Clayton was awake by five am. He couldn't sleep, rolling out of bed. It was hot, he wanted coffee, but Clayton knew that it would just make it worse.
He checked his phone. No calls or texts from anyone.
Clayton decided to go for a run, he needed a new outlet, since he had promised Alice that he would cut down on the drinking, the cigarettes and no more casual sex.....obviously.
He grabbed his shorts and a light shirt, running out the door and down the street.
He got to the local market, his mind was buzzing as Midnight oil sang through the earpieces from Danny's iPod, that Clayton gracefully borrowed before he left the United States.
Clayton continued to run, hoping his mind would clear.
By six am, the smell of spices and fresh bread made his stomach rumble, then all he could think about was food as he was covered in sweat, the humidity annoying him.
He stopped, using his poor Portuguese to order piri piri chicken with hand cut potatoes fries and a cold brew coffee.
As he sat in the sun, eating his breakfast. Clayton heard the large church bells ring in the distance. He found it soothing, almost peaceful - but not enough for him to attend.
Taking in more of his surroundings, he noticed the families' around him and since he met Alice, he was actually seeing himself becoming a father, hopefully soon after the wedding.
Then his mind drifted to his ex-wives, - the little spitfire, Erika, with her cowboy boys and strong southern drawl, - His first love since he was fifteen, his high school sweetheart. He married her only because it was the "right thing to do. Honorable thing." The marriage lasted his basic training but he still wonders from time to time if she's still singing at the bar in Dallas? trying to "make it. Be famous." Then there was Brianna, the most grounded woman he'd ever gravitated towards, well before he met Alice, - He use to wonder if her second marriage was working out? was she happy with the cop ? someone who could give her what she always wanted - children.
His minds twisted and turned around his faded memories, thinking how it would have been different if he wasn't on deployment for most of the two marriages. Instead he was actually there for them, having a family and being the perfect husband, maybe even a faithful one.
After those two disastrous marriages and a string of bad luck, he'd have to admit, - He almost fell in love again a few years back, just after Brianna. Sadie Corkrane, the forensic pathologist. The sweet girl with her weird sexual quirks, long nails and thick brimmed glasses from Florida, but the calls from Claudia kept them apart and so they separated
Finding himself nomadic and single - enjoying the fast-life, Clayton developed a taste for shallow women. He enjoyed sex, the brainless chase. The looser the women, the better - oh he can't forget the louder too. He loved that women, no matter who they were or where they came from, they always were drawn to him like moths to a flame.
His mind then quietly flicked through the foggy pages as he finished his fries to Alaia and Queenie, the "waitresses" from New York, Starr, the brief fling from Edgartown, Olivia, Kennedy and the three Madisons from the bars, Abby, the talkative associate girl from the car dealership, Lauren, the snobby journalist from Belmont and then finally Martha, the married housewife who kept his bed warm before his sweet Alice
They all still called him from time to time, sent him provocative photos, - but to void Alice's jealous nature, he lets them go to voicemail and deletes the pictures. He even considered changing his phone number after this was all over.
What a fucking man-whore, Clayton thought to himself, still trying to ignore the list of women he'd slept with in just the last year and a half alone.
He is changing. No more strippers. No more whores. That green-eyed, brunette nymph has eclipsed all others...this is new territory his subconscious murmured, looking up from his Relationships for Dummies manual.
A dark smog of a cloud came over him, he popped the last bit of the chicken into his mouth and finished off his bitter coffee, now dripping with condensation.
He headed off towards home, trying to run off those really bad thoughts.
When he arrived, sweat consumed him as he walked up the stairs. Clayton saw Samuel, sitting in the door way. He looked very hungover and by the state of him, he had a long night, possibly was in a fight or two,
"How's it Sam?" Clayton said, opening the door, welcoming the cool air from the house.
"Had a big night. Jack is in town. I saw Vanessa last night....they have been asking for you."
By the grin he had a great night and had no regrets, of course the hookers have been asking after Clayton. He once was also a regular customer to them every time he was in South America. Samuel, on the other hand, had a serious sex habit and barely any relationships.
Often just getting drunk with lowlifes and hookers. Clayton was hopeful that he would stay with Celia - a failed dream now, but he wasn't sure.
Clayton quickly showered, and put on the last clean summer clothes he owned. A shirt and trousers. He looked awkward in them due to his height, but he managed.
By mid afternoon, he found Carlos's address, knowing it had changed, and then he quickly grabbed the keys to Samuel's jeep, knowing he won't be going anywhere for a while.
He started the Jeep, it roared to life, sounding better than his truck back home.
Putting into drive, he headed down the street towards the city centre to meet up with Carlos, he knew that he would be expecting Clayton one of these days.
Finally after sitting in traffic for an hour, he arrived at the warehouse. It was heavily guarded, more than the last one he visited a few years ago.
The gateman looked at him as he parked up, his eyes were cold as he tense, holding the clip board.
"Name?" the guy said, no emotion in his voice.
"Miller," Clayton said, turning off the car.
Shit! he hadn't made an appointment.
The guy, looked at the clipboard and then looked back at Clayton, before he walked towards the security desk, making a phone call.
Two minutes later, the guy returned and pressing a button, allowing the gates to open.
Clayton turned the keys again and drove forward, seeing more armed guards.
Carlos was standing beside his over the top classic car, dressed all in white.
Very old school southern, Clayton thought to himself.
"Mr. Miller" he smirked to himself, as Clayton got out the car.
Carlos was the same height as Alice, short and more than a foot in height difference.
Clayton stretched his hand out, shaking the man's hand.
"Carlos. Great to see you. It's been years. How are you?" Clayton said, as he released Carlos's hand.
"I'm still rich. It's actually been four years after I found out you slept with my sisters."
That's the mistake Clayton made, one of many, sleeping with both Carlos's sisters, Theresa and Valeria, total wild cards. He liked their kinks and their willings for threesomes with Juana and Sonya, the whores from Comari.
"Oh yes....sorry. I'm a changed man now. Engaged in fact," Clayton shifted uncomfortably as Carlos smiled.
"It's ok. Congratulations. Glad you have finally settled down. Both Theresa and Valeria are married now too and both living in Colombia. What can I do for you?"
Clayton pulled out the only photo of Richard he had, the one with Alice.
"I'm looking for this guy. Crooked American banker gone dark. Anything ?"
Carlos's eyes went sharp as he studied the photo.
"I know this man. A little older now since the photo. Come, we will head into my office."
They walked together, five armed men following them as the huge steel gates creaked open to the warehouse. The first thing that was in view was Carlos's huge collection of cars, followed by the gemstones in glass cases, paintings and other things of value.
It's looked like a museum, but on a grander scale. He made a mental note to come back later....he saw a black 1965 Ford Mustang and he wanted it.
Looking around some more, Clayton realized that the warehouse was preparing for something.
A party ?
Staff, all in black, were rushing around, setting up large cases and tables, laying out champagne flutes. He noticed white notes on the glass
ID numbers ?
Clayton walked a little faster to follow Carlos into the office. It was clean, minimal but grand, with a huge stuffed brown bear in the corner, rich green paintings and many swords, ancient, proudly displayed on the walls, a thick brown rug under the marble desk.
"I know that man. Done business with him in the past. Good chap, a little nervous but ok. What do you want to know?" Carlos said as he sat down in his leather chair, behind his desk.
"I need to know his location. Many people are looking for him. All not with good intentions."
Clayton said as he claimed back the photo from the desk.
Carlos remained silence for a moment, Clayton was getting nervous.
"Booth is in hiding. He owes a lot of people of money. We actually call him Ouro vazio, he is worthless. Rumour has it that someone is hunting the family members as a way of trying to bring him out. He won't come out, he is too greedy for his own good. I can't help you Clayton, he also owns me money and I'll kill him if I find him. I can't have you in the way of that. I'm sorry."
Clayton felt crushed, shit, what was he going to tell Alice. Maybe he could try London?
"Clayton. Try the club, Empress, maybe someone there will know him. I heard that he went there all the time with his girlfriends....mistresses"
Carlos said as they both stood up, shaking hands.
"Alright. I'll make a few calls," Clayton whispered, heading towards the door.
"Whose the girl?" Carlos said, as Clayton turned to look at him.
"His youngest of four children. My fiancée," Clayton said back, his stance in protective mode as he read the room.
Carlos sighed, writing something down. A number?
"Call this number. It's one of Booth's cousin's, living in Florida. Booth's eldest son though, Fredrick, the one living in London, can't be touched....I've tried, cocky little shit that one. Thinks his daddy is innocent."
Clayton took the number....a cousin? At least he had leads with the empress and another of Booth's relatives.
"Oh Clayton. She must be pretty special to give you lead feet. I expect an invite to your wedding. Personally," Carlos said as he walked back around to face him.
Clayton knew that signal well. It was time to leave.
He walked out with Carlos back to the gated entrance. It made Clayton a little nervous that he empathized on the word: personally
"I'm having a party next week, selling a few things. You should come. It's been a while since you have socialized I bet," Carlos said, in between an inhale of a cigarette as they reached outside.
"The black 1965? For sale?" Clayton said, taking his chance as the heat once again hit him.
It was so hot that sweat already started dripping from his face.
"I'll have to have a think about that, my boy."Carlos said, in between a smile. Clayton started the Jeep, welcoming the air-con. He put the car in drive and headed back to the house.
He arrived home by four pm, Samuel, was in the kitchen, once again talking on his phone. Clayton leaned against the counter, waiting for him to finish.
He took the time to check his phone, no texts from Alice again, not even his parents or sisters. There was one from his brother, informing him that he would be home on leave in December for a few weeks. Clayton was pleased that Nate could be involved in the celebrations as his bestman.
Five minutes went by and Samuel was finally off the phone, "Sorry. What's up?"
Clayton looked away from his own phone, "How you feel about going to a club with me get information."
His eyes lit up and he didn't even need to say anything since Clayton already had the answer.
"Shall we leave at twenty-three hundred. I have some leads from Carlos," Clayton continued, watching Samuel as he got excited.
"Sure. Sounds good. Hey, Helena might be there...and Vanessa too, ooo and Maud. I want all three," said Samuel, a hint of excitement in his voice.
Oh God. Helena. Clayton knew her from his travels for Carlos. She was his weakness back in the day. He knew how to make her tick and she loved it.
No. He wanted Alice. He loved Alice with his whole being....he was trying to change, his now pious subconscious made his point, crossing his heart with his fingernail.
"Ok. We will leave about twenty-three hundred" Clayton said, walking into his room.
He sat down on his bed, and called Alice. He wanted to keep his eyes from wondering to other woman.
It rang and rang, on the third tone, she answered.
That voice brought him back to earth.
"Hey babe. Are you ok?" she whispered
He was silent for a moment.
"Clayton. Are you there?" Alice whispered again, louder.
"Yes Miss Alice. I just needed to hear your voice," he said, a little worried.
"Are you ok really?" Alice sounded cute when worried, he automatically knew that she was in her room back home, looking down at her fingers, which is what she always did when she was nervous or anxious.
"Yes. I just wanted to call....I'm heading out tonight. A club. I got some leads."
She breathed loudly in relief.
Clayton continued, feeling the need to touch her
"I miss you. Where are you?"
She yawned, "I'm home, just doing some homework in my room. The Williams are at church, I miss you too."
They both were silent for a while, just listening to one another breathing. He imaged her sitting at the desk, twirling a lock of her hair around her fingers.
"You want to do something with me? Help me get my mind of things," he whispered, getting an idea.
She giggled, "What like phone sex?"
He was serious, "Yes, don't worry. I will tell you what to do."
And he did....for over an hour.
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