The surgery.
TW: Hospitals, Blood, Mentions of breaking bones, Self Doubt
{Scotts POV}
I hated just laying here. I felt lazy. I felt incapable of so many things. I felt useless, like i didnt mean anything anymore, all i could do is sit here. Pain killing my body every movement i take. I sighed, Today was the day of the surgery.. It was officially the painstaking Wednesday ide been dreading for the 2 days ive been here.
"Mr. Scott Major?" A nurse came in and asked "Yep thats me" I said looking up from scrolling on my socials. "Your doctor is here to discuss the surgery with you and your mother!" she said, somewhat cheerful trying to lighten the subject. "O-oh alright." I said, my voice broke out of nervousness at the start, but ide had worse.
A doctor then walked in with my mother, not biological, just our foster mom. But.. she felt like our real mother.. i loved that feeling. The nurse just left the room, leaving me, my mother and the doctor alone. That went on for about 45 minutes of explaining the precautions and recovery process with us. I hated feeling this nervous, anxiety was being poured into every little piece of my body.
"Sound all good to you both? "mmmhmm." I just hummed in response, letting the anxiety take over my body "yes, that sounds alright Dr. Mintz." My "mother" said as the doctor then walked out of the room I was visibly shaking, and she notices "Are you alright scott?" She asked cautiously
"I-im fine.. just nervous." I said, my voice shaky and breaking, i felt a strong hand guide me along something, i melted into the touch wrapping my arms around my "mothers" neck and freely sobbing out of pure panic. "Shhh.. itll be alright.." She said, stating words of comfort until my anesthesiologist walked into the room and handed me a piece of paper and left after giving me a pen.
The paper read
Is this your biological parent?
Is your home life safe?
Did you have a choice against this surgery?
If not, was it the parent or was the surgery required?
were you pressured into being here?
Have you ever been abused?
If so, was it by "said parent" and if it was, when
I began to check off the ones that have happened and writing down my answered which consisted of
I handed the paper back to him when he saw me look up, he smiled reading my responses and nodded before going along to discuss the anesthesia process and what to do in the room, aswell as discussing anxiety medicine to be put into my iv, which i decided yes on immediately.
It was all going so fast, i was scared to say the least, i wanted to burst into tears and just let myself cry, but i couldnt. Not infront of them. Before i knew it i was being rolled back into the surgical room and being transferred onto the operating table.
{Joels POV}
I paced the hallways anxiously knowing what was happening that day. "Hey joel! you alright?" I heard a familier cheerful voice ask, it was fwhip "Oh uh- yeah sorry fwhip-" I said with a nervous chuckle "Nonononononono whats wrong." He asked sternly "Its just today is-" I got cut off "JOEEEEEEEEEELLLLL!!!!" Lizzie yelled before jumping on me "Hi liz" I said smiling "Continue?" Fwhip said as i set lizzie down
"Somethin goin on?" She asked, before i knew it i was surrounded by Fwhip, Gem, Shelby, Lizzie and Jimmy, who all had heard the question "Explain joel." Fwhip said glaring up at me "Im fine. I swear, its just- today is the day of scotts surgery and i just-" I got cut off "Wait.. WHAT?!" jimmy yelled "Scotts having surgery?! TODAY?!" lizzie spoke, rather stunned "Yes, gem, fwhip, it was your job to tell them bout this, not mine. Your fault." I said walking out of the circle of people
Jimmys face looked worried, nervous, hed gone pale and was deep in thought. I felt bad but i couldnt do anything about scotts ex being a B!t*h. "Fwhip!! you told me you were gonna tell them!!" Gem yelled "I thought we agreed on you telling them-?!" Fwhip said back
"okay okay.. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" jimmy yelled, stunned lizzie held back her brother as he looked like he would punch anyone at that very second. "Scott may or may not have gotten his ankle ran over by a car.. and it ended out worse than we thought, whole story done." Gem said looking into the group "wasnt his fault.." shelby muttered looking p!ssed.
"what was that shelbs?" Lizzie said tilting her head slightly "It wasnt his damn fault. It was his stupid f**ck!ng ex.." She said louder, keeping her sassy expression on his face, I looked past the group and i saw xornoth, leaning against a wall while talking to sausage. I could see the worry on his face, he just wasnt expressing it infront of his friends as he had to be "Mr. ToughGuy" all the time.
{Jimmys POV}
I was nervous the whole day for scott. It was visibke as people kept on with the "you okay?" or "you alright?" questions the entirety of the day. Ide agreed to going with joel and lizzie to the hospital to see scott after school, it was finally time to leave.
I hopped into my twin sisters car and she began to follow joel to the hospital about 30 minutes away. I texted our mother
Jim: Hey mum
Mum<3: Hey darling! where are you two??
Jim: thats actually why im texting you, our friend had surgery so we are going with lizzies boyfriend to see him in the hospital.
Mum<3: Oh alright! Best wishes to them, just be home before dinner!
Jim: will do! love you mum
Mum<3: Bye jimmy, love you! Say hi to your sister for me! And joel!
Jim: Will do mum, talk to you later!
Mum<3: Bye Jimmy!
We headed to the hospital and arrived in a short period of time, everytime we spoke i could tell lizzie was worried or angry that we didnt know until today. we had stepped out of the car, signed in and followed joel to the room, in which we saw Mrs major sitting in there by the bed with Lauren, Owen, And Xornoth. Joel walked in first, me and lizzie shortly after, I stepped in nervously and saw my friend, Lying on the bed, half awake.
{Xornoths POV}
"Oh hey Joel! Hi Jimmy, and Lizzy" I said trying to make small talk, scott lifted his head up slightly from his pillow to see them "Hi guys!!" He said rather excited, probably because it was all over. "Hiya scott!" Lizzie said with a smile "Hey Scott!" Jimmy then replied smiling at him "Hiya Jim, Hey lizzy!!" He said, to my surprise, smiling
"Your oddly peppy for getting your leg just cut into-" Joel said "welll yeahhhh- just happy its over, not happy about recovery though-" Scott scoffed in his normal sassy tone before sitting up and smiling at them "Dont already strain yourself idiot-" Lauren said mimicking scotts sassy tone "I cant feel my body right now lauren, i think ill be fine" scott says playfully rolling his eyes "Still not smart to do too much especially sense you cant feel anything, it may end up being worse when it wears off." Jimmy replied giving a sympathetic smile at his friend sitting down on the foot of the bed. "Meh- still alive so, love that for me" he said with a normal sassy tone, the room exchanged small laughs at scotts comment.
~Time Skip: 1 week later~
{Scotts pov}
Even though the surgery was already done, i still felt useless, being forced to stay in a bed, alone most of the time with occasional visits by my friends, siblings and mom. I sighed and scrolled through my socials, i saw all my friends photos of them going out, having fun, getting ice cream, ext, i was jealous. I couldnt be there, instead i was confined to a bed or a physical therapy room, which ide only done once and my nurse regretted bringing me as it was way to early to attempt P.T.
It was 11:25 AM i sighed, leaning back in my bed "SCOOOOOTT!" i heard a voice yell from down the hallway soon seeing Lauren run in jumping on the edge of my bed "Lauren? why arnt you in school?" I asked purely confused "Mom took us out early sense its your release day!" She said smiling "Oh i kinda forgot that was today!" i said now rather excited "Hi weirdo" Xornoth greeted me walking in "Hi idiot" I replied "Wow you two are so kind to each other" Owen said sarcastically, walking in "You excited to get out today Scott?" Our mother asked me smiling "Yessss!!! Im ready to just be homee-" I complained (in a good way-?)
Time went by and before i knew it, i was in the car on my way home, crutches leaning on the chair next to me, I knew the following week ide be going back to school, but one more week of bed rest.. I sighed at the thought as we all fell into a gentle light hearted conversation on the oddly peaceful ride home.
I hope yall liked this chapter! The ending was kinda abrupt so sorry about that, but im working on two more chapters for this book, one in which i gave a hint to last chapter, hoping to get the next part out later today or tomorrow! First time posting 2 in one day, yay! I typically dont know when to end but, excited to work on the next two chapters and i hope you all like what youve read so far!! :D
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