sister close, her own eyes filling with tears. Mirabel ran to father who hugged her tightly. Serafina heard them from inside her room also wondering what was going on and how her family was disappearing little by little.
She, along with her sisters and Antonio were the last Madrigals left with powers. It seemed obvious that whoever or whatever was taking their family wanted the ones with the magical gifts. As much as she didn't want to, there was only one person who knew what was happening and how they could stop it.
He lived within the walls of casita and Serafina knew what she had to do.
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