Passing Me By
Jimmy's Perspective-
Jimmy sighed as he continued his walk home.
He walked through a neighborhood and saw Scott in a guy's car.
He looked at it and saw that Scott was with Rick.
Jimmy was furious before he sighed again.
Face it, Jim. You can't beat that guy. Scott likes him more.
Jimmy turned around and started to walk home when he ran into someone.
"Oh my cod, I'm so sorry!" He said.
"No, it's okay." The guy on the ground said.
He had blonde, almost fiery hair, a black vest over a red shirt, and gray shorts.
"Here, let me help you." Jimmy said, helping the guy up.
"Thanks." He said, dusting himself off.
He then looked around and said, "Ah, here they- "
He cut himself off as he saw that his red tinted glasses were broken.
"Ahhh fuck." He muttered.
"Sorry! I- er- I can buy you a new pair." Jimmy said.
The guy looked at him, "You have money on you?"
"No but my house is nearby. I can run there and then come back here."
The guy nodded.
"I'm Tango by the way." He said as Jimmy started to run off.
Jimmy turned his head and shouted back his name, "JIMMY!" before turning back round again and running home.
"Sorry- that took- so long." Jimmy said, handing his wallet back to Tango as he gasped for air.
Tango chuckled, "You're fine."
Jimmy smiled.
"So," He said, finally catching his breath, "Where to?"
"There's an outdoor mall not too far from here. We can walk there."
Jimmy nodded.
"And there's a 7-11 halfway there where we can stop and buy you a water."
Jimmy giggled, "Thanks."
So they set off on their walk, with minimal conversation.
"What grade are you in?" Tango asked.
"10th. You?"
"Cool. What school?"
"Spider Lily High School."
"Oh cool!"
"It makes sense why I recognize you. It was really getting to me." Jimmy said and Tango chuckled.
"Yeah, same here. I think I've seen you messing with Pearl's little brother."
"Oh yeah!! That's where I've seen you!"
Tango nodded.
"Yep. I'm a part of her little group. Most of them are in 12th grade, but I'm still in 11th."
"Eh, you'll get to suffer in 12th next year."
Tango laughed, "And you'll get to suffer in 11th."
Jimmy laughed as well.
"But you'll be fine. You seem smart."
Jimmy shrugged.
"Not really."
Tango's smile faltered.
"Why would you say that?"
"I'm not as smart as Mumbo or Grian. I'm not really as smart as anyone."
"Stop that! You gotta try and see that you're good at stuff."
Jimmy shrugged.
"Don't your friends tell you what you're good at and always help you up?"
Jimmy shrugged.
"They're busy dealing with their own stuff."
"Like what?"
"I don't even know all of it to be honest. Lizzie and Joel started sitting with their other friends, Mumbo, Scar, and Grian are dealing with a whole lot of stuff that they won't even tell me. I don't know why, and I wish they did because it makes me feel like they all forgot about me. Scott, the guy I'm practically in love with, ditched me for some other guy and."
Jimmy broke himself off with a sigh.
"And it's all just falling apart." He finished.
Tango nodded, "I get it. My friends threw me away in middle school. So I had to make new one's for high school. Luckily Pearl saved me from getting caught in high school drama, so I'm with her friends."
"Wish something like that would happen to me. I can't deal with this. It's too much. I just want it to stop."
"Woah, slow down, you're going to start having suicidal thoughts and...we need to stop those as soon as possible."
Jimmy nodded, "Sorry, sorry, this is all my fault."
"You're doing nothing wrong. Everything is okay. What's going on with your friends...I think I've figured it out."
Jimmy looked up at Tango, curious.
"Grian's probably gone through something that's too much for him, so he opened up to his boyfriends. He'll tell you when he's ready, so try and be patient. And Scott probably found someone nice to help him with his problems."
"That's just the nice way of saying that Scott doesn't like me and instead went off with this other guy."
"Sure, maybe, but that's what's going to happen in life. You meet someone you like, but it's just not meant to be."
They then walked into a 7-11 and Tango tossed a water to Jimmy.
"But you gotta learn to get over it." Tango said, glancing at Jimmy as they walked to the cashier.
"It's hard at first, but you'll get used to it." He said, fishing out $5.
He then turned to Jimmy.
"Just brush yourself off and know that there's someone else out there for you."
He winked and walked out.
Jimmy blushed.
"Come on! We gotta get those sunglasses!"
Jimmy chuckled and ran after his new friend.
His new crush.
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