Red Roses and Waterfalls
i shall present you...
jornoth fluff~
because yall have been requesting it and ive been slacking-
so lets focus on the second twin for a bit now shall we?~
{Joeys POV}
I sat in the hallway flaunting my wings to anyone who walked by, they couldnt ignore the ruby red, emerald greens, sapphire blues and golden yellow that traced my feathers
They truely were gorgeous, like me!
"Ey Joey!" Xornoth called, i wrapped a wing around him and smiled
"Hey xorny~" i flirted
"anything youve been up to this morning my gorgeous little parrot?~" he smirked as i leaned up against him, he leaned on the wall
"oh you know~ the usual~ flaunting my gorgeous wings" i smirked
"they truely are irresistible~" he smiled and put his arm around me, gently stroking my wing
"so~ you doing anything tonight?" i asked, he smiled
"nope all free~ xisuma took my brother off my hands for a few days~" he smirked
"howd that work out?~" i questioned
"scotts staying in Xisumas dorm for a couple of days after the ice incident a few days ago, Xisuma can keep him under control better than i can, yes, i can thaw scotts ice but that normally results in me starting a building on fire-" he explained
"makes sense" i laughed
"though burning this place to the ground wouldnt be half bad?~" i smirked
"and get imprisoned? yeah no, i already have killing a man on my list, gotta keep crime on the downlow" he laughed
"yeah i guess you did kill a dude when you were nine.." i mumbled, he laughed
"how about we ditch this place?~" he smirked
"im up for it~" i agreed and he grabbed my hand
"then lets get out of this place!~" he jeered and we ran out of the building
"DONT BE TOO STUPID THIS TIME XOR!" scott called before we exited, he stopped and looked his twin in the eyes
"NO PROMISES!!" he called before he grabbed my wrist and we ran once more
"what'd he mean by this time darling?~" i teased
"i may have a bit more on my track record than you know.." he admitted
"a bad boy eh? i like it~ now hold on!" i told him and he grabbed onto my shoulders
I spread my wings and jumped into the air, as we flew we talked but before long we landed on a bridge, large rose fields began to bloom again due to the spring upcoming
I perched on the edge, sitting down and swinging my legs back and fourth, he leaned on the rail that sat next to me
"much better than maths class" i joked
"oh very very agreed" he laughed and we looked at the gently flowing waters below us
"you know.. for two chaotic idiots like us.. this is pretty peaceful" i smiled
"i actually agree with that. uh wanna walk to the waterfall? its calm over there and their planting a new rose garden" he offered
"ide like that" i grabbed his hand after i spoke
i jumped off the ledge of the bridge, down next to his side.
we began to walk and talk as we made our way to the waterfalls.
when we arrived there was bushes upon bushes of red, white, pink, orange and yellow roses
it was insanely gorgeous, Lily pads and lotus flowers traced the edges of the water near where we sat on a bench.
it was a comfortable silence.
my read was rested onto his shoulder, his tail wrapped my waist.
my wing traced his arm
we would pick petals off red roses and made a small path from the bench that lead to the rocky waters
The extra petals we had left we threw into the still waters for a gorgeous effect.
The red petals were lined inside with white petals
we were now sitting on the grass covered in petals
his tail was stroking my wings, the thorns on his tails brushing out my feathers
i could feel his cold horns against my face, his head was now resting on my shoulder, my head was resting on his
The waters made a nice background noise
eventually we both agreed on going to get food.
"where to?~" he asked, tracing my face with his sharp, black fingertips
"wherever youd like~" i smirked back, gracing my feathers on his wrists
"Mothers cafe?~ its simple, calm.." he mumbled
"wont she be suspicious why we're not in school?" i questioned
"dont question it- shes learned to not question me too much" he smiled and we began to fly over
my wings flapped behind me, he was in my arms as we chatted and his head hung back, looking at the tall pine treetops we flew past
we eventually made it to the cafe, i landed on the concrete softly, folding my wings up behind me as he jumped out of my arms.
his tail swooped around my back and pulled me in, i put an arm around him.
"Ah welcome in you two, lunch date?" my mother smiled
"yes maam!" i smiled
"you two are adorable together i must say, and joey please call me Lauren, maam is too formal, and 'Mrs. Major' is what business employees refer to me as" she smiled
"Well thank you for the compliment Lauren" i smiled
"mom do you let anyone call you by your first name-?" xornoth questioned
"i prefer being called Lauren, shelby calls me Ms. Lauren which is fine if its what you prefer!" she smiled
"xor.. i love your mom-" i joked, they laughed
"your usual?" she asked, we both nodded as we sat down
Our food got there a few minutes later and we ate and talked sipping at our coffees
It was so insanely peaceful just sitting, eating and talking with my lover
we eventually finished our food and said our goodbyes to his mother
We flew back to our little hanging spot, all the petals could be found slightly out of place from small winds
we sat in a small ring they had formed
he had slipped something into my hands and gave me a knowing smile
i opened my fist and saw..
the most gorgeous golden chained, emerald, sapphire, and ruby lined bracelet
it was clasped gently around the ends and he grabbed it from my palm
taking my wrist in his hand and clasping it gently to my size.
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