Chapter Four
(Your POV)
O-Ow... Tch, my head.. H...Huh..? Daddy..? D-Daddy! Daddy wake up!Please! You have to! You have to be okay! Daddy! Please! DADDY!
I bolted awake from the nightmare that I was having, sweating from head to toe, and breathing heavily. I looked to the side of my bed and saw Max kneeling next to me with a very concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?! You were crying in your sleep!" he asked defensively, trying to stay a bit quiet.
I calmed my rapid breathing and sighed, looking at him with a convincing, fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a nightmare, no big deal." I brushed it off.
He looked a little angry from what I told him. "No big deal?! You were sobbing and mumbling something like, 'Please, wake up!'" I froze for a moment, then shook my head.
"I-I don't remember what I was dreaming about, it doesn't matter anyway." I lied.
"Stop lying to me." Max responded firmly. "Tell me what's wrong."
"I-I... don't wanna talk about it.." I told him, avoiding eye contact.
"You can trust me. You do trust me, right?"
I stayed silent for a few moments before speaking again. "I trust you, it's just... I can't tell you.." I said as I hung my head. I heard him sigh.
"Fine." Max snapped, irritated.
"I-I'm sorry!" I insisted, looking back up. "It's just.. very personal, I don't think I'm ready to talk about it.."
"Whatever. But the next time you have a nightmare like that, you're telling me!" he assured me. I nodded sadly. He sighed again. "Look at me." I stayed still. "Look. At. Me." I hesitantly looked up to see him closer than before. "I care about you, (Y/N). Never forget that." My eyes widened as I just sat there, shocked at what he just said. "What's with the look? I have the ability to care about people, ya know."
"No, not that, just... that's the first time you've said.. my name." I explained. He froze. I don't think he realized. "Uh... M.. Max? Are you okay?" I asked tilting my head. "It's not a big deal-"
"JUST-" he sighed. "Just... shut up." I nodded. He got up and sat on my bed in front of me, staring at me firmly.
"U-Uh, what are you doing..?" I asked hesitantly. His eyes narrowed.
"Why did you hide your arms when I asked why you needed your jacket?"
(Max's POV)
I couldn't wait any longer to ask her. I needed to know if something was wrong. All of the color drain from her face as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. "W-Whad'ya mean? I-I put my arms behind my back all the time, heheh..." (Y/N) lied as she started to laugh nervously. Well, it wasn't completely a lie, she does do that unconciously all the time, but when her hoodie was off, it was painfully obvious that she was doing that on purpose. I just gave her "the look" and brushed it off.
For now.
We started talking for a while, since we couldn't go back to sleep and it was around three in the morning. We were still really tired, and almost dozed off a couple times, but to no avail. So talking it is. Eventually, we came upon the topic of parents. "So, what are your parents like?" I asked. I knew my relationship with my parents wasn't so great, but if she asked, I probably wouldn't tell her the whole truth.
"U-Uh, well..." she stuttered, searching for words.
"And don't lie to me."
"I'm not, I-I just... don't like talking about it-"
"Oh c'mon, not this again-"
"B-But I will! I just feel... slightly uncomfortable." She took a couple deep breaths and continued. "Well, my situation with my parents isn't so great, but it's not horrible. They both love me, and I know that others have worse problems like their parents abusing them, or leaving them, so I'm grateful for what I have, but..." she paused. "My parents are broken up and mom has a problem with alcohol and drugs. Most of it is drinking, and she's almost never herself. She's never physically hurt me or yelled loudly at me, she's more of a... mood-swing drunk. There's usually one day every month where she's normal, those are good days..." I nodded. After thinking more about it, I realized that she hadn't talked specifically about her dad. I wanted to know more about him. Was he really mean or something? Did he kill people? I don't know.
"M-My dad.. Yeah, he's pretty cool." (Y/N) said as she smiled weakly.
"Do you only live with your mom?"
"Why?" I questioned.
"Well, my dad wanted a divorce with my mom because she drank and smoked too much. He loved her, but thought she was a bad example for me. They were both sad, but they both knew it was for the best. My mom doesn't like what she's doing to me and her health, but she's too addicted. Before they went to court for the divorce, they both discussed that I would live with my dad. When the day actually came, my mom didn't wanna live without me, and somehow convinced the judge to give me to her. I wouldn't live with my dad, I would only visit him occasionally." she finished, looking down.
"I'm sorry that happened to you." I apologized.
"Thanks.." She looked back up at me with a sad look in her eyes, weakly smiling.
I feel like there's something that she's not telling me... What did she say while she was asleep again..?
D-Daddy! Daddy wake up! Please! You have to! You have to be okay! Daddy! Please! DADDY!
What happened to her dad? Did something actually happen, or was it just a nightmare?
"When's the last time you visited your dad?" I asked cautiously.
"Not for a while..." (Y/N) admitted sadly.
"Why not?"
"GOOOOOOOD MORNING CAMPERS! RISE AND SHINE FOR THE NEW DAY OF FUN-FILLED CAMP ACTIVITIES!" David interupted over the speaker as I heard groans from all around camp.
Dammit! David, you smiling piece of trash you ruin everything!
(Y/N) quickly forgot about the subject and suggested that we go and get breakfast. I sighed as I nodded my head, slightly annoyed by David. (Y/N) noticed her clean clothes next to her bed. David must've dropped them off sometime last night. She put on her ripped jeans and shoes and said she was ready. We both got up and walked to the mess hall. A few minutes after we got our food and sat down, Nikki and Neil walked in, sleepily rubbing their eyes. Once they got their food and sat down with (Y/N) and I, we started talking about escaping this hellhole.
"Okay, I have something planned for tonight at midnight." I told them, smirking and rubbing my hands together mischievously.
"What is it?" Nikki asked.
"Oh you'll see..." (Y/N) looked a little bit excited, trying to hide it. I'm curious to see how she'll react when she sees what'll happen tonight.
"Hey..." Nikki started, narrowing her eyes at me and (Y/N). "Why do you have Max's jacket on, (Y/N)?" We both froze.
"U-Uhm... I didn't have clothes to wear last night after I fell in the lake, so Max lent me his hoodie, I-I guess I forgot to take it off..." (Y/N) replied truthfully. I got kinda mad that she didn't lie about it, but I stayed quiet. For now.
"Aww, that's cute!" Nikki said happily before turning to Neil and talking about the escape tonight. We all finished eating and walked outside toward today's activity. Neil and Nikki walked ahead while (Y/N) and I were behind.
"Why didn't you lie to Nikki?!" I barked at (Y/N) as I turned to her. I noticed that her emotionless expression was back.
"You told me that I was a horrible liar. If I lied about it, it would be extremely unbelievable and Nikki would keep pushing for the truth. The longer it would take for Nikki to get it out of us, the bigger of a deal she would make out of it. And by that time, Neil would be making a big deal out of it too. Telling the truth had the best possible outcome." she explained.
Dammit, I hate it when she does that.
"Tch, fine." I grabbed her arm to bring her toward the activity, but she hissed and ripped her arm out of my grasp. I looked at her strangely. "What?"
"N...Nothing." she responded, calming down.
"D-Did I hurt you..?" I asked hesitantly.
"Just a little, you, uh.. have a strong grip." She wasn't wrong. I do have a strong grip. I sighed and lightly grabbed her hand, my cheeks heating up.
"Is that better?" I asked. She got flustered, but still nodded her head. We started walking to the activity again, but before we got there, Nurf stood in front of us, stopping us.
"What are you two doing holding hands?" Nurf asked in his dumb voice and laughed. (Y/N) started... growling? It sounded very realistic... She then let go of my hand and walked up close to Nurf, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling his face to her level, staring through him with firey eyes. His color drained, leaving him whiter than he already was and absolutely terrified.
"Listen here, bitch. If you ever mess with me, or any of my friends, I will rip you apart PIECE by PIECE like FUCKING PAPER." (Y/N) let go of his shirt and he fell back on the ground, quickly picking himself up and running away. My mouth was dropped as she walked up to me. "What?" she asked innocently, as if nothing happened.
"I-I thought you... you didn't like..." I stuttered.
"Yes, yes, I don't like cursing, I know, just... don't bring this up, 'kay?" she asked me, although her eyes were telling me. I nodded, closing my mouth and calming down. "Let's go." I grabbed her hand again and we walked to the activity.
Woo done! 1720 words! :3
Oke bai.
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