🌹The Date❤
(A/N: its about that time of year where i re-watch hermitcraft season 6-9! already finished season six, currently, while writing this am watching episode 9 of season 7! Not sure why i do it, but very fun! sitting down, writing this book and re-watching hermitcraft from grians perspective..
{Jimmys POV}
i woke up and flung my head up, turning off my alarm
7:00 AM
Saturday, December 19th.
The day of our date.
I blushed at the thought before jumping out of bed to get ready.
I rushed over to my closet flinging it open anddd...
"sh!t.. i dont know what to wear!! and im meeting scott in.. 3 HOURS!!" i yelled at myself
i ran back to my phone on my bedside table and clicked on one contact, Lizzies
"Hello? Jim?" lizzie answered
"LIZZIE-! lizzie i need your help!!" i blurted out
"are you like- bleeding out on the floor-?" lizzie asked
"i UGHHH- no- no im not-" i said
"Oh, well doesnt seem like you need my help that badly then" she stated
"lizzzieeeeee!!! *sigh* todaysthedayofmeandscottsdateandidontknowwhattowear!!!" i blurted out
"You couldve said soo!!! im on my way lil codfish!!" she yelled
"DONT CALL ME THA-... she hung up..." i mumbled
I sat, anxiously awaiting my sisters arrival.
"Jim? your actually awake before 8 in the morning?" Pix stated
"Oh! hey pix! and uh yeah erm- todays 'special' i guess" i smirked
"Oh? " pix questioned
"i uh- im going on a date." i said warily
"I will ask zero further questions regarding to your 'date' but good luck" Pix smiled before walking out, i sighed and looked down, fiddling with my fingers
"OHHH JIMMYYYYY!!" lizzie yelled barging into my room
"Hey liz" i sighed
"Okay, date theme?" She asked swinging my closet open
"Mostly casual, we are just going to his mums cafe" i told her
"Okay.. have you ever been to their cafe?" She asked
"yeah, it very small and cozy, a very homey feeling" I told her
"Kay, thats all i need to know!" she said before opening a few drawers and grabbing out,
A pair of patchwork jeans
A sage green t-shirt
White socks
Black combat boots
and a brown, sip up sweatshirt
"How did you-" i quizzed
"Magic!" she smiled
"Thank you-" I told her and smiled
"Of course! Now ive gotta go text joel for three continuouu... i mean.. study! yeah study!" she said
"okay.. have fun with 'studying'" i joked and she walked out
I quickly got changed into the outfit which i admit, was perfect. And headed for the door
It was now nearing 8:00 am, i was meeting him in two hours.
So i took advantage.
And headed off, to katherines
*knock knock knock*
"Helllooooo.. Oh! Jimmy!" Katherine said
"Hey!" I replied
"need something?" she quizzed
"Actually yes, do you have a spare rose? better yet, a poppy?" I asked
"Yes! yes i do!" She said walking away quickly and came back with a poppy
"Eeee!! thank youu!!" i said grabbing the poppy
"Of course! and also, i will N O T accept your money, got it?" she said
"yes maam-" i replied staring at the beautiful red flower
"Bye bye jimmy!" Katherine said
"Bye kath!" I replied heading back down the hall.
{Scotts POV}
I woke up and sat up quickly, too quickly as i was dizzy afterwards.
I laid back down for a minute or two just to regain myself.
I then flung my legs over the side of my bed.
And sighed.
Today would be.
Not only the date with jimmy, but my first day, not in physical therapy that i wouldnt be using my crutches.
Just my own legs, and the brace.
I set my legs on the ground and shifted the brace slightly to see the scar.
It hurt to move, yes.
And yes, it did look gross, but i was healing.
And that, i was okay with.
I stood up and walked warily over to my closet
And flung it open, sighing
I grabbed out, my binder
A cyan, flowy silk skirt
A light blue top, just a bit lighter than the already light blue skirt
White socks, with a rainbow on one, and a trans flag on the other.
I grabbed a grey sweatshirt to put on over it.
scotts outfit:
Jimmys Outfit:
I stood there looking at myself in the mirror
was it too much?
does it no go well?
is it too much blue?
am i going to embarrass myself!?
what if he hates it..
what if this is all just a joke!?
what if hes just playing with my mind..
NO! nonono.. he wouldnt!
I sighed, keeping myself from tears as i overthought.. absolutely everything and anything.
No. everythings going to go fine!
I tugged down my sleeves hiding the old scars from acrobatics, falling out of trees, joey.. erm..enough of that.
I grabbed my bag, which had my sketchbook and laptop, i planned to get there early.
I headed for the door and grabbed the Poppy ide gotten from Katherine last night
I left a note on the kitchen counter letting my roommates know ide left.
I walked down the hallway, with semi-confidence as to not rip open or irritate the scar.
I walked to the cafe, it was a peaceful, yet freezing winter morning, and all ide brought was a small jacket, nor did i put on leggings under the skirt, bad idea-
I walked to the cafe, shivering by the time i arrived
The door chimed open
"ah! Scott hey! I didnt expect to see ya until winter break on monday!" My mother exclaimed
"Oh he-hey mum! Yeah erm, i have a date here today actually.!" i explained
"Oh my goodness!!! whose the lucky guy!?" she asked excitedly
"Its jimmy mum..hah.. erm, the blonde i take here alot?" I told her
"agh!!! i new there was something between you two! Good luck snowflake!" My mum exclaimed excitedly
"Thank you mum" I said, sitting down and beginning to work for the next hour or so until the bell chimed. I looked at my computer for the time 9:55 AM, i looked over at the door, Jimmy
"Hey Jim!!" I called, closing my computer and sliding it into my bag
"Oh hey Scott!! and oh.. my goodness you look gorgeous!!" He exclaimed and hugged me, i blushed
"oh i erm.. thank you!! you look amazing aswell!" I exclaimed
"thank youuu!!" He said and smiled
"I got this for you.." he said, handing me a poppy
"Well lets exchange poppys then!" I said handing him another poppy
"great minds think alike apparently" He laughed, i joined.
He sat down and we began to talk
"Hello Hello there you two! What can i get for you?" My mother asked
"A latte, with 3 creams, 2 sugars and a pinch of cinnamon, please!" Jimmy replied, smiling like usual
"And i know what you get Snowflake, so i will get those out for you!" My mum said, heading to the kitchen
I blushed and smiled at the nickname
"who is she scott? whats with the nickname??" Jimmy quizzed
"Oh! thats my mum- that was probably confusing-" I stated
"just a bit! Ill introduce myself when she gets back?" He said
"works for me!" i smiled
We both talked until our drinks got there, Jimmy got his usual coffee and mine, A caramel coffee, with 4 sugars and vanilla oat milk.
(This is my actual drink order and i can assure you, its amazing)
We sipped at our drinks and talked for awhile
"Oh hey i also noticed, where are your crutches?" jimmy shot at me
"Oh i erm- i got off them yesterday, todays my first day not using them" i assured him
"Thats amazing! when do you get the brace off?" He quizzed
"2 weeks i believe, i looked at it this morning, the scar is healing quite quickly, but the bruising is not pleasant- " I said with a playful roll in my eyes
"yeah i can imagine, are you up to go on a drive when we finish our drinks?" He asked
"Yeah of course! your a decent driver right-?" I asked
"yeah, but lizzie, as smart as she is.. never. ever go in a car with her driving, why do you ask though?" he asked
"Both motion sickness and road anxiety, i have a huge fear of getting in car crashes- despite the incident- " I filled him in
"ah okay! No need to worry bout that!" He told me, confident
we talked for another 2 hours or so, and headed out to his car, it was now snowing
"the snows beautiful!!" I exclaimed
"it is!! and the way it shines in the dull sunlight is so pretty" he smiled
we drove and talk.. it was seriously..
i loved it..
it was...
"today was.. today was absolutely perfect" i told him and smiled
"it really was.. how bout we do it again sometime?" he smirked
"is this my indentation to a second date?" i asked sheepishly
"I believe it is!" he smiled
"Well, i accept your invite!" i told him
"well, lets head back to the dorms and.. movie night!?" he asked, excitedly
"Yeah!! that sounds fun!!" i exclaimed
we talked and talked on the way back to the dorms.
a 25 minute drive
We arrived back and walked up to my dorm
We got comfortable on the couch..
and turned on a movie on the tv..
This day... this night..
it was all...
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