Tournament (filler chapter)
TW: none, enjoy sports trio fluff! (shelby, joel & scott)
(Ignore the fact i said it was October last chapter, reffered to it as autumn in this chapter when realistically it would be December.. How does this work? i still ask myself that question, it just does :D)
{Shelbys POV}
Me and joel had gone to the park to train/practice. We had a huge tournament coming up and we needed to be the best second and third player on the team EVER with our captain out for the season. "JOEL JUST CHECK THE DAMN BALL-" I said rolling my eyes and giggling
"Fineeeee-" he complained, then bounce passing the ball to me as i caught it and did the same.
I ran towards the hoop, ball in my hands.
Joel was easy to steal from-
I then made a shot, and... "YES!" I yelled in victory "Good job shelbs" joel said smiling, giving me a high five. "Cmon, lets continue with practice, if we are winning this tournament without scott then we need to be the BEST out of anyone on the team!!" i cheered "Yeah! thats the confidence!" Joel said smiling
"annd. check." I said as i passed the ball to joel, and he passed it back to me.
We ran back and fourth at the court, trying to score on eachother.
"HAH! TAKE THAT SHELBY!" joel yelled when he scored, i playfully scoffed at him, dusting off my shorts.
"You guys are so competitive" Scott said, crutching over the rough grassy terrain and over to a bench, beside the court. "Hey! i didnt think you were gonna show, where were you?" joel asked him
"Hospital again, just a check in" he said smiling lightly
"Well now you can watch me kick shelbys ass in basketball, as usual." Joel said overly confident
"Joel the only thing you have on her is a height advantage, plus shelbys a little ankle biter gremlin, shes got this," He said and smiled at me, i smiled back at him.
"fvck you scott- fvck you.." joel said saltily
"Your just mad your my runner up" scott said and smirked
"Go on, im your captain im here to watch you guys train for the tournament this weekend, go on" Scott said and smiled
"Okay okay" i said grabbing the ball that was sat on the field and tucking it under my arm.
{Scotts POV}
I watched the two play, pulling off every move nearly perfect, shelby dodging joel every chance she gets. I loved watching the two play, i was a little bit jealous i couldn't but yknow, stuff happens. "Joel i swear if you refuse another play i will kill you" shelby said
"Alright alright calm down you two, joel, plays cant me refused unless against guidelines or restrictions, and shelby showed no fouls, soo that would be an out on your part" I stated
"Ugghhh-" joel complained
{Lizzies POV}
Me and jimmy were walking in the park to feel the fresh autumn air, it was relaxing. Thats when we heard "ughhhh fvck youuu-" come from a familiar voice "was that- joel?" jimmy askes "Im not sure, wanna go see?" I said smiling "eh sure" he said as we walked on the path towards where the curses were coming from.
"No no no, sir, that is against regulations you cant refuse a non-foul play!!" Shelby yelled
"CALM THE FVCK DOWN!! Both of you." We heard another familiar voice say, we began walking faster and saw, scott, shelby and joel. Joel and shelby whom were in basketball uniforms.
"Look, you two are on the same damn team okay?" Scott stated
"Not right now we arnt. Its a 1v1 for a reason" joel said, rolling his eyes
"it doesnt matter. You two wouldnt act like fools infront of coach would you?" scott said/asked
"I guess not.." shelby murmured
"Then calm the fvck down, and start acting like a goddamn team!!" Scott stated
"Yes, "sir"" joel mocked
"You are so damn lucky we are in public-" scott said to them
"And what the hell is going on here?" Jimmy quizzed
"OH! uh- hey jim hey liz" scott said smiling
"Hi gorgeous!" joel said which made me blush.
"Hi guys! sorry about uh- the bickering- joels being a.. real... B, !, T, C, H if you know what i mean.." shelby said and we all laughed
"Sense when do you two play basketball?" Jimmy asked
"Sense forever- and make that 3" scott said smiling
"You play aswell?" i asked
"Yeahh but im out for the season- as suspected" He said sounding kinda sad
"It doesnt matter king, you were made captain for a reason! Youll bounce back in no time!!" Shelby stated, confident
"YOUR CAPTAIN-?!" jimmy yelled
"Yes sir!" Scott said smiling
"Yknow.. the height makes it make sense-" i said
"yeahh just a bit" scott chuckled
{Scotts POV}
I sat on the sidelines and sighed, i was sitting, benched, the captain of the team who cant even play in their last tournament before playoffs, i wont even be able to the playoffs or championships!! i complained to myself in my head, bending over on the metal bench in which i was sitting on. My leg was elevated onto the bench and i sat there, my head leaning on my hand, watching my team practice.
(A/N their group knew Joel and shelby were basketball players, they didnt know about scott though, and jimmys, jimmy so he forgot they played because- well- jimmy-)
Our whole friend group had showed up to watch joel and shelby play, i watched as they all came through the double set of doors and took their seat on the bleachers.
{Gems POV}
"wait- please somebody tell me im not going crazy and thats scott on the side lines- please tell me im not insane-" I said
(Real drawing i made specifically for this scene, also dont mind the bad quality, i have shaky hands- also no background because im lazy-)
"Im pretty sure that is him, but sense when does he play?" Fwhip says "Im not sure, he looks kinda sad though.." Katherine comments "Probably because he is watching the team play and he isnt, is my guess" False says "Yeah, i can see that being the reason" I stated
we then heard their team
"Captain!!" Someone said, scotts head then shot up "Get over here! you may be out for the season but you can atleast know the game plan!" Their coach states excitedly "Alright alright" he said, grabbing his crutches
"Thats most definitely scott-" Jimmy says "Yeah, i guessed after what we saw at the park on Wednesday." lizzie says "what did you see?" Pix asked "basically scott yelling at joel for making wrong foul plays in a 1v1 with shelby-" lizzie added "That sounds like them-" Katherine says and laughs
"Hey scott!!" We heard a voice say and looked over and saw, Xornoth, Joey and Sausage standing near the door, scott then going over to the three "Hey guys! Your lucky our strategy circle ended as you three walked in" Scott said with a playful smirk "He still seems to be taking it lightly!" Fwhip says, smiling "Yeah, he does." I stated
~12:00 AM~ After the game..
Dearest Diary..
Seeing scott and our friends so happy even in his state is so heartwarming. Hes so cheerful still and i love that about him. I dont have much time to write tonight.. though ill write more tomorrow.
(P.S. they won the game and, we found out scott is the captain of the basketball team.. wow)
Goodnight now..
Gemini Tay.
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