She turned on her heels. Clayton following behind her. Arms clasped behind his back. He was ready to do some damage control.
He grabbed her hand. She jerked her head towards him, ripping her hand from his grip.
Rejection hurt.
Tears flooded down Alice's cheeks as they stood at the top of the stairs. Ruth and Daniel were behind Clayton. The judgmental stares were not helping his focus at the moment. His palms were sweating.
Fuck Helena doesn't mean anything! Clayton's thoughts were thrashing to break free against the iron bars.
"Allie. It didn't mean anything. Honest," Clayton pleaded, trying to read her expression quickly.
"Clayton! Abruti!" Alice snapped, tucking a few strains of her hair back, behind her ear.
Frustration was radiating off her.
Shit! I've royally fucked up! Clayton thought.
He was in the dog house. The couch would be his bed tonight Clayton painfully admitted
He sulked as she walked back down the stairs with Ruth. They walked side by side through the crowds together. Clayton watched as Ruth wrapped her arm around Alice.
"When did they become besties?" Clayton muttered under his breath. Nervous sweat beading off his forehead as he leaned against the bannisters of the hotel, breathing deeply.
"What the fuck was that in there?" Daniel finally voiced an opinion. A rarity.
Clayton sighed, taking another deeper breath, "Fuck. I don't know. Helena and I have fucked up history. An ex-girlfriend so to speak."
"An ex who tried to kill you? Who is most likely working alongside Philip and Vanessa. When the fuck did he get groupies?" Daniel said, staring towards the direction of Ruth and Alice, as they stood in the square below, people moving around them.
"Fucking Charles Manson wanna-be-wives'! Fucking stupid whores!" Clayton hissed, his anger rising.
His eyes then flicked over to Daniel. He noticed that he was fidgeting with a new piece of jewellery on his left hand.
A wedding ring?
"Holy fuck man!" Clayton changed the subject really quick, softening as the red, anger haze faded.
Smiling bright as he grabbed Daniel's hand. Inspecting the thin, gold band.
"When the fuck did that happen?"
Daniel smiled all coy. Clayton could tell he was a little subconscious about it as he brought his hand back to his face, lifting his hand through his hair.
"It happened back in December, just before we visited Alice in hospital. Just us, no family, much to Mrs Miller's .... Josephine's, dismay. She's a hard woman and was a little upset when we told her. But we didn't want to say anything to the group until now when the rings were finally made."
Clayton hugged him. Daniel wasn't use this burst of emotion from Clayton. It's a new thing between them.
"Welcome to the family now Mr Reyes. Congratulations man. Honest," Clayton said, watching Daniel beam before his smile turned into a slight frown.
"Seriously Clayton. Sort your shit out and apologize to Alice. She's so young and didn't deserve to see that. So fucked up."
Clayton nodded. They walked together back down the stairs and towards their waiting partners. He quietly congratulated Ruth, on her marriage, spotting a matching thin gold band on her left hand. She smiled, beaming silent bliss as he gave her a rare hug.
Alice was unreadable the whole trip home. She stared out the window of the car. Clayton pulled her closer. She rested her head against his chest, he kissed her hairline. The faint scent of her shampoo was intoxicating.
Again she was silent when they got out of the car. Clayton followed behind her as the went up to the house. He watched her in silence as she looked around the living room and then into the bedroom, flicking her eyes towards him every so often.
She was nervous? Clayton's purse was high.
He was anxious as he glanced towards those jade colored eyes.
"This is our room. Bathroom on the right, next to the kitchen," Clayton said meekly, sitting down next to Alice, placing a hand on her thigh.
"Alison?" Clayton wanted to beg.
To plead for her to speak to him. He knew he was in a little hot water over a kiss.
But it was only a kiss! His subconscious was grinding his teeth at that thought, facepalming himself in frustration.
"Do you love her? Do you want to be with her instead of me?" Alice said, avoiding eye contact.
He could tell her mind was racing with possibilities' - The insecurity was high display as Clayton gripped her hand a little tighter.
Oh shit. No Allie, he could feel his world breaking apart at the thought of a life without her.
He was reliving his nightmare.
"No. I love you," Clayton said without hesitation.
"It's fine. I have to believe nothing else happened right. But Clayton, don't do that again. I'm not just a girlfriend or one of your whores. I'm your fiancée. I'm going to be your wife."
She sighed, anxiety all over her face as he watched her chest rise up and down. Clayton studied that necklace she was wearing. The locket, the delicate gold chain. He kissed her neck, tracing the line of her collarbone. She was still anxious, but she felt different. He'd guessed she lost about five pounds since they last saw each other.
Wedding exercise plan? He needed to thank Crystal, no, Celia, the next time he saw her.
His hands brushed her calves as he lowed her down onto the mattress. Her muscles felt toned. Alice was softening under his touch, she moved closer against him as he kissed her.
The moment was ruined by a call. The vibrating, loud ringing broke through their tension as he rolled onto his elbow.
I can't get a break! He groaned.
Clayton answered quickly. His eyes not leaving Alice's as he curled a lock of her hair around his finger.
Carlos's voice greeted him, "Hey Clayton. I'm having a party tonight. I would like you to come. Bring Alice. I'm sure she will enjoy it."
He stared at her. She looked puzzled as he held his phone to his ear. Alice was distracting him.
Maybe he should? It will get her mind off the fact she saw him kiss another woman.
"Ok Carlos. Time?"
He spoke again, "Seven-thirty. Black tie"
Great! Clayton's two left feet groaned.
He hung up, placing the phone on his nightstand.
"Want to go to a party?" Clayton beamed.
He wanted to show Alice off.
"Fine," Alice said, in complete monotone.
Clayton pulled her closer again. She felt ridged as he kissed her.
"I want to shower," Alice said breathlessly.
He knew he was going to have to wait to get some stress relief before tonight's event. He watched her head towards the bathroom.
By six, Clayton was standing in front of the bathroom mirror in the only tux he owned. He was nervously dealing with a tie. His mouth twitching under the pressure.
"Fuck!" Clayton hissed in frustration.
He can deal with murders, thugs and crooked bankers, but when it came to a fancy tie and dressing up like a monkey in a guild cage.
He was nervous.
"Do you need help?" Alice's soft voice called out to him as she stood behind him.
He could tell she was still upset with him, but he didn't want to press the matter.
She was wearing a lilac dress. Backless. The thin halter straps detailed with pearls as she wore her hair in long, wavy curls. Alice looked taller in her white heels.
Holy Shit! Clayton's desire thrashed against their iron cage.
Her fingers delicately fixed his tie. He was trying really hard to keep his hands on her waist.
"Done," she whispered, her fingers lingering on his neck.
Alice hesitated before pulling him closer. She reached up on her tippy toes to kiss him. Her hands reaching through his damp hair as her tongue darted between his lips. Clayton was very aware that her hands hovered just above his leather belt.
"Alice," Clayton pleaded.
He hated that she was mad at him. All he could feel was the electricity between them. He wanted her
She pressed his lips together with her index finger, silencing him with a daring smile.
She was loving this! His subconscious folded his arms, smirking, as Clayton snapped back, watching Alice walk out of the bathroom, full well knowing that he was getting a view of her ass.
She glanced back at him as he stood in the doorway, dumbfounded.
It was agreed, Ruth would stay with Sam, Daniel would accompany Clayton and Alice to the party.
There was a moment where he saw Ruth and Daniel having an invisible augment in the kitchen as he waited for Alice. It's not that he didn't trust Ruth, but Daniel agreed with Clayton that she wasn't exactly a social butterfly.
Ruth watched, grudgingly, as she leaned against the front door, while all three of them climbed into the Jeep, driving off into the distance.
The huge steel gates creaked open as the gateman let them in. They joined the line of cars as Clayton slid out of the front seat, walking to open the backdoor for Alice. She gripped his hand, nervously smiling as a few guests stared.
Alice moved closer to him as they walked towards the large doors and a long a scarlet red carpet.
Armed guards were circling the compound. Clayton counted at least thirteen on the ground and the four snipers on the roof. That's only on the outside, he was nervous about the inside.
"Sorry. I don't speak Portuguese sir," Alice said, a little pink from embarrassment.
Clayton snapped back into the conversation.
Carlos raised his eyebrow.
"Français?" He said
"Oui, mes grands-parents sont français. Enchanté." Alice said, in perfect French.
Clayton was impressed, gently nudging Alice as she smiled.
Carlos was taken back as he clapped, "Oh this girl is charming."
"I know," Clayton smiled, looking down at her.
She blushed bright red as he linked arms with her, pulling her into the large warehouse.
Clayton moved Alice to the side, as Daniel hovered at the back, watching as the socialites circled the golden monkey cage.
"It belonged to Isabella the Second of Spain. Twenty-seven carats. Colombian emeralds and Spanish diamonds of course. It's complete with a Kokoshnik, a pair of drop earrings and a brooch," Carlos purred at Alice, his voice cringey and fox-like.
Clayton had only been gone three seconds and Alice had found herself talking to Carlos again.
Her eyes were hypnotized by the glow of the necklace in front of her. One of many large emeralds in the Kokoshnik alone made Alice's engagement ring look like a pebble in comparison.
Clayton saw her as she glanced between the two.
He smirked at that pout she was forming.
Clayton watched her as the crowds circled around them. It was an exhibition of Carlos's money.
He took a slip of champagne. Dom Pérignon, the finest, as his eyes wandered around the room.
It was the warehouse dressed up for the occasion. Guards everywhere as the elite mingled in their finest of jewels of diamonds, rubies and gold. The fake wives and most likely mistresses with their medically enhanced "assists" on display while they social climbed.
Clayton even swore he recognized a few government officials, including the minister of defense, mingling with leading mobsters and drug traffickers.
Even Carols's fucking rival and one of the richest drug lord's in South America was in attendance: Don Luis Juan Muñoz, the smoothest man in the room that even Clayton wouldn't fuck with.
Go figure, Clayton had every right to be very nervous
"You can have the earrings and the necklace as a wedding gift. On loan of course. If I'm feeling generous, I might throw in the Kokoshnik and a few extra pieces for you and the maid of honor. We shall see," Clayton heard, snapping back towards Alice
Fuck! He almost choked on his drink as Alice gasped, shocked.
Carlos wrote something down on a piece of paper, handing it to a guard.
"No no no. This is too much!" Alice said, shaking, as Clayton stood forward.
Carlos waved his hand, dismissing her.
Clayton didn't know how to react as the items of jewelry were taking out of the display case.
"I'm sure I'll get an invitation now. When's the wedding?" Carlos said as Alice accepted her gift.
Clayton noticed the iron grip she had, fingernails digging in slightly to her wrist as she saw the oak box being taken away.
"December thirty-first. Massachusetts," She beamed, a little nervous through her smile.
"Ah. It will be delivered on December twenty-sixth and come back with me on the third. Have you planned a honeymoon yet?"
Shit! Clayton forgot about the honeymoon.
His subconscious was facepalming a brick wall as stupidity washed over him.
"No. But I have a few ideas" Clayton spoke, gripping his glass a little too tight.
Hawaii. Florida....Georgia? Clayton thoughts were scrambling for ideas.
"I might be able to assist that too Mr Miller. Both Mustique Island and Santorini are nice that time of year. Paris will be too cold for our lovely bride, she should be in a warmer climate. Not to worry, I'll send you details for a few more locations at a later date. Let me see the ring" Carlos spoke, ignoring Clayton.
Alice's hand was shaking as she raised her left hand.
There was a silent moment as Carlos inspected the ring, moving the band from side to side, his eyes unwavering. Only now Clayton had noticed that Alice had recently gotten a manicure. Her long fingernails looking very French...reminding him of someone he'd seen recently.
"Pear-shaped diamond, solitaire. Art Deco? actually, maybe even ninety-sixties. Three to four and a half carats easy. Old family money. Well done Mr Miller. Flawless," Carlos purred.
In this moment, Clayton ignored everything. He was in a love bubble, watching Alice.
"Carlos. This is all not necessary," he said, turning his attention fully towards him.
"My sisters will be jealous you will be wearing the famous Isabella Emeralds. They fought tooth and nail over this set. I denied them of course. Clayton remembers that oh to well doesn't he?"
Clayton gulped as Alice looked up at him, her eyes narrowing as he looked away, taking a slip of champagne.
Fuck! His relationships were coming to bite him in the ass as he moved towards the bar, ordering more tequila.
Carlos continued to talk to Alice, she barely notice him leave her side.
He watched from the bar as his fiancée was swamped by admiring the socialites wasps.
"It scares me sometimes how much ToyBox looks and talks like her daddy," Daniel said butted into Clayton's train of thought, taking a bottle of champagne from behind the bar, pouring it with one smooth motion into a flute.
Clayton had to agree. It did scare him! The way she moved around the room, the way she sparkled as she showed off her ring.
She was Richard Booth's daughter.
"She could have a life in politics if she tried," Daniel laughed as Clayton watched Alice.
"A banker?" Clayton said, hiding his laughter.
Alison Clark in politics? Her honorably discharged, retired soldier, turned investigator with questionable work ethics of a husband next to her, Clayton's thoughts were spiraling as he gulped down his drink, quickly ordering another.
Alice noticed Clayton and Daniel staring at her as Carlos walked into the center of the room, he was getting ready to deliver one of his many speeches.
Alice swayed over to Clayton as they both shuffled uncomfortably. Daniel moving over as Alice took the empty space beside him.
"Hi" she whispered.
He reached for her hand, brushing his thumb along her knuckles.
"I've missed you. Am I forgiven?" he whispered, kissing her neck as she blushed.
He was feeling the effects of the alcohol now.
Focus Clay, his subconscious whispered.
"You look beautiful," he said again.
She gave him a sheepish smile.
"Just be with me. No one else. Just me," Alice said to him as he wrapped his hands around her waist.
Those mint green eyes were bewitching him as he breathed in her scent, her back was facing him.
Their attention turning to Carlos has he continued to speak.
"I love you," Clayton whispered into her hair.
He felt relief as Alice flushed rosy pink, leaning into him more.
It was midnight when everything was finally settling down. Alice was fading, her eyes glazing over as she rested her head into his shoulder. His jacket was drowning her as she sat wearing it.
Both Clayton and Daniel had loosened their ties. The drunken crowds were heading home around them.
Clayton had known Carols for years, his parties' are legendary. By the end of the night, Alice managed to get business cards of three high profile politicians, (even) Don Luis's son, a few movie stars and a European Prince, the latter made Clayton uneasy. He didn't like the idea of Alice spending her summers in some castle, being wined and dined by some foreign prick in Hungry.
Did he need to step up his game? His subconscious cocked his eyebrow
"Come babe. Let's go to bed," he whispered as she fluttered open her eyes.
"To sleep," he added.
He pulled her to her feet, draping his arm around her. They walked towards the warehouse, following the lights towards the car.
Alice slid into the back as Daniel got into the drivers seat.
Clayton did one last glance back, he felt off. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He looked up, towards the entrance.
He saw them. The three girls, smug and all dressed in black, the matching gold jewelry made him think of the twins from The Shining.
Helena, Vanessa and fucking Martha ! His thoughts hissed, eyes widened in a reddish haze.
Helena waved to him, flirtatiously. Martha glared, hands clasped in front of her, as they both stood with Carlos and Vanessa. Clayton's temper got the better of him. He stepped forward, Vanessa glared, tilting her head to the side.
Suddenly he heard the click of a loaded gun, the cool metal against the side of his head.
"Clayton!" Alice's scream echoed from inside the car.
Her hands pressed against the glass, tears in her eyes. Daniel, frozen, had a gun pressed to his temple from a guard standing next to a driver seat window.
"Please. Touro. Leave. Unless you want your wife to see your brains splattered on the hood of your car," a voice pricked his ears.
Clayton panicked. Raising his hands up in defense.
Carlos said, calm and unmoved.
"It's nothing personal Clayton. Philip has offered a deal. Alice will be left alone. I promise. She is under my protection, but your friends aren't safe if Richard isn't found. Maybe you should head home. Ruth might need help."
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