!!Summer Break!!
(AYO IM HEALED YALL 11/10/23!!!!)
Edit 11/14/23: I was wrong to assume i was healed, now its worse :,D YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY-
(i have medicine coming soon, dw!)
TW(S): crying, nightmares, shock
{Xornoth's Pov}
i sat in the hallway, chatting to joey.
it was the last day of school..
until next year.
Joeys house is fifteen minutes away, which isnt a long drive or flight (by wing duh)
Joey was talking his heart away about our summer plans
" oh and then we can-" i cut him off
"joey, if you keep listing ideas we will be here for another eighty seven years" i joked and laughed
"your not wrong" we shared a laugh, i messed with him and his wings
i played with his hair
it was the perfect last day in these stupid halls
{Scotts POV}
i sat in the drama room
my headphones on, blasting music
my sketchbook in my lap
but my pencil on the floor
ide dropped it and was too sore to pick it up.
ide had competition training and my goodness he wasnt easy on us..
I heard a knock at the door
what in the name of Aeor was- joel.. jimmy.. shelby an- everyone- doing staring at me
kneeling down off the couch ide sat on, picking up my pencil painfully i stepped out, pushing the blazing headphones off my ears
"well hello mister distant" joel joked, folding his arms
"..sorry. wasnt in the talking mood." i mumbled
"thats okay petal" jimmy smiled and i blushed, he chuckled under his breath
"aaaaaanyways, you. me. shelby. backyard, eleven pm, dont be late" joel smiled
"the spot?" i asked
"duh" shelby smirked
"ill see you two there. but there is something i need to do" i mumbled
"alright! cya later colorful man!" lizzie exclaimed, i scoffed and walked away
walking outside was relaxing
nobody there
just me..
the sun..
and my thoughts
it had to have been atleast 30 minutes sense i left now
just wandering farther and farther away from campus
it had starting raining
the sun was gone in a snap
replaced with grey clouds quickly
i continued walking
refusing to turn around
Carrying myself further and further
not a clue where i was headed
my phone began ringing
"SCOTT WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!" joel yelled on the other side
"..out" i replied blandly
"FACETIME ME. NOW." he hissed
so i did.
{Joels POV}
"WHY IN THE NAME OF THE LORD ARE YOU WALKING.. IN THE RAIN?!" i yelled, catching our groups attention from where we were standing before i walked away
"..i dont know. i just.. am." he replied calmly
"please come back. dude how far even are you?!" i asked, scared for him
"..i dont know" he mumbled
"im coming to find you." i hissed before hanging up before he could protest
and with that, i wordlessly left
walking for around 45 minutes before i found him, sitting on a wall, soaked. I atleast had an umbrella, i placed it over his head and he looked up quickly
"cmon, lets get ya out of the rain" i smiled and held out my hand
he jumped off the wall, stumbling before grabbing my hand tightly
"you okay?" i asked, just to make sure
"..im fine." he sighed, standing up straighter
and with that we began walking in a comfortable silence
we walked silently, well mostly silent
we talked for a few seconds at a time
but thats all
a couple of times i had to help him from slipping, for falling when his legs gave out on him
a while of walking later the rain only
got harsher, it was practically raining sideways now
we tried to pick up speed, just a little
and soon made it back.
closing and shaking off the umbrella i stepped in, scott close to my side
though he flinched back as xornoth pulled him into a hug
"YOU SCARED ME YOU IDIOT!!!!!!" xornoth yelled
"..loud." scott murmured
"exor-! sorry-" xornoth sighed, moving back
"its fine." scott sighed
"why dont you two go get dry, take the inside route to the dorms-" xornoth smiled
"no duh" i scoffed jokingly
"its not even summer and you two are finding yourself in trouble-" xornoth sighed
"dont blame joel, im the one who decided to go on an hour walk in the rain contemplating life" scott sighed
"facts" i smirked
"yet YOU still chased after him" xornoth glared at me
"and i found him, didnt i?" i smirked and he scoffed
"look we still got some packing to do anyway, so gather bird brain and orange obsessed llama and lets go." i rolled my eyes jokingly as he scoffed, walking away
soon we were back in the dorm, i was packing, scott was sitting on his newly empty matress with suitcases at his feet
zipping up my last suitcase i made my way over to him and sat down next to him, i slid my hand over his and he fell backwards onto the matress
"..is it bad that i dont wanna go..?" he muttered
"no. its nerve racking having to switch places every summer. i get it.. trust me" i sighed
"atleast youve had the same parents all your life... barely been here a year and shes already dating.." he sighed, sitting up and jumping off his bed
"look, im not gonna say i know what your going through, but i am here for you alright?" i smiled and he turned around
"thank you.. for not playing the whole 'i know' game.. and for being there for me.." he mumbled
"of course." i smiled
{Scotts POV}
and with that concluded, i walked off
walking out of the dorm
i knew exactly where i was going
heading down one set of stairs
and down the long hall.
the oak floors seemed to move quickly below me
then i came to an abrupt stop
the exact stop i knew i was headed to.
soon turning and knocking on the spruce door
and then it creeped open quickly
a blonde boy now stood infront of me
we stood there face to face for a moment
before he jumped forwards and latched his arms around me
quickly i returned the embrace
"...i dont wann- .. wanna.. *sniff* g-go.." i mumbled, burying my head into his hair
"I know.. i dont wanna leave either." he mumbled back
"i- ive.. ba-barely even- l-lived with thi-this family or- or at this-thisschool.. and.." i muttered quickly
"Hey hey, slow down, breathe" he acted fast, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking up at me
"..im gonna miss you.." i mumbled
"hey, we can still see eachother over summer! and my sister is kindaaaaa dating your neighbor sooooo" he joked and i laughed gently, pulling him close
"i love you.." i mumbled
"i love you more you stubborn little owl" he hugged me tight, reaching for my hair and failing-
i bent down just a little and he touched my hair
"can i?" he asked, grabbing the bottom of my beanie
"..s-sure.." i mumbled as he pulled it off
"OH MY CODDDD!!!" he exclaimed
i looked down at him
"your antlers!!! their adorable!!!" he squealed excitedly
"..really?" i asked, shocked as he pulled me down to a kneel so he could get a better look
"YESSSSSS" he almost shouted demonically
"your a crazy little cod" i smiled through tears
"I KNOW!" he exclaimed, running his finger over my antlers in awe
"wanna see something cool?" i asked him smiling
"YESSSSS" he smiled largely
then growing my antlers right infront of him
i didnt care how much of a headache it gave me to do
all i wanted was to see him happy
"OH MY COD" he screeched in excitement i chuckled, a few more tears escaped my eyes as he ran his fingers over my now golden and white antlers
"their gorgeous!!!!" he exclaimed
"..thanks" i smiled, looking up slightly as his hand graced my forehead and nose before leaving my face
soon i felt a hand on my shoulder
but jimmy was stood still
so i turned around
both my brothers
"..hey." i muttered, standing up and sizing down my antlers
"you ready?" owen asked
"no." i hissed
"we have a surprise for you at the houseee~" lauren jeered, popping out from behind owen
"lauren-?!" i asked, shocked
"yessir!" she ran over and hugged me
"awhhhhhh siblingss!" jimmy smiled fondly
"shut up your ruining the moment fish face" lauren hissed
"lauren-!! thats my boyfriend!!" i exclaimed
"oops" she smirked
"alright lets get going, trust me, youll love the surprise" xornoth smiled
"yknow im not sure why people think your so mean" jimmy questioned
"oh well uh- appearances can be deceiving..? i guess?" xornoth replied awkwardly, extending his hand as i grabbed it and stood up
"hey." jimmy put his hand on my shoulder
i looked down at him, his warm smile was looking up at me
"I love you." he smiled and kissed me, i was taken back but kissed back, hugging him close after the short kiss
"i.. i love you too." i mumbled back
"alright love birds lets get goin" lizzie smirked, appearing out of nowhere
"i swear you can teleport" jimmy joked
and on that note.. we said our goodbyes and.. left.
we made it home
our bags filled the back of the car
i leaned back in my seat, scrolling through my socials, seeing photos of people returning home..
I saw joel and shelbys, shelby was holding one of her frogs, joel had a puppy in his arms, the caption read 'Welcoming Meri' i was happy for him
then the car turned. We were home.
I slouched out of the car, straightening myself up once standing
Pulling out my house keys i walked, the door seemed to be coming closer in slow motion
But soon i was on the porch, my brothers and little sister at my side
Taking one last step forward i unlocked the door and stepped back again
lauren grabbed the door handle and jumped inside excitedly
Owen stepped inside soon after, smiling as mom hugged him
Xornoth stepped inside, grabbing my hand and pulling me in, i was only stood there for a second before mum was embracing the both of us
"It feels like forever sense ive seen you two!!" she exclaimed
"you saw me and joey on a date two weeks ago-" xornoth smirked
"still!!" she protested
"your still my children, im aloud to miss you" she laughed
soon letting go she stepped back
"Scott~ we have something for you, remember?~" xornoth smiled, stepping next to mom
"i- er- okay?" i replied, kinda nervous
"it was xornoths idea.. but." my mother was smiling as she stepped into the living room and came out with some sort of plastic- black bag thing
a crate? i think?
i was handed a key, confused i knelt down and unlocked the crate
just a few moment after opening the small crate door a black and white kitten jumped on me, i wrapped my arms ever so gently around it as it stayed close
"Scott, meet Ellie" Xornoth smiled
"ohh. myy. AEOR!!! shes absolutely adorable and tiny and sweet and- " i was rambling about all the things i loved about her, holding the long haired fluffy kitten close
"not a fan of ellie though.. can i change it?" i smiled
"shes your kitten dear" my mother smiled
"Oh i am so naming her Elle" i spoke confidently
"Do you have to make a mean girls or legally blonde reference at every second you get-?" xornoth scoffed jokingly
"...yes" i spoke, standing up still holding Elle, he laughed
"now you three go unpack, then ill make food and we can turn soemthing on and have a movie night, how does that sound?" my mother offered
"ASLONG AS DINNER CONSISTS OF BREAD!!" lauren yelled from the top of the stairs
"that child.." my mother sighed
"shes addicted" i smirked
"atleast its not drugs" xornoth smirked, walking up the stairs while dragging a bag behind him
"facts" owen laughed, grabbing one of my bags on top of his own
"you dont have to take my bag owen" i smiled
"you have a kitten to bond with, ill take care of your stuff" he smiled and walked away before i was able to protest further
i still walked up to my room and sat down gently on my bed, there was now a black and tan cat tree in the corner
i set her down, but instead of running away she settled on my lap, curling up in a ball
i. was. obsessed. i could not get over her and OH MY GOD IM CALLING THE GROUPCHAT
i squealed in excitement and picked up my phone, careful not to wake up Elle
my phone rang and people began to pick up, everyone did shockingly
"Hiya Guys! need something scott?" lizzie spoke cheerfully
"i NEED to show you guys something!!" i spoke, quiet yet excited
"your oddly quiet" Oli pitched in
"yeah well despite that, uh so jimmy, i found out what the surprise wasssS" i smiled
"YOU DID?" he asked excited
"yessir!, welcome to the group, Elle" i smiled, bringing my phone down to my knee so they could see the small kitten curled up on my thighs
"oh my cod.." jimmy mumbled
"shes adorable!!" shelby squealed
"scott im legit on my way to your house with Meri at this second" joel spoke
"wait actually-?" i asked
"yes." he laughed
"Im joining you two" shelby squealed before leaving the call
"wait- whose Meri-?" oli asked
"have you not been on Instagram?" joel asked, confused
"uh- no" oli smiled awkwardly
"shes my puppy" joel smiled and abruptly left the call
"whered he go-?" lizzie asked and then i heard
"WAIT- WE?!" i yelled back
"YEP IM HERE TOO!!" shelby yelled and i chuckled
"bye guys!" i spoke and hung up, grabbing elle in my arms gently and going down the spiral staircase
soon i was grabbed by my wrist, flinging me forwards as i hugged elle with my remaining hand tight, as not to hurt or drop her
"OH MY MUSHROOMS" shelby squeaked
"wanna hold her?" i asked, smiling
"YES YES YES!!" shelby spoke excitedly, i soon handed her Elle gently
"i want her.." joel muttered, staring at her with Meri in his arms
i stepped closer to joel and pressed down some of the hair on Meri's head, petting her softly
Soon she lifted her head up and nuzzled it against my hand
"you know, not a dog person. But she is adorable" i smiled
the night went on, joel and shelby went back home after dinner after finding out my mum was cooking-
Sitting on my bed i was exhaused
Elle was sleeping at the top of her cat tree
I laid myself down, ide changed and taken a shower
pulling my blankets and comforter over me i fell asleep almost instantly
{Yeah no its a nightmare, dont be fooled}
I was sat on the edge of a waterfall
water spraying against my back
but soon a sharp pain could be felt
i couldnt even make out where
almost like it was everywhere.
I was falling
falling at the speed of the water
This was the end
I sat up abruptly, panting
"Scarlette?" a female voice asked
"..m-mrs be-bek?" i stuttered in the darkness, a small lamp was flicked on
"darling whats wrong?" she asked, frowning
"sorry.. bad dream" i sighed and she sat down, stroking my hair
" you wanna talk about it?" she asked
"..not really."
"good, your worthless" she scoffed
"what..?" i asked panicked
"your a worhtless kid npbody wants." she smiled|
"whaaaAAHHH!!"! i screamed as everything crumbled below me into a flowery scene
"I never loved you." a blonde scoffed
"..jimmy wait..!" i yelled back and he threw me to the ground
"look, i was with you.. just so lizzie wouldnt think i hated you.." he scowled
"jimmy.." i muttered
"NO! dont come near me, or my sister.. freak." he hissed before desintegrating into black shards
"JIMMY NO!!" i screamed before i faded aswell
loud shooting noises.
and a crash.
i looked around.
the dead body of Apoali Ambrose
my past father..
soon it glitched
Verosica Ambrose soon joined
deep crimson coming out of her now greyscale body
he left..
and we were left.. traumatized.
i sat up abruptly, panting and sweating
i was shocked as elle jumped off her cat tree and cuddled up against my chest
i hugged her lightly, her soft fur brushed against me gently
i was crying into her
but she stayed right there
my door soon opened lightly
"Hey.. i heard you crying, you alright?" xornoth spoke quietly, standing in my doorframe
Wiping the tears from my eyes i loosened my grip on Elle
"...yeah uh- just another nightmare.." i muttered
"Want me to stay with you for a little?" he asked and i nodded
"You just wanna play with elle dont ya?" i teased
"partially" he laughed
so we sat on my bed, and he put on a show on his computer he brought in
elle was getting used to the room and wandering around
xornoth was showing his soft side, sitting in different places of the room with elles toys
and eventually, it was morning and we heard mom talking to someone?
we wondered who so we got up, elle in my arms
and there was a man.
standing in the doorframe.
he had black hair
deep brown eyes
gentle freckles
a patchwork jean jacket
a white and black t-shirt
black ripped jeans
and leather boots
"Mom.. who is this?!" me and xornoth said in sync
we were left
standing there
immensely confused
but i knew him..
from somewhere..
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