"Kevin!" Heather yelled at Kevin's window. Kevin woke up and walked over to his window and opened it.
"What?" He replied while rubbing his eyes. He didn't even know what time is was.
"It's Saturday! We're going to the mall to get our nails done remember?" Heather yelled back and Cosette honked the horn of the car.
"Shoot I forgot!" He ran downstairs as fast as he could and got in the car.
He said a quick hello to the girls and buckled up, then Cosette put her foot on the gas and they were on their way to the mall. Cosette likes to go to the mall more often than Heather and Kevin, sometimes leaving her to go by herself. She liked to go because she thought the guy who worked at the pizza place in the food court was kinda cute. He was in her chemistry class but she never had the guts to say anything, thus leaving her to admire from afar, shoving Panda Express in her mouth.
Soon enough, they arrived at the mall and quickly run into the salon to get their nails done. Quickly because they were almost late due to Kevin taking forever to wake up and traffic.
When they were done Cosette had pink, dip nails, Heather had medium length, red, acrylic nails, and Kevin had purple, gel nails.
They were on their way to the food court when all of a sudden Kevin spotted someone. Someone familiar.
"Shit. We have to take the long way to the food court." Kevin said quickly turning around and going in a completely different direction.
"Why?" Heather started, and Kevin stopped in his tracks and turned back to the girls. "The food court is right here? I'm really hungry."
"Please." He begged silently. Heather gave him a blank stare but Cosette looked towards the food court to see if she could find his problem, and she found it.
"Ohhh," Cosette turned towards Kevin. "Connor is here with Danny. That's why you want to go the long way."
Connor is Kevin's ex. They had a pretty nasty breakup last year. Kevin still really likes him and he hates seeing him with this Danny guy who treats him like garbage. But Connor doesn't see that that's how he treats him.
"Oh. Ok, yeah, we can go the long way through Jcpenney." Heather said with an understanding smile.
They took the trek through Jcpenney rather than the few thousand feet in front of them and eventually they made it to the food court. Conner and Danny were no longer there so Kevin had no worries about that.
Today was the second Saturday of the month which meant pizza day.
First Saturday- McDonald's
Second Saturday- Pizza
Third Saturday- Panda Express
Fourth Saturday- Subway
And if there's a fifth Saturday- anything
They play tournament-style rock, paper, scissors to see who orders. The winner (the person who didn't have to order last time) goes against the loser (the last person who had to order) first and then the loser of that round has to go against whoever is left. Whoever loses has to order.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Kevin and Cosette yell at each other. Kevin had paper and Cosette has rock so Cosette has to face off against Heather.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Cosette lost again. She had paper while Heather had scissors.
"Dammit.." Cossette whispered under her breath. She hated ordering on pizza day due to her not so little crush on Marius. She usually ordered from the other guy who works there but she still hates it nonetheless.
"I'll give you $20 if you order the pizza from Marius today and not from Courfeyrac." Heather offered. Cosette swallowed a lump in her throat and started blushing.
"I don't know guys... you know how I get..."
"I'll also give you $20. That's $40." Kevin chipped in.
"I can count, Kevin..."
"Do you want it or not?" She thought about it for a second. She rolled her eyes and stood up and walked over to the pizza place.
She stood in line behind Marius' side of the counter.
"Hi, what can I get you?" He said with a big smile on his face. She knew it was just because he was working but she couldn't help but wish that it was just for her.
"Could I get a large pepperoni pizza, please?" She said returning the smile, her face turning red.
"Sure thing." He rings her up, "Cosette right?"
"Huh?" She was shocked. She had no idea he knew her name. Her already red cheeks were turning even redder.
"Your name. You're in my chemistry class and sometimes I overhear you ordering with Courfeyrac and I need a name for the order. I assumed that was your name." He said really fast it almost came out as one word.
"Yeah, my name is Cosette."
"Well, your order will be right out." He smiled as she walked back to her table of friends.
"You did it..." Heather said in shock.
"Give me my money." The two of them reached into their wallets and handed over $20 each. "Thank you."
Heather's phone started to ring. She doesn't even look at who it is and just lets it continue ringing.
"Aren't you gonna answer it?" Kevin asked.
"No, it's my stupid brother, Marvin."
"I told you, Whizzer was a bad influence on him."
"Our brothers are both collectively stupid."
"Correct. Cosette, be thankful you're an only child." Kevin said then shook his head thinking about both of his brothers.
"I like your little brother. He seems.. dare I say... cool." Cosette said. Heather agreed with a nod.
"I would do anything to protect Grantaire. Anything. I don't want to make the same mistake Whizzer did."
Heather's phone rang again. She continued to ignore it. When it stopped ringing she got a text message. She sighed and read it.
"You're shitting me!" She shouted.
"What is it?" Cosette asked. She was very concerned with the way that Heather reacted, as was Kevin. Heather looked up from her Phone and looked directly at Kevin.
"Has Whizzer spoken to you recently?"
"No... why?"
"Can someone tell me what is going on?" Cosette was growing more and more anxious and confused.
"Marvin just said that he and Whizzer are coming down for a visit and Trina let them bring Jason with them to."
"What the hell? How did they convince Trina to do that?"
"I don't know! Marvin probably pulled some "I'm the father" bullshit."
"I really don't want to see our brothers making out... it was gross enough finding out they were dating."
"Um... I'm gonna go see when the pizza is gonna be ready..." Cosette said and slowly started to leave the table.
"Where are they gonna stay? Because they are sure as hell aren't gonna stay at my house! I don't need Grantaire influenced by them." Kevin said. "Jason can stay at my house, I have no problem babysitting him. I have no problem helping Trina out at all."
"They can get a hotel or something."
"I love them and all, don't get me wrong, it's just," He sighs "They've made a lot of really bad choices and I just want to protect my baby brother."
Ok so I know I wrote this book like FOREVER AGO but I've been thinking about it a lot over quarantine and how much I miss writing it so I thought I'd rewrite it :)
I changed it up like a lot because my writing from like a year ago was not good 😐 but let me know what you think and if I should continue!
(Sorry if there are any typos, I left my glasses at the last class before Corona shut us down and now I can't get them back. Also I'm dyslexic)
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