Chapter Three:
Clayton had a smile on his face, phone sex with Alice went smoothly. He enjoyed hearing her moan, saying his name.
He imagined her legs tensing and it wasn't her own fingers but his cock inside of her.
Chuckling to himself when he climbed out of the shower, he quickly dried himself.
Clayton then dressed in his nicest pair of jeans he had and a dark blue shirt, arming himself with a small colt. He made sure that it was loaded with six bullets with the safety off.
Clayton finished dressing with his jacket before he headed out.
In the living room, Samuel was leaning against the wall, looking very smokey with his design jeans and leather jacket. Clayton had noticed Samuel copying his style over the last month or so. He only allowed it because they were friends, best friends.
"What's the game plan here?" Samuel said without a glance.
"Go to the Empress. Ask around and try not to get into trouble. I mean you Sam."
Samuel made a face towards Clayton. It was pure disgust.
"Seriously Sam. Ruth is arriving soon. I don't want trouble for her right now, especially with Philip being so close on our radar. No stress for her, please, you know how she feels about your habits. Remember Thailand, oh, and then Cairo. She almost killed you with all the hookers and mess you left behind. I had five stitches in my left side from her because you used me as your human shield."
Samuel stared at Clayton. He knew that Clayton was right. Sam leaned against the wall as he placed his money back into his jacket pocket.
"Ok. Fine. Best behavior," Sam said, with slight childish sass that made Clayton trying hard not to laugh.
Clayton then made sure the coffee was on and brewing as he continued to hunt for Philip from his laptop as he sat down on that old brown couch for the rest of the night.
They arrived at the Empress by eleven pm, it was pitch black, the low, dimly lit street lights behind them as he slowed to a stop. Clayton had spent the late afternoon setting up the 45inch tv he ordered online, now facing the couch in the living room for Ruth. He knew she would appreciate the gesture.
The Empress was a secret, underground club. It was an elite place, hidden, only visible if you knew where to look.
Parking the car beside the back entrance. Clayton had a nervousness about him. Never being this unsure and with the anxiety growing. He made sure that the back door was left ajar with a concrete slab.
Couples were close together, experimenting, as if they were teenagers, while Clayton and Samuel walked in together.
"Maybe we won't bring Allie here. This would just freak her out," Clayton quietly said to Sam, who by the way he was looking around at the females, was thinking with his cock and not his head.
A lost cause, his subconscious said, shaking his head
They were side-eyed by a few of the members as a waitress led them to a leather booth, Sam quickly placing an order of four beers for the two of them.
It wasn't even a few moments when Helena appeared. Her long legs were the first thing in Clayton's line of eyesight.
She glided over to him. Her blood red dress clung to her body in all the right places as her hips swayed gently to the music. His mind was racing as she reach towards his face, her freshly manicured nails brushed his cheek.
"Clay. Amor. I've missed you," she purred at him.
He immediately thought back them fucking back on the day. The positions, her tightness.
Shit! No, his inner most desires thrashed against the iron bars.
Helena curled into his lap as he awkwardly moved his beer up to his mouth.
His free hand was on her back. He could smell the cigarette on her breath.
He didn't realize how thirsty he was until he realized that he had almost drank the whole thing. She titled her head at him, that smirk forming as he placed his beer down.
"What do you want Leni?" Clayton said, a little loudly as the music played around them.
Samuel was watching them carefully as he lounged on the side of the leather booth, he had moved on to tequila shots.
It made Clayton uncomfortable being watched.
"Oh. Clayton. It's been over a year. I haven't heard from you. No texts or calls. Nothing," Helena pouted with the dark, a twinkle in her eyes, her hand stroking his forearm.
"I've miss you in my bed. Remember when we went to Valparaíso together? Oh, I think about that week often Papai," she whispered in his ear, her teeth teasing his earlobe.
Papai? His subconscious sneered.
He was being careful not to get hard. He does remember that week and it almost killed him.
Her pussy was like crack his thoughts droned. That week was mostly just sex, drugs and drinking, then more sex with a little sleep thrown in between.
Clayton moved his thoughts to study her lips.
That glossy shade of pink she wore was shimming in the dim lights of the Empress.
He suddenly thought about those lips around his cock. Helena on her knees, taking him deeper.
"Well Leni. I've been busy. I'm engaged now actually. Things have change. I'm sorry. We can't."
Her eyes narrowed. Clayton could see she was calculating her next move.
"Oh well, Congratulations." Helena whispered.
Her eyes pricked up, her pulse quicken.
Clayton struggled to hear her, but her facial expression screamed in anguish.
She moved to get off him and stood up without a thought, he shuffled uncomfortably as Clayton reached up to hug her goodbye.
She kissed his cheek and lingered a little too long for his comfort.
"Don't forget about me. I'd love an invitation to your wedding. Maybe a goodbye fuck later? I'm sure your little fiancée wouldn't know. Hell, I'll give you a far rate for old times sake, my big, sweet Gringo," she whispered in his ear again, her hot breath purring as she stroked his crotch area.
OH MY GOD! Clayton thoughts were screaming.
Clayton just stared, ignoring everything as she walked away from the table and into the dancing crowd.
It wasn't even two seconds after Clayton turned his attention back onto his second beer when Sam moved to his side.
"I swear you were going to fuck her on this sofa. Weren't you guys a thing?" Sam was in his ear.
He was drunk, slurring every word.
"Once," Clayton said plainly, trying not to dig up that past.
"Are you sure Alice is the right girl for you?"
Be careful....his subconscious hissed,
Clayton could tell Sam said that with hesitation.
His eyes narrowed as he stood up, looking down at a meek Sam, who quickly jumped up in defense.
The two men were squaring up. Clayton didn't care if you were a man or a woman, his best friend or a whore. If you challenged him, you better be prepared to back yourself.
"Clayton. Relax," Sam pleaded.
Rage was starting to build under his skin, he was seeing red - in the moment of time, he seriously was considering knocking Sam out cold as he continued on, "I mean. She's a real sweetheart. Beautiful. I like her. I get it, you popped her cherry and now you two are all in love with each other. I'm happy for you both, truly, but Clay, she's the daughter of the guy we are hunting. Think about it man, what is going to happen when Booth is in jail or better yet, dead? This was a money transaction, remember? Operation ToyBox! She was apart of the transaction. When it's done, we move on to the next case that Claudia gives us...Like we have always have."
Suddenly his phone rang before he could reply.
Alice's name and their picture flashed across the screen. He let it ring.
"Alice is it for me. The one, my soulmate. I love her deeply. You need to accept that Sam," Clayton murmured as the music drowned his voice, but not looking away from Sam, not even once.
"She's your pet. A woke orphan with daddy issues! You will get bored of her Clay,"
He cut deep.
"Careful Samuel" Clayton warned as Sam started losing more control of his mouth.
"She's too innocent for you. I mean, fuck her, don't marry her. Get her a coloring book, not a fucking wedding ring. Think Clay, are you going to take her to prom? graduation? Then in what, a year? she will be begging you for a baby. Do you really see yourself being a family man? A father! Having a mortgage? Teaching little league, - School runs in a fucking mini van! Fuck off, that's not you!" Sam said again, shakily, before taking a step back.
She is different, Clayton's thoughts were screaming. He hated being pulled, left and right. He hated choosing between his fiancée and best friend!
"Remind me again? Where are your daughters? Sophie and Harper? You haven't seen them in three years, not even a birthday card. Don't even get me started on the child support owing to their mother. Nora? Is it? or Naomi? Your girls would be proud eventually learning their own daddy is running around fucking anything that moves, wondering every time if he has the clap or not. You should not judge me Samuel about my relationships until you sort your own life out," Clayton said coldly, seeing red.
Fuck! He mentally groaned. He hit a nerve, watching as the guilt crush Sam, his face completely softening as he stood a step further back.
Clayton chose to not let Sam respond, calling Alice back. She answered it on the third ring as he moved through the crowd to head outside, somewhere quiet.
"Hi, Miss Allie," he said, the hot air hitting him hard as he leaned against the brick wall of the Empress.
"How is Brazil? I bet it's warm," she said, letting out a breath.
There was a couple of minutes between them. Clayton's attention was suddenly on the two black SUV's that turned up outside. Nervousness filled the air as people moved out of the way when the local drug gang turned up in support. Vanessa, with her long, midnight black dead straight hair, stepped out with Helena to greet her. Clayton noticed a third shadow with them, but he was to far around the corner to get a confirmed ID on them.
Helena suddenly looked over towards him while three armed men, dressed in combat gear walked inside the Empress.
Definitely not military, he thought to himself, feeling confident over his advantage.
He heard the click of loaded guns as the hired guns followed them. He counted four of them.
Fear ran through his veins. Suddenly crowds were screaming and hurrying out of the Empress as shots rang out inside. This gave him some cover as he moved a little closer to the brick wall.
"Clayton. What is going on?" Alice said, panic in her voice.
He could sense that her blood pressure raising.
He could hear Sam yelling.
"It's just Vanessa and her crazy friends. This wasn't my idea Allie," Clayton whispered, watching the SUV's as Helena walked towards the entrance and the cars drove off in a haste.
Clayton hung up the phone. Moving quickly. He was worried.
He pulled his gun from his jacket.
He ran with all this strength in this legs through the back door, through the kitchen as bodies lay silent on the black and white floor.
A over drugged hire charged towards him with a knife. All Clayton could see of him was his gold, paisley shirt. He was young, not skilled and Clayton had a clean shot, easily overpowering him with a sharp elbow to the face, using a waiter's drink tray as a shield before he nailed the so called man to the wall with the same knife.
The guy's bloody scream rang Clayton's ears as he turned back towards him, completely unfazed, and pulled the trigger of his gun, quickly silencing him as he went limp.
Within seconds, Clayton was moving on. He didn't have time to waste, he had to get to Sam.
It was a war zone of complete chaos when Clayton finally reached the dance floor. He had killed another hire on his way over, gaining a few cuts as blood and dirt covered his knuckles.
Clayton could feel blood trickle down his neck from the nape of his hairline.
Everything in his body was on fire. Clayton right now could feel his age.
He wasn't eighteen anymore....
Glass was everywhere, bodies scattered was the first thing Clayton saw as he stood in the middle of the room. The chandelier smashed to the left of him. Lights hanging by a thread. Music skipping with the strain of barely any power.
Suddenly Helena slashed his forearm out of no where. Clayton reacted the best way he could. Gripping his arm, holding it tight as he prepared for Helena's next move, throwing a punch towards her way as she dodged it quickly. He lost his footing, falling down as Helena slapped him.
His cheek stung as he quickly realized that he was pinned, out numbered, no bullets.
Clayton was prepared for death, his mind racing. He glanced towards Sam. He was pinned as well, staring up at a barrel of a gun.
ALICE! his thoughts pleaded. The last thing that flooded his mind.
A shot rang out. Samuel's eyes were closed.
Clayton for a second thought that he was dead. His heart felt like it stopped but he realized that Daniel was behind him. Holding a long hunting rifle, pointing towards Sam's captive.
The guard flinched and fell backwards as he opened his eyes in disbelief.
Helena stood back, eyes filled with confusion.
She panicked, yelling "He made me! Shit!" before she turned on her heels and ran.
Pain flooded Clayton's arm as he watched Helena flee in a red haze.
What the fuck? Clayton thought to himself. Confusion all over his face.
The other members silently retreated as Daniel moved closer. The odds were in our favor for the moment as Clayton tried to pick up a long shard of glass, ready for another fight, ignoring the glass slicing into his palm.
Looking back towards Daniel, Ruth's red hair greeted him before her face did as she looked up at him.
He was grateful for his cousin.
She lead him to a barstool as he dropped the piece of glass. She was putting pressure on his arm.
He hadn't realized it was going numb.
"Ruth. Daniel. You're both early. Thank you,"Clayton muttered, feeling lightheaded as he stood up.
The glass cracking under his footsteps.
Daniel moving his gun to his left side. He greeted Sam with a fist bump, everyone had a silence about them.
A relieved and grateful silence as Clayton leaned on Ruth for support, her whole body barely holding him up.
"We should leave. Cops will be here soon. This place is a mess," Sam finally piped up, holding his hand to the gaping, blooded wound above his eyebrow.
Clayton actually agreed with him as they made their way to the Jeep, still parked outside, near the back entrance.
Clayton and Samuel gingerly climbed in with Ruth quickly taking over the driving, Daniel riding beside her. She quickly bought the car to life as they made their way home.
They were cautious when we arrived home. Sam opening the door with Daniel close behind. When they quickly realized it was safe. Clayton pulled off his jacket as Ruth grabbed her small purse. She pulled out a kit, more the medical type, as Clayton sat beside Samuel on the couch.
"Clayton?" he could hear Sam
He ignored him while Ruth went to work on his forearm after wrapping Sam's own head wound with bandages.
Clayton was just happy he didn't die tonight, although now he questioning how long he could keep this up? He suddenly had a thought, how the fuck did Vanessa and Helena know that he was at that club, at that exact moment in time.
Who the fuck told?
He closed his eyes, not wanting to think about that topic, letting sleep take over as the adrenaline slowed down.
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